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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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lock 23, 1500. On Highland St. 1660. HERALD Hand 22, Block 10, 1000. F id Block 21,, 450 each. in Block 14, 1200. Terms. B in Block 2, 860 per pair. ie yt, In Block 8, 4000, Terms Of ft. in Block 8; 8200. Terms. TOWNSITE who river, ans, who are in St. Mary's hospital, for treatment, Two may be able to return to thelr homes before winter, but the others may not be well en Towline of Boat Broke and They Were In Danger of Being Carried Over Falls SAVED JUST IN TIME Emergeney Line Was the Means of Preventing Their Being Dashed to Death. Dawson, Sept, 24 Father Allard, Creek, Cleric and Trader Had-Peri has returned from Lansing at the head of the Stewart brought down four sick Indl- 160 acres of nige level near Redcliff at a bar- Call and see me ubout iC city. RING ME YOUR LISTINGS, eR 0 nald Currie to sell by SATURDAY, SEPT. 28 at 2 o'clock .sharp A large quantity of Building Material, ete, consisting brief- ly of: Oni Werrick, complete; 3 bar- rels of Tar; a large quantity of Bricks; a large quantity of new Finishing Lumber: a large quantity of new and second hand Window Frames; a quan- tity of Gas and Steam Piping; a quantity of Screen Doors; a quantity of Screen Windows; a large quantity of various sizes of Windows; Builders Arches, Banister Rails; a quantity of Scrap Iron; about 50 tons var- ious Lumbet, ete The sale will be field on the lot at The Corner of Seventh Avenue and the Esplanade, be- hind the stables of the Inte W. A. Babb, Bog. TERMS CASH. NO RESERVE. For further particulars apply H. B. BROWNE Co. Live. Stock and General Auct- joneers, Phone 708. 519 Toronte St. 64-4 Canadian Northern Steamships, THEROYAL CINE MONTREAL QUEBEC cd TO BRISTOL, ENGLAND Continent on 12,000-ton Floating Palaces. RMS. Royal Edward. RMS. Royal George RMS. Royal Edward Oct. 30th. Rates of Passage. ; Ist class .. 92.50 and upwards: 3nd class .. 53.75 and upwards gee class, Bristol or London, agent for illustrated book- tates, etc, or write A, H. DAVIS G heral agent, Seatt Block, 272 Main Street, Winnipeg. . A. LANDRY Carpenter Builder 711 Ottawa St, 626, Box 881, fiouses for sale. One under construction in High School Annex, Block 25; one on Ot- tawa St, finished, Block 83; One on Highland St, finished. Have several good lots om which 1 can build a house ac- cordine to yonr own design, Preliminary plans supplied tree. See. me for your alterations or job wark of any Kind. Wilt sive It prompt attention. property. in all parts of HE SAYS FAKIRS Conference Speaker Asserts Tricksters Tell Lies In lt;r Are Also Condemned. jcism. Shams the audience. have seen it myself, another one RULE EVANGELISM) Evangelists are in danger of be- Their Work. coming artificial, he sald, because CONDEMNS THE in thelr reading. It s easy to gel applause at any time by denouncing DRAMATIC SLANGER higher criticism. When you get the . evangelist down in a corner he does Posing and Exaggeration rot know what higher criticism ts of Number Converted ana now it aifters from lower criti- Taylor criticized evangelists who try to g t cheap applause by de- nouncing higher criticism of which themselves are ignorant. times Yam more afraid of lower crit-' : jcism than of higher cirticism. Chicago, Sept. 25 Saving souls has i been degenerating into a tricky trade Insincerity in story telling is an- Calls Insincerity an Evil. in the United States, according to other serious evil. I know a promin- speakers who addressed the second jent evangelist who tells a-story as if days session of the evangelists con- he was the actor in it, when I know that the story was told him and he was not near the event when it hap- pened. ference at Moody Institute yesterday. Evangelists were accused of using most of the devices adopted by the fakir and the fly by night promoter by members of the profession who have refused to use such methods or Dr. Among practices condemned are: J. M. Gray, dean of the Moody Institute, who presided, read several letters condemning present methods who have repented for them. of evangelism. Evangelism in this country has Boosting free will offerings in developed into commercialism and fuctioneer s: fashion. fae eee Posing for pictures in imitation of read. vaudeville artists. . Lying about the number of con- versions made. Using slang promiscuously. hard Evangelism became so tangled up with troops of workers, boosters and hymn book propositions - that it is to see how they can extricate Breaking chairs on the pulpit to get themselves, another asserted. an effect. Acting