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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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or high rates of c Will Loan You Money ear 't Pay Rent vee ye the titne when your indebt- es will be paid off. Write, phone-or call. Home Pur- Ltd. Phone oh ae Et you see thivking about pure: ae chasing Hardware don't forget that we can supply your needs at the right price and that we can give you the benefit of a long ex- . Pori nce by offering you the best : With every 1.00 purchase we are Giving a key and the person holding'the:key that. unlocks the Mmachin takes the machine absolutely free. Anderson Plumbing Company 625 NORTH RAILWAY STREET aN gat STEAMSHIPS (es) 'D TRIP FIVE MONTHS LOOT * BO iN On Sale Daily, Nov. 7th to Dec. 31st FROM ALL RAILWAY STATIONS Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and the Kootenays St. Lawrence Sailings. Montreal Quebec Empress o' id, Friy Nov. 1 Lake Cl .-- Thats Nor 7 pe A ete fanitoba,. .. ove Last Sailing from St, Lawrence. Two Extra Mount Temple. Lake Michigan Prevention iS CHEAPER THAN Cure SO FILL YOUR RADIATOR WITH ALASKA The Only Genuine Anti-Freeze 1 Auto Co y 1nci -- TO - Great Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia and the Continent, f PEOPLE S : Sermon by Sil CHARLES T. RUSSELL Pastor Brooklya Tabernacle, + lov, 24. Pastor here. We re the i mm 5 OT, of Brookly this: ses trom Heat, Thien he God for His isi) z HT. Corinthians 1 ) a serra nice Oo ee Mfthe Binle an this sod on. every. 4Ub- Jesh.we nual banal the Word 2t God stig, Bok: deceitully, We, mush recognize our Lord Jesus is one the Heavenly. Father: Only thes can we how God could give His Jesus could consent to of God to man. As we botwres dhe Puther aad. the Gon i tween. er an Ock thet dsolared by the erstds, anense Of person, but is that decls: by our Masier Himecll.. saying that fe and the Father are one in the sama ense that He desired all of His dis- His followers, to be one-one purpose, in will, in effort. may be ong, even as we are one. John xvii, 2 22. yj, Jesus is, God s unspeakable that it is impossible tp tell the of God's grace in this connection the numberless blessings nd meroies which ore ours through Jesus. He represents to us the ,Very fulness of svery Divine provisign-fo welfare. In Him welled. all the fulness of the Deixy bodily. (Coloe, siane fi, 9.) In a Mertain Sense all God s intelligent Meatures are in Image:and represent Him. Thus ihe angels .and cherubim are Godlike? svea Adam, mage a little lower the human nature was. a image of God'sin the fesh fully in harmony in ev ry line of his character and being with the Divine character. Adena, bodily. represented Godin ths world. e But all-these things, true of angels 0d of: men, are still more true of Tesus: andthe Scriptures tell us shat He was the Logos, the Father's Word or Messenger Jehovah s active Agent in all the work of creation. By Him were all made that were made, and without Him was nob spe thing made. The Logos, the Bianest, the first, the Alpha and the of Jehovah's Creation, became the Gitt of God to man. Nor was Gift compulsory; rather the Logos entered fully in the transaction. He had absolu laith in-the Heavenly Father's Wis Jom, Justice, Love and Power: hence, when position opened that He might Teaye the heavenly condition lor an eartbly condition, in which He would perform a great service pleas ing to the Father, end beneficial to men, the Logos delighted to do the Pather s will. Ha was mede flesh. The disciples and others beheld that jHe asa Man was other. men: butwss holy, barmless, undefiled and separate sinners. . The. Redeemer different fallen race is again declared in the statement: A body hast. Thou -pre- red Me for the suffering of death. The Gcriptures deolare thet He took jthe-saai2 nature as the flesh that had tinned, in order thet He mieht redeem sinners. But in His flesh was no sin. Otherwise, He could not have been our Redsemer. Only a. sinless one jpould fill the Divine requirements jand give to God a Ransom for Father Adam, the. perfect man, this r dsem- ing his. life from destroction and, at the seme time, redeeming all of his family involved in sin through him. God s Gift was not completed in merely arranging that His Son should temporarily become u man, to be our