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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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FRONT Roo: a preferred: Apply 136-6t . THE 25TH, TWO for roomers for ig with all modern piy 737..Charles or 140-3 WANTED. COUPLE WANT room. Appx box 141-3 200M WANTED, Ly, CLOSE. IN, nd* roo) Home Apply 528 S. Rail- sige. AS 139-8 es WANTED, SMHION-AS GHNER- yd experience. Ap- ue: . D. Fisher. i-st G MAN 24 YEARS. ition as bookk Hight years Berienge., Bot 1464 - 137-60 AND ROOM. OR TWO BOARD- family on the hill. red. Apply 626 Er 141-3t 0 PURCHASE BUY Building lots. Herald or Central e8, terms, etc., to P. ers only need apply. 8-tt: N COTTON RAGS. ade, 62-tf LLANBOLS 3 AND WINDOWS ral repairers orders ed to. Apply 718 Phone 875. 138-*t WINDOWS OR OF- cleaning, write Long 206. 136-6t PENED PARTIES. round, can have same class manner at the ain St. J. Halward. 125-tf SSES- EVERY MON- amd Friday. Ar- te for out-of-town or if desired. K. Her- to Street, Medicine 124-tf H HAT HIDE, FUR 00. The above baye- st selection of Second. the city. We sgrry - es and Bedding, n nd Clothing, Clock ry, Rifles, Guns, Rs 8, Buggies, Harness, line of winter goods hing mentioned abot st prices, Call at. 60. St or Phone 587, HERE THE BAW 18 OPEN. Don t sell your raw hides till 7 or write P. O box fat. Our price is from 0, 't forget it, and BEST PRICES FOR urniture, tools, stoves, w hides and furs. Call 2 opposite Dreamland 295. D. Davis, Pro- 119-Im STIONEERS: NE CO, Live Stock 1 Auctioneers, 519 Tor- k Sales every Friday are at 1 o'clock. Ranch wales conducted any- 5 farnituee sales con- rei Consult us, our x- ERSON CO,, chartered 8 and auditors, (estab- aditors, city, of Medicine s, Medicine Hat, beth- Gibson, C.A., restitent ne 198, Burns Block. 275att AUDITOR ACCOUNTANT, rad smen's bookgs writs ges reasunable, Room V1-im RSETIERRE SORSETS MADE TO ranted for one year ing and rusting; very House No. 7, School Av- 2 east side of high 699 for appointment or ox 72, Mrs. Matthews. 191-08 On Tupaday evening the Medicine Hat Boy Seolits assembled to the number of ) in the basement of St. John's church to celebrate their sec- ond bun feed , much use appointing a committee if they don't do their work. What was Smith, W. Becker, J. tho matter? to thank the management of St, John s Muir, D. McDonald, A. chureh for the yseof the basement. Phone 166 putt Forster Following the eating of Jeff Holt: Mutt Forster: ADS. Baden-Powell, the and Mutt Forster discharg- we had at the banquet. Press . Seout- have The Boy Scouts wish Cowburn, J. Fulll, J. Service Service Service Always from the Beaver Lumber Co.,Ltd. Phone 166. ED. W. STACEY, Manager. The speech of Scoutmaster Crissall was very good considering. I was out fishing which was success- the other day and caught ninety-nine i fully negotiated in true Boy Scout fish. SOE eta ae manner. everything there was to eat, the boys pution a short programme, consisting principally of short. speeches, Rosle: Rossiter proposed the toast to Lieut. -General founder ofthe Boy Scout movement; Polly Holt proposed a toast to the tudes ed honors to the master Crissall spoke for some time regarding the movement and the fof the 100 worth of Chris mas stamps which they are selling support of the Muskoka Free Gr Hollingshead, Cockerel, Hi Ferguson, W. Yulll, Burns, H. Mathews, Rowen, Yards and Sheds, Factory.and South Railway mf Ortosall and S. Rossiter, A Drine Thad been offered for the boy selling the most. and the boys are very anxious to sell them all. They do not get pald for this work, 3 A copuniinicatioh has beca recely- ed trom J, Baxstarr, Secy. Alberta Provincial Councll, re wedding pres- who was recently married, . Subscriptions Why ever didn t you for each and sp cateifgen hia o hustboke are Umited to 5 cents for