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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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sible for hers pait grocers saith and pler. The better in de would yn childr n ere iia we d retain yar kind, rariteed to Keep 5 Dts 10 . gts, 20e pes, to arrive 6 soon, strong ain Street money. Take your pick of 700 lots. They are all good, they close in, and they are all bound to increase in value rap dh THERE Is WATER THERE Now and we are endeavoring to lay gas there setae i RIGHT NEXT TO CG iG. G. MacBean - i MPERIAL BAN K BU i LDIN ocsreedMboceseees peed ossonsesdeneosscseseosone: oe Hes Why hesitate now when this is your opportunity to. make OPEN EVENINGS lt; Stsoosoosssooososesenss-s Seateloageateateeoatn ostrateefoetedte crate etoeteat NER. Scandal of 1912 Will Wreck Borden Government as C.P.R. One Did That. of Sit John Macdonald Toronto World Sets Forth Charges Made by Hon. Geo. P. Graham and Story of Plot Told by Quebec Chron- icle Tells Why. the G,T.P. Officials Are Silent... Toronto World (Con.): Have the earthed and would soon b -exposed wl Liberals sprung a big scandat on the Public view. Borden Government in connection The Quebec Telegraph now pub- with the construttion of the Nationall Hshes ee rte et bene Degas from Ottawa, and announces: that the mpeonenental Rallwag TEU Wil ye. goaded Ghageia WD wreck Arid Laurier, in his speech at Marie- tie Gorden Government as the C. P. ville, Que., three or four weeks ayo, R. scandal of 1872 wrecked the Goy- charged that the standatd of the ernment of Sir John Macdonald. The road was being degraded detween Telegraph, it may be explained, in Cochrane and Quebec. The charge passing, has been carrying on a fur- has been repeated during his Ontario fons campaign for some months tor by Hon, George P. Graham and againet the prospective diversion of Hon. Charles Murphy, and. insinun- western frefght by the Grand Trunk tions have been flying about to the from Quebec to Portland,. Boston effect that a big scandal hed been un- andProvidence, The story ot the scandal, which it now publishes is: cayefully constructed and goes into many details. In short, it is/that the Government. is increasing the gradings and cur- yature of the N. T..R. between Coch. rane and Quebec, making that part of the road anything but the ide: railway provided for in the contract) between the Laurie: Government and the Grand Trunk Pacific. This is be- ing done, it is explained, as the re- Sulit of a deal with the C. P, R., which desires to kill off the Grand Trunk Pacific as a transcontinental competi- tor. The Grand Trunk, according to the story, is not progressing, partly because it does not want to operate the line east of Cochrane, preferring to have its termini at American ports, and partly because it intends to apply for another government loan of 15,000,000'at the mext session of parliament. Hon. Frank Cochrane, according to the Telegraph's Story, is the villain of the piece. In order to carry out this involved plot the minister 16) charged with abolishing the P under Premier Borde: comtfnission, and with) placing in charge of the entine systen Major Leonard, formerly in the engineer- ing department of the .P. R: Mr. Gutellus, the engineer associated with yeh Staunton in examining into T. R. vondition ,-came to the gov- ernment, we are reminded, directly from the'C, P, R. The Telegraph then goes on to say: Furthetmore, raising the N. T. R. grades though comparatively easy and t mporaty construction Work will enable Mr. Cocurane and the new comiilssioner: to lessen the estimates of. tlie Inte government for the work, thongh the character of the road will ofcourse, suffer. Then, too, pertiaps when an election is due it might be found politically rrofitable to have larg contracts to hand out to re- duce theseyery grades and) make then conform to the standard of the portion of th line alrendy built, It is algo worth n-ting in) vjew of the next election that well-founded rum- or saya Mr, Cochrane (will, not ran again in Temiskaming, but, will seek to supplant Hon. George B, Foster in North Toronto. The latter is sug- tioned in n ar side ears where conductor stands just back of the motorman. In these cars the con- ductor -has only to handle the fares of the pass ngers 28 they lt;gtep on the car. The motorman controls the switch which opens and closes the doors. The trolley pole:is also con- trolled by him. It hes been figured ont that all of the old style cars.may be remodeled at a cost moch less than the saving in ingle year through ae conductors. The plan is to pay wo- men about 12 6 week ag against 18 or' 19 a week now received by men. BASY. The doctors have finally decided what caused Smith's. illiess, Had a consultation, eh? No; autopsy.' Jndge. BACKACHE Rested for the