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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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on of our We have sold so many of Ceratc AT 1.00 that we want to ad. srtise it for your benefit tonight. We will show these in our East Window and District Attorney Zabel, shortly after the shooting. I never had anything to do with them, replied the would-be mur- derer. I know what the Socialists the anarchists are, The Socialists public ownership of everything, Dut the anarchists want to destroy ber everything. Isn't that right? Testifying before District Attorney Zabel, Detective Harry Ridenour and Alfred . Wilmont, court reporter, the smgn gave his name as John Schrank, jand Visage as 36, He sald he was siigte and that his home was in New as Riverdale, a continuation of The Esplantide, on the river banks, beay- fiful sifiation, no hills: Price 250 Per lot. They will make a big pro- fit in the spring, stowing rapidly in Yalue now. Get in and buy at once. 'Pingle, Wales and Bell. You ever present at any gs of the anarchists, or were affiliated with any of their 3 doz, ladies flannelette night.gowns inarked 4o: to 85 ,each. All good patterns, nicel trimmed. 2 doz. flantelette night gowns, lace trimmiad, a reg- ular 1.75 line, marked down to 1.25. - We have about 12 sults remaining of that special we had dh sale on. Saturday. These will go today at . he per sult Ladies all wool combinations are selling today at... 275 see suit THE FAIR LEONARD FLANAGAN HIGH GRADE GROCERS AND DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. PHONE 81. CORNER OF OPTAWA AND 3HD AVE House Wives Special Our beautiful SUN-. ALTA RANGE PRICE - 40,00 FULL NICKLE TRIMMED. SEX 9-INCH LIDS. COPPER RESERVOIR HANDSOME HIGH CLOSET. J. J. Moore Son North Railway Street McKinnon s S Ltd. 891 MAIN ST. : 3 ASK FOR GENUINE Butt ternut Bread RICH AS BUTTER. - SWEET AS A NUT. Avoid Imitations, Look for the Label. HAS. THAT OLD NUTTY Not on Your Tin Type of Fiddl No, uo, you can t decetr 'a vio- Minis, He knows his jgstrument too well. + Ho knows the why slid where fore of the exact measurement of every part of his violin, He knows at just whit height the bridge should be triinmed to give him the volume of tone he desires, And he trims It himself and sets it, too, Just where it should he set to bring out the stops in perfect tune Ho also set the sound post himself, and knows just where it should be placed to give him a properly balanced register. In fact he is continually over- hauling, tuning, adjusting he is even particular as to the exact thickness of every sfring that he purchases, wp Probably he knows more about his violin than the maker of it, and why shouldn't he? He 1s the one who brought it out ; he has posts, ete, and discarded them all Tong cr but an You coul ii t sell tint a violin now with an atiminum bridge or any such improvement on, bet. You see he knows something about tone quality and the tone produc- ing powers of* the instrument; ther tore none of your n w fanz- led, money saving ideas have been successful with him you've got to show him first and you can t do it with your tin fiddle. So violins are still made from the same old models, and of the same old materials; In fact the old violins themselves are still in demand, and at a high figure, too. WHY SHOULD NoT THIS BE THE CASE ALSO WITH OLD PIANOS? The piano is, of course, a com- paratively new instrument, bat the time is coming when pianists will Know more about thelr planos. : They may never make adjust- ments as the violinist ean, but they will know every detail of how their Instrument is constructed; they will make many repairs and adjustments themselves; many eases, do their own Then you can t decelre a pi ist he will know for himself what improvements add to the . tone-produeing powers of the in- strument and what are merely money saving patents, The builders of the Plano have foreseen this, and are in the market today with am in- strument just such ag the pianist of tomorrow will demand, Gourlay Among the high-grade planos of another generation two? will stand out very prominent, namely, Gourlay Models and genuine old Gourlays, The Medicine Hat Music toni. Dany are s0le Agghts for these mous Instruments aud they wit Ke pleased to. xhow you. their Wondorfat fue producing teat. FLAVQ 100K FOR THE LABEL. PHy ures and give) you reliable infor thon. e not reeetye on Monday the, Sst. Mra. R. M, Napler, Barclay Mr, Walter St. Clair and Miss Eve St. Clair are apending the week-end tm Calgary. Roy, Dr. 