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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ou build, consider first. Don't. de per- buy CHEAP LUM- se it's cheap use the We have it, and ev- Builder requires. stock or 1) SH, FIR FINISH, (XK, MAPLE, BIRCH FLOORINGS, the agency for the Morgan OR BEAUTIFUL YOoD FIBRE, LATH DAR POSTS, WIL- ow Posts 2 AVE. ARD Y CO. MBER PEOPLE 29. PHONE 57 ALIN , SMUT .. Quart ..Pint 2AY MORE s Drug and ore : ss: intel aleStables us, Drivers, Saddle es for Sale, HEAVY DRAYING. y for Sale. McCLAIN PROPRIETOR Box 304. LEY. BROS. Contractors. ockweed St. s for Sale, 8 STABLE PHONR 402 728 S. FOLLIS cting Co. DRONTO ST. Coal Grr ng a Bpeelalty, ry Horses for sale at Times, LYON ACTS FOR TEAMING ND EXCAVATING i Sand for Sais, Phone No, 416. ). Box 81. v Feats Cote ba wie prea t - MEDIOINE HAT DAILY NEWS. 209S95909500099O0000060500SF OOO OHSOO SL OSLES OIL OOO GSO OO PIONS EL IDOL OH rirnrdrod STILL ANOTHER FACTORY REDCHFT THER WALLOFF MOTOR CO, of Minneapolis, will start bald 0 immediately. Building to be completed in six weeks. The Rede plant will Be known as the Redelit Motor Co, Limited and sta. off with '75 men, which will be largely increased in a shor e time. This means money to the wide-awake investor. oe air ts Three Factories Secured in One Week and More to Follow. REDCLIFF IS RAPIDLY BECOMING A BIG MANUFACTURING CENTRE AND POPULATION Is POURING IN. IMPORTANT RAILWAY ANNOUNCEMENT SOON TO BE . Redcliff now has industries and their pay roll is as iba toy : Redecliff Brickand Coal Co. 150; Pe Roll 12,500 Redeliff Realty Co. 6; Pay Roll - Redeliff Clay Products Co. 70: y Roll 5,000 Redeliff Hotel Company 10; P Roll ae Alberta eqamente Tron Co. 65; he Roll 5,000 ; Stores, Bank, Lumbery: ard etc. 12; Pay Roll 1, 000 RedcliffMil Elevator Co. 9: Pay Roll 800 McLean MeLachlan 15; Ba Roll 1 200 (CONTRACTORS) FACTORIES TO BE BUILT AT ONCE ARE: THE DIAMOND FLINT GLASS CO., OF TORONTO, LARGEST GLASS FACTORY IN THE WEST. lt; H, MUNDERLOH COMPANY, OF MONTREAL, LARGEST WINDOW GLASS FACTORY IN- Eee WALLOFF MOTOR COMPANY, LIMITED, CANADIAN FACTORY FOR WEST. e THESE THREE NEW CONCERNS WILL EMPLOY FROM 500 TO 1,000 MEN. es ee in ie sow Is THE INVESTORS OPPORTUNITY TO GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR, BEFORE PRICES BEGIN TO SOAR, THINK WHAT THESE NEW FACOTRIES Wi MEAN 4 : TO REDCLIFF S FUTURE AND THEN BUY ALL- THE REOCLIFF PROPERTY YOU CAN HANDLE. See th Stoner Agency About i : -Toronto Street, Medicine Hat Sedorgecteateatpete ete teeenteeteetoetotoeteateateetoete toes oeteeteatssloctecoateateatoctectetecteetesieateateatessestrate sfesesseegeateateatecte egos THE NEILSON FURNITURE CO., LIMITED MR.-OFFICE MAN. SOLID QUARTER CUT OAK DESK i LooHOSSSHESOOSESOOSSEO ISSO ODE: HYMN TATTOOED ON (eerie fe om English Peer s Son Marries amine eo Legg has been carrying the mermaid He was accordingly allowed to Ie SAILOR 18 SUNG BY (epsom eres soccer Beautiful Indian of Gree Tribe s.ossca uy wanes on the big liner who sought him out Travers returned to-his home s helow decks to igaze on the ocean Snubbed-By White Folk Hoe more frequently than before and one took up the lite of a trapper, bi marvel. M With His of the newer kind, who failed to un- great change had come over Legg was for ten years a light- joves. Wi ) derstand the-ways of country. Many chechakos (tend The Stokers on the Titanic, ose Keever im the serice of the Farther North. raised an outery against Travers-und feet) had come in and these wi Chinese Imperial Government. He aos Learned: (Nearer My Edmonton, Alta, Oct. 5 Trapping his common-law wife. Travers, how- people, unlike the oldtimers, AS CUT was stationed in the Steep Island ever, Was Yeal man and he and bis thelr doors to the young man Do ( IN pe HAT God ? From Mate s Back. iigntnouse, which is situated near the and hunting big game and fishing native woman were married With all /native wife. ina land where he: LAID DOWN IN MEDICINE 5 coast about 150 miles south -of along the upper reaches af the Peace the benefits of the clergy. once been 80 popular he now FOR READ BY FORNACE LIGHT Shapghal. With Legg at his lonely River district in the mysteriou: Arrest Follows. himself looked upon with disfat S station were seven coolies. lent, en north eee ian Shortly. ater this event Travers, ae te Fo i ierpep ae months. ne : One evening as Lege sat on the Companied by Pere lhe mounted policeman, came to the braved the coldness of these settle William Legg of the Liner ,. s near the lighthouse he heara Plcoded Indian; acknowledged to be aisteict headquarters with-a prisoner tben packed his worldly goods: Olympic Has a Real Mer- a strange noise from the beach be- *he ae beautiful woman of the Cree ,nq after delivering him was him- With his-wife and child travelled i maid. pa low him. The coolies, whe were tbe hild. 18 a man whol sir piaced under arrest end lodged te farther north cotintry, whe * will eventually be a peer of the Brit es the guard house without spurs. Teed and color do not matter. ish nobility. He 1s Enown as Tra- 'the disgrace of being cashiered from vers and is educated and accomplish- the service faced Travers and would have been carried out only for one 3 nearby, and who also heard the noise, New York, Oct. 4.Never did a began to.exclaim that the noise was more strange and interesting sailor- the cry of a vitche, or devil. lest than William Legg, engineer's store- werinige: eerie cry oe went