Redeemer, Indeed, the transfer, of nature from the heavenly to the thly was merely an incidental, mde necessary by the Divine La An eye for an eye; tooth for tooth; a man s lif for a man's life And wemwesrend thet- the Father seb before the Son the great yop. th induenee of which was to le sheerfully to endure the bitter expe: ences of His earthly life, as awe read Who, fcr the joy that was fat before Him, endured the cross, desnising the shame. This joy is intimated to have been: (1) the Saviour s pleasure in doing the Father's ; (2) The joy of bringing many sons to clory the Church: (3) The pleasure and joy. of being the world s Restorer, olivering them from the. power of Satan, sin and deuth, Thess joys, commingling, were quite sufficient. The Redeemer endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself s,- eventually, brought Him to the cross, saying, Not My will. but Thy Lord, be done. He realized that under the contract into which He had enter- ed. His foyalty to the Father would ;mesn His faithfulness unto death, tven the desth of the cross. Where- More, als , God hath highly exalted (Him, and given Him name above dyery. name. (Philippians ii, 8 9.) Thus the Redeemer a5 attained this glorious exaltation to the Father's right hhand to the Divine. nature (glory, honor .and immortality as the result of His faithfulness, The Aposile, evidently, purposes to draw our attention to the difference be: xeen'the course of Satan and that of the-Logas in respect to loyalty and Lpbedience to Jehovah. Satan proodly Passumed that if, he had separate Empire he could manage it better then was the Divine arrahgement, Lucifer, the morning star, said in his Salvation Is Divine Mercy PULPIT. JESUS IS GOD'S GIFT 10 HUMANITY + and bot out the prince of bas, indeed, had ds of has rei results the , death nee, Pal iniimetce: that althouet and honor thansLvcifer, in that He was the: Only Tepresentative of Jchova, sieverthc. leas He was homblen wie Lee inodiiied usurpation to like God. Rilippians ti, 6. ) On the contri fr nig to necept the Divin sal that He should: take the hiss worcarry'o se the Father's Blane A ow je Father's Plan. low detestable. the pride of Luciter alterwards called Satan On the con- Eanes beautiful is. the humility exhibited by the Pedeemer He was loyal to the core. He would be mere Ay she Father's Word. Logos, mout ieee. His joy, should be, not tn seel self-advancement, but: in glorify- ree and the Apostle points out He faithfully: und loyalty G56. edt out fo the conclusion of His Sours in all things desiring the will of the Father who sent Him. What an exhibition this was to all the holy angels And did the Father permit Him to reully suffer. Joss. he- gause of Hla loyalty. His faithfulness? Assuredly not He was not teft in death. He was raised from death. Neither was He left hy the Pather on th Jower plane of human natare, which He took merely for the purpos of suffering death on man's. hehal On th eontrary. the Father highly exalted Him and exhibited to angels and to men'the character pleasing in Jehovah's sight. Bringi e Only Begotten One forward. Jehovah pro- phctically declares: Let all the mes- senvars of God worship Him This same privilege hax come to the Church. In response. the invitation to become joint-secrificers with Christ, to walk in His Stens, arid to enter fnty a share of His glory, has been accepted hy one after another of God's saintly people, from Pentec st until Bow. They have confidence thal, He who brought again from the dead our Tord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep. is both able and willing to bring them also, through Him, to eternal glory, As He walked the narrow way, they have eourage to walk in His.eteps. As He overcam they have the encouragement of His promiss that His grace will be suf- ficient for them. To thie clars.Jesus ig God's wn speakable Gift. Tou these favored ones, His footaien followers, the Sav- jo: is specially un. unspeakable Gil of God. If as a Gift to the world Hi merit iz/beyond the rower of tongue ty fell, how much more 80 is-He the unspeakable Gift to the Ohureh to the Blect As the Captain/of their Salvatio: ding forth these other sons of God, His younger breth- ren, to-glory. Hebrews ii, 10. The Saviour is an unspeakable Gift to the Church as. the Bridegroom. The though of