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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MULIONAIRES LATS ON OCEANS SAN NOW BE HA World's cember. HOME COMFORTS Glasgow, Oct. 9. Floating At All. Groce Provision will me mad ber ard The Aa world s big ships. tendency exactly as they vould at bome. Already there are in some of th FIT OF YOUR:CORSET IS OF MORE IM- PORTANCE THAN THE FIT OF YOUR SHOES. IF YOUBUYA cesses, where it is possible for fam the Live Model Corset you can be sure, not only of a perfect fit, but you ean be certain that the lines,of eur figure:tive cor- rect, Of course it takes alittle time to maice sure you are getting the correct model. for your figure, but it s well worth the troup) You are sare to find it in a Kabo. te : These Corsets have made a great success be- conimodation est Atlantic liners. In the absence of New Cunarder Aquitania Vessel, Will be Launched in De- FOR THOSE ABOARD, It Will be the Most Luxur- hest standa ious Addition to Trans- vena ar atlantic Travel Yet At- 5 tempted. gt;) flats for millionaires are the latest luxury in Transatlantic travel, and the ves- sel on which, it is understood, the is the mew Cunarder Aquitanig, Which will be Clyae about Decem- Put in commission in the spring or eorly summer of acxt year. Fashion in ocean ttavel changes Periodically, and the decision to build flats on the Aquitania is said to be the outcome of a growing families, especially English families. to Hve on board Cunarders.a series of walled-off re- ilies*to take their meals by them- selves, Flatland afloat is simply an elaboration of this system of pri- fortably to accommodate the stone dock at Seaforth, which is - to opened by the King in July of ext vear. There will be ample ac for the new Cunarder im this dock, and the suggestion has beent made that on the occasion of the royal visit the King should en- ter it.on one of the largest and lat- confirma- D durg-American line have another leviathan on the stocks which is said to be even bigger than the Impotator, which now beads the list of the fell from 1-4 is i 5 and gt; vate suites. points, - Liverpool at present has no 3 . -. . dock that will be able com- urface and stands all kindsof wear and weather, Whatever it is that needs painting, inside or outside the bovee, you'll fad HEWITT La below parity. on continental sales. Balgarian gov- ernment stock fell from I to 3 points Tarkish government stocks 3 Subscribe now for The Daily News. Pingle, Wales Bell Real Estate, Notary Public, ete. Fourth Ave, One Minute From Post Office, PHONE 791. We, have the largest listings in jovers the moat ask the dealer to-give you Terms. (MAPLE LEAF) 80 ft. cor M- PURE PAINTS ee Terms. Terms. Terms. 100 ft. in 100 ft. in gain, his, SOLD BY cK Other American stocks to 1-2 polat, principally When cause we the city in CENTRAL PARK 7 ft. corner, Block 28, 1500. rner on Highland St. hol, 1650, HERALD Lots 21 and 22, Block 10, 1000. 10 lots in Block 21, 450 each. 50 ft. in Block 14, 1200. Terms. 4 lots in Block 2, 850 per pair. ROSEDALE Block 3, 4000, Terms Block 8, 3200. Terms. TOWNSITE SY Ti Rear atation, 25,000. 1 have 160 acres of nice level land near Redclift at a bar- Call and see me about Other property fn ail pares of the city. BRING ME YOUR LISTINGS, Donald Currie Room I, Becker Block. Phone 776. Undecided whether to give a suit of old clothes away novated, decide on the renovat- ing and bring it to us you'll be mighty stad you aid, be- or have it re- will probably save LePA Phone 28. GE BROS. z strong and very active this morning, 388 Toronto St. Winnipeg, Oct. 9. The market was 2 combination of causes seemed to have contributed to this. The mar Cause 01 use Of living models in ge g fe COr tions, itis nob le fo sup- eae ot li Dose that the vessel selected for this eae rect lines. Try the Kabo made for you, hoabh wll bethe Aagibeecs oe AMawana. Fall Models opening today. a ae oon Riverdale. THE MARKET REPORTS These are all charming resi- dential properties. be -immen ly: valuable as the city grows. fit cam be easily discerned. Prices, from 3900 Prices from 150 Prices from 2957 They will 108 per cent. pro- you the cost of new clothing. Our methods of cleansing are scientifi and right up to date. Give, us your work. THE GLOBE CLEAN. LING PRESSING Co. