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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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mectloashard on my. 15wed me to New iadelph and only A large crowd jwithessed one .of Gus-carr i thig: most .exclting of the Sea- son. A-return match: will be arrang- ae the Gardinal s-manager, was called mney: Who liad never seen a ball game indigo, YJ 13 Subscribe. new for the Batty Nowy. te overs trom the north and sat bet Pe ICINE BAT.DAILY NEWS. ee ve fet SOUNGT he waited snotigh. money to it worth while fo come New York and. manage. the locals. Mr Farrell sald that he knew that: the New York public would le great- ly. ited ff he*falled to get Chan e declared that he woul do everyth fithin reason to get the fan Ia Tine for the waRNAReT- i berth here. oe n aan Beat Hatters . game om curlers were: outwitted. Dan Dalgleish Kamloops uld ould curler, did: dome. wonderful work as vice kip aid- Incldentatly pulled off, ever witnessed on Hateice. WF, Palmer was unavoidably ab- sent and Sheriff John Benson: very Deindiy filled in and wid groat workk by hogging sll his rocks. Ea Herod got some: of his run- puing shots in and doubled the score on th Holt Bros, Se eae J. Benson, foe ae He skip; score 8. Medicine Hat J. Inws G.-Holt, D. Holt, Los Angeles, arriving f r the Palzer- heavyweight fight at Yernon ee Even money still, prevaits in ttre eee 3 down Suis Co: ee ans fover - president of the New York American League team today ordered Short- stop Tommy, McMillan back to Ro- hester and feleased Jack. Martin, who was trade by which MeMilan came to New York. There was some dispute over the-deal, so Farrall called it oft and told manager Chapman -to send back -Martin and he would. retain Maherst, Mass, Dec: 30 John Ki- Jongsh won finish wrestling match from Bull Montana tonight by the disqualification of Montans throtigh hitting his opponent frequently, while A Ieading cricketer makes the .tol- lowing annouricement through-- the News: (Owing to the suitess of the oricket match which was ing at ten-thirty sharp. ers are invited to attend, time, as the plotographer will the grounds at eleven o'clock, and. we wish to get as big a crowd to- gether as possible, All-belng--well our worthy Mayor will be on hand to take the firstZover. The game be played in. the Athletic Park, ros the river. d in the yesterday Forn- Alex, Rosse Coat ickol- George Michel, Coal G Hextter Campbell, slightly dermien who fa j Madrid, Spain, D of the greatest ficrobatic stunts ter the assassinal Rican Merritt, re- LE Wills. RES TRICK FRUSTRATED. Calgary, Dec. ae j An attempt was made by the dying city council to Award the contract for the thirwe large 1 coricrete brides, the cost of which is ostimated to be inthe neighborhood of one million, to Mie C. A. P. Turn- er Company, and Wis frustrated by the opposing minority laving the council chamber breaking the quorum. not tie Turner Company should be awarded the con- tract was ove of the Issues of the re- c nt municipal campaizn, several al- the company, eae thelr seats, SPANISH - HAS RESIGNED. 31, Count Re manos today the King the resignation of the t. This was in fulfillment of the understanding when he assumed the premiership af- of Premier Canaljas. Tho aiinfotry includes ome disoordant ts and King: be count. to form whe following yore nominated ted by acclamation. Port Hope W. HuaGeddy, H. + Has Winnipeg, Dee. 81 0n-the wheat market this morning trading Wwas. Hight and prices strong on covering over the new. and in-sympathy with Am rican markets whteh were ae Liverpool cloged: 4 lower and Were undecided. This cash glemand wan Tat tering: the Toronto, Dec. 31 Tlie P Canada In their, messages im thelr Aes the am looking for a Targer-a ot population far many years past gt; Dist Outstanding feature of Ontar- be during the past year, tayor Sir James Whitney, was.ths ac- a aq apanee W. A. Steacy, WL W Hillier, MD, 4 Kingston T. J. . R. Bail- ey. hy Sault Ste. Marle P, Munro, . Drr Gimby, G. Al Boyd, J.J. Blaine, E, Simpson, James Bagsingthwaite- Carleton: Place Mayoer F. Smythe, re-elected by acclamation. Mattawa George Lamethe (seventh and Prestott F. 8. Bi n, FW. Ell- ptt. Rockiand Dr- N, 8. Dehaitre. Brockville John A. gMacKenzle, Li F. Grue, P. A. Stew- t, A, Donald- sreas, Napo- wo Are Nominated. in Vancouver, a Third is Possible. * Vancouver, B. C, Tipe. 30 