post of Canadian High Commisioner and diplomatic Topresentative of Canada in London scheme of t closer imperial union - ' The question naturally arises as to: the Grand Trunk Company: docs, it do more than file a formil pro- test against the change of grades. Two reasons are given. In the first hy place the G. T. P. Compapy ia seck- Delivery Wagon WHEELS 1 1-8 inch all riveted gt; Tims. AXLES 1 1-8 inch, ong distance steel. BODPY Fitted with. drop end : gate, wings and removable seat, : SPRINGS Triple elliptic. front; full platform rear, PAINTING Choice of cdlors: in- ciuding- red body with yellow gear and green body on yel- low gear. PRICE - - - 75.60 Medicine Hat e-ago-ate-sto-ofe-ate-sfoegnes Ing another loan of 15,000,000 trom the government iis coming session to finance the completion of its mountain section. Consequently it desires to stand in well with the poyers that be. diy, it is on open secrtet that the Grand Trunk would, prefer to, hau) western traffic from North Bay to Moutreal or Boston, op, Portland over its present line than to use the National Transcontinental from Co- chrane east. A change of grades on the N. T. R. would violate the Grand Trank Pacific's agreement under: the t of 1908 for leasing the -govern- ment Hine, and it is stated by an of- ficial of the company tliat action to old the agre ment will be taken if the road is not built according to ghe act. TO MODEL CARS FOR WOMEN. Philadelphia, Oct. 14. The Phila: - delpbia Rapid Transit Company has nounced: that it fy about ta re model all its old pay-as-you-enter cere piita tae bls Sts forthe bate chown ae ee to have. NOT A DISEASE But a Symptom, a Danger Sig- nal Which Every Woman Should Heed: Backache is symptom of organic weakness orderangement. If you have - or removed trom the Voters List, as - backache don lt;-negiect it: To get per- manent relief you must reach the root ofthe trouble. Read.about Mrs. Woods all's experience. Morton s Gap, Kentucky. suffered two years with femsle, disorders) my health was very bed and I hada continual not stand on'my feet Tong enough. to cook a meal s yictuals without my back ey. killing jand i. would bays ativice I took a Vegetable Com- aeteprnc eo health. It peep two yeurs and I hav. asinee. I do all and everything, he any more. 1 grand and I praise Tf you think my: ip others you Hor Bees Dry Lumiber Count With You? Then see our new: lames stock sae feiss r Quality and price guaranteed best in the city. The C. Lean Lumber Co., Ltd. ; ici City Of Medicine Hat REAL ESTATE Oakes, Everard) oe 365 1-2 Main st. Real Estate ae Royal. Insurance ; Dept, Voters List. NORTH roe The attention of any person wish- ing to have his oreher name added to prepared, is called to the following extract from the City Charter: Any person who has been resi- dentin the city in the then cur- Teht year prior to the first day of July and continuously since and who js otherwise duly qualified but: whosername docs not appear - Git the voters list, or who by er- Tor is mot assessed on the roll high enough to be qualified as a IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Eee Spnone wame dapat down DISTRICT OF CALGARY error, r whose name has been omitted fromthe last revised as- 18 the matter of the Guardianship of: sS ssement roll, may either by him- UBNA SAUTTER, the Infant child Self or hls agent, apply to have Johanna Sautter, late of Nico the voters list amended upon giv- lagew in South Russia, de- ing to the City Clerk a notice in camel Bee follwing form: NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN that * rn tend to apply tothe Gounell to have my 82 application will be made) to. the hame added to the voters list (or above Court at the Court House in fas the case may be), for the fol- the. City of Calgary, on Wednesday, Mewing,Tensons: (here: Sate e .28 the Soth day of October, 1912; at ten uinds according to the facts.) . wrosignature of Appellant o'clock a. m+ Of a8 Soon thereafter, o . . : ... 8 the application cam be heard for or the grant of Letters of Guardianship Name of Appellant. of the above-named infant to Julius Signature OPE Kindt of the City of Medicine. Hat, in the Province of Alberta, the, hus Notices iezved upot the Clty Clerk ee ee aoe tall Lo serv, jband ofthe materael aunt of the eald. edom of efore the 25th day of Oc- infant, beats: 7 bs picoR Dated at the City of Medicine Hat i rire in the Province of Alberts, this sth? K Oct. 26. City Clerk: aay of October, A. Do1912 ME ak yaiiciba ox LAIDLAW BLANCHARD a lt;. Wombat is'a gen- a Solieltors for the Applicant ee: O10-17-24. nit Seamie canard) 4 loaned him a dollar Lots 5, 6 7, 8, DUM 28, 1350; 1-8, 6, 12.
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Image 701 (1912-10-17), from microfilm reel 701, (CU1772946). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.