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Salo, Lost, Found, otc, ads under these headings. 25 words, ome day .. 25-words, three days 25 words, atx days Additioual woras at e rate, No ad accepted for lesa than 25 cents. Cash must a company the order. Phone your ad to No, 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention. 10:00 DAMER WATCH,-GAMERA, or suitcase, free of cost. If you are interested, get particulars from THB DOMINION TRADE EXTENSION BU- REAU, -2 Vendome Block, Calgary. 6 BELY WAXTED. If you are not making the money You should, or want to make more, See me at once, I have the best sell- Ing proposition iu town. C. B. Bryant, Wanted Two active men, Rood mixers; mer acquainted in elty pre- ferred. Salary. C. E. Bryant, Room 4, News Bullding. Office open even- Ings, 16-8 Wanted School teacher, lady or Sentleman, to work after school, by. financial firni. An opportunity to make big money. Apply Room 4, News Building. Office open evenings. 16-3 WANTED SERVANT GIRL, WAGES per month. Apply Mre. Huggins, corner El Paso and Saratoga Ave.. or to G. G. McBean s real estate of- fice. 11-6 SMART HOUSE MAID WANTED No children. Apply 808 Esplanade, or Wright's jewelry store, opposite post office, T6-tt WANTED TEAMSTER. APPLY COS- mopoiitan Hotel. TA WANTED GENERAL SERVANT Small family. Apply 628 Main Street. 76-8 WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 731 Esplanade. 76-6 UFOMOBILE FOR SALE, EVERETT 0 hp. touring car.- Nickle trimmed, Salty eauipped, in perfect running of Gor and used only fouf months. Cheap for cash, or one-half down and bal- ance arranged. -Box-1874 News -of- fice. 41-6 Sete SMA Beat WANTED TO BUY. ees nee WANTED TO PURCHASE 76 OR any smaller number of well grown spring pullets, also quantity of one year old hens. Apply Box D, News, stating terms. 16-8 Snes gees WANTED To BUY Buliding lots in Old Survey, Herald or Central Park. Give prices, terms, ete, to P. 0. Box 510. Owners only need apply. na ESC RSI WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS. Apply 377 Esplanade. Sere Ee ee WANTED AT ONCH, TO RENT FUR- nished or unfurnished house. Only twoin family. No children. P. Q, box 929, 76-3 WANTED TO RENT HOUSE WITH barn, for six months, Apply box 1373 News office. T-3t Sn mee SS STRAYED 25 REWARD THE ABOVE WiLL be paid for information that will lead to the recovery of one. grey gelding, H. FP. monogram on left shoulder, or ) On left thigh. This horse is / tour years old and has trim- med tall. R. E. Starks, Medicine Hat: Sept. 30, 1912. este WANTED GOOD, CAPABLE SER- vant. First class wages, 25 per month. Apply 419 Main St. 76-3 SINGLH GENTLEMAN, LIVING about two miles from town, has sit- Uation Tor married couple, wife as housekeeper, man in general capacity, WANTED GENERAL SERVANT. Good wages. Apply 626 Balmoral. 76-3 SMART HOUSE MAID WANTED Apply 808 Esplanade, or Wright's Jewelry. store, opposite post office. sountants ana Apply box 1872 News office .76-3 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W. 4 HENDERSON CO, chartered auditors, (estab- lished 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. A. E. Gibson, CA, resident Partner. Phone: 198. . Burns Block. 3Tsatt CORSETIERRE Corsets made to meas- Ure, guaranteed for one year against breaking or rusting. At office in Pingle block, Main street, from 2 p. 6-tt m. to 5 p.m. Office phone 584. At 3 COUSINS AND SISSONS ane,;, 5 ort RouieasY gcibel aveanen oe . ket is somewhat oversold, the-weath- rapidiy growing in value. We aad se enue, Oppesite east S none too gopi,:and wat cdouds. have goal burs tne 1p : ant Sane 70 DC Ca fide ot igh School, tn mee iokening. embroglio i 8, each: kk 29, 4 phone 699, or 0. SAREE EERE EE EEE EEE re riibiceiieeitiet are thickening. An io an She ca ahs 2, 208 iylonie 29, EMPLOYMENT AND care tor young chitdren; eldest. tive) : + Balkans is significent as regards the : bac hy , Mrs, Matthews, Au 223m + CANADA'S TERRIBLE CLIMATE. +E world s wheat - eupply, but shoulh Sach: Block 7, 880 each; C. P. RY. OBER, APOLT