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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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F Many Suitable and Useful Gifts at Small Cost q FANCY HANDKEROHIEFS FANCY LINENS KID GLOVES: QUEBEC BANK y Oith YEAR IN BUSINESS -- MEDICINE HAT BRANCH 8.00 20.05 4.15 20.20: 20.40 Imp. 42.00 12.26 Van, Exp. xd, Montr al to Vancouver. ay to Vancobver.. 1 515, 2 6.30 Local for Calgary. CROW TRAINS, No; Arrive Leave. Train and Terminal, iar + 3.40258 Soo-Spokane-Portland Ltd., St, Paul Portland, 945 9.55 Soo-Spokane-Portland Led, Portland to St, Paul, 1245 Loeal for Cranbrook. Local trom Cranbrook, 23.18 Express for Kootenay Landing. Express from Kootenay Landing. only between Biesi7 430 Note Trains 1 and 2 carry sleeping cars ito Medicine Hat passing time at Dunmore, miles east, shown. Medicine Hat Ne Published by the Medleine Hat News Cow Ltd every A. JN. TERRILL, E tor DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Yims, delivered.... 4.00 2 year by mail... PUONE: 75.00 8 months, delivered.. 1.00 8 months, by maf. 1 month, delivered....86e - : Addressen changed as.otten 9a desired, bat bota auw a.d/ old ad resser st ba given, WEESLY SEWS . : Publishec every Thursday In sixteen or more pages,.and contaius a ammay of the news ofthe weak. Vocal and district, eee 6 monthi, in advance 7oe 3 months, in advancy..60e year In advance. beg. (sea Tee Thursday, December 26th, 1912. Bio 23.10 Sti Paul-Soattle Exp, St P. to Seilttls. T oss of, the eet ae against him. His letter to the premier is: Right Honorable R. TP Borden, Premier of Sir, t regret the present necessity for troubling you with this correspondence in . the midst of onerous duties devolvingyrpon you, but, after all, the member fo: uth Ontario must be held rei ible fa this intrusion, and not I, By the courtes of an honorable member of Parliament T am in possession of a marked sopy of Hansard of the 9th inst.; aecording-to the of whith the member for South Ontario made fan attack upon me involving my personal lhonor, and as a former member of the House of Cominons I feel I cannot allow the matter to rest without referring it to you, as leader ofthe House, for attention. Ac- cording to Hansard-the member for South Ontario stated that Mr. Lyman . Smith, former Collector of Customs at Oshawa, bought his Wway-inte the position of Collec- tor of Customs here, and from whom? From a man-who held-his seat-in-this House-pre- i Now since, without doubt, Mr, Lyman . Smith was appointed Col- lector of Customs at Oshawa on my recom- Ca nse taree eettates Ui aie BeNaAtION, the: charge of buying. pers a public offide certainly rests Lyman . Smith and myself. such a transaction oceurred it involved a trans- gression of the aw of the land, and I wish to, ask that if you have any confidence in the integrity of your follower who made the charge you instruct the Department of Jus- months, d-livered. . 2.00 months, ty matt..-.150/tice to at once institute proceedings against iyself in this affair, or that you appoint a 7 committee, to be composed entirely of Con- jservative members of Parliament, before whom the member for South Ontario. may have an Sbport nty to repeat his charge: T ask this in simple justice to myself and-in the:interest of clean polities in Can- jada. Meantime I content myself with say- x of South Ontario ibuted to him, as re- the 9th, he made a ing that if the m make blocks from Central Park : SEE US FOR ACREAGE FOR SUB-DIVISION: edieine Hat,Altia.- Canada NEWS BLOCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. We are Loaning - Money at NEW YEARS CARDS The Finest * Assortment Ever Show in the City Per Cent. The Annual Meeting np. of Trade will be e COUNCIL GHA of the City Hall Thursday, J 2nd. 191 at 8 o'clock pan Hi. HASSARD, Seer of this ad. If not, we to come in and prove youreelt. HARVARD TAILORIE CALGARY'S STREET RAILWAY renee the semblance of fousdation in fact, he CGALGARY S. experience with: its street drew upon his diseased imagination for the railway system has been a happy one facts, and demeane himself by knowingly and in view of the fact that it was not many Uttering his slander in terms-as false as years ago that syndicates of capitalists ean. F Zi B .-., I wish simply to say, in language which tried to get a franchise for the system just y have never before used in flaton to a as they are now in Medicine Hat, the ex- fellowman, that so long as this affair re- perience of the western city is of interest mains in its present state Parliament will RARY OFFICE, 394 TORONTO STREET JOHN INWOOD, Manager. gt; Pingle s Deg aha D. DAVIS, Bees Boek Mapes 5: ee Son EES To Buy or Build Homes. Medicine To Pay Off Mortgages. To Improve Real Estate. HE ROYAL BANK fo R.B. Taylor s OF CANADA , on favorable C, H. McDUNNOUGH, Manager. to the people of this burg. The Morning) Albertan of Calgary, commenting on the 100,000 profit the street railway-system is) showing for the calendar year, says: The strevt-rallway'-will Show forthe year a surpl receipts over operating expenses of about 100,000, When it is remenibered that the corporations which tempted the city to give away the franchise insisted that the receipts eSeetpateegontretecfocgeatregoagoate , Imperial Bank of Canada Capital Paid Up to.. Reserve Fund ASGENERAL BANKING RUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAYINGS: BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. 