becoming an associate 4nd joint-heir in all the glorious work of God throughout the Millennium, ix an inspiration which makes the trials And difficultice of the way seem: 98 nothing. Besides; we Rave the assur ante of the Lord-that in subsequent Ages the Father will continue to show special riches of grace und loving- kindness toward us who are in Christ desus. As our Elder: Brother, the Baviour is cn uospemkable Gift Our interesteare His interests; our wel- fers, His welfare; all of the journey in His footsteps which He invites ux to take, and which He arranges for us, He hig passed Over before, We m:rely walk in His steps. As our great High Priest over the House of Sons, He is an unspeakable Gift. Through Him we are privileged 2 the Royal Priesthood. Our of: ferings' to Jehovah, our little all, would be unacceptable, because we are all by natore sinhers, childron of wrath, blemished. High Priest s panes makes to present, our bodies fices, holy and acceptable to (Romans xi From whatever viewpoint we look, the Saviour fr God s unspeakable. Gilt, especially to His Chureh. Undoubtedly Justice must be recog- nized in respect to the Creator's deal- ings with His credtures. God, being the great Representative of the prin- ciple of Justice, contiriually holding it ip: before His creatures, and demand- ing their obedience to. this Law, sure- ly could not be exempted from its operation Himself. To this. the Scrip- tures agree, assuring us tht Justice is the foundation of His Throne, Our.endeavors in the past to harmon- ize Love and Justice with our great Creator's dealings with humanity have continually involved: us in diffidnity. We were- assured by th prominent reeds of the world that the Grentor had knowi: and willingly brought us: into. existence under such. condi- Hons. that che great, majority of map- heart: I will ascend above the stars F(the other angels ; 1 willbe was Most High. (a dictator, a ruler). Pursuing this ambitious course, Saran beheld in our first parents mew order of beings, with procreativa: powers Hdesigned to bring into existence 4 Face that would fill the Lucifer kind would spend an eternity in ture? We were unable to see Jastice in any sugh arrangement, yet feared to eriti ize our Creator, lest He should, if possible, do something still worse for us, But our reason balked at the ition, while we desisted from izing the Creator, We could not endorse stich a program, nor could ngement in so doing; ist pair by his. mis: thie of things); is, groaning and tra- . unde gt; Becotten. the ohies gos to creep into warm hiding places sur- tor- vive the winter, and, reviving. ip the fe seo it to -be'tn harmony with the Divine regalations goverat: our: velvih Hf we ers to love our roemtes and be compassionate toward. them, should more be expected of fallen be- ings than of our perf et Creatar? rom-the Divine standpoint the U4 wader oe ey a 4 mea: leath sdnterce, dead in trespaases ani ins, wholly wlihoat rights ov pre: loges.. Ag. the: French Government, not unjustly, has allowed the medical profession 4 make experiments with fonvicts who are under death sen- tence, to try upon them the effects. of tear, poison, ete, so God not unjustly haa sllowed mankind, all under deat sentence, to prnetice all kinds of evil japan one another, and to leara from eachother grant - lessons respectin the exteeding sinfulness of sin a the wages or penalty of sin death, areatice mart fast its penalty; penal yy Adam ai his family left thom hopeless respect- ing any future life. . Unworthy of ever. lastin,; life, they died; and surely th: re worthy while dead. claim. upon Justice. Adam at the very moment of his fall imieht bave been smitten with thun- ; derbolt, without having any claim upon Justice; sor he was under ete ae a Lm that Justios im to live for many ye With fortelted life meant not 6. wal. ing of the death penalty, but. Divine Uberality in respect to the exeoution of the criminal. When, therefore, in the Bible God Tiroush the death of trig gee His unt rroug un- psekable Git is rave ore sae at ey ifying obligation on God's part: toward. the sinner, Tt means mercy, grace. Nor does God ignore ths covein the exprciay of Fis eastey- 2 ease-in the exercise of His mercy. His Law must stand. The death sen- tence must stand. Justice must be vindicated without a shadow of turn: