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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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SE government Sand the . P, R,,'and.are now in prac- trust that the ratepayers will see to Satunlay, Dectmbor-fth, 1912. Outline of the Work and Expenditure. During 1912 Given in Detail. The reports presented to the bur- getwos by the city councl last night were a8 follows MAYOR'S REPORT (fo the Burgesses of the City of Medicine Hat: Ladies and-gentlemen: Lherewith present-you my report im condensed form, of the work done during the year, My report must necessarily be brief as the work of each of the departments will be dealt with more fully by the chalr- men Of the various committees who will go more into detatl. You will observe by the reports made by the chairmen of the various departments, the wonderful develop- ment-that has taken plae within our city during the past year, I may say with respect to our finance est mates, tHat while the council was quite optimistic as regarda our growth that growth quite exceeded fa every way our expectations, so I am sure the citizens will not be surprised nor ispleased if in some cases the coun- ll finds It necessary to inour increas ed expenditure in sortie departments, especially the Public Works depart- ment, s When the council took office this year their ambition was to establish this city 98 an industrial centre. Realizing the power of our redources and the fact that the millfons of acres under cultivation warranted the establishment in this neighbor- hood of the largest flour milling centre in Canada, one of the chiof objects of your council was to this end and the results obtained will be- yond all question make Medicine Hat, one of the largest milling centres in the British Empire. The large num- Der that haye located Bere some in the process of on- struction, others with agreements signed up and cash, deposits made as an evidence of good faith has more than realized our expectations. he large increase in population, which has doubled within the last fifteen months, has necessitated a) great expenditure in our water de- partment and the report of thy chair man of the water committee will commend the action of the council to the citizens, I am sure, in what they have undertaken, and the dullding and machinery. is now being rapidly constructed and. installed. Secured Gas Area The council aiso found it necer- sary to take such steps as would place the city'in the position to dict- ate as to the sinking of. gas wells. We therefore have taken the matter tical control of the whole gas area of. Townships 12-48, Range 5-6, an area of some twelve square miles. AS youare aware, in order to de- yelop as manufacturing city, it-was absolutel necessary to secure As much land as possible, and, delng. aware that prices were advancing rapidly, we Secured approximately 1,000 acres for industrial purposes. Of this amount bylaws have already deen passed for the purchase of 100 acres, 200 acres are generously do- nated, and on the 27th of December you Will be asked to approve of the by-laws for the purchase of the r - mainder. . Beales the industrial sites, as the reports: of the Fire Committee and the Parks and Market Committee will show, we are securing land for both these purposes. Some have been purchased, others will be submitted for your approyal and I Sincerely it that the city keeps abreast of the times: in the purchase of lands for + these purposes. As you are well aware the longer they are let go the: more serious the problem becomes of having parks, fire hell sites, etc.,.in thelr proper location, Clty Hall Offices The rapid growth of the city brings about a large increase in the expendi ture in every department. Our city thas now reached the stage at which it is unreasonable to expect that the, fire department can be looked after by lt;volunteer firemen. This brings Sbout an increased expenditure along that line. The various departments Which must be housed in the city hall are becoming more crowded for lack of space and in the very near future we will have to find other quarters for our fire fighters, At the beginning of this year we separ- ated the office of setretary and treas- rer, handing dver the department of clerk to Mr. H. Baker, who is un- dertaking both the Clerk's work as well as that of the Assessor's depart- ment, Howover, we anticipate. it will not be long before this depart- ment will have to be divided. . The work of treasurer 8 being looked af- ter Mr. A. R. Pointer, 1 consider that the city eXoeptionally Ieky in having as heads such efficient and Toyal workers as those who govern the various departments. Public Works Oversight The public works of the olty have now reached the position where somo, action bas to be taken in regard to the overseeing of this department. It'Is- unreasonable to expect the ald- ermen to devote the time necessary for keoping in touch with the details of the various works