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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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POINTS Single Fare Plus 2.00 Yor the Round Trip Vancouver, Victoria and New Westminst. gt; LOW. ROUND TRIP FARES e LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO SANTA BARBARA and FRANSCISCO, California. eo Via Vancouver, Seattle and Pacific Coast Steamship Line, SPECIAL DATES OF SALE: * Dec. 12, 48, 14, 1912; Jan: 17, 18, 19, 20, and Feb. 11, 12, 13, 1913. RETURN LIMIT APRIL 30 1913 vers. Liberal 3 For full particulars: apply to local: Ticket Agent, or write to ONLY A FEW DAYS MORE to dispose of our complete stock Trimmed Hats and Millinery Miss Buzza 397 Toronto Street. Heaven. -Of this Royal Priesthood the Apos- jhone sreable to. recopeae coo the brettiren. Only in gt; em HOW, WHEN AND WAY: AW SECOND ADVENT Satan to be Bound Sin, Sickness and Death to be Conquered. + + aoe ee city is atirredt which may be granted tohumanity in proportion-ss the Curse is rolled away and Divine blessing fills the . The majority of our race have fifty years. of. life: experi- good or bad, But the promise shall have twice. that time to Jearn the Truth, light of that New uundred years, in decide hi i dull iu deal ither for life everlasting or everiasting Isaiah Ixv, 20. Erom the Bible viewpoint the Day is ample for the great wor it has been consecrated by Wise Creator from betore the of the world. Nor should that all power in Heaven vested in the One who take the Throne. Neither forget that the Church has een centuries beon under iicof Ccish cpeeparing oi c ee They will be able to with the groaning creation and be ven in the administration ies necessary to many for their long the Highway of Holi- up. the noblest minds have pelled from faith in the Sec- it by the thought that an ingdom with Christ and phe regal state is unreasonable. quite right in thinking that and state would be b ignity of Mess'ah and: His intures. declare that heft His glory, bumbied Him- to become a man, in order that might be: the. great Sin-Offering our race. But. the Redeemer yed to be glorified with the glory He had with the Father before lt; world was. Yes; and fi is Church, His Bride, 2 share is Heavenly glory. Did: Her lead ns expect a Heavenly glory. Heiven y nro ee an i: Hell Soares Paes uy ae i 3 ie We have all sadly certain atures of God's Jesus did not remain poor, remain flesh, did not remain In His resurrection not only tear by the-Fath-r up, far above angels): principsli- ers, mu at BS a47ha a Hee se iF 3 Dir His Church is to shitte His glory. The Apostle distinctly tells that: Heavenly the resurrection the faithful will be a thousand changed (1. Corinthians xv, 51, 52) i and made like the glorified Red-emer, ity. and also of the Divine: seture.- (IT. The followers of Jesus have another Peter 1,4.) The Anostie: explains the work, in jtnessing to the- necessity for. this. change, . saying, world Flesh-sind blood cannot inherit the lt;ingdom of God. T. Cor. xv. 50: jave Bren to sterthat Godinever: purs that either:Jesus or His. the faithful Elect fiesh I-A Hew: Bible statements ngerstond :g0t us into difficulty. ry eye shajl see Him. good unto ail men, especially to the household of faith, mi: but particularly to. mike his own We read, calling and election. stire - by per- and i that thier sonal love, zeal and 1 cE tund-rsfanding, as well Our Lord s many parabi-s refer ta eyes. We forgot that J sus declares His Church as mm class, a fhat v ry ew now see or hier only i the sainily, whose eyes of understand- ing. baye been opened by th gt; anoint eupy places of honor and distinction ing of the Holy Spirit. We forgot, now. The Master Himself was that Jesus said also, Yet a. litte neither a King nor Priest on earth, while and the world -secth: M no His is the Melchisedec Priesthood of more . When -once we discern that Messianic Age. Then He will He Fas -been glorified that He has also. be the Great King over all the been given spirit nature agdin, that earth, as well asthe