Morey ig made to inter the unspeakable Herein was manifested the love. of in that potten Bon, that believeth in Him might not perish, but. have everlasting life. As- we have just seen. Adam and his race under the death sentence had perished, except as God from the beginning foreknew F'; intention to send His Son into the world for human Redemption His unspeakable Gift. The Redemp- tion, when finished, will fully have satisfied the claims of Divine Justic not only as respects the Tittle com. pany now being selected the the Bride of Christ hut, ultimately also as. respects the. . Dm nple, not called for by Divine Justice, but mersly prompted by Di- vine Love. Aiter the unspeakable Gift shalt have been mide applicable ts th whole world of-maikind: at the begiti- ning of Messiah's reign, Divine Wis- dom will insist that, although. the Redzemer may give to humanity every opportunity possible for recovery from sin and death. and every assist ance possible for Restitutior theless, nope sual except as perfect beings in mony with the. .Creator. the work of Messiah s Kingd be to deliver humanity from sin and death, and to give opportunity tor al to return'to hartforiy with the Fathe: and any who will not so do, Justice ill insist shall -be: destroyed-in- the Second Death. -Agsinst such a d: cision, Divine Wisdom, Love and Power will offer no obj ction. nor will any redemption be wif cted for theit wilful sin. The Scriptures. declare: that the world knows not God, and: that only the eyes of-the consecrated Church are open to behold the Love of God, which -passeth understanding. This class only. therefore, is in any. sense ad to give thanks. to God now unspeakable Gift, Their 6 go up, tot only in words, but also 21 actions, which speak louder than words. Th gt;se thanks ascend ae Sweet incense to His blessings and mercies abound in ull spiritual th: gs toward those who:are in Christ eau By. and by, *All the blind eyes will be opened and all the deaf ears will: be unstopped. * Then of mankind, including those awakened from the sleep of death during Mi siah s reign, will be in recognize God's unspeakabi to render thanks. When the wilful vil-doers shall have been -destroy al, Every knoe will bow and. every. Y SCHOOL. Canadian Pacific SUNDA Lesson IX Fourth Quarter, For Excursion Fares Dee. 1, 1912. PACIFIC. COAST THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Veen Single Fare Plus 2.00 - Text of the Lesson, Mark ix, 14:20, eee Memory Verses, 28, 23 Golden Text, a Mark x, 28. (R, V.) Commentary Fig sale Victoria Prepared by Rev. D, M. Stearns. cae ow estminster- Fora iittle while heaven and earth ae eee had touched nm new way. by those who had once lived on earth, but had vepn lotig absent from it. one by death and oae by translation. When the visou and translated saints xball be relguing with Christ in His kingdom *Rev. s 9 10; xx, 4) this will probably inary. everyday occurrence Pe Mat gga of New Jerusatem frit ven pod one on earth tn ter fect accord, the glorifed church. A redeemed istgel the heavenly earthly centers of His kingdom, whei a king shall reign in righteousness and the work of righteousness shill to 108 ANGELES SANTA BARBARA a: ie PRANSCISCO, Callfvraie Via Vancouver, Seattle Coast Steamship tame DATES OF save: Dec. 12,13, 14, 1912; Jan 48, 28, 90, and Fon. ize oe 1913. Liberal 81 For fall particulars apply Ste we His Only Be- be peace and the nations shall fearo war no more (isa. xxxil, 1, 17; li, As the devil was tn control at the foot of the mountain when Jesus a4 Hiv disciples came down and the dis- ciples there could not conover him, so it shall be when Jesus Christ shatt come in Tis glory: then He shal bing the, strong wan, whom the church tan- not cast ont, and shat him up In the pit and take control of bis property. for till then the whole world shall continye tn the wieked one prince of this world. Let those who would understand t ponder, with prayer and meekness and xnbmisaidn to the word of God, the fol- lowing passages, for It Is all Important to inderstand thix present are: is raler and bis door I Jobn . 1. TR Ely. 30: 11 Cor ty. 4: Bpb xt, 35. 