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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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SLAUGHTERSALE Se The Harvard Tailaring Co. OPPOSITE DREAMLAND We are going out of the second hand business and we are selling the stock at the following prices: Men's, and Boys Coats and Overcoats from . Ladies and Misses : Coats and Jackets from. Women s and Girls Shoes, mostly new, from .j 100 odd articles at your own price. During fhe sale we will sacrifice the balance of Gur brand new winter stock at less than cost. Men s one-buckle Overshoes Men's two-buckle Overshoes Mel Felt Shoes from ......- Men's Sheepskin Coats from . Sweaters, Mitts, Gloves, Unerwear, ate. 3125 ARE ALL CORNER Speculators Stand snow From all: api that New Year's sprightly as ever. seats is good. THREE CHILDREN: Ticket to Make Fortune in Chi eago Every Place Sold Out. number of sufficient td) Ottawa, Dec. peta ticket when options on tables ty, pal hostelries' are hela Ont., ents and neighbors to save them. TURRIAL BA IS restaurant and hotel ist it is because of re- of tables in any quantity secured by ticket scalp- Sandy Hook, N. United Fruit Company's - New Year's eve on rect Sto the managers, all of declare every available table subscriped for. Neverthe- N. Waterfall, a well known : gpeculator tonight declared he furnish seats at practically all leading restaurants for New tic City in a snow ly tod: docked for revairs. BURNED TO DEATH The three chii- dren of Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Curran, oi Edward's Station, Carleton Coun- were burned to death in their home i spite of efforts of par- OFF AGAIN SAFE , Dec. 27. The steamer Turrial Ba, which went ashore on - south Brigantine shoals near Atlan- 2 storm early Tuesday morning, was pulled off in- to deep Water by wrecking tugs car The tugs took her under tow for New York where she will be AUTO NOBILE. FOOT? LATEST DISEASE The. automio ae St, Louis, Dec, 27s bile foot has developed opti catise ts the oppoaiteyot that OF policeman s. flat foot, Whileh is by too mich walking. The Cause of the asitomobdile foot Is too Little walking, But the effect ts the same. Like the policeman' s ailment, lately Alselissed by the specialist, t causes pains which may b mistaken for those of rheumatism Dr. Alex Biock- Yois, who is a foot specialist, told a Feporter today that motor car foot im playing havor with the human foot. When one becomes tho owner of fam auto, he said, the infetuatlon fOr it is 40 great that the sutolst oes not walk enough to support thel of the body, and of exercise surplus ature weight igh lack Weight of the body fs taken on and this extra welght Increase while the of the foot decreases, RAILWAY SIGNALS. UP London, Dec. 27 Al railroads of England were patrolied by extra guards today on the lookolit for fur- ther interference with train signals. by the militant suffragettes, Several iustances of tampering: with signals similar to that. on the Northern Rallroad were found, but no harm was done. At Potters, on the Northern, a rail- way employee found the signal wires tied together with-a rope and attach- ed to it was a note pleading for votes for women. It was the first intima- tion that the inflitants might attempt actual destruction of life and. property and railroad officials as well'a8 po- lice were: perturbed The letter box, fire alatm and:tele- graph campaigns of the suffragettes were forgotten In the bellef that vio- lence might come at any time. KING GEORGE: HAS .. VERY SEVERE COLD The strange om- ission of the King s name from the court circular igsued at Sandringham on Christmas day is now explained by th official announcement that His* Majesty had suffered from slight cold from which he has re- Bring your suburbs