AS: POE Toit Streets : a A lock 20, : ats. 5-tt. + 3 s+ Russia beoome seriously involved end yp wep, ED: 5 AUCTIONEERS + A Scotsman landed in Canada not long ago. The frist morning + hervexport outlet brooms closed a brisk et seed ang SRICKLAYEAS WANTED ON auE : *f he walked abroad he met a coal-black uegro. It happened that + /bullish factor of great strength Block 17, 875 each; Block 8, Osilvie Flour Mill job, - Wedn H- 8. BROWNE 00. Live Btock tf. the negro had been born in the Highland district of Scotiand, and - -would affect the market the cash de- 275 each; Block 2, 350 oe Telephone ToT, Je Genny ., nd General Auctionsers, 519 Tor bad spent most of his life there. Naturally he bail a burr oti his f- mand is strong, less from the mills cach Bi oe, Soe seed ote samrraighidd onto Ot. Sek Sales every Friday of. tongue. ; ; 4 than from: the exporters who have 22, 500 Gach; Block 3, 475 See Harris Dis n if you /adlan Stowart Co, Limited. 75-tt eeq mere dc cee cake Hey, mannle, said the Scotsman, ean ye not tell me whaur 4+ each; Block i7, 385 each. require help or 4 you are look- . vnere. House furaitons awa uw ( aA po) ak the ETS fa HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX A ing for work WANTED AT ONCE A GENERAL aucteg anywhere. Css Seer an 3 The negro took him by the hand and Jed him to the corner. Go very. popular buy: z rvant. ply 182 Montreal St. * richt up tae yon wee hooge an turn tae ye're left an garig up the Block 21, 400 each: Block 28, - Mins Fucks core ee ptt Fen ee eee Slee Fens +f Sil, said he. rE 3500 each; Block 31, 375 Real Estate and Insurance. a B. Browne Co, 619 To- * The fresh importation from Scotland looked up at him with - Block 2 300 cal: Block 2 , aay WANTED CARPENTERS, LABoR- 77*. co horror. And are ye from Seotland, mon? he asked. at 3500 each, : 386 TORONTO ST. ; jers and teamstere. Apply A. P. Burns THE MEDICINE Hat HIDE, FUR ak *Richt-ye- are, said-the-megro. Aberdven's ma-hame. YUILL SURVEY A very firm Over Mitchell's Butcher Shop, Comtracting Co, 71tt AND JUNK CO. The abore have ab An hoo lang have ye been oot here? + market: on -band the best selection of Second - About two year. ca + Block 8, 50 ft., 900; Biss: 'YVANTED Laborers by z ne Canad- Hand Tools im the. city. We carry Lord save us and keep us sald the dew arrival. Whaur - 50 ft, 900; Block 16, 50 tt, fan Stewart Co, 30c per hour Apply Furniture, Stoves and * an I get th?-boat for Glesca?* ; 4. 150; Nov. 1473, 148. 800; Block 7, 50 ft, 925. Ogitvie Mill site U4etf and second Eand Soone tacos a a z is i CASH PRICES. CENTRAL PARK will make Watehss, Joweiry, Rifles, ae KE exes tor stosed 922, Dig money s. Se spring: ; iE S. 8. Yeyter s divers AT ONCE--60 sarpenters yolvert, Wagers, Buizics, Hearse, t; No. 3 Nor., 8800 pairs Block 24, 000 ike . + on Ogilvie Mill jou. Boarding. cams ang a alee new line of winter coca pl ie i : Blok 11, 31000 bars Block a sie r on site. Canadian - Stewart Co, We Tuy everything metliousd above 9, 1000 pair; Bloc 2, 850 oa Se ecece pair; Block 29, 700 pair; i) 1 feed, 41; No: 1 feed, No. 2eed, 37. Barley, No. 3, 56; No. 4, 50; re- jected, 45; feed, 45. Flax, No. 1 N. W., 152. pecials For Three Days 5; ALTAWANA .- i Over Fotty Lots at from 150.00 to 1200.00 each. Seg om th wee: Dea RIVERSIDE PARK opened 89, closed 90; May 943, 954. 4 Lots, Block 19, at 1450. 8 Lots, Block 4, at 8800, with cottage. : HERSLD Block 14, 50 ft., only 1200, Best buy in city. Block 8, 50-feet, only 775, Get busy on this; too F Gheap to last Jong. : s CENTRAL PAR Block 28, 50 feet, for 625.00. Block 24, 5 feet., for 1250.00. : BENDING 40 Lots at 210 per-lot. Hurry up if you want this fine block of lots. Terms One-third, 6 and 12. Block 15, 50 feet for 600.00. ter, We have some inside business property in Red- cliff offered below the market prices now prevail- ing. Also choice residentialtots. Make yottr -r vations for living apartments in'the Hull Block. WRIGHT. DAY Over Assiniboia Music Co. Chicago, Oct. 9. Wheat, Ded. opened 92 , closed 931; May 96+, 97 ; July 933, 948. Chicago, Ill., Oct, 9 Wheat showed Strength today on account of grow- ing fears of a general conflict in