carried on under the strain and responsibility of oversectng the engineer's depart- ment and then assuming practically all the responsibility in regard to the carrying out of public works, Wheth- her we shall appoint to act-as commissioner has not yet been decided but decision will be reach- ed im the very near future. Railway Competition We realized when taking office this year tha to secure industries we. must have railway competition and 1 donot think I'am handing any bou- quets to.the council When I-say that it was due to their unt ring efforts, that: the GN. R, has finally put it- self n position to file its plans and come to an ent about making Aivisional point in the establishment of the yards here, as officials are in the city at the present time making final agreement with regard to these matters. Phe prospects are that) by the end of 2013, the C. N. R. will be running its trains into this city. Negotiations are now under way with the G, 1. R. and we expect at thevend of the year to be able to an- to the citizens that their right ot way and terminals have been pur- chased. AL Street Railway The. city coundil has also under and giving it the manufacturers who are locat- 1 here, free. This has forced upon the necessity of a strect railway that the employees at the factories located on the industrial sites some We realize the condi- tion of the money market and the ex- penditure of large.sums of money in the development of other utilities and Yand, and: after consulting with a large number of prominent and in- terested citizens, the counell came to the conclusion that it would be wise to enter into an agrement with Si Max Aitkin, who had intimated that he, would. undertake ths building of a street railway In Medicine Hat for the construction of such-a line here. This agreement has been forwarded to England to Sir Max for his signa- ture and up to the present the cour ell has had'nio information as to whet- her he has signed the egreement for warded or not. . Wh n ft returns. it will be submitted to the burgesses for their decision. + The industrial committee of the council, along with the Indw irlal Bureau, has been very succesful ia thelr efforts of building up a great industrial centre here as the follow- ing will show: Building Permits, There were tive hundred and sixty- three building permite issued during the ten months of the year; fifty-five in Ward One; two hundre and sixty- six in Ward Two; sixty-four in Ward Three, and one hundred and seventy- four in Ward Four, There were 948 residences, 89 dwellings of less than 600 ach, 7 factories, 4 mills, 1 theatre, 14 gar- ages, 23/stables, 4-apartment houses, 14 store and office bisildings, 15 al- terations and additions, 10 sheds, 2 banks, 2 greenhouses, 3 ice houses, 1'hospital building, 2 hotels, 2 laun- dries, 1 rink, 4 schools, 4 workshops, 8 churches, 6 wareliouses, 2 tenement houses. Of these 479 were frame, 57 brick, 12. fron-clad, 7 tile and 8 concrete, Total amount of building permits, 1912, 10 monthe 2,872,174.00 Total aniount of building permits, 1911. Total amount of increase rover 1911 oe 1,969,842.00 Percentage of increase over 1911, 280 per cent, Factories Huflt During 1912. Alberta Glass Co, cost 50.00, em - ployees 60. Concessions granted:8 neres, option yeara on 2 acres at 2 000 per acre. 250,000 feet of gas per day free for five years; tax ex- emption for 5 years. Western Porcetain Manufacturing Company, cost 37,000, employees 65. Concessions granted 8 acres, option for 3-years on 3 acres at 2,000 per acre, 250,000 cuble. fest of gas per day tree for five years. Tax emption for 5 years. Steam Laundry Co,, Ltd, cost 12,- 000, employees 20. Gasi10 years from date of agreement at manufacturers rate. Minimum rate 50 per month, Medicine: Hat Stee Company, cost 100,000, employees 76, 9 acres. 500,- 000 cubic feet of gas per day for 5 years. Fixed assessment 2,000 per acre for 6 years, Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd, cost 750,000, employees 150, . 20.4 dores, Gas well. To grant-sum equal to am- ount of taxes for 16 years, and toe further 10 years a sum equal to the difference between taxes and, am. 702,882.00 Straw Board Products. o. con loption on 6 acres; 200,000 euble foot street /of gas when employing 60 men; 300, imposible for tho city engineer to by been tn operation 12 months an addi- tional asre sd. 2 2cros,. Also option for 8 years-on- 2-acres, Maple-Leat Milling Coi, cost 750,- 000, omployees 175. 16 ncred troe gas well; fixed assessment of 26,000 for 10 years, 86,000 fr further, 10 years. Ontarlo and: Manttoba Flour Milla oat: 500,000, employees 250, 10 acres; tres gas well; fixed assess. meht of 20,000: for 10 yearc, 30,000 for further 10 years, Wetaskiwin Tent Mattrass Co, cont 25,000, employees 40. 3 acres; 000 -cudie feet-ot gas-per.dsy for 6 years, afterwards at manufacturors rate; fixed assessment 200 for 5 years, 5 Geo, Silman. galvanized steel bins, te, cost 25,000, employees 25. 