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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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By a Local Trades Unionist s idate Withakev inneapoljs May4 Red. Flag Man 3,774. Seen that the election candidate for Mayor at the recent et n . D. Gould, one of an candidates for May n favor of his oppen . Nye, who. thereupon 2,774 over the Social Thomas Van Lear. Th ever-elected two an Lear bad. proniiaed y municipal plant if any failed to cut its mised also to.turnlal S*centn per ip projects were incor- Socialist. platform. le of the week before here Was a conference on-Socialist candidates ling sapporters, and ed that he would. with: he city from a Socialis campaign was then r. Nye on non-partisan sued. this statement: it some of those who 80 loyally in the late mn, may have some mis- the causes and the vo - ter of my withdrawal sat, I wish tp state de- first, on a 1 that unless Mr. Nye drew the city of. Min- Ihave Socialist May- e attendant evils of Inistration; second, on tt rat municipal and vo many. influential friends - and professional. men Bses who, In the great- uirness a between my+ xe; finally Gonctirred in at my Withdrawalwas- the decisive detent of fter careful considerar . oncurred in. thi 1S. ARE: THE: INCREASE Mishaps Total October More me Month in 1911 ecidents ocpurring to Work people: in Can e month of October, corded by. the Depart r.- Of these, 105. werg r sulted in serious fi- ding month: thereswere 419 non-fatal acchitents tal pf 508,.and in Octo- re were 102-fatal and sccidents,.a: total of 325. of fatal accidents ret ober, 1912;. was theres more than n October iber of non-fatal acci 1 in October, 1912, wag 1 the preceding month, than In-October, 1911, ere were 32 more: it ents recorded: in -Octu han in-the preceding 61 more than in. the t the preceding year. now on foot to drgan- lored hotel workers of D.C kers of New York city d into a union during rd, Ont. Labor Councit tablishment of civic ices for takers of fam- ere eee g8T TRADE vitor * hed in 2812, the fest End Upholster- Soclety clat to jest trade union in It was snaugur- the Upholsterers land Street, West, er 1, 1812, with mbers, and recently entenary dinner at Hall, Chenies Street 1895 it joined the ted Union, but in ned its separate ex- bob bob bok than in the preceding Fe EEE ELEEEEEE EERE I READY AT TO HAVE SEMOR HOGKEY FOR XMAS THAT S OUR POSI- TION Weare mal the biggest showing of suitable Xmas gifts for men that we have ever attempted in our nine years business here. Jaeger Dressing Gowns, Smoking Jackets, Wool Slippers, Scarfs, etc. gudkerchiefs of all Neckwear of ev- ery. description, Silk Mufflers, Fitted Club Bags and Suit Cases. And many other articles ntimerous to mention. COME AND HAVE A LOOK, SSS Turpin Bros. The Man's Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth lt; lt; lt; At the hockey meeting held Inst i night-in-the Gity Hall-it was decid- ed to go ahead with a senior team and to Send word to A. B. Cook that Medicine, Hat would place a team in the district. The matter of city league was not dealt with, only fone club representative being present. Phe following officers were elect by, the sneatinge trons Ald, W. G. Johnson, Ald. CONNOLLY too Best Grapplers Easily. Vancouver, lab tonight when he undertook seconds. Tt took him two minites, seconds to put Ore, a 100 ft, Block 1, 1800. Terms. pone-breaking toehold madi Hat Will Place Team in District, Meeting Last Night Elected Officers to Control Senior Team Matter of City League is Left Over. SS eee British Champion Wrestler Beat Vancouver s Three Dee. 13. Pat Connol- ly, champion heavyweight of Great Britain and Freland, scored a decis- ive victory over three local heavy- weights at-the Vancouver athletic to toss the trio inside of an hour act- nal wrestling and accomplished the feat in exactly thirty-six minutes, 51 seven wrestler - l:weighing in the neighborhood of 160 SOME GOOD BUYS azcer eetmee out taking any rest he flopped Jack es Eckhert, another heavyweight th five ALTAWANA minutes, twenty seconds. He had a tough haul with Chet McIntyre, but HILL DIVISION. 