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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Nothing remains'to mark the site is le ears ago there was cous thy the Federal Govern ot the Domiafon re miles of primeval tuated at the southwest cor Stans gitesince of Alberta and on each Slac of the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail: Say line. This is Jasper. said the Government, and It shall be benee: a National Paci . forth Myo good, Dut it is Impossible Transform the wilderness into well Bdarea park by simple virtue of amy Governmental di however effective. j dm other directions the forest was u1 racked and unexplored; the end) of teel was still at Edson, over 100 mites e- east something else bad and so Mr. 7. W. McLag- gan, chief forest ranger, was appointed Scting superintendent of Jasper Park. 5 with two,assistant rangers Just three jen to oversee 5,000 square miles, to maintain law and order, and to be Te nsible for the protection of timber, are PiTnis might seem ed city ends at Mr. McLaggan, whom we speak for himself, apparem' F Ibis tank As amore matter of course; The Beginnings of Jexper Perk. At the time I was placed In charge ef this werk, bo writes in bis first an- jrual repert fer the fiscal year ending Mareh 31, 1911. (which has just been published), Jasper Park was entirely. ew and undeveloped. The line of Grand Trunk Pacific was ere We have been able dcring the year open a pack trail leading from the Trunk Pacific at mile 5 to the of about 14 This makes travelling to the Horses swimming the Athabaska, Jasper Park, Alta. fot Springs very much easier than by ATIONAL PLAYGROUND. of the old Jasper House, which ato time was a busy trading post of the Hudson's Bay Company, except. Pd of stones which formed the rude and some dilapidated graves, place with thetr tumble down and decaying 9 wooden palings and crosses, whi rk the sleeping places of those whe in long mgo mpent their liver im thi part of the west, of Historic Interest. Fie rutaa-ot He aty Flouse, the for- wer headquarters for this region of pe i) the North-West Fur Company, are just oppesite the point where the Maligne. river joins the: Athabaska, and 1s an- ther point of historic interest, and it seems a pity that, these two houses should not have been preserved as re- Hes ef the past. Ferty-eight miles of the valley of the Athabaska from the eastern bound- and at the junction Grand Trunk Company. wel pla- about sixty fect above the valley Athabeake river. It is about im length and about a mile townsite overlooks the beautiful of the Athabaske, which way for miles to the forming a very lovely pic- e. Mistte river comes rushing down fem the summit of the -Pass, fourteen miles distant, to swell, the waters of the Athabaska. Ta the dackground, iu every direc: tiom, are towering. mountains, and among the hills at an elevation of - about 200 feet above the townsite, is bench of land with two beautiful Uttle lakes of the purest water. A survey of a tourist townsite ter park purposes will be made during coming season. This will be the je valley of the Athabsska to the South End of Jasper Park,ing point for many: tourist parties about ten miles distant. snow-Copped Hille, Beoutiful Vatlepe falls have a sheer drop of elghty fect On ramparts towering snow: ing jooking the beautiful valley. peyond this first range ig yet unknown, se come form an Saventurous exploring tourist. Tanumerable mountain streams, fed Cache, be, its future/were reported plentiful in the lakesjcome by the zl id are about 150 feet In width. The wR will also be on the direct route: Mount Robsom, which will be a fu- jture: Mecca for mountain-climbers. Fitzhngh is at present the bead- tera for the engineering staff of of mount and it will for yearsjof supplies for all con truction ma- inviting field for thelterial for the railway and will remain ata eaten reniies Teta Jeune je townsite vergrown Saclers on the mountain teps, with a thick growth ot joune ever: , Which only. require to be thin- a6 Of the valley ico sl whieh ped mountains fm majestie grandeur and over rushing. down over the water relned out to form one of the loveliest e old trail. Steps have been taken ko locate Waggon road to the Hot Springs, but as this is very important shops, three gen work and there seems. te be two pos me butcher and one vet-jsible routes, beth of which would be have also been issued rather expensive, I am net im a position 1 way say that during the past year the pewer of pen to d and posetbilities seem Ilmitless Mr. Me- waterfalls have been discovered which, Laggan, it. will be seem, 1s not only a sulphur man of actie1 fings amd other attractions known lish tanguage. .