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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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rt ees Why It Is That Even: the Best Ball Players Cannot Be Relied On in Emer- : ING gencies for the Much : : j Ny p : Needed Home Run : BY JOHN B. FOSTER. : LL We the Mew Terk Herald Oo, AU righty reserved.) gt; Reo, before there was most of hin akill, a round missile, which E SCIENCE det Anterpolated, thin nine nches and s quarter in cir the most abosed cumference. 3 horse that ever took . With the whole world for a. back Or the: siatiooal, game, /gtound, as Pat Tedeau once pat it, re- ot Willie Keeler ee. pitcher to assist me I can strike them out four tiaies out-of six. Give me the batter who stands at the plate and sites the balk top sae ts almost on bimand then takes pes jap judgment on it. 1'll ber that he hits Ned Hanlon -300 after he has been in the big leagnes Photo ty Bachrach for two years if he failed to do so before Bros, he started oitt. John J; MeGraw and W: capital exemplars of the of men who can bat well: arm S aticklers for-a correct xwine Ths put tend that 20 player can make with the bat if one arm interferes) wet ; me Fae the other. A.inan should be as tulnly oe oe a ae. * with a baseball bat as a sonia e er-uived. He boasted that all skilfo) with a racquet. salt Some of these big fellows fooked alike to him. Furthes me se ever lived, and did. F ones, too; who take 3 All TRAL they did. . Now and then one would at the ball as if they were ji 2 him for the moment. All are Itely may hit over the.heads of the w ti 3 That t9 al batters on some occasions, once in a while, bat I'll ber ti Colt Criel * of them. shut their eyes and delphia Ree cr Anvon' woald drtre-a) luck when they see the ball coulis to Into the bearts-of pitchers A good batter wants to have tlie hur a feat ) opposed him. Rusie qas about as free and easy in his hand so that lv 4m f cae ep aate * porle age it with the wrists, with a focrdrm i pee Puzzle as any to the Chicazs motion, or with a fall arm motion, as rhe Philadelphi thieftain, but Anson was beginning to r tutes Re the udscts fait ia 1 case demands. That's what: wiatite feating the 3 ae the a neaan ok WIT the swing in baseball. I never ted, 1 tni:tkgt eaten fareer whe Rusie. was at his best. ea beot in the same way that I tried to hit the grounds Ansou said there was nothing co it, that to the outfield. but I've seen iy pla Club here y a tS ers who had only one motion for evers ony ight batters who. comparatively cembine accura y of eyesight, quickness thing, They didn t climb fast. lt was cricketers st speaking, could hit the ball as well as he i Philadelphia sf decision and certainty of swing. too slippery under their fect. sould Rest any team of star ficlders and Suppose the player fails to bat that Every ball player has his natural Geld opponents. stir pitcher, all 2, w he That is because be bat first an i hae tad id asa ae wel? Ia. which of the thee qualities s/-rone te ball with hinee be eelioe Jatung 187 rt Picks Wises tothe g'glicia f e he likely to be most deficient? Or, to pat or course it often happens that he fails rerired: The ere I in cr K in another way, what seems to, be the to-guess the pitcher right and. the ball, 6 4s expected to bat much. how, the Conlon i owing pte we ee Romer m: pet serine woth on these nn aster ete eee : bowitag tha fe x * of batters? (being equal DISEE ene Sen. rs fenced playe P it were ough to be considered a dangerous tan alc age ee Me eee ee For twenty years the writer has asked, Wnen he la at bet will get all ane torte of for only 19 1 The t Se ferring to the perspective facing the bat- that question of the leading batters in the/his anatomy into a right field hit if be ls 3 drawn for th Phckodymirog mine aap oe eas tat hietory of the game, and also of others a natural left band batter or intd a left Anto the study of battingy which See tel ; gag Bos lsight moment, on the right spot asd with rho were ot such) wondecful batters, bat field Bit if be Je. napura wight, band Ce 9) gt; TO. TRY Wo Y OEE ERATE OAS siete hires a RAEN Tab were generally conceded to be the deepest P te : ae iameter. i Some batters bit steadily into one Grid Albert G. Spalding, who was the ata: tte iehes fa di If he falls he thinkers. The list included Oup Anson, land some hit almost as steadily at our Brace ce Mas Gas Geet non wil saver bs a oscond Daa Brcetion, hit it xight, and I was sure by the way Buck Ewing, Dan Brouthers, George'base. Of course they. do aot bat 