Great Prophet no longer has the human. nature. or Teacher and the Great Judge. or which, He surrendered asa Sin-Sacri- Ruler. Wel did He declare to PilatS, fic , then we can s why the world My. Kirigom is of TN see Him-no more, and why the Toki Church must be changed. by resarrse- tion now-r befor? she can sce Him. . We misnnderstood our Lord's mani- festations er r-surrection. Unless Kingdom come; Thy will He could establish the faith of His ear, es it is done in disciples in His resurrection. they uid not receive the Pentecostal *leesing. Therefore He spent with tle declarss, The world knowcth us them forty days, watching over th: not, We. are priests and kings onty appearing in various forms, as gar from the Divine it, whith -dener, as -a traveler, etc. all to cou- first. that x deadg-but, risen: God's saitits spoken of as the King- that He was no longer m h ition. Spirit Being. He demonstrated ers-will by, doing exactly. what the angels did: Ag they appear:d in the fiesh, ate, talked and vanished, so did He. Then He-ascended uz e tunran, being, 8 about the above angels, He: that of all the Heavenly host. One of Jesus parables truthtully , honer and immo eit be represents Heaven as a far country, on the program. Subsequ-ntly to which Jesus as the young. Noble- all will be resurrected, every man man went to be invested with Kingly a. his own order, and Ghrist will authority over the world. It tlls pare 2x, 6. St. Paul, after telling resurrection of the dead, this resurrection of the all insubordination. Other will be rewarded with a share in His esbigat her. until He shall have: put down how on His return the faithful ones iptares Tength of clearly inform tis that the Som? of them will, be His reign will be 9 thousind years. , Tt will constitute the great Seventh over five cities, ete., and Day of carth s hisfory six thousand into Seiten. ae But we Y understand this a and (the fis to mean that Heaven itscll is 20 dis- par: the going and the re- turning would be long. The parable also. shows no. communication as be- Corinthians tween the Nobleman and-his-servants in the interim. As a matter of fact, psed between our nd His shedding at Pentecost. nd His-disci- To some it may appear that a thou- ein goats te'tov short a time to tally uplif ity those I that while Messiah will the sense 2 instrumentality or communicate with them. He would in connection yaith His work, never- pore them to walk by faith and theless the inventions and-develop- not by sight, tor search the Scrip. ments of the wonderful intelligence tures, and to receive their spiritual ber, however, probably. use human was. befor ; but -He .was' wil Kingdom in the hands of gt; Arcient omen through the fellowship of the Bening a ay Bis Holy Spirit He would be with them, anc Rot by personal contact or further; Ianifestations, would be ut the Hts Secomt-Comins conclusion of this Age, to awaken His sleeping saints an change. them to Thus He would nto death Additions y, in the Harvest with which this Age. ends, He prom- ised to take is Elect. This of the Redeemer s comi: is, in the greek His, Peroaia His i Sarrend The world is net to know of jal supervision of sf SUNDAY SCHOOL, Lesson X. F Deo, 8 1912. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Matt. xvill, 1-14. Memory Veraes, 2, 3 Golden Text, Matt. xvili, 10 Commentary Prepar- seit by Rev. D. M. Stearns, The question of th disciplea with Which this lesson begins, Whos tbe time of zu Parousia. On the nfrary. describedus secret, greatest in the kingdom of heaven? hidden from the world s a thief in the night. Jesus described ae ge ef, ? lt; The Bible answers most distinctly. Tt tells us of the epi of the will melt with the hhest in a terrible time Additionally the heavens, the ec. clesiastical systems, will b involved, and pass away with a ercat noige or commotion. It is from this. revealing in flaming fie, Divine censure non world, that the great, the hith, the mighty, the poor. all shall seek to hide themselves in. the dens and governmtnts, ete. : * Grad mankind will cdme ty underst Gradually their eyzs will open avd they will see that it is the wrath of the Lamb that causes the time of troubl was since there was. natio plowshare of trouble will go s that the world will effectual y learn the intended lesson. opening to the truth of the situst on, they will learn war. no: more. iil beat their sp*ars into pruning and their swords into plow- AS their eyes of understan?