1-2 Block 22, 440 each; Terms 50 ft, Block 10, 700. Terms. HERALD SURVEY 18 ft Block 9, 2000. Terms. 100-ft,, Block 14, 8500. Terms. 50 ft, Block 17, 1250. Terms. 75 ft, Block 4, 2025. Terms. BENDING South half Block 27, 360 each. Terms. COUSINS AND SISSONS 50 ft, Block 29, 900. Terms. 100 ft, Block 9, 3100. Terms. CENTRAL PARK 60-tt--Biock-4t, ith shack and barn, 1500. Terms. RIVERSIDE PARK 100 ft, Block E, 5150; 2000 cash; balance 1 and 2 yr 50 ft, Block 18, 1000. Terms. TOWNSITE 50 tt, Block 68, 20,000, Terms. * 100 ft., Block 86, 20,000. Terms. NORTH YUILL BO ft, Block 10, 1260. Terms. 60 ft, Block 11, with two new cottages, 1200 handles them. 50 ft; Block 1, with two cot- tages, 4000. Terns, HARRISVILLE 50 ft, Block 16, 500. Terms. 160 ft, corner, Block 1, 276 each. KENSINGTON 50 2 Block 12, 850 cash. 50 ft, corner, Block 21, Terms. cy vw 7 50 ft,, Block 17,- 500. Terms. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 50 ft, Block 22, 1600. Terms. COUSINS SUBDIVISION 120 ft, trackage near clay pro- ducts, only 6300. Terms. 25 ft. Block 1, with four room- ed house, 1800. Terms. REDCLIFF 50 ft, Block 106, 1750. Terms, GAS CITY REALTY Co. Phone 695 410 Main St, 550. ERNEST E. CARVER LIC, RL B.A. - Registered Architect H. A, E. Browne, Mer. Head Office: Suite 25, Becker Blk. Lethbridge. tf. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W A HENDERSON CO., chartore accountants aud auditors, (estab Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medicin: Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, beth bridge. AE. Gibson, C.A., residen partner, Phone 198. Berns Bloch the Vancouver A. C- p man. McIntyre suffered intensely ind it was necessary to assist him to his corner ROLLER ROLLED AIS MANE OVER Ottawa, Dec. 13. Dr. Roller again feat Raymond Caseaux in their wrestling match here tonight. Case- aux won the toss and chose Graeco- je Sonally with those making it. Roman for the first bout, swith which he pinned Roller down in twenty- eight minutes, bub Roller won the catch-as-cateh-can in 21 minutes and thus had the choice of style for the final bout. He again named catch- as-catch-can and won in 22 minutes. FITZGERALD HOLDS ALL OFFIGES IN LEAGUE Annual Meeting of- Canad- ian League Held Ottawa. Got Pennant Batting Averages. Dec. 13. The to, annual league Was held today with President J. P. Fitzgerald in the chair. The averages were presented, in batting the percentages of the lead - exs were: Micheli, Berlin, .887; Fryer, Berlin, 372; Weight, Guelph, .369; Hartwell, Berlin, 368; Isaats, Guelph, .963; Trout, Peterboro, .341; Dunn, Guel- oh, .838; Courtney, Brantfprd, .395; Hotsa, Ottans, 299, Rowe Ottaws, The Spalding ball was adapted for five years under the old agreement. President Fitzgerald was elected president, secretary and treasurer at a large advance in e lary. The. ex- ecutive will bea representative from each club. Eee ie SWIFT CURRENT Gor BEST OF MOOSE JAW Moose Jaw, Dec, 14 In the open- ing game of the hockey season here, the Swift Ourrent team last night de- feated the newly formed Robin Hood aggregation by a score of 5 to 2. The jJocal team was weakened by the ab- sence of their star cover point play- er, Jimmy Barlow, who, is sick. INTERNATIONAL POLO MATCH IS ASSURED New York, Dec. 13 An tional polo match for the Hurling- ham cup, to be played for in this country next summer, became assure ed by. action today of the executivd interna- meeting of the Canadian. baseball M, A. Brown, Mayor Spencer, Percy BE, Bryenton and J.