1s the Soe pend upon x one ball, ak Suc 5 He may have a good eye, but the eye in which the ball gave that I had hit it/Gore. AI Dairymple, champion bate /same channel ai on ime for if oe ae greet ns ol Natic a Ts Wot Play in one place for L le will amount to nothing if, he is slow or, hard. man of the National League before some ieee Sree aces tn 2 OP cowardly about deciding when to. swing. Srhen you don't believe that home runs of the present generation of ball players) Pem,sPa.NOot move perce sat ork, likened hascha to war 24 be may have a good tye and plea can be made offhand. - mere born; John Montgomery Ward, the man who has learned to fool his op- aco. . ee judicial capacity, but be 0 awkward T'd jike to see the ball player wha could) Hans . Wagner, Fred Clarke, Ty ponents by placing the ball. That was etia Attack. and Defense. that the first two attributes are nullified do it Say, he would be worth slmost /Cobb, Cupid Childs, Jess Burkett, another great theme of discussion twenty consi eke Now, Mr, Spalding did not intend to com) headuse h is eboulder bound, eramp d in Ey 1,000 every time be went to bat. That/Otiver Tebeau, Join J. McGraw, Nea T r ago. Ard ee tanec cl Panis lleg Nex the notion tat the national pastime the elbows, of prone to strike at the ball Oliver Tebeau 3 of band Dosiness sounds like a fairy tale /Hanion and Clarke Grimth, who Judged oU'4 Rot be done, They anmued (rom the iilied her be 4 war in. the sense of deadly strife be- itke a man flailing wheat, instead of at+ Courtesy of American Sports Publishing All professiond ball players.can be di- the batter from both the standpoint of players they would have kaown better. Towing a qua fween hnman beings That's all nom tempting to hiftit on the centre. Company vided: into three classes so far as reintes the pitcher and that of tae manager, and Placing Hits. The woman ) Banas, ER1f somebody did take it zeri- Tie point of contact between the elie cag Be aa te Les to their ability to bat. The very best class most of them agree that it fs fatal inde Cap Anson, in spite of the fact thar he attempt at Susly enough to believe that the greatest cumference of a baseball and the side Of score? 3 ae, Fred Clarke s the Order of the 300. It is small cision which makes some players more was a right hand batter, could smash, from bet wo Pitcher of is day was teaching doctrine 4 cylindrical baseball tat. when both are pate pile in BAe tase sec dees and select society. indifferent batters than others. Sra ine AOR Mala seal ered confined in Hobtite to-the: peace Wh dig 3, stir ups jorm, ani ae Soria el eeaeeee eet, TSN. TANCE BIE se ctlalida vgore -masel. tata would Explanation of the 300. Se ee Te aise taerils fatto baat, 4a8 Wak a: Rished to express was that baseball re about anal to the site of silver diine . +, Pe misidered a spectator as laboring Nome Un in about every sixty-eixth time pos oO tanasion of the 00 wiltfSHEBS SCCUrate esedighi, ax tht goes, pats made waa; von in Clevitand. Oblog Spuibled war, because there is an attack That is not the accurate measurement. GIES avast at menialielsdiotec tarint 3 cou in 20 Come amis to those who are not con-/S8H Big Dan Brouthers, whe has made that travelled two blocks -.) Euclid avenue ALABA id a defence, and a purpose for both at- but it Is near ehough; and-the somparivon) ts shown a disposition to wager 1 to 50) Yet Be made two home runs two days In versant with the technical terme of the na- * 0 t 28 many home runs in Professional and brought op in the eet oe tes ie r tack and defence, for the intent is to win. s familiar enough to make clear to the that Buker would make'x home ron, *ccttlon against odds of 263 to 1, by one onal game. It is the briefest way of stat: as some pitchers nave made SE ee Ee atten aatia ate ; Why le it that a bulkmg big ball player reader something of the quality of skill Wakes made the ome run und ttea 27 f TertonIMe: and 06 to 1 by othe ing the average ability of a batter to nit Mt Jn their major league career. a , lt SMoatgcmers Wares wie Ualteee ae fix feet high and proportionately bfoad of which ie demanded from the batter. When a Ree ae Teds laces jand both are right if it be recalled thats the ball safely. Suppose that a batter ob-/ l player without good eyesight could in bareball ce the owner of the Boson dias ee a rraaz gab DAE the ball successfully in one- the bat mecta che ball fairy as the ateiuer 106,005 (ND8 logical chance id be dime at bat la collective. term which de- ting five med at dat im a) gaine: Wel Weir when they, heady