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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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cember 23, 1912. WINDOWS oR cleaning, -writ r 208. ee PENED P, sround, can have sa class manner BE paws ow de for out-of-town or if desired, K. Her- ito. Street, Medicine ae NB HAT Hpi) FUR CO. The abdve have st selection of Second the city. We carr es and Bedding, new nd, Clothing, Clocks, St. or Phone 687, HERE THE RAW IS OPEN. Don't sell your raw hides till Tor write P.O box Hat, Our price is from 10. Don t forget it, and ; BEST PRICES FOR urniture, tools, stoves, i w hides and furs. Call opposite Dreamland J 295. D. Davis, Pro- j aad Se DTIONEERS 4 NE CO., Live Stoch-H 1 Auctioneers, 519 Tor- k Sales every Friday i are at 1 o'clock. Ranck: r Gales conducted any- - furniture sales con- re. Consult us, our x- ur disposal free. Phone owne Co, 519 To isaaee tLEE, LiVE STOCK yneer. Sales on marl Right price. Office 10 . box 826, Medi 126-tf ED ACCOUNTANTS ERSON CQ., ch and auditors, (estab uditors, city of Medi r, Medicine Hat, Leth , Gibson, C.A, resident ne 198, Burns Bloc 276ats RSETIERRE 2ORSETS MADE fanteed for one ing and rusting; House No. 7, School Ay: 2 east sl hig 699 for appointment o ox 72, Mrs, Matthews. I 121-31 ee SAL r AND LIVERY STA SEVEN PERSONS, are well stocked ant doing good busine: her interests, cash; balance arranged lars see . CARLSO . Seren: Person 2 SAL i SHOP IN SEYEI PERSONS. and complete equipme: on business. Must up estate. ation as to price, term: yplication to 1S BOWMAN, Seven Pers * tal Ice Co. K SANDERSON to Mr. Peter Robinson thes a Mustrited: Tm a ALBERTA BOOK CO. HE STORE OF x THE BEST XMAS SERVICE GIVEN BY ANY STORE. PHONE 904 WE HAVE JUST pemaee A NEW SHIPMENT OF Xmas China Our Toys, Dolls, Games and Boeks ARE A SIGHT TO SEE. DON T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST DAY TO MAKE YOUR SELECTION, BUY WHILE WE HAVE THE AS- SORTMENT TO OFFER YOU. AND DON T FORGET THAT YOU HAVE ONLY 2 More Days TO DOIT. Seeheeteateeteatetony WE ARE UNABLE TO BEGIN TO NAME OVER OUR GREAT ASSORTMENT OF XMAS GIFTS, SO WE IN- VITE-YOU ALL TO COME AND LOOK THEM OVER OPEN EVERY NIGHT. * ALBERTA BOOK CO. Serer dee eo metpetectostoctestestestostostontostestesteede creer GERMAN SCHOOLS SCORED BY KAISER Rapped Gymnasium and Latin Classes in Letter - to Companion WROTE AT A AGE OF 24 Bitter-Memoriek. Suggested by Youthful Utterances oF Coming: Monarch. Berlin, Dec, 23. All Germany is discussing a remarkable attack made by the Kaiser at the age of A, ma letter which he Gwrote to a former schoolfellow, on the German educa- tionat-system- then in vogue, espeo- fally with regard to the German Gymnasium or Latin school. Bitter memories of school Tife-are suggested by the writer's utterances he at only plain Prinee William when he made them relating to the Tong hours and pettifogging and pe- antic epirit of the classical educa: PHONE 904. ei 2 e srSeesess Piste e Soeteet ostecgecetoatoats Me in Germany. It is only recently that official opinion here has allowed it- self to question the excellence and outright superiority of the system. Official opinion has heretofore been largely based on Von Moltke's fam- ous dictum that the Prussian schoolmaster had made Prussia, and it would be interesting to know what the iron field marshal would have had to say about Prince Wil- liam s scnbertatle opinions, which were writgen when Von Moltke was still alive. LEPTER NOW PUBLISHED. The letter is reproduced in a book from the pen of Prof. Paul Meinhold entitled William .Il., Twenty-five Years Emperor and King, a bio- gtagraphical work just issued in an- ticipation of the Kaiser's jubileo; ich is,to be celebrated