ach ani Oh, one draw the lie somewhere you know. are entirely yoluntary. H. Yuill (reading book): Large bodies move has to from science slowly. We wish to thank the mothers of wWny are you laughing, Millican? the Scouts who so generously gave so many of the good things which the sellow who wrote that would say Millican; I was wondering what The Scouth if tie had seen Rosle slip on a banana skin yesterday. The Patrol Leaders club wish all pings foe se ats. Howpital for. Consumptives. gt;The tne Beouts and thdse who rend this 1 decofating committee-overlook- following Yoys are selling them: F./page A erry Christinas. . ed decorating for the banquet. Not theron ee Have you bought'a Christmas stamp Ingleson, 8. yet? Galloway, K. Galloway, J. LEEEEEE EEE RET J. M./ * + COMMUNICATIONS + * - + Bebe bh beteh bob bt tee NOTB While we weleome all com- munications from our readers, we wish t to be thoroughly underatood that we do not necessarily sub- scribe to or endorse the opinions expressed by our Sorrespondents All letters must be signed by the writer, with his full name an street address, for publication, as we. publish no communication slen* ed with anonymous names, even though the name of the writer ac- companies it- Ed. Editor News. of the Board of Trade, advertised else where in your paper, I beg indulgence of space in your next issue to say a few words on the subject. For the information of those who may not know who are eligible for membership inthe Hontd of. Trade, 1 will quote sub-section 1 of-section 7 Forty years in use. 20 years. the standard, prescribed and recommended by -phy- sicians. For Women s Ail- ents, Dr. Martell s : Female Axles Trussed and supplied with Gita steel or cast skeins- Wood st ck all air- Seasoned from ehiee We stock these wagons in all sizes ahd Can supply all heights of wheels and all, them. JAMES epromnica: SVAM SI TUTHL ALATAAHM AVIONOAL to five years. Six year s terms, hs ot oe Call and examine The cause is w goad one Anent the coming annual meeting vany person rewldent in Medicine Hat district who, or has been, a merchant, broke, mechanic, trader, manufactiirer, maBAger of bank, or insurance agent, Bhai Le eligible to Decome a member of the board. Pro- vided, always, that any other persou shali be eligible to become a mein- ber of the corporation if person is recommended by fhe council aa pro- vided for in the act of incorporation, Sub-section 2 Gf section 2 reads in part; The annua) contribution of each member of the board shall be 5.00, the reckoning to b from the first day of. January. in each year to the Siat day of December following. Under the aboye Conditions there is n reason why 8 Board of Trade should not have t least 500 to. 1000 names on the membership list. The brokers, traders amd mechanics of the city woud aggregate a large number, and by subscribing:to the board they would be doing thelr part in helping to boost and advertise Medicine Hat. There is no reason wby the expenses incident to running the board of trade should be Jeft entirely to the. mer- chants and profeaiiorti men, who have in the past been carrying on the work, I would respectfully suggest to our intelligent artisans, mechan- Jes, etc, and they ask each for him- self, the question, Am I doing my share in helping Medicine Hat to grow; am I not participating in Med Ieine Hat's prosperity without con- tributing to th Coat incident to that prosperity; am 1 ag closely connected (as it behooves ) to be) with any institution in the elty. that has for its object a greater Medicine Hat? Act. on the impulse to the answers to the above questions, as they appeal to you away down in your heart of hearts, and we will have board of trade in 1918 the like of which has never been in the city. Do I hear you gay, Oh, I would not belong to the Board- of Trade with so and so