Mins faisty National League club, says that it is ai section of th aird of the attempts chat he makes to de swings with it the point of coataet tn Player? Eliminate the, question of piteh- n' Now often the viayer bad the right makes. two base hits. To find his average veccer after they have played amelie, Pease Batis evhey case taler ceive a rene ae es ate SF's man seldom eresees. to varying dimensions, for the) oye saute of less argemont had ane ee eee a snd *8 possibility as a batsuan 2 is divided by 5. Their weakness ix in picking them out. net (ecnyee Big Lact Meouthers eee : of the sixteer Tesems able to: bit out of the reach of ol ballte elastic. and the side on whICRIE Ia) ee the ball property he would tiavefiiice He Which ate not thieluded Jn the The dividend Is 4. Rbats. the ball. player's. way of saring an amiable, easy. dispositioned sort of the Alabams - a Fe cae ne mM bythe bat attens to 2 dered Cols. as tikely to bat one piteher success At D E columa. Were both of these to be an, avg the average skill of x batter for it ths batters are uot quick eBoUgh 04 lt;hap he wasa't fast; ;binker, ead tbat. 1 tion, Deleg: i the ginsa, g ib that a lit with the force of the blow. iuctaded dhe odds would bg featessed, bat). 20. i the bee hita-phich peomcben Beh Onteh of Judganene: some of his batting prowess was die to county of tt ps Eas fully as another. : Shun tha pads aks je cae When player saltidy at the plate fac nd hea: Ge chunk of m man can make base hite in Very likely the wooden Sbre of the bat SU eek takes incssa pase use 7 are SFA COUR ig divided by the coval aumber of times at jp.) ote; Pitcher wh io Emews uot fHGE tbat Be wane, lous and Neary : hall armory -Gile-thisd of le attempts ia, professional also gives slightly when speedy pltching ey, er Scat pie tinea eee a ts fat For convenience sake the dividend jposvene all of the akilful little side jasuea 2 tG, Ton onto. a ident Jobn C possible to tell how many pitched balla Fee rene eae ne TMGH watlia carried into throe Sgures. Lf a batter which go to make uy good pltchine ia the longer 1 wat hed him the more nd- to order, ere served to him in that time. 0p- eam yar eet berate od rene tinge 150 baae bits in 800 sme at bat his thee days when pitching laa fae art mitation I had for him. With ull bis. of the Soutt we hat Helge nacre tend By S208 te) Anehince ad a d be exactly 800. As basebali Pared to what it was when baseball height and iong teach nobody ver- saw the leading ee eee REE aren ee NT cae aa would be considered excellent * Played on the commons, lie has t0/ nim sake swing at the bull usitll the ball subsequent s be conceded the plicher threw to bim at the n tional pastime and the potent effect ae SE tai bak conjecture whether he is to. recive an wag right on him. He wasn't reuching. tinue over t least four balls every time that he took of a Umely home run. ork pert tomaS. outcurve, an inshoot, a drop, a Simp for them. He waited until the ball. wot will be addr the mere effect of canse, secies between She, BIN aren ot RO eee gles Five might be a It seems like a needlems question to usk The wecond grade of batters are those ball, s slow one with cross fi fastlup to him, and then he decided lke a Senator: Bari solves the question to his satiataction iy better average, but this is only for thela player how be caine to make a home run, Whe bet between 276 and 900, The third 0 gt; th corner or a apltter, if thelauan whether he would. go after. It or gt; gt; prominence. Sereeing with anybody with whom ; who bat between .225 and Pitcher makes use of that decidedly um teaye it alone. Some pitchers could bother- g jaake of demonstrating almost impossible or all players will agree that ote runs SFde are those who bai sanitary form of athletic diversion. Is Ea teasp ous aaly aoe oo alee eae ed eee ae Nate eee eae es oer. see Me ee sasctll oe Veben Dacia Be Belge 2 they a ees Theory. whe could: bother hin afl 68 the tate . tration as five. On the basis of four for/that, when home runa played auch ah im- *f* Bot st ady help to thair fellow players Hs hus 20 few seconds to make up his Some batters who are right hand atrik- portant part in the Baker series, as they *slee they happen to be wonderfully ex- 5124 what 16 do that the man with thejers reverse the usual order and bit the e oe of the American League served Baker/did in 1911, the batter would be qtiestioned P rt fielders or v. teh, who is timing the work of the ball *o right field naturally, and there are. esulted in more argumient, pro SO nee BD Ciacily 0p the Sit aed