-D. MeGregor. President James Fleming. silts of today s foo vera 1. United 3, London, Dee, Following are re- tball games: First Division Bolton Wandoress 1, Liverpool 1. Bradford City 2, Derby County 3. Chelsea 2, Middleborough 0. Everton 0, Sunderland 4, Manchester City 3, Blackburn Ro- Titanic From Broken Down by Disaster, Re Active Business. + London, Dec. 14 J. Bruce Temay, his health: seriously impaired by the Titanic disaster and its aftermath, Newoastle. United 1, Manchester sition as managing director of the White Star Line, Mr: Ismay ham noth been -in-Liverpool in several. weeks. He is Mving tn, seclusion on bis Oldham Athletie 4, Notts County 0 Sheffield United S, Aston Villa 2: West Bromwich Albions 1, Shef- Vice-Preaident- Charles Pingle. neld Wednooday ols. a raee eae oe Manager Jack Porter, Woolwich Arveual 0, Tottenham trol of the company, though it is not rSeeretary-Treas. Dr. Moore. Hotspar 3. , Executive Committee Mesers. Lap- pin, M Millan and Geo. Pingle. A representative to attend the trict of the A. A. H. A., will be appointed later. CHANCE Will Take Less Than 25,- Chance Jast night denied emphatical- ly that he made any. statement to the effect that he. to baseball until he was offered, 25,- 000 a year. Tt would be foolish to knock my own profession, smile. MI did say that I had not de cided to return to baseball and as Tt have not received an offer to man- age the New York Amerisans or any other team, I have not made up my mind whether to play ball again or stay out here and pick oranges. At any rate, I do not think I would ac- cept an offer until I had an oppor- tunity to talk the matter over per - SUNDAY BIGYGLE New York, Dec. 13 The six-day bicycle riders at Madison Square Garden, after a day of slow jogging, devoted twelve minutes last night to. sprints and spills, leaving only eight of the fourteen teams with clean scores at 9 p. m., the one hundred and seventeenth hour. The old-timers at the garden said the racing was the most spectacular since six-day cycling was inaugurated there twenty years ago. At midnight the eight leading teams had travelled 2,299 milles, six laps; Walthour-Cameron and Walker-Wells, 2,299, five lay Broceo-Berthol, 2,- 299 miles, 3 laps ;Suter Brothers, 2,- 298 miles, nine laps; Carman-Loftus, 2,298 miles five laps. The leaders were two miles and one lap behind the record. YICLORIA WON Pretoria, Dec. 13, Victoria defeated New Westminster this evening in the closest kind of a hockey game-by.the score of 6 to 4. The contest was ex- citing from start to finish. The Roy- als lead at half time 3 to 2. Ole oh fe of ole Hehe ob of ob oe be oe oe BOWLING + + Cooper BRADY HAD LITTLE SHADE ON GARDNER. Port Arthur, Dec. 13 Jimmy Bra- dy, featherweight, Chicago, Steve Gardner, Minneapolis, in 12 rounds here, despite a handicap of ten pounds. WITH THE *BOXERS Bob Moha now-tips the scales at 221 pounds, and will no longer be able to box in the middle-weight di- vision, Greek N. O. Brown, the Chicago committee of the polo association in accepting the English challenge, r e- cently received, Albany, boxing club soon to be managed by 7 8TBat local promoter, middleweight, 1 going to have anoth- Jack Dillon at Colum- ements will keep. Ritchie busy until to organize the sotith dis-/ hurntey-6, Leicester Fosse 1. Hull City 0, Wolverhampton Wan- derers 0. would not return 0, he said with 9 +o) Rovers 1. Thistles 0. likely he will ultimately succeed Is- may as m naging director. The fact that Mr. Ismay was ex- onerated by. the British court of In- quiry on the popular charge that he influenced the navigation of the Ti- tance or the speed she attained, was small comfort to the steamship head. That came three months after he haid been criticiz d all over the world for turning up among the rescued, while 20 many hundreds of men, wo- men and children, who in the final Second Division Birmingham 2, Beeds City 2. Bristol City 2, Grimsby Town 2. Clapton Orient 2, Barnsley 2. Huddersfield Town 3, Blackpool 0. Notts Forest 2, Bury 1. Preston Northend 4, Bradford 2. Southern League Northyr Town 0, Queens Park Ran- 000 if It is Offered to Him). 9, ; moments could command no influ- May Pick Oranges. Plymoitth Argyle, postponed. enge because of position, were drown- Aan? Crystal Palace 2, Northampton 2. ed or frozen to death inthe water. Los Angeles, Dec. 14. Frank Southampton 1, Norwich City 0. Mr. Ismay was just fifty years old Thursday, but his friends say that since April 14, the day of the disas- ter, he has become physically an old man. Time has done nothing to sot- ten the wounds. .A formal announce- ment that Mr. has completely severed his connection with. - the White Star line ts expected within very short time. It is learned that the White Star Ihe intends utilizing the three:foot space between the new inner and out- er shells of the Olymple for oi fuel Storage and that,the new system will be adopted on the new giant Britan- nic, The Olympic will probably be ready to sail from Southampton for New York on March 20. Reading 6, Stoke 2. Coventry. City 3, Millwall Athletic Westham 4, Swindon Town 1. Exeter City 0, Portsmouth 1. Brighton and Hove Albions 3, Bris- Scottish League Falkirk 3, Aberdeen 1. Clyde 0, Airdrionians 0. Norton 1, Celtie 2. Dundee 3, Hearts 0. Hamilton Academy 12, Patrick Hiternians 1, Raith Rovers 2. Kilmarnock 0, Motherwell 1. Queens Park 0, Third Lanark 2. Rangers 2, St. Mirren 1. them issue them at has yirtoaliy wiihdran fetes Bt Sor settee? ot oe oer will shortly be taken by one of the old established London morning pap- ers, the Standard, which will reduce Since the Standard was taken over by' Sir James-Henry Dalziel, trom Cyril Arthur Pearson, its. fortunes shown no. im suffered no small loss in the practi- cally complete withdrawal of the Daily Express from the working com- bination which became possible when the latter paper came into the. pos- session of Ralph D. Blumenfeldt, the American journalist, who, even while the Express was a Pearson property, stamped upon it the distinet impres- sion of his own individi Tefers to the impending change i refraining from mentioning the name of the paper, in en editorial which says: Play is counterfeit, hut after playing Laeeeneeeeeeeay The Royals defeated the Lions at the bowling alleys last night, taking Royals 0 4g1 ers hays ais Tay canays Thdde Gh agete rex: Ped dy der.some of the pleasing old-time ischods dep songe. and there is no doubt that she Onat 464 will bo well received. The tickets for the opening night 7o4 Tod 662. 