there, or the Board of Trade -are's rotten burch, or if the Board were, composed of the right kind of men I would only be too glad to go in and help Gentlemen, such is poor reasoning, as y gt;u must bear in mind the council of the board of trayle are elected by popular vote, and that is one of the strongest reasons why you should be a member, attend the annual meeting and endeavor to. (have elected the best men in the city and then stand shoulder to shoulder with them, lending them every assist- ance-in your power towards -success j ful work. In this way you will rid the board of trade of the objection able So and So, and all the machin- ery will run oh ball-bearings. Don't hang back and allow the objection- able to be elected: to office and then growl and bellyache the balance of the year because he fs elected, or be- cause some one dogs; something in a way you would not hve done it. It things are not right at the board of trade the fault lies at'your own door. I would also respectfully suggest to the city council when making out the estimates for the ensuing year, that a liberal appropriation be in- cluded for board of trade expenses, fas the work of the board is entirely In the interests of the city. 1 hold and. I feel sure that every reasonable thinking man will bear me out in my assertion that the board of trade is as much an asest of the city as the gas, the watet works or any other) public utility. The board of trade has an earning capacity and the cost of running the board of trade should be provided for in the estimates, just the same as other expenses are pro- vided for Taxes cannot, of course, be collected from it the same as for water and gas, but t pays taxes in- oo Re Po taste tote st Seeteatoatoetotonts ETC. Crystallized Fruits in drums 35 Xmas Cake, 2 find 3 1b. sizes 800 We, c Xmas Cake, 2 and 3 gt; and 1.25. Fancy boxes Chocolate, 25 up to 2.00. 3 for 28e. Malaga Grapes, 25c per Ib. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Celery, 2 tbs for. 25c. Green Onions, 10c bunch. Radish, 10 bunch. Cauliflower, 25 each Rhubarb, 2 Ibs, for 260. Cabbage, Sibg for 25c. Beets, 8 Ibs, for 25c. Turnips, 10 Ibs. for 25c. Carrots, 8 Ibs, for 26c. Onions, B. C., cooking, 10. Ibs. for 25 , Jap Oranges, 85 per box. New Navel Oranges, and 60c per doz, Lemons, fine new stock, 40 per doz. Bananas, large, 50 : per doz. Grape Fruit, 2 for 260. Pears, nice and ripe, 2 Ibs. for 5c. CANNED GOODS, ETC. Strawbetries, Plums, Peaches ries, 2 cans. for 45c, California Canned Fruits, large sized tins, Apricats, Sltced Peaches and Pears, 35 per aR Tomatoes, 2 cans for 36c, or 6 for 1.00. Corn, 2 cans for 25 or 3 for 35e Peas, Early June; 15 per can, or 7 for 1.00. Salmon, Clover Leaf brand, fin- est Ted Sockeye, 80c per tin. Pumpkin, 3 1b. cans, 350. DRIED FRUITS AND BAKING GOODS Currants, finest, cleaned, 2 Ibs. Hi. PHONE 177. Setters Proserved Ginger, 40 per bottle Dill Pickles, per dos. 26c. Jelly Powders, Monk and Glass Raspberries, Sunlight Soap and Lifebuoy, 11 bars for 500. Fels Naptha Soap, 4 bars for 800, or 10 for 70. Rajah, 3 1b. tin, 1.00 por ei Geylon Tea, bulk, 3 Ibs for sc ) able Salt, Windsor, 4 bags for 1b, siz, 806 All Going at the One Price 4.00 a bbl. for 25c, or 5 Ibs. for 60c. Raisins, secded, 3 pkg for 25c. Raisins, Valencia (new), lc 1, 5 tbs for 70c. Sultanas, finest cleaned Golden Stock, 200 per Ib. or 3 Ibs. for 560. Peels, Lemon and Orange, 2 Citron, 306 per Ib. Minced Peel, 25 per 1b. Cooking Chocolate, targe 1-2 Ih. cake, 200 per cake, New Golden Dates, 15 per lv. New Table Figs, 200 per Ib. Mince Meat, fine newstock, 2 Ibs, for 35c: Baking Powder, Alberta's Best and Morrow's Own, 2 tis for 5c, or 6 for 1.00. Extracts, Lemon and, Vanilla, 3 bottles for 25c. Ground Almonds, per tin, 45 . Lard, best and purest, 3 1b, tin 60c, 5 Ib. tin 95c. Crisco, for