80: xii, evil. 19; xix. 19, 20: Turning. pack from this tiraway took to the particular incidents of the Teson. we note that its not In order for na to continue too tone In any place. of kpectal privilece when there fs work te be done and peopte in distress need: ine us at the foot of the hit. Spectat timex and places of special revelation of Himself to us are to dt ux-to be bet: tor wlinestes. unto Him with Tncrens tne eletory over the world. the flea and the devil. If the prayer meeting. the Rible class, the Bible conference find xnch times and places of fellow- ship.vwith Hm do not enable ns. in the days follow). to show more of Hix presence and power in the home, the place of business, the social Ilfe. where Is the benefit? People kay. I wax sb blessed. 1 had such an. upltft. It ala me Ro much good. Well. thank God. but now show it In your life and yon won't Deed to tell it. and. If your Ife doer not show It, better say nothing about ft. The spirit throngh James fenchies ur that faith that fs mere thik nmonnts te nothing: there must ne works corresponding fo our faith fim the sake of those whic do. tot anderstand. fonm says. My Nttle efitiel ns vot love In word. neither ton Yint tn deed nnd in trath Gi Jahn Uh. The story of this hoy de syritten briefly In MattNew and Luke. tnt most filly In Mark. Luke tells ie that he wae nnconly child and that when he was hedled Jesus de- livered him again to his father (Lake Ix. 88)49r, An only. child given to Jeans hands ta given bitck better thin when He received him. made perfectly whole. He fs the sume yesterday, to- day and forever. this aame Jesus, Take in thia scene ne well as fou ran a great multitude: a distressed fa- ther. a sorely afiicted only child. some of Jesus truly saved who hadi it occasions. wrotight. miractes, but now are helpless. They conld not ire bin. Did you ever see yourself. x trae 61- lower of Jeux, yet powerless to show. tongue will confess, to the glory of Gol Then every creature in-heaven and on earth in the sea shall be heard saying, Praige, glory. honor, dominion and might be unto Him that sitteth on the Throne, and unto the.Lamb, forever, for the unepeak- able Gift, 4 , Tobacco at Harvest Home. At the harvest festival at Methwold Parish Church the scheme of decora- tion inciuded some green tobaces leaves, ted by Major G. F. Whit. more, It is believed this is the first time that English-grown tobacco has beet: thus exhibited. Incandescent Mantles. To save incandescent mantles when lighting turn on the gas for a second before applying the matoh,ithen hold the matchabout two inches above the top of the chimney and: the mantis will Inst, oxuch Jonger. i Human - Vision. The normul aye, at n distance of ten inches, eannat detect an object of less than. 1-250: of an inch. in diameter. Two black objects, if separated by a bright interval less than this. are per- ceived as one. 5 Flies, Most ofthe flies are killed by the cold, but, some which have managed spring, lay the eggs from whic SWATM arises, anew To Train for Farms, has established 9 training boys who wish to become expert farmers but who lack the means to obtain proper instruction. something of Him to those who know Mim not and unable to help those who need help? Did you say from the heart. Why could tot 17. And did son hear Him say, Because of your tnbellet? (Matt. xvil. 20.) And have onsbeen wondering since If you really. knew what it means to hage faith to God?* Then what about the prayer ani fasting necessary in, some cases? Ob. bow much there ts to learn, and how tinny seem to have a dumib spirit m an-eyil spirit of some icind. that seenis too often to contro us. Bring him hither to me Is about what He sqld concerning the bread when He fed the thousands. unto me ix Hix cry to all the weary. and laden. and we may well say. Tord-to whiot shall we go but anto Thee? (Matt x1, 28: Joba vl, 68.) This evil spirit had long sought to destroy this child, and now he made A last effort. The devit has always been And stil tx a destroyer, a Ge voufer,'a murderer, but the Lord s the fife giver, the deliverer, the Saviour. * Hear the fathers cry, If thou canst do anything His disctfites failed. Could He do better? People who do not know the Lord Judge Him by His followers. Are we bringitiz Hin honor or reproach? Jesus sald unto him, If thou canst believ , all things are possible to him that be- leveth (verse 23). Lord, 1 'belleye; cried the father. Jesus rebuked the spirit and'commanded him to come out of him. Ere he herent him sote and