- hook: ee Sine mature Phe promise ing open still. more widely, thy will discern. the, beauties and bless'nes cf Mossiah s Kingdom, the desire of all nations. Under Messish s Kingdom, T-ra-l will return from the sst-off condition in which she has been during tho selection of the very Elect. The nucleus of Israel will be tye resur. rected Ancient Worthies, mentimed . Paul in Hebrews xi, 33-40. will be sertected in,, the flesh, as the Church will be perfectrd in the Divine nature. 7 But the Christ, Head and ody, + trust fired enter into the glory of the Kinzdom. Phen will be established thay eart ly Worthies.. The, world .willises Abra- ham, Isaac. Jacoh and: all the . nro- phets; but they: will not i in be th gt; binding of n, the sroiling of wlicks- nower indicates the deliverance cf humanity, from the bondage of sin, ignorahe., superstition and death. * me of our gremt, obstacles in the past. Rus been that we failed to die cern that God jhas been: pros-cuting two distinct salvations; first, that of the Church, tovthe spiritual, hoaven- Jy, Divine nature; and later, through the Elect Church, salvation must extend:d to humanity, the non-clect. Then will. come. the: privitess and opportunity of earthly Re human perfection. in the imaz: and likeness of Godyies was Adam. in a world-wide Paradise, God's gisriovs footstool. The First-Advent of the Saviour was necessary for the re. r His Second sinners. te Strathcona Sleeps Six Hours. At 92 years Lord Strathcona, the High Commissioner of Canad: ix hours slesp is all he needs, and he eats but two meals a day. he says, are all any man needs. Unreasonable. Bure, a penny. saved is a penny Wty. don gain that? t a Bay, you dokbasrent man to live - eae quotation he makes, do your Her P rch. eee propose to her on his jees? * a No, but she sccepled him on No Pulp In Antipodes. There are no suitable pulping woods in Australia or N w Zealand, so that The Ba..ana Metropolis. Port Antonio, a city on the north- eastern shore of Jamaica, is t.2 great- est banana port in the world. gt; gt; * WIDEN LONDON STREETS BEANS roltee PAY Hamonton, Dec. 6 As ; result of the iZ-hour shiffs they are forced to work in the cold for small pay mem- bers are. quitting the Jocal police force, and a general depletion of the peace department has been threat- coed. e Loniion, Dee,,6 At 2 meeting of the city corpofiilfon a report was brought up from the finance commit- tee, submitting a plan for widening St. Martin le Grarid to -eighty feet, And Gresham Street between Alders gate Street and Foster Lane to fitty feet, on the rebuilding of the old ee eta ee, PY Beneral post ottice. . Houses for sale on easy paynisiite et - or will exchange for real estate. Ap- Sabscr Row for the Daily News. ply to Hoteon Leader. 54-tt MUNICIPAL TATLORS Edmonton, D c. 6 The latest mun- pai ownership. wrinkie which the city is likely to adopt-is a municipal tailor shop. This course may be fol- lowed as the result of unsatisfactory dealings. with local clothiter in. curiig uniforms for cl p be called a summary of the three par carries as far back in the history of gun op the earth, evento the wugres Hon of the old serpent to Bye, Y shall be as gods (Gen. lil. ). His own ambition ts seen in tua. xiv. (3. 14: I wilt exalt my throne above the stars of God. * * * I will be ike (the Most. High. The significance uf ; the tle Most High God Is seen in the Orst use of It in Gen. xiv, 122, where it evidently refers to God ax the possessor of beaven and earth, The great adversary's ambition. are. Is to possess the earth and the people mpon st. The late Dr. Weston said that the Bible Is the record of the coudlet between God and the devil for man'and bis inberitance, the earth. When people -foln house to house and feild to Held. that they may be placed alone th the: midst of the earth (Isa. , 8), on whielr principle all trusts and combines seem to be carried on, It t not difficult to recognize the unseen ambitious. wicked one back of t all, who offered to our Lord all the kingdoms of this world and; the glory of them if He would worxhip him (Luke t . 