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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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1012. e F MEDIOINE HAT DAILY NEWS. SOOPOLOSE DSSS SELLS SOOTS OOOO SPOOL OLLI LOO ONS SO OOH POOH He STILL ANOTHER FACTORY *REDCUR THE WALLOFF MOTOR CO, of Minneapolis, will start build immediately. Building to be completed in six weeks: The Rea plant will be Known as the Redelift Motor Co., Limited and st off with '75 men, which will be largely increased in a short space time. This means money to the wide-awake investor. Three Factories Secured:in One Week and More to Follow. REDOLIFF IS RAPIDLY BECOMING A BIG MANUFACTURING CENTRE AND POPULATION IS POURING IN, IMPORTANT RAILWAY ANNOUNCEMENT SOON TO BE Redcliff now has industries and their pay roll is as follows: Redcliff Brickand Coal Co. 150: Pay Roll 12,500- Redcliff Realty. Co. 6; Pay. Roll 900 Redcliff Clay PreductsCo. 70; Pay Roil 5,000 Redcliff Hotel Company - 10; Pay Roll 800. Alberta dak TronCo. 65; Pay Roll 5, 000 Stores, Bank, Lumbery ard ete. 12: Pay. Roll ae 000. Redcliff Mill ElevatorCo. 9; Pay Roll 800- - McLean MeLachlan 15; ay Roll (CONTRACTORS) 1,200 FACTORIES TO BE BUILT AT ONCE ARE: THE DIAMOND FLINT GLASS CO., OF TORONTC, LARGEST GLASS FACTORY IN THE WEST. H. MUNDERLOH COMPANY, OF MONTREAL, LARGEST WINDOW GLASS FACTORY IN CANADA. WALLOFF MOTOR COMPANY, LIMITED, CANADIAN FACTORY FOR WEST. THESE THREE NEW CONCERNS WILL EMPLOY FROM 500 TO 1,000 MEN. e e * : NOw IS THE INVESTORS OPPORTUNITY TO GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR, BEFORE PRICES BEGIN TO SOAR. THINK WHAT THESE NEW FACOTRIES WILL MEAN. : TO REDCLIFF S FUTURE AND THEN BUY ALL THE REDCLIFF PROPERTY YOU CAN HANDLE. 24, i Peace les. to tal the r vent and c a ae Toronto Street, Medicine Hat ; teal PP ereeeottoteeoatoatectoatoate ehoete aso eto-ete slots soeioaie eto eiosse see enon reese oetrteaonte traeate eae ede reatestreteete oleate tee Seatecte eee etostete eee eepetectontetnetececeatectechadeatecteatesteceteates seceeh che : a treaty which W.C.T.U. Observes the sia uric can ms geseesesosoes soscesesescog Te - a Pasa many - martyrs who have gone to ? 3 the A Birthday of Miss Willard * Western Canada Lumber Co.Ltd, ta Pats a eee The first great project for provid- LARGE STOCK OF A the c Half Million Women Throughout World Wear White ine a city with a general water suf Dry Common Lumber, Fir and Qedar aoe Badge in Honor of Union s Founder. ply. was successfully completed in Finish, Fir and Cedar Doors; Fir, as e London 299 years ago tomorrow. This 4 Maple, and Oak Flooring. See: abe sapply was brought from:New River. Probably half million women, by the ares Christian Temper- The work, commenced in 1609, was SOLE AGENTS FOR hogar At scatteres ughout 3 Union. The- i Eastern Aviation thoroughly this winter by wear- ert eee fmt oar a dicate nde eta oie cnt esvite, erect aes 5 Paroid Roofing, Neponsei Water. : autho: today in honor of the memory of uarters of the movement. Among the dieton, an eminent engineer of that proof Paper, Neponset Roofing, Felt, ing an Eastern Aviation Cap. Frances Elizab th Willard, one.of the mementoes of Miss Willard career period. The water was distributed B. and S. Wall Board requires no Just the thing for driving, skating, founders and long the president of to be viewed. by the yisltor are a tea through the streets. of London by further finish:- tobogganing, snow-shocing just the the Woman's Christian Temperance set presented to heF by John B. means of pipes made from the stems * BLY thing for our crisp, clear, cold, invigor- Union.. The most eminent of feminine Gough, a up and saucer once owned of small elm trees, cut in six-feet * SEE US BEFORE BUYING, rsdn pica reformers was bora at Churchville bY John Wesley, and an irmense lengths, with one ead tapered co aa e XARD EAST ALLOWANCE, PHONE 467 - near sachestan Volume filled with letters from Eng- to fit into the bore of the other. Four, QSOS S SSO Here Seeeeehentontecte praesent k Eastern Aviation Ca Years ago today, and was educated at Sh -celebrities, presented- red miles-of suich pipes were eter So p : Oberlin College and at Northwestern Willard on the occasion of her a; laid and the supply formally inaugur- B is the first and best cap of its kind made in Canada. Female College at Evanston, 111, of to London, Miss. Willard s den is atea on Sept. 29, 1613. The 300th an- at Thea 20) It is all pure, selected wool soft, fuzzy and which she later became president. 5 she left if, filled with books and niversary. of the epoch-making -pro- today: in, Sed a te Nair, ov- sour Was gold to the Unitea states Tt comfortable. Buy your Easter Aviation When the National Christian Hemper- 80uv nire of all kinds. Miss Willard ject will be celebrated/in London next to alia. Missouri's /es part of the Lousiana purchase. N Cap now prepared to spend an ance Union was organized in 1874 dled at he Empire Hotel, in New year- Water-had-been-first-conveyed history bes th the visit of De For a year Missourl Was. under the Eastern. Aviation 27/0202 sad aa invigorating winter. 