the Balkans. The market, however, was not one sided, the selling at times be- ing somewhat aggressive. Cold nn- settled weather northwest aldea the bulls. Opening prices were unchang- ed to 1- higher. December started at 91 7-8 to 92 1-8, a gain of 1-8 to 14, reache to 91 5-8 and 3-4 and tallied to :2. Active export inquiry lifted oats. December started at the Same as last night at 32 1-2 and rose to 82 iB Glassow, Oct. 9. Watson and-Bat- chelor, Limited, report large supplies of Irish cattle offered, best. quality searce. Steers 12 2-4 to 14 1-4; sec- ondary 12 1-4 to London, Oct. 9. Weakness of con- Unerital dourses and principally of Paris, from which market selling or- ders were rather Uberal The lead- Ing gold mining shares and Peruvian securities weie depressed, while Rio declined 2 2-3 points. From Berlin ser )Phone 790, Block 8, Townsite, Westover We want Hous SAND J.J. tion work R. C. Church, Rev. Father Toronto Street, October 14, Parish House Thursday. cheque for 5 per cent, of the tender must: aeeompan; or any other accepted, Canadian Pavifics were offered at 2 76-4t, We have large holdings Call upon. us. Your orders will have our best attention. No firm in the city will do bet- ter for you. A Falr and Square Deal 1s our SPECIAL LINES + Houses, ie Lands and Sab- EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. 16 MONTREAL STREET Phone 260. TENDERS Sealed Tenders for the 1575. pair. in , City View, Park, etc., etc. your lisctings please e Mover FOR SALE LAIT gn St.- ste respect and founda will be received by Cadoux at his) house, up till Monday, Plans obtainabie .at A certified iy all tenders. Lowest tender not necessarily REV. a. capoux. 20: Bex 14 SINGER SEWING - MACHINE AGENCY Founp PockeTsook conTAIN- 331 North Rafiway Street. Modern and sanitary in every the is machinery the: best-that-money can bux, Two. All white heip employed. PHONE NO. 8. Your patronage solicited. And our Grivers will call for and return the goods. Machines for Sale and Rent. tf Phone 36. Braemar St. furs, horse Apply to Mrs. J. C. Hargrave, Broad- hair, wool and f thers, bought an way, or phone 15. take finishing work on contract. Ap- ply to box 1375 News office. 77-8 70-tt 80ld, Apply to the Harvard Tailoring REAL ESTATE (OAKES, EVERARD- -co; 265 1-9 Main St, Phone 556. Real Estate Agents for Royal Insurance Co. ras eee NOTICE In accordance with Section No. 191 LARGE BEDSITTING ROOM, ground f the Railway Act, being Chapter 37 floor, suitable for two gentlemen. of the Revised Statutes of Canada, A. Close in Apply 426 Toronto St. 76-3 D+ 1906, public notice is hereby giv- en that there has been deposited in FURNISHED ROOMS FOR the Land Titles-Oftice-at Calgary, as for light housekeeping. Modern. 426) Railway No. 534, plan with book of Braemar St, FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT TO p: 76-6 Telerence idorsed, also profile of the Canadian Northern Railway Com. any s line as located through Town- lodgers. New house. Apply 316 North ships Nineteen (19), and Twenty (20), Yuill. LOST AND FOUND 72-6 Ranges eleven (11), and twelve (12), West of the Fourth Meridian, mileage 60.51 to 73.90, Dated at Winnipeg this 7th day of ing sum of money. Owner may have October, A. D., 1912. same on paying expenses and prov- ing property. Apply to A. Guy, 421 The Canadian Northern Raflway Co, By 0. H: Clark, Its Solicitor. welghing about 1300, branded either LADY 4 Wome Ther mhels Prie; Rome, of ali Falsed pr fashions ies. The way. F Patriarch modest. f tight skir and threa all immo: White tering co noriod a among. th open work terrupted late to w not conti ehureh. weveral p represent we sed aert convince resort of by a dis casino on tion of w prominent Address audience, Taned the diabolical maker, yo formation You make by dressi centricity pleases y ance to a hobble sk by the E truction. that. such Pity the reasons s ancipation thinking emancipat trammels CALENDA .. Second between I Boston. Opening Albuquerg que, N. H. Jack Br 15 rounds
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Image 643 (1912-10-09), from microfilm reel 643, (CU1772865). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.