closer in PT HE val of cy sal ett ie drety proportion afe to its travel-distance from the business centre, Thiege'a a. Gsiierence Eetoreen -trayet distance, and the num- since the value of land in the business centre is dependent farther out, these same streets enhance You can t actually move a piece of real estate. i pasos bang ray eee be only a. half- back street; and integra oa you can, for all: practical by paving with Windsor Ontario sn se othe ot aia aarp toad ing. Prior to 1908, 20,000 square yards of Ges accord Meese sou every year since then. The tow for two- are: always needing repairs tod ot ply be Concrete ; Good Roads Department Canada Cement Company, Limited MONTREAL For roads or anything else of Concrete, the best possible result may be assured Canada Come: by using The label, dba oF ight pesciblequaliys ithe monetary circles, and its effect bank read like fiction war reports, DYN AMPEG Cee TO JURY indiamapolia, Dee. 20 * The dynimiting conspiracy and bas been civen to the lt; Ws expected they will ce tate ove Gay to give their bide tebeee a covered: Phe circular mentioned meinbers of the royal fam- et ee ined with Queen Alex evening. it ts learns is thought not advisable D take the risk of walk- park in the wet Wen ore stayed Indoors wretched weathet d the abandonment ot rf m the shooting party to- London Dally Express, how- ver, says the King is ll abed atlj York cottage, Sandringham, with a feverish cold nd threatening s ptoms similiar to influenza. Sil Alan Mannby, the king's physician, fs in attendance. The distribution of gifts from the royal -Christmag tree on New Year's eve will be postponed and, the aseises ot Mie band. whic Secargaaa te ie Re se alk King Edward's death, pensed with for the The: king's cold Meyeloped on Tuesday evening during the distri- bution of the beet to the tenanta and laborers of the Sani The king retired carly, and was unabiey to get up on Wednesday morning. APPREHENSION OF WAR HAS WROUGHT HAVOG WITH TRADE (Continued frem Dage one) ending December 15 amounted. to 190, compared, with / 12,125' in the corresponding week of igst year. Altogether: 25,000. workmen and working girlg)mre said to have been thrown out of employment in. the past few weeks in Vienna. The. Times correspondent in Vienna says: The vice-president of the Esokope Gesclichaft of lower Austria makes an estimate of the consequences of the panic. The panic; he wires, has thrown us back into an era which-we beliey- ed long passed, an era when the stockinig was the savings bank. * The sims withdrawn from productive in- vestments are enormous, The sec? retary-general of the State bank f certainly not below the mark in reckoniag 13,000,000 pounds, ( 65, 000,000) the mount hoarded in stockings and private cash boxes. This war panic has disturbed our whole economic centre, especially js twofold. In consequenfe of the withdrawal of deposits, the banks were unable to place money at the disposal of the productive industries and were, on that account, obliged to hold strong reserves in readiness for all emergencies. + Thes'weekly returns o. the State In normal times the discount port- folio of the bank in December reads 81,000,000 pounds, ( 150,000,000) and 35,000,000 pounds, ( is year it amounts to 50,000,000 pounds, ( 250,000,000) while the loans on col- lateral security have reached quite Subscribe now for The Dajly News IN THE MATTER OF THE LAND TITLES ACT and In the matter of Lot 20, Block 18, ac- cording to a plan of Bow Island, Alberta, of record in the Land Titles Office for the South Alberta Land Registration District as SBow Island 5800, 8. TAKE NOTICE that an application will be made to the presiding Judge in Chambers at the Court House, Lethbridge, on the 2ist of January, 1918, at eleven o'clock in the fore- noon for an.order