Jeft him a8 one dead, but he de- parted ont of him. Jems took him hy the band and lifted him up. he tose and was cured from that hour. Our Lord does not give the same power to together at Ottawa thai j ious provinces upwards of one dred met oMmetally delegated to fe- present forty-four Live Stock and Record Associations, besides a large number-of interested person: sider and discuss the various tures of the live stock industry. This gathering which constituted the third xentergl convention of the National Live Stock* Association spent two hun- b THE LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY ys each of thr OF ORNADA * 42 on progtam which inclided Last February ther ajer brought views of the condition of the lie var-i'stock industry prevailing in the re- spective trad ta pyre bred live stock, beef attle industry in the east and thewest, the dairy cattle industry, the devalopment of the sheep swine industries, the market for Can- adian horses, transportation of Hive stock, ed meat trade, busy sessions up- re- live provinces, interprovinsial the and allion legislation, the chill- bovine tuberonlosis, and other business. i pe. approaching the anishing A full report of the addresses and discussions that took plice has been printed for the information of per ) Song interested in the live in fact the general agricultural wel-y fare of the Dominion. Among man, other striking things 7t- was brought: ont that our export cattle trade is int, that South American tinned fis being used all the way agross the Domi om, Net wo. arg exporting very little mutton ahd importing a great deal) wi of pork, ate.each year imported into Canad: This report which constitutes a jal Pages embodies a fairly Complete riview of the live stock situation in Canada and offers many wise suggestions for ite much needed improvement. The distribution of the hands of the Pub- 7 ch of the Department: 4 iowlture at Ottawa to whom ms for copjes should be sent. the trouble to tere Come local Ticket Agent, or write to DONT CRY The Bartlett Studio Aas the dest solution for the Gift problem. A doz- en photos in one of our distincdve styles will make twelve Xmas gifts, each one of which Is sure to be ap- preclated. Haye the BEST or NOTE- ING, There's a your town. THE BARTLETT STUDIO Fourth Ave. PHOTOGRAPHER in House Mover FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK, J.J. LAIT ae MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY Horse Repository Rear 12 Fourth A Ree eee nee of all descriptions for sale or hire: Horse or Automobile De- livery at all times. HAY FOR SALE. Timothy by the bale or ton. PHONE 703. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHOND NO. 388, 402 788 THE J. S. FOLLIS - Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST, Heavy Teaming, Sand, Coal Graveb Ex avating 2 Specialty, Light and Heavy Horses for sale as, AD Times. STRENGTH AND VIGOR * THE BASIS OF SUCCESS If you are run down, weak, tir ed, netvous have no ambi- ton tb: get out and: hustle, have Theumatism: ; stomach or kid- noy trouble, var- feocle, or suffer from losses; if you have tried medicine with out helping your conditions, don't be discour aged. Re, METZGER S YITALIZ. JER BATTERY soothes, restores, fo- builds, while you sleep; it restores body and strength in the natural way by increasing the activity and life of the organs of the bady, and Je millions of potnds aulckly puts new. life, vim and vigor into weak, run down, worn-out systems; it preserv s health, pro- longs Ife, saves doctors fees and loss of time; it is always ready for use; requires no charging with vin- egat or acids, 1s 300 pet cent. easier applied, gives 400 per cent. greater service, and is sold at a low price without added cost for fancy books. A Booklet with full particulars mailed free; sealed. THE METZGER VITALIZER BATTERY COMPANY, - Rohl Block, Cor, 7th Ave: and ara St, Hast, Calgary, Alta, Single and double outfits - Prairie Hay by the load. No. 1 ROOM 7, Cap 420 Ma ee NOTE THE ee . 1400.00 each 1950.00 50 tt 169,00 50 ft. 2100.90 50 ft. 250.90 to 4504 WR HAVE 820 250.90 Term: 4 baames 200.06 Tevm: 4500.00 Term work SEE US FOR S ee nse
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Image 1028 (1912-11-30), from microfilm reel 1028, (CU1773309). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.