next year, is the most decidedly outspoken Passage of the letter: So at Tast someone has been found who-is-willing to take an energetic stand sgainst the most fossilized of all systems, a system that is caleu- lated to destroy all spirit in the sch lar. I subscribe to every word you say. I am fortunfte enough to red have been able to convince myself of Quantity Price ES ag: QUANTITY One pied or a Carload, The SERVICE Always Prompt. The PRICE Right. LET US PROVE Ir. Crown Lumber Co... Ete IT WILL PAY wpe ok WF. BEENOLDE, Manor M-Th edicine Hat. . its harmful working on the youth of the land by two and a half years ex- perience of it mys lf. Of the 21 scholars in our lass 19 wore glasses and three of these had to wear -an extra pair when /they went to the blackboard. Homer, the master of the- ports; Horace, Demosthenes, whose speeches should inspire every- one who reads them how were they interpreted? With spirit and en- lightenmentt Far from it.-With the dealpel of the grammiarian and the fanaticism of the philologist every syllable was dissected and examined juntil one had quite lost the wish to look or the real. contents. One could weep over it. CALLS ESSAYS NONSENSE. What. trouble the Greek and La- tin essays cost us and what nonsense they were And the results If one had read Horace all his spirit dis- appeared through the very terror of the mind. May we be freed from such stupidities A war to the knife on such education The.only result of such methods is that the youth of today Jearn-the grammar and syntax of Greek better than the Greeks Yearned it themselves and that they know the generals and battles of the Punie wars and even the positions ofthe troops, but know nothing about the battles-of-the Seven Years War, not to mention the semapaign of 1866 and 1670. Xs for the physical effect, I am quite convinced that the afternoons should always be free. Gymnastics shouki be a pleasure for the youth. of the day; racing tracks With obstacles would be of somie purpose. In place ofthe stupid class outing in black qokets with elegant canes let us Baye some drill and field service, even sham fighting. When they are fifone these scholars are much too blase to tak off their coats and turn gir sleeves. But what is to be Therefore war is to the this system I am ready to support you in your efforts. 01 now for Sl Mustrated In- Over sixty,ghages. Bah first of the years tt. Place? your the News big ay nu The Dally News delivered in the tity, 350. a month: LY NEWS. IN NEED Of G00) FINANCIAL SURGEON) Finanees in a Deplorable State New Finance Law May Help.gat Out. Lisbon; Dec. pate Portugeseotin- tional debt has risen to 760,000,000, which amounts to about 140 for every inhabitant of the country. This is an increage Of about 12,500,- 000 since the monarchy was over- thrown, Parliament reassembled on November 12 instead of December 2, the dato originally figed, in order to eal with finangal reforms proposed by the minister of finance. These incnde a onsolidation of the whole debt, internal, external and floating, at a five percent rate, an increase tax on an amendment of the contrast with the Bank of dues at the current rate of gold ex- change. Under the new atrangement with the Bank of Portugal theproper cur- rensy will be increased by about 36, 000,000 over th present issues Ein this way. to b trot fresh loans. The Portugal, tinder the confir mation - of parliament of the con- tract, will open current account with the government of 46,000,000 repayable in sixty years by semi- an- nual installments. The government asa programme of economies amounting to 3,890,000. The Republican government came into power, with the public finances in a deplorable state. Tho expendi- tures were already