bein eae Ip that to obtain any Information which be might) Pitchers never are expected to bat well, pitcher, barely snaps the watch to atart/othera who are left hand batters who bat han would fil. ter emetic.) ay west este thd the Brush rales wont een ee ene ae Ica Hie: ip posed '0o peasies. for some reason. or another, and little t before he snaps It again to atop it. it naturally to left field. What is the rea- pacing of Scere sateen He eS ony te me Took rn fakes tone svring. to make hose rus,'60 I pleked ut a ball which looked sood tention is paid to whether they are aki'- 4 Nici tear vcr a ee aa Sleion-otSaavass? Popldoa at the pias Sas eon proffered te, the plavere who w evasariog hst in evety 26319 balls which were t0 mie au it caiue toward the plate, suid Gl Apugh to xccumilate the large per those of the pitcher, and that if they do, and lateness in awinging at the ball, Po- are not 20 wonderfully clean batters that who made the first series the- sensation, Baker, and I tried to mect fr falrly and cemtige of 200 or be satisfied with a the batter is the unfortunate posscasoe sition, of course, heipy In placing che ball , swing on it at the ame time, with the Plain 160. Now and then there tw a/of mind which is vaciliating and aays although it does not tend to increase or- Z Home Run Hits. iahutal moveaeseut iy ie knew Pitcher who:ean bat better that .800. Otis Ob, dear ae he should either be baie ein se i ae Jeties from inaking a single ran faced the Take it another way. Eliminate the that I had made a good hit, for the batter randall, of the Glan, s one of shat Hing sam oS peralttine ne aes elem eee somlivetts tiger ins Rena, nate the last series famous number of balls which were pitehed to win sense the square impact of bailjfype Usually where pltcher fs as mivch/p, pie, he is not apt to make repid forward, of If right band batter sue eer cee patted 0 home rune, and Baker and compute hls average of home es inet tet through the wood. I-did not /0 success in the batting line as that he/ advances into the Order of the JOO with Mis left foot torward, aud if either One of those home runs was made against rune on the niimber of times which -be know that I had made a home run either raduates from the pitching department Buck Ewing heid the theory that every is a little seis Jn ifeeting. the ball xx tt Mathewson in the most important game was privileged: to bat in his organization Sgainst Margoard or Mathewson until 1/imto the fielding department, where his Main pur tha be eee WS les ai te haar Sek. Coe ae eet bi x Pct We blared. Curing the season, He was at bat O82 ook second took, as 1 was running the tetm of years-ts likely-to-be-tongereyaal omy: put tbat he woul time if he trained) natural elu. judging by bly manver oF With twenty-five men out and the times to make a bit of soe kind, aw a bases, at the fying bull, heard the cheers) if he does not receive quite so much salary nimsci to decide to bat the ball or to leavelfaciug the pitcher, Gianta:tn the lead, Baker walked to.the base on balla: ls not cousidered to de 8) of the crowd, and sum Morgan and for two or three seasons of his career, it alone when it was withio ten fect of the It doesn't tuke long for the Helders to: jal egaaing and the muscul Plate and a strike was called ugai e at and y not included in i S plate 1 haven't got any use for these ascertain (be moment thar they vee rthletle S aa. eae ws ae orenty-Gtetwenteens ans, *ealust time at bat and i nor included in that) sel) dancing op the evaching sin 6 DUNFOr 8 BEN 22 AE VO POPES Io sieved wha'late mage Ue their aimeaciba ried. ot thes metior they. bexin to young is trying) him. Mae ae tt Of thefrecord. Iai tbe 392 opporiuuities tn which met: sw wmli 1 cond 89. A s l wyenter -Cige easy wd anlabecthen of ha Yainer eo, awieg at tbe Ball. Betore Nt leacon au arouiad ia antheiga ton of Wadiieg ac Ee Batter by throwing co him, gume bad been decided ia New York's Be velther buried the Lali saftiz. of: oot woul: tale wate suimewile 0480p Sheree ye rele it does nor need any theoretical pitcher's hand or just tt is about co Nirary to that which would ordinar lobia Judgment at) with the favor. What were tie PR THAr Baker sace.s be made nine bome cums. of une by ut. his weak vat to egdf to epuvince any one. that be mustileave it, said Bwinc, With a guod ily be expected to result. Popular * it and ticke Store.
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Image 635 (1912-10-08), from microfilm reel 635, (CU1772752). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.