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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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PARK at 200 per lot. igusly in this city will readily estover Park STOVE PARK. WE WESTOVER PARK WE HAVE TAKEN oVER THE ABOVE SUBDIVISION Commencing to- aay we are throwing the ative property, WESTOVER *, open to the public. 8 the only inside Subdivision situated in the Valley, no hills to climb. no i who have made good investments previ e advisability of mediate buying in ae Cars to Redcliff will be one of the early considerations and real estate flues along the route will advance even more rapidly than advances alneagy, rienced 1 in other parts of the City. laces . Months ago we advised buying in Altawana and Riverside at 200 to 500 r lot. Today prices in these Subdivision range from 350 to 14.00 per lot. ou Can Now Buy in Westover Park at 200 per Lot on Regular Terms. Our business is to obtain the best possible investment propositions for our clients, and in securing this desirable property we firnily believe that we have chosen the best money-maker obtainable. Keep steadily before Sees success depends at last upon YOURSELF. Your opportunity is WESTOVER Let us show you the property. Corres pondence solicited. PERRY, SEWELL PERRY BEAETY AND FINANCIAL BROKERS, hada ll ah te a a ala Soesetioesosheeotie-tedseesedtette eoeie soetn sSoetoneey 19900004 eeteegees YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY STREET CARS WILL MEAN TO VALUES IN WESTOVER PARK. dispose of over FIVE HUNDRED LOTS IN WEST- OVER PARK in thirty days. we may infer what will happen. THE EAGLE DOES NOT CATCH FLIES, HE GOES AFTER BIG GAME. You can be a high flier next spring by proper investment of your funds this fall, and , you are offered that opportunity in JUST STOP AND THINK WHAT THE We have no hesitation in that we will DON T WAIT UNTIL THE STREET CAR BY-LAW PASSES AND THEN CRITICIZE YOUR OWN NEGLECT IN NOT PURCHASING THIS FALL. NEXT SPRING IS GOING TO BE A SPRING TO BE REMEMBERED BY THOSE Now. INVEST IN MEDICINE HAT From what has already taken place in this city WESTOVER PARK TORONTO STREET, MEDICINE HAT. Sef eSease eto aseace-ete oe ree ase aseeSeete ae ate eee eperoeeonoes * Route to are preparing to take advantage of the opening of the Panama Canal, another gigantic project is. on * foot to further increase the firm hold that Warope already has on South Ameri- Land and Sea Route to be :Discussed at Joint Confer- ence Galled by the Swiss Government. South Am cam trade. This scheme, which wil an end to all also open 2 rich section of north- United States and western Africa to Huropean exploita- the Atlantic seaboard of South tions, will be discussed at a meeting America. The proposal is of Spanish andj ish origin, but has assumed interna- of English, German, Span- French commissions called for today tional character, and it is under by the Swiss government, which hias stood that the Rothschilds and other undertaken the task of keeping the influential financial groups have pro- peace between tho powers interested. mised all the money mecessary. The first stage of the six-day jour- ney from Paris to Brazil would ba by railroads already in existence from the French capital to Gibral- tar. . The Paris-Pernambuco Ex- press would be ferries across. the Straits-of Gitzaliac. The remainder of the trip is all in the future. The proposed - Tbero-Afro-American rail- way would follow the west coast of Africa, through Morocco, Spanish and French territory, to Bathurst, the British port of Gambia, a dis- tance of about 1.800 miles. From Bathurst, or possitly from. Bakkar. a French vort near by, fast ocean liners would be opetated to Pernam- buco, Brazil. It is estimated that the time from, Gibraltar to Dakkar or Bathurst, over the new railroad, would be about sixty hours, while steamships can cover the distance be- tween the African ports to Pernam- puco, Brazil, in three days, The Af rieau ports .are-not far from Cape. Verde, the westernmost point of Af The Engine is Perfect in the Russell 30 It has. every known improye- ment that engineers have yet devised to make the poppet valve engine supreme. Simplicity in: construc- S equipment, including tion, and economy and electric self starter, quietness in operation, electric lighting are its dominant feat- throughout, demount- ures. able rims, spare rims, power pump and elec- In it, you get that most necessary feat ure Maximum power with a minimum of weight. But, besides its won- derful engine, the 1913 Bussell 30, as com- pared with the 1912 model, has 325 worth of new and high grade If you are write to West Toronto for some interesting ex- planatory literature. trically lighted speed- ometer and clock. In brief, the Russell 30 is the ideal the ultimate type of valve engine car. interested Z Also makers of the Famous Russell-Knight Car. Head Ottice and Factory west To- Tonto. BRANCHES AT Toronto, Hamilton, Montyeal, Winnipeg, Caigary, Vancouver; Melbourne, Aust, RUSSELL MOTOR CAR CO., LIMITED. Russell 30 Prices Touring Model 2,500 Torpedo Model 2,600 Torpedo Roadster Modest 2,550 Prices F. 0. B. Faetory. NOT DOWN TOA PRICE rica, while Pernambueo is at the ex- treame eastern coast of Brazil. No great engineering difficulties contromt the builders of the new road is estimated at about. 