in excess of come, and every department of the public administration was in ar- rears. Dr. Theophile Braga, who was president of the provisional republic, sajd in an interview: The public monies are improperly handled, and to mylknowledge, com siderable sums. of money to the gov- erament s credit have been lost sight of and forgotten in certain bank. Secing the incompetence of the Port- uguese financial ministers, it. might be well-to import skilled Chancel- lor of the Exchequer from abroad. What Portugal requires is a surgeon. MAKE, OUTLAWS OF SUFFRACETTES Is Suggestion -ef London Lawyer As. How to Deal With Women. London, Dec. Make them out- Jaws That, is the severe sugges- tion of a London the authorities who are at their wit's ends in dealing with the militant suf- fragettes. 4 As-the women will not obey man- made law, argues the barrister, they: have no right to the protection of those laws. While this newest proposition is not likely to receive general appro- nal, it is. admitted that some way must be tound to pumsn women vio- Yaters af the law without making them martyrs to the eanse. When they were arrested wholesale and committed to prison for breaking windows, attempting to set fire to a Dublin theatre and for other offenses, they escaped by means of the hun- ger strike. None have been caught Vat setting tired and pouring ink and other substances intovletter boxes, but Elsie Howey, Who has been sen- 'tenced to two months imprisonment for turning in false fire alarms, the obtain: Bank of latest device of militants to influence men to give them the vote, probab- ly will become a hunger striker. Many plans, including that of let- ting them starve in prison if they refused food, have been recommended to the government; but none has thus far met with acceptance. The Jawyer quoted claims to have legal antivrity for his suggestion that the law-breakers be (declared outlaws, with all that outlawry signified ig- nored by the law, deprived of police protection and the feat. If this ap- pears too radical, he would have them declared. ugdesirables, which would place it within the power of any magistrate to order their remov- al beyond the shores of the United xamgdom. PORTUGESE REPUBLIC JOBUILD UIP NAVY Five Million Dollars to Be Spent in Adding to Its Fleet. 23. Portugal has now up 50 to Lisbon, Dec. turned its attention to building some of the money expended is pretty sure to go America. American and. British shipbuilders have been asked to submit bids for a number of small vessels, the building t which is to be followed by the construction of some larger ships, Serene sooo ee tee Seste-eSoete-steateeteateet sate cheateefeatreteadreh leeds A SPECIAL PRICES IN Crystallized Fruits in drums 850 Xmas-Cake, 2 and 3 Ib, sizes 800 Fancy boxes Chocolate, 25e up to 1.00, Preserved Ginger, 40c per bottle DUL. Pickles, per doz. 25e, elly Powders, Monk and Glass 2 TONS Malaga Grapes, 25c per Ib. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Celery, 2 Ibs for 26e. Green Onions, 10 bunch. Radish, 10 bunch. Cavlitlower, 25 each Rhubarb, 2 Ibs. for 250; Cabbage, Sibs for 26c. Beets, 8 Ibs, for 250). - Turnips, 10 Ibs. for 26 . Carrots, 8 Ibs. for. 250. Onions, B, . cooking, 10 Ibs. for 25 . Jap Oranges, 85 per box. New Navel Oranges; 40c, and 60c per doz. Lemons, fine new stock, 400 per doz. Bananas, large, 50c per doz. Grape Fruit, 2 for 26c.. Pears, nice and ripe, 2 Ibs. tor 25c. CANNED GOODS, 3. in ae Oe Strawberries, Raspberries, Plums, Peaches and Cher- ries, 2 cans for 45c. California Canned Fruits, large sized tins,- Apricots, Sliced Peaches and Pears, 35 per tin: Tomatoes, 2 cans for 35t,or 6 for 1.00. Gorm; Tcans for 25 or 3 for 35 Peas, Early: June, 15 per an, or 7 