3 fcres; 50,000 cuble fest of gan per day when employing 25. men, 100,000-yehen employing 50 men, for 5 years, then at manufacturers rates; assessment of 2,500 per acre for 5 years. Medicine. Hat Pump and Brass Works, cost 50,000, employees 50. 2 ficres. 250,000 cuble feet of gas per day for 10 years, tien at turers rates; assessment of 2,500 per were for years, rs ost and 000 when employing 75. men. Matthews Sleight, cost 4,000, em- Ployees 10. Lease of 3-lot. Taxes 25 per year and rental. And we can congratulate ourselves on the fact that reliable men who have studied the question have re- ported to us that when the different companies which have signed up agreements for the bullding of large flour mills here have completed thelr work, Medicine Hat will be one of the largest milling centres in the, British Empire. Below I give you the names of the industries which have signed ui Agreements to lecate factories here during this year. Workmen's Residences The number of workmen that are needed in our factories cause the Council very grave concern. We do not only assume to make this a great industrial centre, but we want also ito make it a place of happy homes for the workers -who will:toil in dur factories. The price of real estate is going up very fast, almost so much 80 that men working for wages that a factory can pay and compete with factories located at other points find 4t almost impossible to make ends, meet. To make the living as reason- able as possible the Council has in mind the securing of an amendment to our charter whereby: tt will ein- power the city to build workmen's homes and the very general support accorded to tho aldermen when this was mentioned to men of standing in the Community leads them to believe that the citizens will loyally support Buch an undertaking. The single tax system has been put into effect during the year, anf gen- erally speaking is highly satisfactory. The report of the chairman of the Finance Committee will show that the gale of city bonds, considering the state of the market, has been highly satisfactory. 4p In conclusion I wish to state how very much I appreciate the honor conferred tipon m ,in electing me as Mayor of your progressive city tor another term. The work has been hard, but the attitude of the citizens and the general success achieved more than repays one for the time and energy expended. I wish to a so thank the aldermen for the time aud loyal and harmonious support which they have at all tim s during the year given on behalf of the city and I am Sure it is the intention of the Coun- cil as at present constituted to push forward greater industrial develop- ment. during the year of 1913. ELECTRIC LIGHT, Presented by Ald. Evans, To the burgesses of Medicine Hat: Gentlemen: Your Electric Light Committee here- with begs to submit a report of the operation of their department for the ten months nding October Sist, 1912. In dealing with the operation of the: department it will be divided int two headings, maintenance and eapi- tal expenditure. Maintenance. The maintenence of this department consists of two distinct phases; first, the operation of the power plant, and Second, the maintenance of the dis- tribution system. As you are aware, the original contract for the power equipment, furnished by Chapman Walker, has not fulfilled the requiro- ments of the contract. They have not, therefore, recelved thelr final Payment. In brief, they have not Been able to place both engines in jstecossfal parallel operations. Dur- ing the year they haye dn reased the welght of the fiy wiieel approxima*e- Jy four-tona each, but this increase, although tmptoying the conditions very materially; /d6 Gb tect the full taxes on basis of 50,000 assessment. Medicine Hat Milling Co.) cost 60, 000, employees 30. 250,000 eu, feet. of gas per day for 10 years, Rxthd gna, at manufacturers rates, Extra taxes on present site and additional land in, vicinity up to 8 acres for 10 years. Medicine Hat Crayon Co, cost 25,- istalgtina: 000, employees 25. 2 acres. Should Company commence employing 50 throughout fhe city and it s almost men 90 days before the plant has ie At the. pre- sont time Fepresent.- tive tm Bnet p the matter with the am engines. Un- Hf bis return 4 ibeyance. The expenditure i th maintenance det ent hag been as follows: plant, poles, : wires, including wages, lt; Dower house expense and supplies -. + 1,476.79 ients stand in - Courcil s Reports to Ratepayers Of and waste ...). Office oxpensey Fuel .... Total aa . + 8,638.28 Owing to the faot that the distribu ston wyston is Only recently structed; the maiitonance of the same ho been very JOW, and includes some few rerowals of lightning arrestors, erecting larger traisformers in order to accommodate the inceased loads, nm addition to which this branch of the department diiring the mionths. of Jaruary, February and March were employed in th thawing of winter services which ed a very mater- fal Saving to the/maintenance of the water dopartment and provided a good