down to Keeper of the Olympic, Never did the beach. The terrorized coolies man s body display more interest- refused to follow. ing tatooing. From his neck to Lying on a rock, Legg saw what waist line Legg is tatooed. Display he at first thought to de a fish. As ed on his abdomen s.a wonderful he jooked closer he was almost start- piece of the tatoo artist's handiwork. teq cut of a year s growth. It was It is nothing less than s faithful re- q mermatd. The mermiaid had been production of Leonardo di: Vincl s washed against a sharp rock ad Th Last Supper. This picture) hed its throat cut and was dying. shows Christ at the supper table, rhe strange cries of the strange sea f mith his disciples sitting on either) child gradually grew dimmer and africa, where he served Sve years in side. finally ceased. By this time Leg the Mourited Rifles. Returning to Legs is a deeply religious man. had plucked up sufficient courage to England at the end of his time the For years he has striven with the pick up his strange visitor and found 1; men who labor below decks on the that it was dead. big ners to get them to accept re- What the Mermaid Looks Like the veldt had awakened the wander Construction Solid quarter cut oak top /IMgion The greater part of Legs s The mermaid is about twenty Iust in bis heart and after a week at and front, plain oak ends and back, body s taken up with tatooing of 2 inches in length, with fish-like tall home Travem was once more ocean- a d two con- teusie ure, On his back s the and fins. --The heed is startling bound, this time for Canada. gomy drawers an Lord s Prayer, and below it the n character and from the Arriving in Edmonton he joined venient slides. hymn, Nearer, My God, to Thee. t/head falls human hair. The mor- tb orth a was from Lege s back that the stok- maid is devoid of gcales. Further- Order One Today ers of the Titanic-learned the hymn more, the mermaid has well defined the north country. Travers proved eee ent toy sang as tho great liner arms and hands. The hands, how- himself a splendid officer, so invalu- went to the bottom last April ever, are partially webbed. The en- able that his superiors for a long time THE NEILSON FURNITURE C9. : LIMITED All the stokers of the Titanfe came tire body is of brownish color now. overlooked his failure for liquor. But 118 8th, Ave. E- Calgary. HOME OFFICE, HOTEL AND INSTITUTION FURNISHERS. acion of nobility who is now a equaw ee er thn man, as it was told to one of its re- naq applied to fivy himself out and porters by a pioneer of the district. non ne taced his superior officer he visiting In Edmonton, the Capital ed against the proceedings. L0ose Leaf System The News J says shrewdly, Travers figurea Department has) every facility 4 ppleation by that time must S PPlying the most satisfactory. first upon the list, and he boldly stated the fact to the com Appeal of Free Life. Travers was one of those unfor- tunates -known in the old country jamong the higher classes as a younger son. When 16 years of age his family shipped him off to South DESCRIPTION Size of top 48x30 inches. * Finish Golden Oak. led upon him. The years spent in the wild free life of Stands back af all its Building Maierial : from the Olympic, said Legg. For Legg says when he first came into finally he was sent further north, years I have been. doing religious possession of the Indy of the sea the where there is no liquor nor white work among the men in the stoke face was white, the hair brown and women nor any of the ordinary joys hold. When I am below in the store- the body of a gre nish blue color, of iife. room I strip to the waist like the Tie hair has been fading until tt 4s Fell In Love. okers, and after I had talked to now almost grey. There he came almost daily in them I would turn around and in the Legg says that all slong the Chin- contact with Indians and breeds; in ight of the fires they could read the/ ese coast the fishermen tell stories fact they were his only companions, ney; why don t you settly my ories y were mp) ; Loni serie Se ae qs words of the famous old hymn. of the vitches, as they call the mer- and, being a man with red blood in Those stokers who went to their matds. They believe them to bt his veins, he fell to the charms of an 1 wouldn't eee e eins, he fel he cha I have, replied Mr. Dustin Owens Mv dear man, death singing Nearer, My God, to reincarnation of dead children, Indian girl, who, according to white Stax. If a man wants to start alnave it said for anything that my/ ee on the Titanic, learned the that thefr pecullar wail traders of the country, Is the most business, he has to pay for advertis- newly acquired wealth caused any words from my back. me wall 8 lke the 8 of country, fs ing by the inch, But when a eandi- departure from my simple habits. ree eee ne ough Mermald, YARDS AND SBEDS: Phone 166. * So you have a grievance against. Tailor You have inherited a lot crying of a child in pain. beautiful woman in the remote re- ; ston. date slags pantacied pie ore Boston Transcript. There is a really ond truly mer- The Daily News delivered in the Within the Inst year the cleray gratis bythe + -sutwertbe-now-tonThe-Dail News. mald aboard the Olfmplc: only it s abelty s6 g month geuinto the upper country lt; : 7. al aie, oR
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Image 610 (1912-10-05), from microfilm reel 610, (CU1772761). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.