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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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oe MEDICINE HAT iar anes BSOSSCOS SSS SO SHOOTS OSS SGS OO SCSSTSPLOOOLHSOSE CIID OOOPSSS ed eoatpate Gree efondesfeogeatoetoateeg ae Soetectoatoateed STILL ANOTHER FACTORY REDCU THR WALLOFF MOTOR CoO, of Minneapolis, will start buildin I immediately. Sulding to be completed in si 2 Redcli pla, W 6 Redeli otor Co., Limited and star off with 75 men, which will be largely increased in a short space o: time. This means money to the wide-awake investor. a chland St, finiahed. ral good jots on un build a house mc- your own design. ay plans supplied for your alterations lt;-of any Axi WHT REDCLIFF IS RAPIDLY BECOMING A BIG MANUFACTURING CENTRE AND POPULATION 18 POURING IN. wo Redcliff now has industries and their pay rollis as follows: Redcliff Brickand Coal Co. 150; Pay Roll 12,500 Redcliff Realty Co. 6; Pay Roll 900 Redcliff Clay Products Co. 70: Pay Roll 5,000 Redeliff Hotel Company 10; Pay Roll 800 Alberta Ornamental IronCo. 65: Pay Roll 5,000 Stores, Bank, Lumbery ard etc. 12: ee Roll 1,000 RedcliffMill Elevator Co. 9; Pay Roll 800 McLean MeLachlan 15: By J Roll 1,200 Re y : (CONTRACTORS) FACTORIES TO BE BUILT AT ONCE ARE: THE DIAMOND FLINT GLASS CO., OF TORONTO, LARGEST GLASS FACTORY IN THE WEST. teas am indry a sanitary in every d the machinery is at money can buy. help employed. INE NO. 8. zisane iotictig. . a H. MUNDERLOH COMPANY, OF MONTREAL, LARGEST WINDOW GLASS FACTORY IN CANADA. cure the goods. : , WALLOFF MOTOR COMPANY, LIMITED, CANADIAN FACTORY FOR WEST. fe THESE THREE NEW CONCERNS WILL EMPLOY FROM 500 TO 1,000 MEN. lett. B.A.Sc cipal Engineer, Alberta Land Surveyor Speen oe aE : TO REDCLIFF S FUTURE AND THEN PUY ALL THE REDCLIFF PROPERTY YOU CAN HANDLE. See the stoner Agency Abo perial Bank Building. Phone 428 Toronto: Street, Medicine Hat Sreontoetresoatretecfonfoatreorfoctoegectreseatoatretoegoateess i See Se Sesh eteceteetoatetontetecneceteleoatecdeehe dee repeated Chaedecedrateciedr gees ut t AT LIVERY COMPANY. Repository arth Ave, ( ey ree nce that they: es com- ements for carrying om of Livery Keepers and Stables. Single and of all descriptions for y undertake all descrip- es delivery by horse or jlicited by day or night. Phone 708. ' DISSOLUTION F RTNERSHIP HERBY GIVEN that p heretofore subsisting undersigned, under the Scott and Company, as r Eagle Butte, in the slberta, has this day 1 by mutual consent. wing to the sald part- ) be paid to the under- 8. Reid, and all claims aid partnership are to to the said John E. the same will be set- education bureau's document says in gains and the secondary schools now ragette martyrs, was a wealthy:mer chant in New York, Th S h 1 d R S . id pas show marked increase in enrollment Thergwas an apparent decrease as compared with the total popula- It was forty years ago, in 1872, c venoo eat aces ulcIde in the percentage of the total popu- tion. that Victoria and Tennessee Claflin lation enrolled in the schools as a There is no reason for the belict were bundled roughly into a patrol Are fewer children born? Do lar- schools in 1910 was less than -in whole from 22.54 In. 1890 to 21,64 in that. the schools have lost ground in wagon and carted off to the Ludlow When the nows came at the-open- ger numbers die per million of pop- 1890. * lt;s 1910. The loss may-be given in num- reality. This-comparison 18-with to- gtreet jail in New York becauso ing of Monday that Mr. Morgan had ulation now than 20 years ago? Or It is pointed out that important/ bers as 919,728. In other words, the tal population, not school popula- tney insisted on voting. In that cam- discharged one of his stenographers, two communities is the average length of human life mettiods of gathering statistics ac- rand total of school enrollment in tion, and it is probable that there patmn Victoria was the candidate for there was general confusion. It was has had a yery materially increasing? count for a part of the loss, but on 1910- would have been 20,781,645 if ate relatively fewer - children nOW Presiaent of the United States on the Claimed by some of the more invid- the shares of the These ar