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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Glasgow House As Stock-Taking Progresses DIFFERENT LINES OF DRY GOODS WILL BE CLEARED LESS OF COST. * REGARD- First Item Kid Gloves One-lot-rangingi 1.50; on sale at 75:cents. . Many other interesting ines to, fat The Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers * SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH OFFICE, 394 TORONTO STREET RARY tt JOHN INWOOD, Manager. HE ROYAL BAN OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869. 24,000,000 juals carried, on favorable and individ terms. HAT BRANCH C. H. MeDUNNOUGH, Manager. CINE PO eee mperial Bank of Canada - Capital Paid. Up to.... Reserve Fund A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, BR. G. WILKINSON, Mamager. Medicine Hat Branch. oeteeioage - 6,620,000 86,620,000 4 THE MERCHANTS BANK THE PLONEZR BANK OF WESTERN CANADA, 180 Branches in Canada. 6,000.00 . Established 1864. Capital Pald Up, (ov. B0th. 1911) over 81,000,000. A general Banking Business Transacted. Savings Accounts, Total Assets Speclal attention to W. 0. JOY, Manager : + Medicine Hat Branch Automobile Livery Phil. Cocking 438 Cor. Roy and 5th Ave. LONG AND SHORT TRIPS IN OR OUT OF THE CITY Phone 804 MURRAY OLSON Real Esiate and Employment Agents. 386 TORONTO STREET. Please write or phone 942 or call on us. Your listings of City or Farm Property: solicited. Insurance *PHONES RESIDENCE 2 Transfer Co. LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING . Soy Main St, wext City Hall, Ress 0. P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. WINTER 1912-18. EFEGTIVE OT. 27, 1912. Arrive Leave ti .00 20 Imp, Ltd, Vancouver to Montreal. 20.05 20.30 Toronto Exp. Vancouver to Toranto 4.15 23.00 Local jtrom Calgary, Westbound. Arrive Leave 5 20.20 2040 Imp. Ltd, Montreat to Vancouver, 12.00 1225 Van. Exp, Toronto to Vs 2210 23.10 St Paul-Seattle. Exp. St. P. to Sew 6.30 Local for Calgary. + CROW TRAINS. Arrive Leave Train and Terminal, 240 2.85 S00-Spokane-Portiand Ltd., St. Paul Portland, a 3 18 815 No. ue + 945 to St. Paul. 11.15 Local for Cranbrook. Local from Cranbrook, c 820-513 23.18 Express for Kootenay Landing. SIE-517 4.30 Express from Kootenay Landing. Note Trains 1 and 2 carry sleeping cars only between Winnipeg and Revelstoke. No, 11 and 12 do not come * into Medicine Hat passing time at Dunmore, miles east, shown. - : Medicine Nat Dews Uublisned by the Medicine. Hat News Co, Ltd, every lawful evening at its office, Main Streeu Wedleine Hat, Alta. A, J. N. TERRILL, B ttor- Reportorhal, and Cirenlation and News Dept Job Depts. 1 yas, delivered. ... 4.00 J year by mail... .35.00 2.00 6 months, by mail.... 1.60 818-511 512-519 19.25 PUONB: Baltorial, ae lt;HONR: Ee ee e Advertising. DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES. fra 1 month, delivered....50 5 Addressee changed as otten as desired, but bota as old ad resser 7st be given. WEERLY NEWS gt; Publishec everr Thursday tn, sixteen or more paces, and contaius a eumma-y of the news of the week. local and district. 6 mouths, tn advance 7s 8 months, in advance. 60a, year in advance.... 1.50 F Friday; December 27th, 1912. BEAUTIFUL PROTECTION. interests who crave it. It works well for the protected, but ill for the protector. An excellent and convincing proof ofthis was produced during. the recent elections in the United States. President-elect. Wilson s committee hada purchaser to go the rounds of the shops in London, England, biying American goods. Sixty articles were puy ) chased, all American made goods sold in . London, across the Atlantic. In every ease the price was lower in London than the price of the identical article was in New York. Here are a few of the list: Fee shee Bxee** the shape of dividends to shareholders under private con- + Grice, Prige Price, t'0l should be spent in giving the people a good service Mouse trap oe... ..eeees0 s 02 05 3 With. -the ery. Dest equipment Metal polish (Sterling), per box .. .04.050r.10 .01-.06 When ae Lubricating oll (Three-In-One) A THIS DAY IN CANADFAN HISTORY, yy small size. 5 09 10 OL December 27th, . Lubricating olf E Of all the heroes of New France, Samuel de Cham- large size. .2--+).+--2' + 8, 36 .07 plain perhaps comes nearest the beautiful idea of No. 10 meat chopper (Enterprise... 1.57 2.25 68 enightly chivalry; for he was as simple and pious in Alarm Clock (Ansonia Pirate) 85 1.00 15) religion, as gentle and honorable in private life, as he Axe, 3-1b. (Collins). o 110 1.35 .25 was daring in adventure, lionlike, in fight. Nor is the Hammer (claw), 28 oz. (Smythe)... 