zevenue for this department, Capital Expenditure. During the year the primary ais: tribution system has been extended 22,610 fect, approximately four miles, This clreuit a voltage of 2,300, The secondary ribution system thi has deen extendediA4,115 feet, raking total exte y tae distribution sysiem of 36,725;feet, approximately seven miles. Ati the present time there are 287 eladtfic services in horse power are connected to the syn- tem. At the time the peak load which is putiupon the plant, consumes the jum capacity of the same and it ie-very evident that the new equipment which is belng purchased in conection with the wat- oc works will be Fequired at least. by the UUme it ison the ground. The consumption .of urrent by months la shown inthe attached schedule jand it will be obgeryed that in the year the load hag Deen-increased ap- proximately 125 per cent. For the ten months ending October 81st the revenue derived was 10,128 and the expenditure 2,538.28,.28 be- fore mentioned. To this must be added the inierest'on debentures and Sinking funds go thet it is expected that rite department will make a yery creditable showing, considering that it 1s the first year of operatian for the plant. Respectfully submitted, GEORGE. EVANS, Chairman of Blsctric Light Com. er peee es Sai POLICE, HEALTH AND RELIEF Presented by Ald, Johnston To the burgesses of the city of Medicine Hat: Gentlemen: te Before reading you the -report, of the License Departments I would like to comment briefly on a few of the more fmportant happen- fngs daring my of office as chairman of the License and Police Committee. It is yery gratitying to the council that the report is entire- ty clear of the more serious offences no murders, attempted murders, Tobbery. with vole ee and what is more/pl ig, Serious of- fences against the female sex. It was found necessary atthe beginning of the year 1912 to employ extra con- stables. We have now one chicf constable, two sergeants, and seven constables. I am sure the Citizens will view with great satisfaction the work done by the police in: Medicine Hat this year. It will be necessary in the beginning of 1918 to employ extra. men on account of the rapid growth (6f the city. 1 onsider this department .a of the most import- ant ones-in the city, There 1s no department so open to eriticism as the police department, they having in the fulfilment of their duties to often come into adverse contact with the yery men, the ratepayers. who pay the salaries, but I must sey that this year there has been very little critic ism from the ratepayers of Medicine Hat, We have found in our Chief ot Police a yery efficient, consclent- fous, painstaking and able. officer. The health department, as you well know, 18 composed of Mr. J. J. Proby. ch. rman; Rev. Mr. Davis, Dr. Ger- shaw, and Dr. McBride has been add- 4 to the Health Board; . This healta board along with my committee, have Deen working hard towards making this city both sanitary and healthy and we are quite gratified with the results obtained. The -slaughter houses are now, while not yet what we would Ike, greatly improved from what they wore at the beginning of Ye season, and the medical health officer has instrnctions from my de- partment to see that conditions around these buildings ere snch thet they will be made thoroughly sani- tary so that the health of the citizens will be protected. The bakeries and restaurants are also being examined by our heaith officer and while we have found nothing, that would take the ficense from uy of these places, still there fare conditions that might be improved and the citizens may rest assured that these changes will be effected. The department has In mind the fore- ing of all buildings along which the sewer is ald to connect with the sys- tem, The accounts show that prosperity among the citizens is general as the money paid out during the year has been practically nothing, 39 In all. W. G. JOHNSON, Chairman. License and Police. W. G. Johnston, Esq. Chairman License, Police, and Relfet Committees, Dear Sir: In presenting to you my aanflidl re- port for the year ending November 30, t is with footings of great pleasure thst I can draw your attention to the, fact that the eigents ot Medi- cine Hat have for another year main- tiie their reputation for good con- duit, orderliness and even sobriety. Ht ip-very reditable to the inbab- itants of the city that the report is Heal fences, Noymurders, attempted miir- ders, robberyiwith lolence, shop- breaking, and What 8 more pleasing, serious offences against the female sex, being recorded. i, I have given you the Heures. just as they stand on the hooks, -epecity ing each separate charge, 50 that they may be easily understood, Firat on the Hist, comes the drunks with a total number of cases to the end of November, of 498, an averare of 45 cases per month. There has been so much sald in the city about rvnkenness that I think Iam en- titled to. go into these figures a little and show just exactly what drunk- jentiess there is amongst the inhabit- ants of the city. On the 1th day of June 1 com- theneed recording the adress nf per- sons charged. Soto give you the very worst figures I.can (I hope the citizens will, forgive me) 1 will take e five months commencing on th 11th of June, and ending on the 21th day of November. During this period there were S31 persons charged Wwith drunkenness. T might here state that these Hnelude all charges where drurken- ness wan coupled with the charge. Out of these 381, only 115 were resi- dents of the city, 115 persons charg- ed in tive months averages 23 per month. 