'F.A. Moore, of Toronto, will, tomorrow in the Metho- Mr, and Mig, James Stoddart re- port a very pleasant visit: to the Maritime Provinces. Mr. Stoddart has Some fine apples following him here, Mr, Ziegham, of Minneapolis, form- erly manag r of the Alberta Iron Rolling Mills, ig aain in thevclty, ac companying Mr. Walloff, whio- propos- 9 establishing a. motor ca factory at Redolift, Mr. and Mes. John B. Howson have returned from the Bast, The Tennis Club gave a delightful informal dance at Becker s Hall last evening. About 50 couples ap sent. A number of the friends of- Miss Mildred Lussfer tendered her a sur- prise party at her home on the hill last evening. The first part of ths evening Was spent in cards and lat- er dancing followed. Music was supplied by the Monarch orchestra, Those present: Mildred Lussier, Roy Marrs, Bdith Lussier, Tom Clark, Montanna Hornback, Howard Horn, Isabell Ferguson, K. Watson, Jennie Robinson, Duncan Cooner, Mary Mc- Kinnon, C. Waltin, Ethel McGill, Don Woodhouse, Gertie: Evans, Geo. Law- son, Verna Fountain, H. Cashore, Ethel Hutchinson, C. Bearisto, Vera Fleming, Perey White, Gertrude Fin- Jay, G. Snowden, Caroline Campbell, J. Grieves, Lydia Moulding, . - Mc- Veety, Sadie Irvin. and. R. Cooper. THE HUMAN DYNAMO AMUSES HIS FRIENDS LAST NIGHT Corbin, the electrical bypnotist, who will appear in the Opera House Thursday, Friday and Saturday; amiseda Tew friends. last night while in one of the Medicine Hat. electrical supply stores. by holding wires, one in each hand, of our city s 110 volt current, and lighting twelve iamps onieach side, He al- lowed his body'to form, as it were, part of-the wits, thereby taking the smiling continuously all the time, to the astonishment of the onlookers. He then, through the aid of the big induction coil showed them a streak of lightning soit two feet in length Passing from ofp electrofe to an- other. It is vith this big induction coil that he the voltage from 110 to 41/ thereby raising the am- pierage to 380. Tt is with this pow- erful current that he welds the two pieces of steel in full view - of the audience and algo allows it to-- go through his body while seated i electric chair om the stage. Reser ed seats for tiis wonderful produc- tion are on sale at Pingle's Drug Store. A public andbenrollment service will be held at, the* Salvation Army tomorrow atten at 3 pm. when some recent converts, who for some time proved, oe upright life, an interest in the Work of God worthy to become Salvationids, will be sworn in under (the colors and their names entered vation Army som the roll as Sal- work, municipal - He expects in second of- lots near Ogilvie Mills, 600 ach. 100 ft. corner, Columbia Ave, 4,000. NORTH YUL 50 ft, Bidek 18, (Bridge St) 860. CENTRAL PARK 50 ft, Block s7, 1,000, 50 ft, Block , 1300. 50 ft, Block 9, 945. 50. th, corner, Block 15, 1400. 25 ttagacing Park, 600. HH SCHOOL ANNEX 50 ft, Block 24, 1100. (View lot adjoining Park) new entire voltage through his body body from one hand tothe ther, ones from colds during. the damp, cold tall days by the use of Baby's Own Tableta. The Tablets act aq a wentle laxative, keeping the bow working freely and the stomach that te the secret of. preventing colds. The Tablets will not only pre- Vent or banish cofds, but will cure constipation, indigestion, expel wor and make teething easy. They sold under the guarantes of a ernment analyst to contain no harin ful drugs and may safely be given to fe newborn babe. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from Tho Drv Williams Medicine Co. Brockville, Oat ee Se 2 QUICK-LARSON A quiet wedding was. performed: in St, John s church by Rev. J. W. Mor- Alta, was united in the bonds of trimony to Miss o of Whitla. eee Subject at the Presbyterian church Canada for Canad- Sunday nig fans. Special music -by the chotr, the evening. * 5 Subscribe now for The Daily News. OVER THE RIVER ALTAWANA 87-12 ft, blk. 10, 2nd Avenue, 1,500. Reg. RIVERSIDE Bik. 12, 100 ft., cor., 1,000 pr. Reg. Bik. 13, 100 ft, cor, 900 pr. Reg. Bik. 6, 100 ft cor, 900 pr. Reg. Bik. 7, 100 ft, Reg. Bik. 7, 50 ft, cor., 950 pr. Reg. We have inside lots on Broad- way that will bring quick. re- turns. Come in hefore they Tare all picked up, GAS CITY -REALTY Co. 410 MAIN STREET MEDICINE HAT Phone 695 Fire, Life, Accident, Hall and Plate Glass Insurance. MONEY MAKERS CENTRAL PARK cor, 900 pr. Fine view lot. 500 50x186, bik. 33. 700 pr. Blk, 28. 3900 pr Bik. 9. 600 pr., 32-33, Bik. 27. 700-pr., Bik. 297 450 pr., 21-27, Blk, 27. 100 pr., 1-7, Bik, 33. 850 pr., Blk. 31. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 425 for. lot 24, Bik. 28. 1260 pr., 9-10, Blk. 26. 