50 66 16 picture wanting in that touch of romance which comes Hammer (claw), about 2 Ibs. (Atha ; from the devotion of. the warrior to a fair lady. Cham- Doak: Co.) Aen: ss sees BS 15 plain s love-story isa curious one. On December 27th, Meat chopper No. 20 (Sargent Co.) 93 1.50 .57 1510 (when over forty) he entered into a marriage con- Men's shoes (black, Walkover)--... 256 4.00 - 1.44 tract with Helene Boulle, a beautiful Uttle girl of tyelve. 5.00 2.44) Finding soon after his marriage that she had been prought Men's shoes (tan, Walkover) 405 5.00 5 up a Huguenot, Champlain labored successfully for her Shoes, ladies (Aborn 220 3.50 '1.30 conpersion to his own form of the Christian faith, and Shaving stick (Williams) 1B 20 02 when, in 1520, he brought her to Quebec, she gave much Wooden washboard 13 25 -12 of her time to teaching the Indian women and children, Hatchet No, 2, shingling (Collins)... 67 66 .03 who according ( a tradition of the Ursuline nuns, desired Ladies cotton stockings . a3 35 -12/to worship her as a divinity. After four years in Canada Ladies knitted, combination 36 60 24) she returned to France, desiring to become a nun. Cham- Child's jumper dress . 93 25 32 plain refused his consent, but after his death she gained Ladies woollen dress 284 3.00. 2.15 her wish, became an Ursuline nun. founded a convent of Ladies serge dress . 4.62 10.00 5.88 that order at Meaux, and died with a reputation almost Ladies veleeteen dress 10,00 5.00 saintly. Ladies , lawn petticoat . g 98 26 piso tS ae ae Boy's undershirt, all woo AT 89 Az pHIS DATE IX HISTORY. Boy's cotton shirt 36 48 Az Decciteee i a ee rete ol ao 40 1695 Sir Francis Drake, the first Engishman to sail Eratines quertePasdoneaet 43 6 eis the world, died at Puerto Bello. Born about Be ee as oie si 1798-Willlam W. Corcoran, founder.of the Corcoran Art Gite. sips See eae 4.39 Gallery, born in Georgetown, D. C. Died in Wash- ; tees 56 1 ington, D. C., Feb., 24, 1888. Hite, WORDLE, See , 1834 charles Lamb, famous English poet and humorist, Boys suit, all wool... 3.93 8.00 4.67 ase uae, ee eon ae eee fgg 1887 First meeting of the Ontario legislature. Man's suit, made to order (highest grade tailor) Ladies long coat, all wool . 45.00 10.00, 05 05, 10 10 25 10 10 25 1.00 05 15 10 38 20 eens, 25 25 1.00 40 Cold Cream, Perfume, smmall bottle (Coigate) Jar cold cream, No. 6 (Colgate) Tar soap (Dusky Diamond) - Scouring soap (Bon Ami) Whist playing cards Split cane fishrod Reel (Hendry) - Breakfast food (Force) Scouring Soap (Sapolio) Playing cards (Goldftte) Playing cards (ixion) .. Salmon (Anchor Brand) 17 Salon (Precious Brand) at Playing Cards (Mascot and Bicycle) 24 Glace Gloves, Men's (Dent's) A5 Shoe polish, pad and brush (Nugget) 36 06 oa 95 48 127 06 24 15 440 Seattle-St Paul Exp, Seattle to Str. 9.55 Soo-Spokane-Portland Led., Portland letter from Dr, Babington of Detroit. He expresses Some ideas worth reading about aud/the News Industrial Number and concerning the street railway question. Dr. Babington is a brother of Messrs. W. H. and Thos. Babington of this city and is well finiown in Medicine Hat. IN times of peace prepare for war. Al- mildest experienced in Medicine Hat (and this is saying-a-great ceal) the city engin- ae HOW beautifully the theory of protection out the gutters in order not to be caught works out for the benefit of the people unawares if we should yet have a heavy who by: their votes give protection to the snow fall and consequent spring: flood. 04 No doubt if one were to take the trouble to do the same thing with Canadian manu- factured goods for sale in the Old Country should pay more for Canadian ucts than do the le of Britain and other coun- tries? Te the consumers in Canada were protected as well as the producers of manu- factured goods, they weuld get their goods at something like a reasonable figure. Th story of the purchase of American is in London is the same story as coul E told of - Canadian - goods in the same market. This protection is beautiful system for thej - proteeted but a purse-robbing- one for: the unprotected consumer, : RECKLESS AUTO DRIVING. oo ON several occasions the News has called attention to the lack of observance of the speed bylaw on the part of auto drivers. The near-fatality Christmas Day, on the approach to the Finlay Bridge, is still fresh in the minds of the