biscuit, cake and pastry making, 35 per tin. Icing Sugar, all, kinds, 2 pkg for pent poultry, 1 Ib. packet, 60, 40 , 50c, Dustbane Sweeping Compom Jacobs Carr's Biscuits, and 40 per Ib. Dill Pickles, 25 per doz, Pickled Gherkins, 80c per b .Patishine, for kitchen use, tin, 100, Castile Soap, pure, 21-2 Ib, b 35 each. * Dr. Hess Stock Food, large Tb. packets, 65 each; - Hess Poultry Food,, 5 1b. packets, 85 ; 11-2 Ib., 88 Dr. Hees Louse. Killer, for, and Cher- 26e. Strictly. Fresh Eggs, 50 per Bota, 2 Ibs-packets, Ihe per ox. packet. Castile Soap, 1 1b. bar, 150 bar, Lowney's Cocoa, 1 Ib, and 1-2 1b., 25 and 50e. F Spices, all kinds, 3 pkg. for: 25 Cocoanut, shredded, 25 per Ib. Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, 50e per Ib. lt; Cowan's Cocoa, 1 and 1-2 Ibi; 1 Ib. tin, + 25e and 50c. SUNDRIES Yan Camp's Pork and Beans, 2 2 cans for Sugar, B. ., Granulated, 20 tb. tins 25c. sack, 1.35 per sack. Post Tavern, Special, an. un- Coffee; finest Mocha and Java, cooked food, made from 50e per Ib. wheag, torn and rice, 2 for Coffee, -good strong coffee, 40 250. per Ib. Tnstant Postum, 30 per can. MORROW NORTH ee SL. directly in the service it renders, just the Same as any of the clvic employ- city, or for any other utility of the eity. Such a course would place the cutive as welh-as in the public gen- Gur progressive aldermen. eee ft 4 ees or civic utilities, Then why in pring in a motion to thia effect at the the name of common-sense are its/next meeting of the council? expenses not provided-for, the same sure it will carry without a dissent- as for any other employee of the/ing voice, and will tend, to add to their achievements for the year. I would nof dare, Mr. Board of Trade on the high level to/ask you for space in your valuable other dafly papers of. the city copy which it belongs, and -would create paper to enumerate the various func- tbls Ietter, and editorial comment on and enthuse a spirit of friendly he'p- tions of the Board of Trade, Suffice fulness in the personnel of the exe-' jt to say its one prime object is the only pebble on the beach, but I thin alizing of trade in the city and my views are reasonable and strictly keeping the various avenues open by within the bounds of - I feel which trade may reach the city with Application for membership Wil bee the minimum of cost, in cash and in order any timg up to and including ge time, and of the maximum, of con- te hour of the annual meeting, and yenlence, voliime and variety, will. be gladly received: and rei In conclusion I would suggest the for by the undersigned. Editor, to Same b expressed. I am not the on- The Daily News aie in, 34 to a aomth, erally. Who wants to take an active part in running'the machinery of any pubJie institution in the face of cold indifference on the part of those whos duty and prerogative it is to give all the moral and financial sup-, port necessary for the carrying out the work of that institution. Would -it not be well Mr. Editor, under the circumstances, for the city council to express Itself ag to what support the board of trade may ex- pect for the ensuing year, as in the case of the Agricultural Society, word of encouragement from the council would go long way towards stimulating the activity at this time necessary in the choice of a good, stipng executive, and the acceptance those chosen, of th onerous and responsible - position Will some of LOOK A THIS RIGHT RIEF ROTHERLY the This is Young People s Society at the Methodist church. Held every Tuesday at 8 o'clock. WILL YCU COME? Our Motto: Look up, Lift up. IF SY Room ie SOLICIT.YOUR PATRONAGE. MORGAN FOX QU WANT TO INVEST WE: 318 South Railway St.
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Image 1221 (1912-12-24), from microfilm reel 1221, (CU1773581). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.