questions suggested im the other hand other authorities note the. percentage - of 1890 had been than formerly. Equal Rights Party ticket. Both sis- ous that insiders had had news of has not yet been the introduction of the statiatical that compulsory education 1aws und maintained, in place of the 19,811- tr there are not/ o many chil- ters were determined to cast pallots, the event as long as a fortnight. ago. Teport. of the United States Bureau like social agencies are. bringing a 922 grand total. dren proportionally, there will nat- and so vigorously did they fight for 2 the whole, however, the street of Education for 1911, following the greater and greater proportion of All this loss and more is sutfered uraty be proportionally fewer Du- thotr rights at the polls that Unitea 8s taken completely by surprise. statement that the percentage of the children to the school: house door. by. the elementary schools, for tho pits. Furthermore. it is, well known states Co toner John A. Shielas Te street very much dislikes to be tots population enrolled in the The introductory statement to the higher institutions made substantiall that the constant improvement in craerea eee taken by surprise, for that ompels a statistical methods has resulted in a+ nest the newspapers of New tto discount an event after it has the elimination to an-tner asing ex- y5.4 haa ridiculed the sisters, but D PPeHed, which is very annoying. tent of duplicate enroliments. The tei; confinement in fall the Pilees bulged. jecrease that. results in appeared on- sity ot press and Pea ie on Tuesday tt was reported that ly and causes no concern. tide of opinion turned in their favor. Mr. Ryan was trying to get control of In further support of this conten- The newspapers began to shout per- 2 Goddess of Liberty. There has tion, figures are cited which show) secution, and demanded that th been a feeling for some time that the Medicine Hat this 16th ber, 1912, that had the apparent relative de- sisters ba immediately tried on some COMES of Liberty should ees Le REID. crease of 919,723 in enrollment been gegnite. charge, or that the authori- old, bonded, stocked, watered an Laidlaw Blanchard ? DISSOLUTION OF id have be jore underwritten by someone. It only re- Tear smad up te the increased. att ten. casas: 10. Arrest theta avety. tins e ror a financier withipuffitont pn eee : they made speeches, committing them jitistive and annexing power to per- elency of the common schools, for the +, jai1 until bailed out, and then re- fect the details. Upon being inter- NEW ber cont of average dally attendance ottioe them He increased from 63.61 in 1890 to 71.80 ee viewed in regard to the matter Mr. + the average length of school 5 bitter was the feeling against Ryan denied everything. This was e i Gh in 1 5 V the sisters, in some quarters, that 3 taken as positive proof that the re- r cr term incr ased from 1347 daye to icto Reco ds LETE dave hetweon the bame dates, efinite charge was made that a plot port was correct, and prices under. F At the caine time the average num- Bad beeninade to Kill them. The con- went a distinct metamorphosis. : ss ; schooling received by Splracy contemplated the burning of The greater part of Wednesday and By the Finest Maite Band in the World. Mics cisial or. schoo Rae inecoanoa ZeMTorein market Jail a4 a tmo 'Thoredsy was Gghieumed in a diecus- THE BAND OF from 59.2 in 1890 to 0.5 in 1910, When the Claffin sisters wero con- sion of the new arbitration treaty be- A. M. dstr am G ar while the average ntimber of days fined there. Col U ds i attended by each pupil enrolled in- It was always the contention of fe ert t sy ment made ty the Conducted by Lieut. Dr. J. Mackenzie Rogan, M.V.0., London. ) creased from 86.3 in 1890 to 113.0 in Victoria and Tennessee Clafiin that , Hfelement in was at a con- id partnership ar to 1910. the women of the United States were 2, FIRST THINGS. z yention held in New York twenty-six to-the said Edward J. N S A q c ee IEE, given the ballot by the Constitution, , years ago today by the Gentral Labor hom the same will be I iE 5 fH 3 and that no further Jegislation was FS Union of that lty, which nominated eee oe First Suffragette necessary. Victoria Claflin frst be