4 i she became its ecretary, and in 1879 York, but the proprietor presented to the English metropolis in the thir- 0 centuries ago this goveroment of Indiand Territory, but lation Lock for the label shown above. was made its president, an office to the W. C. T. U. all the furniture teenth century, but the work were on month issouri was granted to An- in 1805 4t was organized into: the Ter- with band. down A Ha d Cap which she held until her death. The that was in the room where she a small scale and supplied only a thony Crozat for the exclusive priv- ritory of Louisiana. In 1812 the Ter- res WIZ Eastern Hat and Cap World's W. C. T. U. was organized Preathed her last, on Feb. 18. 1898, small portion of the population. New lege of the commerce of Louisiana ritory of Missourl was formed, and - eal 10 Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. through her influence in 1883. Miss and it was installed in Rest Cottage. ' York City is now spending 176,000,- for fifteen years by Louis XIV. of the first general assembly met in St. a s gz Traro, N.S. Willard became its pr sident, and-injy the-side of a dainty white bed 000 to secure'an improved water sup- France. The early settlers were Louis in December of that year. In ae EASTER 1892 she visited England as the guest stands the rocker in which she last ply from the Catskill mountains. principally lead miners and fur trad- 1819 Arkansas Territory wae set oft aes BRAND CA of Lady Henry Somerset. Both as Sat, and on the table lie her Bible ers: In 1768 Spanish troops took pos- from Missouri, and in the following hs otator and writer she was-possessed and Testament, both tied with the Missouri Territory was formed in session of St. Louis. Later the French year Missouri was admitted inte the neue of rare tact, eloquence, humor and White riboon that s the emblem to 1 d the centennial will be cele- resumed authority, and in 1604 Mi p . ieee force. In her latter years she came the cause to which she devoted her ; to believe that poverty. was largely life. Thousands of people inscribe Fesponsible for intemperance, and ad- thelr name in the guest doo we Rest XK LC 2X KOK 0K OK OK KM MK MOK x MAE: d : colum vocated. remedial measures akin to Cottage each year, and the peas Socialism. E become the Mecca of the temperance nearly every day f ae ., was Movement. es ete ay , : oer oo oe movement cae You need this coat in the year o co / lt;/7 soe Trim, wainscoting, her mature life,-and is now own oS FIRST THINGS Whether you golf or motor or drive, skate or snowshoe or li UE walk, the most seeial item of your wardrobe will be one of the sik gor ater a oe AE The first compulsory vaccination act was passed in England fifty-nine lumber generally of the / /// oe EEN oF ener ing for you will find // lt;s WiC vatolintlon ... becamia obligatory, in here of the best at the af Seatiasi sad Arelani Bad. thie meine Beaver Lumber Co s. en ae we since become general in nearly all There is nothing, from civilized countries. In the-last half the centreboard and century there has arisen much op- ithe its vaccination. shingles on your roof The tat entiraccization voclety was xacts. Subject it to hard wear and lear that it retaine its new, emart to the piles and cement formed in london in 1870, and simi- Shapeliness. It must do that, for our Pen-Angle knitting process. shapes grills for your foundation, that we cannot urnish lar organizations now exist in. the these im ent fit Thus they cannot become you in superior kiln dried building lumber at United states;-G and other saggy or ill-fitting, as many garments do that resemble prices beyond successful competition at 1 countries. Twenty-seven. years agd them in appearance only when brand-new. You will be SXAMINE one at your local merchant's and you will agree that nothing you own is more beautifully made nor more exquisitely finished. Try one on, and you see that it has the snug, stylish fit your taste today an aati- accination riot occur- Marlowe red in the city of Montreal, follow- I eo eet Co wet Tl enter mmemeenrs a commeee west t pend is z TO ms WwW. ; ee mer remedy, Peruna. rench Canadians to protest agains P ns Li ited Z ea nee : do so most heartily. '--Julia Marfowe. compulsory inoculation. A mob at- Y enma imite A rot Phone 166, Factory and South Railway Any remedy that benefits digestion ixckeq the city. hall and threatened ; PARIS, CANADA , P adopt atreng tiene the norris fo. burn the. offices of the English Underwear, Hosiery and Sweaters aren Get Acquainted Tt the digestion is impelred; Iaeaaere ispapers, bit: the police succeeded For mes, women and children re oe KH eh, - form Fae Bl ee ee acaccatabepbeicicb aac Gn I aa
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Image 563 (1912-09-28), from microfilm reel 563, (CU1772775). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.