517), The man will yet come. If he ls not, Irend In Algbt, who will accept this - offer of the devil. and all the world will worship. him -whoxe names are not tp the Book of Life (Dan. xi. 36-84. 43; Rev. sill, i, We need to.understand this tn order to be dellvered from the ambl- be great even inthe kingdom. He must be biind Indeed who would de- sire greatness or power in this present evil age mies be could Mee it wholly for God. The lifelong motto of every believer should be. The Lord alone abnil be exalted (Isa. Ie 11 17), Not only on this occasion did the idea of personal greatness lay hold. of the disciples, but. just after He had the second time foretold His death they by the way disputed among themselves who should be the greatest (Mark tx, 81-84. On another occasion both James und John and thelr mother asked for veats op His right and Jeft hand in His Kingdom and glory (Matt. xx, 20. 2; Mark x, 85-97). Then again at the jast Passoter. on the night of His be- trayal, after He had indicated Judas as Bis betrayer..there was a strife among .them which of them would be account ed the greatest (Luke xxii, 21-24. He always taught them that genuine ba- mility was true greatness, and. as to places in His kingdom, the Father bnd arranged all that. and we must leave it with Him, On. the occasion of out lesson He enlled aylittle child and set him in the midst and by an*object lesson taught theni-humility avd true greatness and iso that to enter the kingdom-one-must become as a little child (24). A itttle child does not suggest innocence as its priticipal feature. for It is marvelous how early a very little child shows wil- foliness and temper. yet 1 once heard Rorann Catholic bishop use these words about becdming ax Uttle children as a proof of the need of a purgatory. where we could somehow work off our sing mntil, as when we yrere nnorent chil Hdren. we would be fit for the kingdom, The Scriptures, the reading of which the Roinan Catholies do not encourage, tech as plainly that only the blood of Jesus Can-cleanse ont sins and that- His nheolutely perfect richteousness, which He gives freely to all who e Him, ts n f only Atness for the ce of God Rom. Ill, 24: v, 1, 93 1 Cor. 4, 30). A very Ittle child ts helpless, teacl able, trustful. comes when called. this child did. When we come to Him -In our emptiness all His fultuess be- somes ours, and then we become indeed His little ones. who belleve: in Him (rerse 6), and He counts. all treatment of such Tittfrones as done to Himself Nae Aare byd ca uielbcise of the wordal fn these verses and in Mark Ix. 42-48, concerning the possibility of being cast inte everlasting bell fire, but bow bless- ed she assurance that this fearful place 5. wis ng er prepared for man, but for the devil and bis angels; ae Lord s not willing that any should perish. and that those to whom He gives eter nal life can never perish (verses 5. 14, 25-41: IT Pet. 4il. 9: Join x, 28). The ministry of angels is beautifally re ferred to In verse 10, and that they al- ways have accers to our Father im besven, that they minister to us here on the earth. Is taught by Heb. 1. 