ce Henry Ggakeb, Ae -atvacate of the ih , if came prominent as a suffragist in The first announcement of his dis- single tax, for Aside from ber, 1912. ri 10-Inch Purple Label, Price 0c. Martyr Ss Birthday 1870, and in that year memorialized covery r Lay Cane : VAL H. RUBIDGR 100030 Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes, . Saltiven aM 3 of woman the founder ions, whieh found expression. im the FEWINGS, Cornet Solo by Mi - a ae il i a tusician Haw a ae 5 Hin In the early days of the woman s frage. Besides her activities In'these of the sect, eighty-five years ago to- Populist Party, the organized work- lines, she was one of the first to day. Smith, called the Prophet, des- men of America have usually align- suffrage movement in both England Geisha, preach what has since come to be cribed the book as written on old/eq themselves with on: or NOTICE lo0042 The Geisha. Selection fi, 2 22 gt; C aie and America all the advocates of the site eugenics, or the sctence of race plates in Egyptian characters, Op- o the old artes, or with the HEREBY GIVEN that 100043 Catch of the Regiment 2 gt;. 1 Fredericks reform were martyrs to the extent) improvement, and she was also inter- ponents of Mormoniam assert that tists, although in San p hitherto subsisting Velo Te Dann se . fon that they were subject to social os-lested in reform and revolutfonary the book was in reality written alq few other cities Union Eabor par: o undersized, oa THE Coarder Sold by: Kicsictaa awpics) tracism end were conaldered beyond movements for the benefit. of the century aso, in 1812, by a clergymaR tes have become, powerfill, In Eur- rANY, ake CHE oe 1000 6 mon Coeur 2... Joyce the pale of respectability, The frst Working classes. In Bugland she named Solomon Spaulding, as rell-lope the political activities of the me 100047 Belle io Se. pialo : z Risser real martyrs to the'cause, however, fURte? and became the editor of sious romance in imitation, the workingmen may be sald tb have Woodhul and Claflin's Weekly, and scripture style. The work was Httle commenced with the organization of later of the Humanitarian Magazine. known, and it is alleged that when it) the International Union in 1847, In She and her sister, Lady Cook, were ell into the hands of, Smith he de) mos: countries the: Socialist Party the real founders'of the militant suf- ermined to palm ft off as NeW wag the ontgrowth of this association frage movement in England, which Tevelatton. The book of Mormon W 8 put in England the Independent La- has since taken up so much space on Fst translated and published .nn hor Party is the political yehiclo of the front pages of the newSpapers America in 1830, and in England In the workers. Later both of the distinguished ate-lo the world, The oxpmple ney 1811. The first Mormon church was a ters settled n England, Victorial set forty years azo by going to jalt Eanlzed ot Manchester, N. in Houses for sale om easy payments 3 ritics a8 or will exchange for Feal etate. Ap- marrying John Biddulph Martin, for their principles has since been 880. The allegations of c1 . whil . Tennessee became followed be scorer of Bnklish gut. * the origin of thelr sacred book ply to Hotson Leader, 54-tt Co., Limited, ; Ae Baevems veg wife of Str Francis Cook, fi fragottes, although that variety of / fe bitterly dented by the numerous - Ruble Oe DIC a Aarintors, 4 onet ofthat name in 1936 martycdom has never become-popu- followers phot. Montreal THE BEST KNOWN TRADE MARI IN TRE WORLD 7 4 5 Tar ia Amierica. The firat decided political is day been dissolved sent. All debts owing tnership are to be paid over, at Medicine Hat, all claims against the ip are to be presente? Jacob BM. Hoover, by 16 Will be settled. 18th day of Septem- ERT EB. MEEKES, OB M, HOOVER, Call to-day at any of Heh Maser a Vie dedios everywhere Berliner were the Claflin sisters, Victoria and Tennessee, the first named of whom was born at Homer, O., seventy-four years ago totiorrow. Victoria was the first woman candidate-for-the Presidency of the United States, wles. 61-3 -
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Image 528 (1912-09-23), from microfilm reel 528, (CU1772744). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.