2. G. WILKINSON, Manager, Medicine Bat Branch: Spare etodte chocteeteateaeatrstoetesestoctestoaty 6,620,000 - 6,620,000 would-not meet operating expenses until the city. got to be 100,000 or thereabouts, which they then estimated at very many years, distant, it is not surprising that Calgary people have very much pride in their street.railway sys- 2, tem. Jn addition to the railway being a money maker, the service is very good, much better in fact than if we bad private corporation in control. However, the- people should not be carried-away by this big surplus, It is not all profit. The street railway is getting no better treatment from the city than the cor- porations asking for franchises sought, but it is getting somewhat better treatment than street railways: usually do receive from cities. These big surpluses should not tempt the citizens or the members of the council to reduce the fares or to lis- : THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. Established 1864. Capital Paid Up, Total Assets (No 6,000.00. r. 80th. 1911) over 81,000,000. 180 Branches in Canada. A general Banking Business Transacted. Speelal attention to Savings Accounts, JOY, Manager: : 3 Automobile Livery Phil. Cocking : Medicine Hat Branch 438 Cor. Ro , and 5th Ave. Phone 80+ LONG AND SHORT rhips fen to any scheme for wildcat railway-extensions to the far corners of the earth. The city should net-think of changing the fares until jt has extended the service some- what and finds out whether or not these: big surpluses can be maintained. It should not make any change until the street railway pays every charge that street railways are usually called upon to pay. On the other hand t ts grossly unfair to the system and to street railway users that the street railway sur- pluses should be placed into the general fund to reduce the general taxes. : - In times of unusual prosperity, the temptation to ex- travagance is very great. -The council should not be ex- travagant if ft desires to have a street railway that con- tinues to pay. / i The News does not consider itself out of. order in again asking the tatepayers of this city to take heed of the mistakes of such cities as Moose Jaw, Toronto, Winnipeg, London, and others which sold their fran- chises, and of the successes of such as Cal- gary, Edmonton, and others which kept their franchises as municipal enterpri A COWARDLY ATTACK. MURRAY OLSON Insurance Real Estate - gt; and Employment Agents. 386 TORONTO STREET. Please write or plione 942 or call on us. Your listings of City or Farm Property solicited. PHONES OFFIE .... 666 RESIDENCE 21: Piano: Moving A Speciaity - Tasker apid BRetsonamte cliable Transfer Co. LIGHT and HEAVY, DRAYING Main St, next City Hall. ABOUT the most cowardly thing a public man can do is to take advantage of position as a member of the e of Com- mons to make charges and insinuations that he would not dare to make outside where he would not be protected as he is in the House... Bob Rogers-was-given the lie, hot as to his.statements. concerning .the Sa katehewan elect gad the bye i jin Richelieu. Maj trie called a rival faithfully yours, paidisel remain unpurged of a vulgar and villainous liar in the person of the member for Sout Ontario. With great respect, I am, honorable sir, Fred. L. Fowke. * It is up to Mr. Borden. If Smith speaks the truth, Fowke should be prosecuted. Tf Smith speaks - what is a lie, he should be driven out of the House. For the sake of the purity of Canadian politics, the dignity of the Canadian Parliament, the investiga- tion should be held and the truth known. ean deny THIS DAY IN. CANADIAN HISTORY. December 26th. That very important measure, Constitutional Act, went into effect on December 26th, 1791. It was passed during the premiership of William Pitt the Younger, son of the great War Minister, who had sent Wolfe to the capture of Quebec, and it had moreover the powerful, sup- port of Lord Dorchester who, as Sir Guy Carleton, had had Jong experience of conditions in Canada. By it the two provisices of Upper and Lower Canada were created, the boundary line between them being so traced that the great majority of people on the one side were French and onthe othtp English. Upon the whole the few English in- habitants of French Canada were bitterly opposed to the Act, but the new English settlers of Canada West hailed it with delight, for it gave to both provinces the boon of representative government and made the existing laws subject to appeal or variation by the provincial legista- tur s. This enabled the provinces to retain the British criminal liws, and while permitting the French of Lower Canada, who preferred it, to keep the French system of civil law, enabled the English, who found it vurdensomie and incomprehensible, to free thems lves from it. eS THIS DATE IN HISTORY, December 26. 