a part in a melodramatic Attacking higher criticism without warrant. Present day evangelists were, com- pared to their disadvantage with foody, Wesley, and Whitehead. France Badly Hit By Gambling Fever, Which is Spreading Dr. W. B. Biederwolf, of Monticello, Hundreds of Illicit Games Ind.. asserted some plan could be found by which evangelists could the French Republic. earn a stated salary Instead of de- pending -on free will offerings, which might be too small or entirely Operation Throughout Paris, Sept. 25 That the love of luxury and the craze for gambling too large, depending on the evange- 5 aevey ating are developing in Burope are facts re- list s skill in getting the money. He eh RIGS bot condemned the practice of posing for pictures, and said he felt. ashamed of himself every time he saw some of the pictures of himself he had posed for before he realized his mistake. Dr, F. E. Taylor, pastor of the First social reformers. Not only the spend- thrifts now in dulge in trying their luck in a frenzied endeavor to secure a fortune and its attendant ease, but the thrifty French provincials are also Opposes Tricks of Trade. catching the fever. Since 1907 there has been law Baptist Church of Indianapolis, Ind., against. condticting gaming-houses, disillusioned: side When I started out as an evange, nay 15 per cent. of the gross profiits former evangelist, told how he wa8 except 143 casinos and clutis st sea- resorts and elsewhere, which list another evangelist invited me tolto the state. But ihe law is evaded come to his house and learn, a8 be easily enough and it is edtimated that Said, the tricks of my trade. I have nearly 5000 gamBting hells exist in got em skinned mile in taking AD the republic. Paris alone has ooer ofteing, he said. I) was indlgnant. 909 all-night Nici playrooms. Imagine a Wesley, Whitefeld, of phat the treasury gains every year Bee Sawn , ' 2,000,000 from the regular establish- When they gave Mr. Moody free ments-weakens the hands of the gov- will offering of from 2,000 to 3,000 senmont in applying remedies. They for several monttis work in London, share he handed back one-half of the press amount. He said it was too mich. Some evangelists exaggerate re- ping moral grounds. So well does gam- in the spoil, 80 can ill afford to the law on-the evaders on high by its promoters that the staff Salts in reporting the number of con- o the notorious Enghien gaming re- Yersicns to such an extent that It 181,51 just outside of Paris, received nothing short of barefaced lying. atout number of persons asking prayer and I know they named several times more than the facts warranted. I saw: 3,000 men rise in a meeting on the in- vitation of an evangelist who asked all that wanted to be better to rise and then he reported that 3,000 men 8.5000 apiece last year in tips Ihave sat in the pulpit and count- ed when evangelists have named the prarvits castno maker 400,000 yene pront - Some advocate putting a tax on that will at least halve the profits of the recognized houses; but that leaves the illicit ruin mongers still in full pay. had sought God. Subscribe now for the Daily News. iprEiS 'GRAIN GROWERS OF THE WEST ee Ship your grain to us claims for car shortages. shipments, od make Bills of Lading read: care of Gib Commission Company, Winnipeg. Then you will realize the advantages of employing thoroughly equipped, wide-awake and up-to-date Grain Commission Merchants; highest prices, liberal advances on Bills of Lad- ing, prompt notification of weight inspections, prompt settlements, Your grain is sold by us PERSONALLY not by paid employees. Thirty years experience in selling grain means TOP PRICE for your Send us-your name for Malling Ust. We are In close touch with the grain markets of the world and will keep you thoroughly posted; IT MBANS MONEY IN YOUR POCKET, even if you don t ship to us. GibbsCommission Co. (Successors to Gibbs Robinson) Grain Commission Merchants Licensed. WINNIPEG, MANITOBA. Bonded. Members Winnipeg Grain Produce Exchange; New York Produce Exchange Montreal Board of Trade; Calgary Grain Exchange. References: Dominion Ba , Winnipeg. someone called out trom The gency them. pense. why, ory. believe piying ough to reti The. father reports a number of, thrilling experiences on the journey, On the way up le travelled with a trader, who had few tons of sup- plies In lary mile above the Fraser Falls one of the tow linea broke, and the boat, with the trader and Father Allard, would have gone down the stream and probably over the falls. but for the fact that an emergency ine had Deen put of and was carried along the bank by the Indians, who were - towing. oa above the falls the single line broke and the boat drifted into midstream, leaving the trader and the preach r alone in the craft and the Indians ashore. The two men got the boat te the apposite shore. Father, Allard and the trader then were the motive power for a long distance up the shore, where they pushed off and) made to the opposite side with boat and cargo, and again put the Indians on the line. Several natives were baptised at Lansing by Father Allard. Husband. Yearly is Recora of Lady Ten Times Married of a perfect husband is a mich better one than I have bad, Jenale Repwaser. who As to Sell.undey wholesale organization can present are herewith tendered a year s sentence on a charge of hav- 7 old, is believed to be the most mar- Fled woman on record, For-ten years she has been indulging a marrying. mania perfectly astounding, taking a mew husband before she was rid of Semi-ready Tailoring. the old, and never realizing that her course was in violation of either law or morals, The woman is a curious study in psychology. Only 5 feet 2 inches tall and weigh- ing no more than 110 pounds, Mrs. married the first time at the age of 11, and her list of husbands*tnctades Frank G. Miller, Fred Gowan, John a Meyers, H nry Knoll, James Barter, Paralysis to Lower Limbs sre doing all in their power to cheer iowa Conference of the Methodist man and Roth secure marriage cer- add were promptly arrested on coun- ter charges she preferred against Sehwoyer had to serve three days, while Garis bemoaned his fate over friend, John Ernest Warren, secre- Lee Arthur s play, The Fox, being in the clutches of the law and tary of the American Dramatists As- being compelled to lose time from sociation, brought the news from Cali- trious in the Kitchen as she has at the game of gathering spouses. When asked which of her spouses she loved best, Mrs. Schwoyer replied been inaccurately given. on the C.N.R. ship to McBean pects: you need the BEST: t repl Bros, Port Arthur. means MONEY to you. We are Poor fellow He is the only one I Me eee eee ie, COnine (ar Xue Sewage was ever d vorced from, and the Goodwin is suffering from a fracture Lord divorced me from him. He was of the pelvic bone, which was not dis- NOTE A large yield of grain this fall does not mean low prices, Europe needs every bushel of our grain, and would be willing to pay good prices for it. Should prices got below a fair legitimate value, don t sacrifice. Write us for advice. Reference :BANK OF a real man, and while he was not per- fect, I certainly do cherish his mem- Squire Bower, however, does not, Loose Leat System The News. Job: Department has every facility for Exciting Experiences poling boat. Hi Indians had argued the emer- line unnecessary. A mil Reached Shore Mrs. Jennie Schaerer a Pennsylvania oman, A . Aged 27, Ignored Formal- : Introducing His Highness j Akies of Divorce. The Best Tailored Man Fe Metis a cise bate EMI-READY Garments for the season all the new declared Mrs. designs the best styles the greater values that a ing married ten men, of whom nine 4 for your own individual it. o Ip ;, without the formalit of saad tes divorced. nS Whether you come to buy or but to see rest assured that you will Mrs. Schwoyer, who is only 27 years have seen the best of the best sartorial. artists in America. Quality combines with Service at an honest and open label price, whether it be 15, 25 or 30 or more or less it s the same worth price the other man pays in any other town or city in Canada for H. 8. IRELAND MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. Phone 201. whether to clothes awa novated, dec ing. and bri be mighty. cause we 4 you the cos Our methods scientific an Give us you: THE Git to walk again or appeat-orthe stage. and corps of. trained nurses Recent Accident are im constant attendance on him and Marshalltown, Ia., His last engagement here was in certain that Nat C. Goodwin, comedi- au, never again will appear on the stage to paly part. A letter received here today by his was to have appeared in New York under the management Oliver this dectee to free th m from matri- ing of Goodwin's Memoirs, which WHEN to sell on and we ayold montal entanglement without ex- the actor is editing for publication Hines. Our Dusinees hae been bullf sp on our motto: this winter. 