2410 will boon sale at Pingle s Drug atigded Rugby. London. Welsh 8, Richmond 6. Harlequind 31, Old Merchant Tail- Gloucester 16, Cornwall 11. a 1, Casal Cardiff, Wales; Bes. 14. The tour- ing South African Rugby team won their third international game here today when they beat Wales by 1 try (3 points) to nil. The game was ex- citing throughout. An immense crowd watched the game. eet e ert Cee T : MUSIC DRAMA : Saeeeeeeeeeaee Ready Money is always accept- able withthe majority of peop,e and in presenting the New York suc- ess by this name, the Allen Players feel assured that they are giving the people of Western Canada something that is bound to please. Ready Money was written by James Montgomery and has only re- cently closed an extended engage- ment in the Maxine Hitiott theatre New York. The play deals with the adventures of a group.of mining men and the ready money. which. is introduced into the action. of the an important part-in the destines of the is destroyed. The Allen Players will open at the Opera House for a return engage- ment of five nights commencing on next Dec. 17, and during this engagement they will present all new plays opening on Tu sday night with the above mentioned drama, It is unnecessary to say anything in praise of the work of the work of the Royal Hungarian String . Quar- tette, as,they are already well known here and their music has been ap- preciated by all who have attended the prmormances of the Allen Play- Store tomorrow and those wishing good seats should secure them with out delay as there were many dis- appointed on the last visit of this popular company. INCENDIARY FIRES IN PITTSBURG SUBURB Pittsburg, Pa., Deo. 14. Fire, be- lieved to hav: been of ificendiary origin, destroyed. twenty stables, warehouses and residences in Brad - dock, a suburb, early today. Scores of men, women and children were reseued by firemen, a dozen of whom suffered slight injuries. The loss is estimated at 150,000. jen he willbe ready to talk fight again, Fire did 27,000 damage at Sack- Store-for-a Xmas turkey. tf THE MARKET REPORTS RAGERS FALLING: BAGK) Ssi 2, cimror Acsentn 3 roErs opened dy with a faff trade in futures which weakened a little at the close. Pri- ces declined both at Winnipeg and Duluth, There is a very fair cash and export demand with off 84; July closed 851-4. 1-4, 35 1-8. 76 1-2; 8 Nor. 73 8-4; 4 Nor. 67 1-2; 5 Nor. 59; 6:Nor. 52 76 1-2; No, 3, 73 3-4. 1-2; extra No. 1 feed 31; No. 1 feed, 29 14 jected 40; feed 29. 79 5-8, 79 5-8; May, 841-4, 84 1-2; July 86 1-2, 86 1 1-8, 84 1 some ofthe characters in the drama, Leave your orders at the Fair Winnipeg, Dec. 14 The market shade higher and was stea- ings, light. Winnipeg Quotations. Dec, wheat 80 3-8, 80 Dec, oats 33 1-4, 38 1-8; May 35 Dec.-flax 107, 1-4, 110 5-8; Cash Prices Wheat, No. 1 Nor. 79 1-2, 2 Nor feed 48. Winter wheat, No. 1,79 3-4; No 2, Oats, No. 2 GW 88; No. 3 CW 29 No. 2 feed 27. the public as the price for a naws paper and ty those engaged Im rank which is/possible If p great and pop- Jan. closed 106; May.113 1-2, 11 9 Ludwig - Be Real ; ia, Ded. 13. The de- actual king instead of a me as ruler spreading TALE PENNY PAPERS. London -Mo: - Will Cut ie Price. Pondon, Dec. 14 A new departure its price from 2 cents to one cent. con rel MORMONS. ARE. NOT PLEASED. WITH T RECEPTION RECEI Have Appasled do cLendtl Police to See They Are Protected. the gt;L0ndon, Dec. 13 Mormon n ice of the Standard, while cuefully Tes today requested the . ; States embassy to intervene in Dehal with the authorities of wich, where they have been Police protection for a big arranged for December 16, The Mormons have been pi zt ing in London for some weeks p and have met with hostile receptions. At a meeting held at Toswich on ee t week a crowd aries from the hall and through. the streets. The police of Ipswich found the greatest difficulty in protecting the Mormons from the population. The missionaries ask d the authori- ties for an extra force to enable to hold their meeting next Sunday, but this was refused. The missionaries telephoned to the embassy today de- claring they are American citizens and asking for inter ention. The iat- ter is under consideration. Dr. emalePills Nineteen Years the Standard Prescribed an recommended for women's ailments, a scientifically prepared temedy of proven worth. their use is quick . For sale at all drug -9.0.4.