28 per month in a popula- ton of over 11,000, averages two per month per thot populatio ance or moral reformist . jpind, and the citizens proud of themselves. Vagrancy. 5 Next on the lst comes that most undesirable customer, the vagranz. It s r ther remarkable that the tures of 1912 should be so close t gt; those of 1911, there being 84 vagrants charged in 1911, and 83 to the end of November of this year. As far as entirely eigar of the more serious of- Fre exhauist te what he takes out farmer sbould put body by bor, oF by : rome ehronio Portber, he sepiy value of my Doctor i Jo mach and purity to the blood. It is like the phosph nature with the substances that build up the, crops. a police are concerned, if 83 hoboes vagrants are found in the city next year, there will be 83 cases oa record again at the end of the year. But.I am rather inclined to think that fhis class of custom er will decrease, rather than increase. As the pre- scribing physician of this depart- ment Who prescribes for them, Is a specialist of high quality-in his treat- ment of this particular disease, .and invariably prescribes the right kind of. medicine, though noxious to the patients. Of the next largest figures, thers are of common assault 29, theft 27, disorderly conduct-37: Thess are at? what we might all ordinary cases, There 1s not, one single cage: on -e- cord where the knife has played any part, which is a most splendid and creditable record: * I might also here state that the city of Medicine Hat, with o popula- tion of over 11,000 inhabitants, is in a most enviable position, there being at the present time mo sporting or houses of ill-fame within the ela limits, and as fat as the police know the city is entirely clear of prosti- tutes. Of the charges Jaid against females the number of charges laid in 1912, the increase is due to minor charges, such as not sending children ty school, etc. so that.on the whole the ladies are entitled to as much credit as their brothers of the sterner sex, for good behaviour. 4 The juveniles of the city are also entitled to word of praise, only eases being on record against boys under the age of 16 during the year. Not a single charge was laid since the 8th day of March, which is vecy creditable indeed. Relief. The prosperity. the city during the year can be well gauged from the fact that during the 11 months end- ing November 30th it has only been found necessary to give relief to four families and the causes of these needing relief was, in two cases, old age, both parties being well over 70 years of age. In the other two, Sickness, where the head of the fani fiy had been down some time ill, and therefore unable to provide for his family. I have e tablished a police relict box in the Police Department and hope to be able to deal with all needy cases in the future from this source. Health of the City. , T do not-intend to deal with this matter (being incapable of doing so), but desire to point out that during the last year I am supposed to have been In charge of the Sanitary De- partment, but owing to the whole of my time hi n taken up in the police offi to neglect e Been compelied ment, and every thing to Sanitary Inspector Laws. Whis is not as it should be, for I think all will agree with me that the health of the city s too important a matter for some person to be in charge fo who is not d ing his duty faithough no, fiult of his. own by it. Pe hfiveinow. Medidal' Health 0: (Continued on page ten.) CURES SHILOH COLDS Loose Leet System The News Job x Anderson Plumbin: HARDWARE - HEA Remember . Phone 166 4 You can always depend on getting service and quality at a low price from the BEAVER LUMBER CO. If you don t need building material now, we will be here when you do,-and you simply cannot afford to missus, Es Department has every facility tor sup- piying the most satisfactory. HOOPLA LOLOL EL OTOLOSE IS CHEAPER THAN Cure SO FILL YOUR RADIATOR with. +*. ALASKA. The Only Genuine Anti-Fre ze POPOL 01 0-FO-LOHOT hohe Herere-erene bebe hi TRE REVELSTONE SAW, 60, 1D We carry in stock a full line of Building Material if Lumb r, Lath, Cement, Plaster, cy Fir Finish and Flooring a. Specialty, Yard, orthiRtaliway Strood Ne ohebeeetebeteiee
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Image 1069 (1912-12-07), from microfilm reel 1069, (CU1773295). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.