- There were quite a nuinber of wila perts have keen received of infract some very fine canyons, lakes, with; the het springs; but a master of the Eng-jarms in the park seen during the past year, com-jof the creeks during the summer- ta ame wardens have sealed all fire-w so far as known, and At ene. place, Known as Tam pleased to say. that yory few relof the waters, where a number of ligne Lake, a distance of about thirty and rapids to mingle their pi rs with those of the Athabaska. parks imaginable. the meeting The construction of 1 trail to Ma- Stasi streams join the Athabaska, miles, was completed in the apring of there is a scene of surpassing beauty. rol1. This Inke has been described WE HAVE FUR LINED AND COON LEFT, AND DISPOSE OF AT ABSOLUT: ON ACCO THE VERY U SONABLE. WI ER WE ARE E ING. THIS IS OPPORTUNITY TURP BRO. Th . Man's Stone W1 Get the Big Dollar's CORSETIERR SPIRELLA CORSETS measure, guaranteed for against breaking and ri light weight. House No. 7, enue, opposite east sid school. Phone 699 for app rite P. O. box 72, Mrs. PeEG Aer fortunate im thelThe river leaves Jasper Lake by by Mrs. Schaffer, of Philadelphis, the. only obe seven-distinct channels, forming beat/frst person note who ever fot away tiful little wooded islands. These visited it, as being the most beautiful construction camps,jtc recommend either. This work accommodation for would need te be Weked over by a com- travellers. Due care petent -engineer before under- + almest entirely sisting of mountain sheep, goats, deer.) We fanexplored, and sinco the known scenic bear, beaver, otter, marten, TERRIBLE EXPERL ne of which seem quite tame. jsheet of water he has seen in fifteen Im the eslection of those taken. features combine mountains, lakes, Fish, consisting of mountain an Spurming channels unite again to form 3 permits and business has allowed where sbsolutely Canyons, Lakes end Waterfatis Galore. rivers and waterfalls, intermingiog 1 such way that its beauty bread river... Aleng the route are alcontinuous years of exploration in the ver about reiabow trout, jackflsh, and white Ssh, was being dome, end it only purm + London, Dec. 28. 8tor weFiences during the Chri in the English Channel v Gt scrub timber. mumber of places of historic interest Rocky Mouatains. yaa been my endeaver to pany of the three hundre Sf the Peninsular and O: Narrung, which arrived in today? The vessel came 1 east and met a hurricane n the French coast, on morning. Great wayes washed sleck from.end to end most of the cabins. The were driven from their were compelled to sit for most of them in light n knee deep in water. Fin mense sea. struck the crippled her. Wireless were sent off asking ass before this arrived the once more Zot his vessel trol and was making his he could toward the m Thames where the Narri qwith a heavy list and ey the decks smashed, torn away. From most of ports come reports 6f of Storm damaged vesse them were compelled to Voyage they had started, injuries they suffered seri s of hurricanes. - SASKATCHEWAN ; STEERS CABBAGE FIELD AT ALDERMER: UCKLEY VALLEY. . ARVESTING IN THE TRAMDING LAKE DISTRICT NBRAR SCOTT, SASK. 4 would be an interesting task Tring as compa Uh graim growing fume statistical enthusiast, with I pure and simpley ly advanced. Gime at his disposal, to figure out box There. should ' n question as many columns of informatic 4 oc-'to the interest or importance of draw- section s it be said, of misin:ing pr attention to the exceptional 9 ee imporgast te fp asiintxed farming operations. formation has tound - place duringepports for all classes of agricul- ie. * ted pth earecly a crop known to thi the last decade in the columas of thesural/enterprise still largely undevel- Bs ; mone that is net found svorld s press, dealing with some phasyoprd fn the westerm territery pierced Beecriantly is wr other of life in the great Canadlar by jthe glistening rifle of the Grand West. Ot the thousatds of such arti Trunk PaGlttp i cles, the greater number ai tuy x voted t a n re fertility ot he pratrig tot is bln i jeolt, but ft ts interesting focnote that eeasot Plcccinton st Tee S where tney originally dealt/almont-ex-/stnshining days and ig olessed with clusively with the wheat crops qnd the .2mple showers a haps z r crops than wheat are Uaques ably not only possible, bub ie. In soll and seasoj ? We don t hi ne gettin We have two 5( Broadway. Twos Ht. corne d very 7, wlikjeventually shire, sovereignty, Clover, PHONE-453. Opposite Assini And, whut more eg st 5 g ; p a rowing of xe'Bua peas.p-viteheay and other : orate oes, 3 ft tise Rech gumes are CU ts ct, incraaaine Peet ct ncshels. ot crate ehippen pound to TAKS and agent cy 8 PREPARING THE SOTL FOR SEED shall. BA agen: thong zaptaly developing west. Se Sie sear aronn eat petecon, - Trsheprtatio apiuneAZGNk Pasi, aren, game Vhodome at tens aves aMar twenty and TE Would be no exaggeration to ony mab seein ge to ix:ber acre acaliruita teotaseeas tock coualiy goad te Toads, an alteros wots fs begtaning tc 9 the GTP ee OR Maciitlesbcnestgolle In that ferttle area once twenty-five years of-almost continuousithat practically all the eee ee eee ee ere emscena lie ee er er nee ae Inte thin publicity: exhaustion be desired. 2lraversiit by the old glactel lake Agaeleropping with wheat or other, smalljertire distance travers ne OTE wee eee as te erat tie ar ee Wier ee hts sat i beglaning ob hinted farmer. ask? Ore vial. detoalis of this ieelcete, still produce fa a favorable year is capable of furnishing homes tol , sell for 50 to 100 per acre. tunity now presents itself to. those at ane PRRELA RINE, fo (be mtd eee Winniges west, the Grana(tTe the foundation of the deep fertilel 5 or 40 bushals of wheat and 80 or 90D who ill them. The lands are o A study, then, of agricultural condi-lwho desire to better their conditions v gn ; tit and. ay sols of this region. bushels of oats per acre. three classes. ey may be classed ees eas Sh ak ange eG et Cara
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Image 1252 (1912-12-28), from microfilm reel 1252, (CU1773587). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.