76,000 a mile, which would make the total cost 135,000,000. The mew line would follow the coast, and-building opera- tions could be carried on at several places simultaneously. From Per- nambuco, railway and steamship lines would carry the products of Burope to all patts of Brazil, Ar- gentina, Paraguay. and Uruguay, and also to parts of Chile. In addition to enabling Europe to land goods in South America in about a third of the time required for shipments from the United States to Brazil and ina, the pro- moters of the plan assert that it has many other merits. It would open up all.of western Morocco, Sonegal, Gambia and Guifrea, and would. re duce the time by about half to South Africa, the Kongo and Liberia. A FOOL WHO MADE MORE THAN GOOD Westinghouse Airbrake In- Seuer Celebrates Birth- Ye George Weetinghiotse, who invent- ed the airbrake now in use on prac- tically every railfoad of the world, and who founded a hundred million dollar corporation, with immense plants, for the monufacture-of this and other inventions, in Pemnsyl- vaniay Canada, England, Franee, Russia, Austria and Italy, was born in the village of Central Bridge, Schoharie county, N. ., sixty-six years ago. Poor and obscure when he first. sought to bring his epochal invention to the attention of; rail- way: presidents, he was branded asa visonary and a crank. Westinghouse was about thirty years old when he completed an automatic brake that would work to his satisfaction. Seeking an oppor tunity to display his invention, he wrote a letter to Commodore Van- president of the New York Central railway, asking for an inter- fow preposterous, chortled Vai when he read the letter, to think that a heavy train of cars could be stopped by wind. Haw- haw. In three days all. business men, and even railroad officials, hail learned that it pays to reply cour- teously to every commynication. At that time, tha pablic be damned Theory was int WOgue, and Commo- At the top of Westing- letter he scribbled these ponent. house's words: T have fools. * Mr. Westinghouse was naturally incensed, but not discoursged. He took .his scheme to President Cas- satt, of the Pennsylvania, and that gentleman received him courteously, and, after satisfying himself of the merit of the invention, advanced Westinghouse the money to carry on his experiments. A trial was given the Westinghouse appliance, and it immediately proved its superiority to, the kand-brakes then is use. Soon after the Midland railwa; land, gave a complete no time to waste on to all rakes on the market, and Westing- house again scored, with the result that his invention was soon adopted on all English railways. About this time, with competing Hines adopting the new-safety ap pliance, Commodore Wanderbiit. be- gan to grow mterested. The) theory. that trains could be stopped . by wind, however laughable, was work- ing well in practice, and the New York Central could not afford to lag behind the procession. The haughty Commodore wrote a curt note com- manding the inventor to appear in his presence at 2 certain date. The reply of Westinghouse was also violation of the principles of mod- ern. business, which forgives all in: but Thave mo time to waste on fools. (Signed) Westinghouso. To expel burglars an Dlincis elec- trician has invented a lighting sys- tem by which the iiad of the house- house from his bedside and prevent them from being turned off at in- dividual switches. A railroad in Pennsylvania has equipp d 612 locomotives with fire fighting apparatus. Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerye in the bod 9 its proper t restora: Yim and vitality. Premature decay and all gexual Weatness averied st once. Phaephonol will i Drug Bt. Sold at Pingle s Drug Store. MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY Horse Repository Rear 312 Fourth Ave, (opposite Dreamland Theatre.) Beg to announce that they have com- pleted arrangements for carrying on the business of Livery Keepers and General Feed Stables, Single and double outfits of all descriptions for sale or hire. The Company undertake.all descrip- tions of express delivery by horse or automobile. A piano stool containing leaves that can be spread to hold two per sons has been patented by an IHinois man. An electrical method for recovering tin from serap metal economically has been purchased by, a Paris en gineer. Eng- hold can turn on every light in his i Enquiries solicited by day or night. dore Vanderbile+ was its chit oe Phone 703. The Capital Investment Co. 420 MAIN ST. PHONE 799. Look at These Main-Street Prices COMPARE THEM WITH TORONTO ST. PRICES Main St. Prices Will be as High as Toronto St. Prices in a Very Short Time. TOWNSITE Block 5, 50 ft. on Main St., 100 ft. from City Hail. Best buy in the business section. 36,000, terms. Exclusive listing. Block 15, 60 ft., on Main St, at 750.00 per foot. Block 165, lots 28 and 28, Main St, 40,000.00, Block 14, 25 ft., on Main St, with one-storey building, 1000.00 per foot. Toronto St, 50-ft., in block 23, with two-storey brick store and office building, 62,000. Toronto St, 100 ft. corner, 50,000. Main St., 50 ft., in block 15. 1000.00 per foot, Ten years to pay is, HERALD Lots 1 and 2, block 23, corner, 1150.00. 100 ft. corner, close in, 2250.00. Considering the location, the best buy in the Herald, COUSINS SISSONS Block 2, two lots, 450.00 each, terms. CENTRAL PARK Block 29; two lots facing Chicago St, one block from the park, 900.00 the pair, Block 24, lots at 425.00 each. . . ALTAWANA Block 5, corners, Good buys at 825.00 each. HARLOW FULLER Four large lots at 900.00 each. Some excellent lots in the kighest and best portions at 170.66 each. RIVERDALE Lots'1 to 20, Block 8, 250.00 each en bloc. This is the most de sirable property in Riverdale. Lies just above the river and y every lot is level. FAIRVIEW 200 lots cheap. HOUSES Two houses nearly completed, modern and up-to-date in every way. To be sold at practically cost of construction. Smal re taineF asked: until construction is completed in ten days, REDCLIFF TOWN Block 108, three lots, corner, 1950.00. Block 84, two lots, 650.00 each. Block 107, two corners, 75x130 each. KIPLING PARK The finest subdivision in the South End, level and adjoining the industrial site. 250.00 per acre if sold at once. SUBDIVISION See us for good subdivision buys in west and south ends of elty, Se us for cheap acreage adjoining the city. GTVE US YOUR LISTINGS: 1950.00 per corner. 2 Sesbeste be otedonted be oabedododeetetet Populs and t Store.
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Image 645 (1912-10-09), from microfilm reel 645, (CU1772923). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.