14, and many other passages. It Is blessed to be wble to say, because we really believe It and know something of the Joy and peace of it. I am never alone; the Lord Jesus and the angels are ab ways with me. Tir V rzes. 11-18 we have what might ables of Luke xv, showing. the Joy. in er one sitmer-repenting. f we are not thus seeking lost ones. can we be xald to bave the mind of Christ? The incident in Matt. xix, 18-18, which Is also found in Mark x, 18-16; Luke mT. bom. He took up fn His arma and blessed and raid, Of such ts the kingdom of God. when the disciples would bave driven them away, Rhows is again Fis heart toward: them and reminds us of Be - Loose Leat System The Net ai Department has every facility for sup- plying the most satisfactory. Thoroughly modern Bungalow. Ideal location, sit- uated on a 77 foot corner lot. This House is equipped with all modern conveniences: Storm doors and windows to fit; lighted with electric light; gas in furnace and for kitchen use; full basement; walls tinted throughout. Has five rooms and bath with fireplace in the den. The wails are fitted with plate-rail and picture moulding. The price is only 5800, with only 1000 cash and the balance spread over four years. The lot alone is worth 4000. Good House on 35 feet of Jand: This is a six roora house with all modern conveniences and nicely decorated throughout. There are six rooms and fitted bath; large clothes closets and full basement with gas furnace. Price 4300; 1000. eash, balance like rent. any more Ho atall prices and of styles. If you are looking for a good nao can Satisfy you. aS Good-Investments Block 1, lots 4 and 5, 50x185. Regular terms: 1500.00 see 2, Jot i and 31, 53 ft. corner view lot + egular terms. . seerssesese+. 1500.00 Bleek, ieee and 34, 50 feet on Montreal * terms .. 1400.00 Block 20, Lots 29 and 30, 50 feet on Hiighiaad * St. Regular terms. s+ teeen ess 1500.00. Block 20, Lots 27 and 28, 50 feet on Highland St.. Regular terms ... 202... ....22 1500.00 Block 20, Lots 23 and 24, 50 feet on Highland St. Regular terms .... sesee+++ 1500.00 Bloek 17, Lots 15 and 16, 50 ft. on eae i St. Regular terms ... seseiess. 1675.00 Block G, Lots 12 and 13, 50 feet on Tsplanaie long lots.. Regular terms .:. - .+ 3500.00 Block D, Lot 8, 50 feet on Esplanade, long lot. Cash - 3000.00 COUSINS AND SISSONS Block 1,50 foot corner.on Highland St. Reg- ular terms. .. 3000.00 Block 5, 75 feet on Highland St. Regular terms. .....03 SAP Ee ++ +++ 2000.00 Block 4, 50 feet on Highland St. Regular terms ........ .. + + 1500.00 Block 4, 50 feet on Highland St. Regular terms . . 1500.00 Block 31, 50 foot corner. Regular terms... . 1000,00 Block 31, Lots 23 and. 24. Regular terms. . . 950.00 Block 31, Lots 35 to 38, per pair. Reg. terms 900.00 Block 35, Lots 1 to 10, en bloc. Reg. terms 375,00 OLD-TOWNSITE -- Block 80, Lot 28, 50 feet on Ottawa St. Reg. terms . Z -s+4+ +. 2500.00 Block 82, Lots 37 and 38, 265 feet on High- Jand St: Regular terms ........... 4500.00 Block 86, lots 9 at 10, 100 foot corner, aemar and 7th. Regular terms..... 9600.00 Block 89, Lots 25 and 26, 66 foot corner on i three streets. Regular terms ........ 5500.00 Block M, Lots 9and10. Thisis 75 feet from . proposed C. N. R. depot ............ 10,000.00 Block 14, Lot 10. Revenue producer a : Main St. 0.0... - . 32,000.00 HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX ae Block 31, Lots 11 and 12, Regular terms 1300.00 CENTRAL PARK Block 29, Lots 5 and 6. Regular terms HILL DIVISION lock 14; Lots-31 to 36, 0 feet. Reg, terms. 525.00 BENDING Block 36, Lots 6 to 30, 50 fect. Reg. terms 325.00 Block 34, Lots 21 to 40. 50 feet. Reg. terms. . 325,00 Block 24, Lots 29 and 30, 50 feet. Reg. terms. 775.00 TRACKAGE Block 10, Lot 9, Plan B-1992, 50 foot corner. Regular terms - cies. 3000.00 Block 2, Lotsd, 2, 3 and 4, Plan 796-M, Three 4 Street frontage ...... 0... 02.0... 4, 6500.00 RIVERSIDE Block 19, Lots 25 and 26, Terms. :Per pair 900,00 Block 19, Lots 38 to 40. Terms. Per ee 425.00 RIVER DALE Block 3, Lots 12 and 15, 21 and 22. Per pair 600.00 COUSINS Notes Block 3, Lots 3 and 4, 50 feet on Park Ave. . . 1200.00- ACREAGE We have some of the best acreage around the new gas city wonder Redcliff. Also acreage close in to Medicine Hat and already subdivided and ready. for sale, f * Tf WILL PAY YOU TO CALL. PHONE 920, Niblock Tull, Limited Room No. 8, Imperial Bank Building. Fourth Averiue, Medicine Hat.
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Image 1072 (1912-12-07), from microfilm reel 1072, (CU1773310). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.