1791 Canada divided into two provinces, Upper and Lower Canada. 1811 The governor and many other of the leading cit- zens of Virginia perished in a theater fire in Rich- mond. - 3a re 1812 Great Britain proclaimed a blockade of the Ches- apeake and the Delaware. 1831 Stephen Girard, eminent philanthropist, and banker, died in Philadelphia. Born in France, May 20, 1750. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh connected by tele- THIS 18 MY 87th BIRTHDAY. William P. MeCombs. Willlam F. McCombs, chairman of the National. Demo ratic committee and manager of the Wilson presidential ampalgn, was-born in Ashley County, Arkansas, Decem ber 26, 1875. He received his preparatory Tennessgeynd in 1898 was gradu: f University. Following this he atten school, from which he was graduati then admitted to the New York bard) tre-was employed as a clerk by a prom then opened an office of his own afi wire fence manufacturer a liar, but he will not repeat it outside the gHouse.. - Lat William Smith, member for South Ontar made the insinuation, or rather plain Mment that Lyman mith bought his posi- tion as collector of customs at Oshawa from F. L. Fowke, who was member for Sovth Ontario when he was appointed. Mr Fowke has taken the only course open t him to have the-charge refuted, in-asking the premier, as leader of the House, to ap- point a committee of members to investigate 72 years old today tained a high place in his protestion. Pa h charge of the recent caliipaign: hit: actical polities was in 1904 when ful candidate on the Democratic ticket tor neral Assembly. Mr. McCombs has : dent-eleet- Wilson ever sing he Was nt ton, where the President-eleciwa that time a professor. a 9 CONGRATULATIONS TO: Admiral George Dew y, hero of the battle of Manila Bay and ranking officer of the United States navy, 75 yeilts. old today, * GONTRACT PLAN AT ONCE. Se ee : CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT CO. LEMITED- 3 225 Pacific Building, Van- conver, B,C. IMPERIAL BANK BLDG. MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. Office Open Evenings Until Nine O'clock. YOUR WINTER OVERCOA How. about it? It surely needs pressing and renovating to make it look like new, if you have had it put away rom summer moths. Better bring it around and let us put in ship slape for yon, so that it will be ready for the first cold blast It will look like-a new one when it is returned from THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. Improved methods make our eervice particularly efficient. juet, half or party by sbid- Tatindry, to the Steim Laundry. lt; gt; Thelr work te perfection for they have. installed all the most .gp-to-date machinery which j iminates all Imperfection. Of our nt we Invite the publie to make Inspection. Hon. Joseph Dubuc, former chief justice of Manitoba, MEDICINE HAT STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 8. Transfer Light and Heary Draying. Prompt Attention to all orders, Piano Moving with Piane Van eo Dellverea. HONE NN, 349. H. B. CURTIS CitySale Stables Heayy Teams, Diivers, Saddle Horses for Sale. SIGHT AND HEAVY PRAYING, * . . ffiay for Sale. FRED McCLAIN. PHONE 85. PROPRIETOR Latest samptes-in Wall Paper. 120 Eighth Ave, Phone 690. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHOND NO, 368, 02 798 THE J. S. FOULS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO 8 All Times, - Electric Restorer for Men Phhosphonol restores overs norv i the bod nsphen 7 tension: Fim and vitality, Prematare d itaernal Wwoaness averted at on shone will Bake you s-new man, Price 88 box. 0, wo for aid lo any address Se Bee tons addres. Seobent Drag Sold at Pingle s Drag Store, decay ant all sexual Meat Mar Fresh Meats a Wife, ibe, 174 and 22 4c a Rigs call every mo A trial is all we PHONE 87 515 THI WINTER VEGET FOR SALE Carrots, Turn Parsnips, Beets, Cabbage, Pota NOW 1S. THE to have the Inside decorated. RESTAURANT AND LIV LE IN SEVEN PER Both places are well st equipped and doing goo Owner has other interest: alf cash; balan For particulars see 8. CARLSON. Se Oo R Ss Sere SHOP PERSONS, Mrools, forge and compl for carrying on business fpold to cloxe up estate.) Full information as tb ete, upon application to GUS BOWMA? Sev F134-12t SUBSCRIBE NOW for
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Image 1230 (1912-12-26), from microfilm reel 1230, (CU1773584). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.