that a transfer of the land above described from Wil- liam Lewis, late of Medidine Hat, Alberta, registered owner thereof un-. dor Certificate of Title K. B. 178, to the Citizens Lumber Company, Lim- ited, be registered in the said Land Titles office without the. production of the Duplicate Certificate. To William Lewis and all whom It may concern, De 20 F aw CORSETIERRE SPIRELLA CORSETS MADE TO measure, guaranteed for one yea) against breaking and rusting; very ight weight. House No. 7, School Av. anue, opposite east side of high 4 hool. Phone 699 for appointment or write P, O. box 72, Mrs. Matthews, 121-3m Oakes Everard Co. REAL ESTATE. STREET. PHONE 55 Listings Wanted. See us for good buys in Hill, North Yuill and Powell. others SINGER SEWING MACHINE AGENCY Machines for Sale and Rent. 421 Toronto Street. P. 0, Box 184 tf oF BELL SONS North Railway St, KS PHONE 633.254 ee ee have a block sto sell in D VIEW also one to sell e py Roma Wall up the i . SNAP F COUSINS SISSONS Block 22, 100 ft. for 2300. Block 22, 1155 for, 50 ft Block 13; 4 paire fer/si oo pair. Usual terms, fd oe PHONE 633, Address zen ( Railway St, Opposite Crossing. NORTH YUILL 100 ft; corner for 2900. RIVERDALE 100 ft. corner, 1600, All. these. listings are erisp and fresh, not one 48 hours old. We do not furnish stale listings. PHONE 683, BELLS, FOR INFORMATION ON REAL ESTATE RIVERSIDE Block 18, 100 ft. corner 2100. Usual terms. - Also in same block, 50 ft. corner for 1400. -Terms.. Biock 13, Riverside, 50 ft., 1,000. for for eet AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR BERVICE AT ANY TIME ah a a ea crn BILL DIVISION Block 28, 50 ft. corner for 1155. Half cash and take over agreements. We can deliver every one of these on Thursday. Not only that, but we can get them s ed up in 30 minutes from pur- chase. PHONE 633, BELLS, FOR aSNAPS Zi Here are some more Fair View 19 to 26, 200x100 ft corners for 1250, Usual terms. PHONE 8s, BELLS, FOR HOUSE LIST REDCLIFF Block 61, between. school and depot, a block from Broad- way. .A snap, 50 feet for 900. Usual terms. NE 683 FOR LATES INFORMATION Do your live and up-to-ds If you.are ng Corner of North Main St. right opposite the railway crossing. W, KEITH BELL, CARL S. BELL, JAMES V. BELL, CAS- PAR BELL. by the Srd of January. Apply 429 Balmoral St 188-6t WANTED WOMAN ,TO LOOK AF- ter chambers, 6 roots. Apply by let- ter to box 642 city. Maltt WANTED DINING ROOM GIRLS Apply Royal Hotel. 136-tf Be SE eae WANTED MEN TO LEARN; BAR- ber trade; eight weeks completes; situati n- furnished; tools free; won- erful Gemand for barbers, Write for our neW,.free illustrated catalogue. Moler e, 804a Centrei*st,,-Cal- wary. - WANTED+PANTRY GIRL: APPLY Cosmopolitan Hotel. 28+. tt WANTED GENERAL SERVANT. Apply to Mrs, W. G. Lynch, 603 Main St. 126-tt BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE Ogilvie Flour Mill job, Telaphi Job Office. Caniadial Limited. y Promptly; attended to. 3 SITUAZIO aged woman Wwanite wark arid cooking svply Mrs. Dickson By cliff, Alta. ey eae WANTED A. POSITION AB: GENER- al man, with good experience. res ply 121 8th Avenne.. .D. Fisher-; FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET FOR three months; within 10, minutes walk of the post office: Apply Box 1467 News. Office ce TO RENT FURNISHED HQUSE FO?) three months, stYictiy modera, in most desirable part of the city, to small family without children. Apply P, 0. Box 428, city. 4l-3t TO RENT GARAGH TO RENT) 4 per month. 618 Ottawa St. Api Oakes Gerard Co. Phone 556 : es i ee WANTED 10 RENT WANTED HOUSE 'TO. RENT, FUR- nished or unfurnished, by. ebruary: Apply Joba- McBthatton, general de- livery, Medicine Hat. 149-6 WANTED ON OR BErore 25th January, house to rent..No children. Write box 1428, News office. . 