hundreds who saw a prominent citizen eseape a horrible death only through having the presence: of mind to leap si into the air and land ba he d d ofa which wa a ee him. we nominal fines il cheg driving. The penalty shoul one whieh will make a-chauffeur think twice and then some before he throws her, wide open ? inside the city: imits. The police must see that the bylaw is enforced. There is a heavy re: upon'them and Ton THE News-publishes today, in its corres- nsibility devolving magistrate. pondence column, a most interesting also, ae ee though the winter has been one of. the a gang ofmen engaged in cleaning o THE London Financial News quotes in full the editorial comment of the Medi- cine Hat News anent the good results whieh will acerue through the visit of the British manufacturers to Western Canada. Se gate es MAYOR Hocken of Toronto, at the open- ing of the ivie street railway system there the other day, in expressing his belief: in municipal ownership, said: I am a believer in the public ownership of public util- ities, because the-people s interests must be considered first, and the. money that would otherwise be paid out in 188 Celebration of the 600th anniversary of the estab- lishment of the house of Hapsburg. hee ge THIS 18 MY 67th BIRTHDAY Medicine Hat, Alia. NEWS BLOCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE: Pe At eee THE WEATHER PEEPLES EEE ESE ESE Toronto, Dec, 26 The weather to- day has been fair and mild through out the Dominion, except in eastern Saskatchewan and Manitoba, where it- hasiybeensomewhat-colder than isturbance which way in the opper: Mississippi valley this morning is n w over the Great Lakes and gives indications of becomitig a storm as-it moves. east- NEW YEARS CARDS The Finest Assortment Ever Show in the City Pingle s Drag and Book Store yesterday. Vancouver Kamloops. Battleford R. B. Taylor s Transfe Light and Heavy Draying. Prompt Attention to all orders, Plano Moving -with Plano Yan SSISSSRSSER Canadian P - BHRISTIAS. AND NEW YENR Fave and One-TI the Round T Between all static Arthur to Vancow bramebes. Going dates, Bec. 21 Jam, 1, 1918, Final return lmit H. B. CURTIS (TER How about it? It surely needs pressing and renovating to make it look like news if yow haye it put away rom summer motas. Better bring it around and leb. us put in ship-shape for you, so that it will be'ready for the first cold It will look like a new on when it is returned from THE GLOBE .CLEAN- ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office'on Fourth Ave. Improved methods mike our service. particularly efficient. TitySaleStables ihe rticul Heavy. Teams, Drivers, Saddle Ua fiat to mearest agent or tc FRED McCLAIN - PROPRIETOR PHONE 8. Tickets on 7 B, , on January 4 rles Henry Gordon-Lennox, seventh Duke of Rich- mond, possessor of one of the proudest and Jongest, titles the latter's death in 1893. descent from Charles If and his favoi and through scores of intermarriages WAIN place since 1675 has allled itself c foremost families of England. The pra the last war in South Africa yoda presented two divisions of S oodwood, in Sussex, the scene of tie fi race meeting of that name. In addition, he magnificent residence in London and caste Ti land. CONGATULATIONS TO: Sir Mackenzie Bowell, former prime minister of Can- ada, 89 years old today. Duke of Norfolk, the premier duke of the United King- dom, 65 years old today. Rear Admiral Nathan E, Miles, U. yeare otd today, * 8. N., retired, 65 ,;the,same results would be found. Can any- ve 4 ae, 2 Lanata Sir John Hay Macdonald, inventor of numerous devicet ein Ae a te a FARE FROM MEDI 123:30 Gotng and Returning Vis Spokane. train trip. fror Angel s covers ing made, at Po isco, San Jose. Si GuCruz, Monterey, pbles, Santa Ba: . Redlands. i going trip fro berth and mea el, and a numb; ng trip. Return service, meals and cluded. or descriptive pamphl PAINTER, Latest samples in Wali Paper. 120 Eighth Ave, Phone 699, ETc. petfectio Hed, wll the most ontracting. 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal / Excavating Specialty. Light and Heavy Horgeiifer sale at. AN Timea, s Dr. de Van's Female Pilir EDICINE-HAT STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 5. SS ( ERNEST E. CARVER LIC, RL B. AL Architect A. E. Browne, Mer. Head Office; 'Sulte 25, Becker Bik. Lethbridge.
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Image 1238 (1912-12-27), from microfilm reel 1238, (CU1773574). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.