for 1.00. Salmon, Clover Leaf brand, fin- est red Sockeye, 1 Ib. tin, ; 806 per tin. Punipkin;,3 1b. cans, 2 cans for 250. DRIED FRUITS AND BAKING GOODS: Currants, finest, cleaned, 2 Ibs. Hi. PHONE 177. rte 50 , 2 siege odie edie edtteodt 0-4 Seateetoesosteterg Re Ce eeeae leet toate e e 2, 2 So-efoetees Poets e 30 BARRELS ONTARIO Baldwins, Seeks, Mann and Wagners, All Going at the One Price 4.00 abbl. for 25c, r 5 Ibs. for 60c. Raisins, seeded, pkg for 2bc. Raisins, Valencia (new), 15 * per Ib., 8 Ibs for 70c. Sultanas, finest cleaned Golden Stock, 20 per Ib., or 3 Ibs. for 85c. Peels, Lemon and Orange, 20: per Ib. Citron, 30 per Ib. Minced Peel, 25 per 1b. Cooking Chocolate, large 1-2 1h. cake, 20 per cake, New Golden Dates, 15 per 10. New Table Figs, 20 per Ib. Minog: Meat, fine new stock, 2 Ths. for 38 . Baking Powder, Alberta's Best and Morrow s Own, 2 tins for 85c, or 6 for 1.00. Extracts, Lemon and Vanilla, 3 bottles for 25 Ground Almonds, per tin, 45c. Lard, best and purest, 1b. tin 00, 5 Ih, tin She. 3 Crisco, for biscult, cake and pastry making, 35 per tin, Icing Sugar, all kinds, 2-pkg for 250. Strictly Fresh Eggs, 50c doz. Spices, all kinds, 3 pkg. for 25 Cocoanut, shredded, 25 per Ib. Shelled Almonds and Walnuts; 50c: per Ib, SUNDRIES Sugar, B, ,, Granulated, 20 1b. sack, 1.25-per sack. Coffee, finest Mocha and Java, 50 per 1b. Coffee; good strong coffee, 40 per 1b. per ES ee 10 Ib, tins, 65 HON AR apcoraiing 380 ver . Mixed Nuts, 25 per 1b. Pork and B le or toma- to, 4 cans 4 Pickles, mixed, largeyhottie, 35 Cairn s Marmalade, 7 Ib. Vinegar, bottles, malt and 25 per bottle. S Corn Flakes, 3 pkg. for 2 Toilet Soap, fancy doxes, 1 sey, Ber box, Titha Beans, Van Camp's, per can, Kootney Jam, Strawberry, 5 pails, 90c per pail. Dustbane Sweeping Comp Jacobs Carr's Biscuits, 36c and 4c per 1b. Dill Pickles, 25 per-dos, 2 Pickled Gherkins, 30c per Dottie Panshine, for kitchen use, Jarge 7 tin, 100. Se Castile Soap, pure, 21-2 1b. box 36c each, at Soap, 40 per box Hess Stock Food, 1b. packets, (650 each; packets, She; 1 1-2 1b., Se? DryHesi* Louse Killer for) poultry, Ib: packet, 35c. Borne Ib anehetes ie De packet, Castile Soap. 1 ib. bar, 35e bar. Lowney s Cocoa, I Ib. and 1-2 Ib., 26 -and SOc, Cowan's Cocoa, 1 and 1-2 Ib, 25 and .50c. Van Camp's Pork and Beans, 2 tins 26 . Post Tavern, Specialy an un- cooked food, made from wheat, corn and rice, 2 for 25 fyfastant Pestum, 30e per can. NORTH RAILWAY ST. MPL EES DEES IS EOE OS built-ar fwo eruisers of 2,500 tons each; four destroyers of from 800 to 900 tons, and two or four submer- sibles. Agents of American shipyards are already busy examining the- plans with a view to , submitting ids against their only competitors, the British. The latter firms, it is learn- ed, are so crowded with gvork that as low as they might be under other structors to submit, plans for certain cireumstances, though the 5,000,000 classes of ships and accept what are to be spent on these ships will be an jeonsidered the. best. inducement to some of the smaller yards. The Portuguese navy Capt. Harrison, late comfnander department of the C.N.R. liner Royal has not yet decided what class of thas returned, to England. to 21 larger ships it will build, cruisers or tothe decided that of the Judgment of the ae nagar but has of trade for a their figures are not expected to be It is possible that it will ask con- pends his certificate. IF YOU WANT TO Habs WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Room 2. the plans for which are now being peepared. The first vessels to be
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Image 1201 (1912-12-23), from microfilm reel 1201, (CU1773590). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.