Alder- S, Baxter and: Jonathan Ro- 6 01 a-Liberal and the Conservative, gre in the flold fot the mayoralty L, D. Tty- oF, editor of the Wild newspaper, as a dark ho lity. Baxter 6 the champlotet fbn, agreement now in the final stages of negotia- tion between the cit and the Can- adian Northern Railway for the es- tablishment of Jocal terminals here, Judge Phippen of the Canadian Nor- thern, has just returned east. after holiiing several meetings with the City ,Council. The-yailway is ty be given one hundred. and fifty acr s of juistition-of the Great-Northern/-dis- trict, known as the-district of Pat- word, fe otnctades, ix sunt prosperity The Monetary Times repeats leat of Saskatchewan's Hon. Walter Scat, aho e growth of that proy- ince has not de-at the ex- pense of any other section da, a The Frontier of Alberta has been pushed back beyond the rich prairie iands and mineral fields of: Peace River and Athabasks, says Hon. A: L.-Bifton, As a natural conssquence of development, the inflow of popu- Jatfon and capital to the cfties has been unusualiy rapid. The.pountry has taken on a great- er air of solidity but loses none of its characteristic vigor in doing so. Look Out Next Year . While the progress of British ?Co- lumbig during the past year more) than fulfilled anticipations, the rec* ord for the coming year will lB even: greater, says Sir Richard McBride, + rade is exceedingly active, indus- trial prosperity is expanding rapidty, mining returag have .a gratifying in: crease for the year, while the devel opment of Iumbering, agriculture, the fisheries and the great natural wealth of the province generally augur well for 1913. WILSON'S CABINET Forecast Given Which Lives Up to Best Traditions of Democracy. Ottawa, Dec. 30- The advantage of going abroad for news of home fits the case of a United States cabinet Iprediction which comes to light through a letter received here from a most reliable source, It-is to the ef fect that a friend of Gov rnor Wood- w Wilson, president-elect of the ited States, who spent proeks with /hi thab tlie, follo lard in the False Creek basin fortyabp Btation purposes and yard . and, hds agres dto provide a wharf where. its steamers will call SHEFEIELD CHOFR Se) ) US, VAUDEVILLE London This radeville show Wy Monetary Times, printed tm. its ans) ai are of business with offerings a quotations out of coted DAUPHIN SCENE OF DISASTROUS. FIRE Main Business Block- ifthe aan is Completely Gat- te ; Daupbin, Man-, D disastrous fire which tian eot-stiecbed in this town started in the block this morming. The block brtck and the, largest in being three stories with a of 100 fest, The building: at 50,000. qos te sania closed Uy abe tties. ee Soh No New York. fi mcs wie tees Mass me t- om reports thats Hhad-decided to strike in many rach: on, such trike would b .d astrous. To go over the situation 3 AY TW LBERTH Toronto, Dec: 31. Over one. mile of raflroad per day every day this year, has been built by the Canaijiag, Nor- thern Ratlroad in the Province of Alberta, which probably makes new: Tecord in the history of Canadian railpoading, says T. A. Fraser, west- ern engineer of the G.N.R. In addition to the actual construc- tion work, completed this year, the company comipl ted the location of of 868 miles of new roads, which will be built as socom ag spen, money and material can be obtained, * LADIES OF ST. PATRIOK'S CHURCH The ladies of St. Patrick's parish are holding tea and show of house ings al the residence of Mrs. Irwin, Montres Bt, om Friday attemoon, Jan. 3rd. The shower is tovgoMownrds tulmishing the avatt. jer. Wax found dead tn bed at acwnd of the drygoods J. Seowart and gradually. acc the building: te gt; wompletel Fetary; A. Patterson, orgabist; Tyas, tyler. ht. Mizpath Lodge, No. 35 D. masters, A Bell, senior Crufecksbanks, junior warden? Fawcett. senior deacon; T. jumior deacon; DIR Ware, guard; T. Bassett, J. Abell treasurer, G. W. EIS se HL McRwen; organist, J. tvi r, 4. Williams. REALESTATE Block 24, lots 29 and 20, St, Exot, bas chatiged bands per foot. Yesterday a Picate purchased property sama, street at over 400) her sale also om Tory madexesterday tolag se of ike -eoraer J former lehder of the Liveral tion. Saas oe Coenen
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Image 1273 (1912-12-31), from microfilm reel 1273, (CU1773577). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.