-10m0, One. of Lord Northeliffe's journals nete A haif penny is now recogniz d bY ing newspapers, as the only price ular circulation: is to be oh - ne Hon 1s Ts reverse aM it was in London a few years ago. Then ie. half-penny newspaper was 3 Thovelt ; now it Is the penny n2ws- paper that is the exception. The pro- duction of a newspaper at a half- penny has passed far beyond the stage of experiment and uncertainty. There fs no longer any. question a8 to wheth r-a half-penny newspapet Can rival a penny pne in all the qual- itles and contents that make a great journal, MOORE-JONES. i On: Monday evening Yast, December 9th, at 9 p.m., a qui t wedding wes solemnized in St. John s Chuteh by Rev. J, W. Morrow, when Mr. J. P. Moore of Herbert, Sask., was united in the bonds of holy matrimony to Mis Sadie Jones, of North Wales. * Barley, No. 3, 46 1-2; Now 4, 42; re- Flax, No. 1 NW 105. Minneapolis, Dec. 14 Dec. wheat Chicago, Dec. 14. Dec. wheat 84 May 90 5-8, 90 1-2; July 87 1-8, 86 REID 1S BETTER London Dec. 14. The condition of Whitelaw. Reid, American ambassdor to Great Britain is now favorable, ac- cording to the bulletii issued this) morning by the doctorns in attend- ance, They declare that he has had a better night, While the bulletins show optimism, it is believed the am- dassador is still in a very serious condition. POULTRY NOTES Percy Riches has just purchased the first Rose Combed Brown Les- horn pullet and the first prize cock- erel at the Toronto Poultry Show. He secured seven birds. altogether and should raise pome great stock next Beason. Santa Clause is exhibiting his toys n the Imperial Dry Goods Co.'s win- do this afternoon and evening. Leave your orders at the Fair Store for a Xmas turkey. tf Houses for sale on easy payments or will exchange for,real estate. Ap- ply to Hotson ind Leader. 54-t he Canadian Northern railway has ordered 150,000-tons of steel rails from the Soo works for their west - em Ene. T. R. Deacon was elected Mayor of Winnipeg. This List Will Help You Select Your Xmas Gifts GIFTS FOR A GENTLEMAN Diamond Ring. GIFTS FOR A LADY: Diamond Ring. Fancy Ring, Pearl Bing. Gem or Signet Ring, Diamond Necklet, eI Necklet, / Pendant. Geld Bracelet Watch. Gold or Silver Water. Diamond Set Wateh. Sterling Silver Tollet Set, Sterling Silver Manicure Set Sterling Silver Gard Case, Sterling Silver Cologne Bot- tle, Ebony Tollet Sets. Parisian Ivory Tollet Set. Parisian Ivory. Manicure Set Mother of Pearl Manicure Set. Leather Hand Bag. Leather Purse, eather Card Case. Leather Dressiig Set. Leather Bedroom Slippers. Leather Jewel Case. Sterling Silver Cigar Case, Sterling Silver Mateh Safe, Sterling Silver Pencil. Sterling Silver Pocket Comby Silver Military Brash. Umbrella, Gold or Silver Head. Gold Headed Cane. Tobacco Jar with Silver Lid. Sliver Cigarette Box, Brass Cigar Box. Brass Writing Pad. Leather Book Folds. Leather Collar Bags. Leather Writing Pad. Leather Travelling Set. Leather Bedroom Sllppers. Desk Clock. Trayelling Clock. ONLY EIGHT SHOPPING DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS Shiloh ibe Famy reed ed Yet Ane ville, N. B.
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Image 1129 (1912-12-14), from microfilm reel 1129, (CU1773290). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.