4 G00D RETURNS TO FARMERS our experience could he made valuable to yout Our commission is ONE CENT , serving the identity you get THE FULL NET you put into the car. win's mishap which were published M tions, and if you are om the C.P. have been misleading and that facts R. or G. T. P. Ry., ship to Mc- of his accident and bis condition bave ( Bean Bros. Fort William. Frank Miller, who is dead. The facts as detailed by the Cali- fornia friends of the actor are that M savise loading direct from your this coming season. wagon into the car, thus pre- covered for a long time after he was thrown out o fthe boat and received his injuries. Grows Morbid and Morose. Since the accident the actor's have feared a breaking up of ntal powers. He is said to become morbid and morose, due his fear that he never will be able HAMILTON, WINNIPEG, MAN. McBEAN BROS. the man Is dead, References: Bank of Hamilton, Winnipeg, Man, the most satietactory. t Sept. 25 The: 57th annual session of the Upper Schwoyer, with all her experience, which he was to have played the title possesses the activity of a tomboy of GOODWINS CAREER It has been thought best, however, role, or in Hartley Manners Gaunt- a , by the surgeons and those in attend- lett s Pride. Frankly Gives List. ance on him to not fnform him of the She acknowledges having been AS ACTOR ENDE disgovery of that fact, UPPER IOWA M. BE. CONFER- anniversary meetings and the usual Morosco in the first production of delivered in the work. i fornia that the actor is paralyzed in if 5 : y Would Ald Victims. bis lower limbs. wae U I is oe pghy Maetite Beisel Me Pere rece ved oe hip your Grain to Us to secure a decree of court that all win at his home, near Los Angeles, on Take adyantage of our experience. We never sacrifice marriages after the first are invalid, business connected with the publish- grain that farmers ship to us, We know ae The other men have been Chary in Tired of Season s Work. We have been established for twenty-eight years Don t you believe acknowledging matrimonfal relations Mr. Warren says thst on departing with her, on the score that it would from California a few days before me Dasbel- toe datas cost them 110 each to get a divorce, Goodwin met with his accident, the mashing to agents. We have not to mention the time they would actor was in fairly good health, aJ- ) ugents of --your pay stain, and also assuring that mo you get pald for every bushel Jose in prosecuting thelr cases. though tired from his. work during it which your grain is Send us a six or elght ounce Mis. Mier not Beek She his Tie east Sere SEE Sat OR SME Ce ee ae te rah aie J. , . : ou its real has 1,700 in the bank. Nor is she Tho letter recelved by Mr. Warren g SS Even the poorest qualities cant indolent. She has been as .indus- explained that the stories of Gpod- Tt your car is loaded and you be made to draw a good price if cannot walt for shipping instruc- properly handled. We under stand this business thoroughly, and those are the points that rite us for market pros- We aro licensed and bonded. Grain Exchange. E tablished since 1884 and still at it. Winnipeg, Man, George Williams, Frank Stephens, of Comedian. him-up. He is just able to draw him- Episcopal Church assembled here to- Gottlieb Biller, John Garis and Ed. sees self up by his arms in bed and use day and was opened with an address Schwoyer. MENTAL BREAK them to change his position, but is by Bishop Hughes of San Francisco. From three only could Alderman IS ALSO FEARED 9 392 Bs tees oF fost The conference will continue until Bower and County Detective Buch- Last Publie Engagment. next Tuesday. In fddition to the tiftcates. Becomes Gloomy and- Mo- the role of Fagin in Oliver Twist, amount. of routine business the pro- Mrs, Schwoyer Has no love for the rose and Mind May Give and he was to have opened in the) gramme provides for sermons or ad- two Bnsbands who aro making trou- Way. same role in-San Francisco three dresses by Dr. Frank W, Gunsaulys ble for her: Saliwover and Gite ap. Bg, Supported by the Belasco of Chicago, Rey. William F, Oldham . Deared against her at the hearing, New York, Sept. 25 It is almost ck company. of Hew, York, secretary, of the Foreign CONCRE' During the coming season Goodwin Missionary Society, and other church- Jo 6 MONTE *Phor MEDICINE HAT Horse R Rear 312 Fourth Dreamlan Beg to announce pleted arrangem: the business of L General Feed Stal double outfits of : sale or hire. The Company un tions-of express de automobile. Enquiries solicit Phom NOT ocal Improvement Notice is hereby ons having claims provement District ito. send particulars Paul Borch, Hilda, tary of eaid distric enth day of Novem any person who fa do so shall be deb to recover the san trict, or any other be Hable for the Dated at Hilda, 4 third day of Septer PAUL BORC Improvement eh-S-tu-K.
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Image 543 (1912-09-25), from microfilm reel 543, (CU1772762). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.