1000 pr.; 1-9, Blk. 29. 2 corners. Snap. 1100, 5-6, Bik, 20, worth 1500. COUSINS SISSONS 950 pr., 25-26, BL 950 pr., 1-2, BIK. 34, corner. 1000 pr., 11-14, Blk. 19, 3650 pr., S 1-2 of Bik. 28, 550 pr., 23-36, Bik, 32. 650 pr, Blk. 30. OLD TOWNSITE 5500, 9-10, Blk. 86, corner. 1550, lot 14, BIK. 80, 1200, lot 14, Blk. 96. 3000, 100x90, corner, 8th Av e aoe st 5500 100 ft. house, 16 and 17, Bik, 84. Coming busl- ness, 4800 100 ft, 1-2, Blk. 86, cor. 25,000 for 100 ft., bik, 22, Mon- treal St. 85,000, for 180x120, cor. Mon- treal and Sth Ave. 1450, lot 14, Bik. 82, 3500, Jot 3,,Bik. 11, Main St. N. 5000, lot 7, Bik, 52, Main St, 8. Worth 10,000 now. COTTAGES 2700 5 rooms, on 50 ft. lot, 8. . Yuill, Easy terms, Easily worth 3700. 8500 New cottage, Park St. 8000 House and barn, 50 ft, cor. Montreal and th Ave. 2800 Modern. house, Balmoral st RIVERSIDE 50 ft. on Broadway, 900, 50x250 on river, 2,000. mation ronehaiae; thelr. construe. H.C. PETTET CO, 848 Toronto St. Phone 481. . ACREAGE. 500 acre, B.W. 1-4 8. 16, T. 12, 5-4. BF. SOUCH, Phm.B. DRUG STORE, TORONTO st. row when Mr. Cecil Quick, of Whilla, Bygma.C. Larson, al- under.the leaderehip of Mrs. Evans, Mr. Meaker will sing The Singing im God's Acre, by Bugene Field, in Good Judgment and competence are two of the fortunes of life, There can he no doubt that the captains of industry today are men who began life om small investments, Medicine Hat. Will Do It For You, Ponder Over These: Lots In Blocks 88 and 36, Cousins and Sissons, Lots in Bending . j 200 each Three lots in Block Herald. 1800 all, We have some bigger propositions ylelding 10 per cent now, with 50 per cent profit In sight In two years, + 275 cack, We are City Agents for all lines of Steamships. Now is the time te book for Xmas Sailings, PERRY, SEWELL PERRY REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL BROKERS, PIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE, Ocean Steamship Tickets, Offices Toronto Street. Medicine Hat, Canada, Montreal St. Bakery MITCHELL'S HOME-MADE BREAD REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST TYPR OF BREAD MADE. ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. PHONE 560. NORTHERN MONGOLIA INDEPENDENT (C.-A. P. Cable) St, Petersburg, Oct. 19. Russia to- day recognized the independence of Northern: Mongolla. The ceremony took place at Urga, the capital of Mongolia. Houses 24 of various kinds under construction, some nearing comple- tion. Fully mod rn. Apply. to W. H ROSEWARNE Builder and Owner. Phone 800. Dr. Anderson has opened an office over the Assinibola Music Company. on Main-Street, and his card appears elsewhere in these.columns, Dr, derson is a graduate of McGill Uni- versity, and has had in addition number of years practical experience. The Daily News dlivered in the city 35 a month. Let Us Protect You Most people cannot afford to carry their own insurance. For a smail sum paid yearly you can Protect your family and property. See Us About It OH. W. IRELAND. H. 8. ELLIS. A. T. (UAXTON The Medicine Hat Security Co. ROOM 4, BECKER BLOCK. PHONE 305. TEA GARDEN PRODUCTS WILD ROSE HONEY WITH COMB. RED CURRANT JELLY. PRESERVED CHERRIES, LOGAN BERRIES and STRAWBERRIES. ORANGE, GRAPE AND BLACKBERRY MARMALADE. The above lines are put up. in small glass jars by the Pacific Coast Syrup Co., and are high-grade goods, RE EE H.W. Ireiand Co. Main Street. eh eons ee Peinitieielcleinintelnielelefeteinlointnlefolotet ousen Several ' Over Are Re ern Fr Sliaries, reti their colors, nition, eight tity of fore taken by the no regular but that the Bisted of tw reserves and tribesmen, 1 artiliery. N Servian Belgrade; being made commanded which is op sar district, from. the * troops alrew town of Noy the Servian tion, consis - . erected the when they m army, coff Prince; hav Vranya, in town of Selt the Servian wounded 601 back from t they were di Yon Constantin Turkish. su - frontier of in despatche Sharp fig curred in th Kirschiska, . where the with a loss teen men k ualties total captured sor from the Mo Cana London, 0 Canada; is PROCLA i) Canada * Official gt;. Metin; Nov. 21 BOURASS Ammounce ment 0 lie. Won morrow cw. Ottawa, Ox zette, publis proclamation to meet on A definite November se the Goyernm the customar pared, . Ther selopments, since Saturd OF9 she ofe fe af TWENTY (we Fort 2 Twer able of 6 bushels 0 their tur today. 1 shipment: with rece br aking Phe Ye oko ole oLe ofa fe ols ofa blo ole ofs ofe'afe +
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Image 722 (1912-10-19), from microfilm reel 722, (CU1772935). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.