116tf WANTED SIX OR SEVEN ROOMED house to rent. Fairly close in pre- ferred. No children. Apply box, pee News: office. tt FoR sitz. FOR SALE A NEW MILK COWw Apply R. F. Collins. 143-tt FOR SALE BY OWNERS, TEN LOTS in block 38, Bending,, at 375 each, terms. High and level. Box 1468 News. 143-6 FOR SALE A GOOD PAYING BUSI- ness (or gutted Highiand St. out children. Box 1469 News off ce, on new 0.5. Me- 81-1-30 Breaking. 2.00 pat bi Gee, Redvers, Sask. ROOMS WANTED. WANTED TWO OR THREE FURN- ished rooms for married couple, with- 143 YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE WANT nicely furtiished room. 1465 News office. Apply box 141-3 pepe the bil red. Apply. 626 Mbse two heads and four tail AS'GOLD inside. Owner may bave 188-4 FOUND -AN UMBRELLA WAS found in opera house some time ago, Owner will remit sum for ad when they receive umbrella. Apply News office. 3 iat STRAYED 26 REWARD THE ABOVE WILE be paid for information that will lead to the recovery of one grey gelding, weighing about 1300, branded either H. F, monogram on left shoulder, or on left thigh. This horee is four years old and has trim med tail. R. EB. Starke/)Medicine Hat. Sept. 0, 1912, eott STRAYED ONTO THE PREMISES OF Undersigned about Nov. 15th, red cow with white face; branded K. over: bar on left ribs. Henry N. Cavan. 142-6 MISCELLANEOUS, STORM DOORS AND- WINDOWS itted, also general repairers orders 4 Apply 718 vente, Phone 875. 138-*t gNED PARTIES. can have same rt cl manner at the dink, Main St. J. Halward. 126-tf ' same:by applying to News office and , paying for ad. DANCING, CLASSES EVERY ay, Wednesday and. Friday. Tahgements made for out-of-tow private lessons if desired. . K. Her- man, 618 Toronto Street, Medicine Hat, 124-tf. PES MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection. of Secon Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks. Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- yolvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice pew line of winter goods We buy everything mentioned abo: and pay the best prices. Call at 60s South Railway St. or Phone 687, Ww LOOK LOOK HERE THE RAW FUR, ION 18 OPEN. Don t sel? your ft ur raw hides til You-calf ap oe uch P.O 702, Medicini call or write. WE PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR second hand furniture, tools, stoves, Fifles, guns, raw hides and furs. Call at 312 4th Aye, opposite Drearaland 703. HB, ronto St, GEO. SATTERLEE, LIVESTOCK General Auctioneer. Sale on mark every Friday Right prise Main St. P.-0, box 826, Medici a icine CHARTERED ACCOUNTAN VA HENDERSON CO., accountants , Winnipeg, Medicine bridge. A. E. Gibson, partner. Phone 198, ae 7 reer 3. 8 GREAVES ACCOUNTANT, auditor, ete., tradesmen s books writ. ton up. Charges) reasonable. Room 8, News Block. U1 Subsoribe now for the Daily News boa is: from 2.00 up, to 6.00, oot forest 1 aad tice 108 oe AND. COON LEFT, AND DISPOSHLOR 1 AT ABSO. ee ACCOUNT e VERY U2 LE WE AWE ARE E . THIS 18 PORTUNITY B R O o The Man's Store Wh Get the Big Dollar's Germany Ff , Sv Kaiser Will Revie ing of Ne of Money Wil Beaters. Berlin, Dec. 27. Thirts athletes will parade befor: on June 8, the occasion of tion. of the stadium now structed on Grunswald Sutside Berlin, for the O s in 1916: From this teem train a body of worl 4y thousand competitors by the leading athletic a of Germany and 10,000 from schools and, LISH TEAMS WENT BACK ( Boxing Day y Game ed Decisions of ( Day Manche: Loses Premier I London, Dec. 27. o: of form were seen in yest ball matches, several te on P We don t dnsist on gettir e have two Broatiway 50 ft. cor 1,550. 1 F SEI 5.0. PHONE 453. Opposite Assi
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Image 1240 (1912-12-27), from microfilm reel 1240, (CU1773566). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.