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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Be Glasgow House XMAS SHOPPING Many-Suitable and Useful Gifts . at Small Cost FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS FANCY LINENS ; The Glasgow Ho ei i Set Fashionable Dressers KID GLOVES SILK HOSIERY HAND BAGS BLOUSES, ETC. This Store Will Be Open eee: Se oe E QUEBEC BANK z 94th YEAR IN BUSINESS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. ret of Credit and Money Orders sold, payable in all parts of world, GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH ORARY OFFICE, 394 TORONTO STREET JOHN INWOOD, Manager. THE-ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869. 24,000,000 on favorable MEDICINE SHAT BRANCH FOURTH AVENUE. C. H. MeDUNNOUGH, Manager. GELOELEPOLLES POTTS OGIO OL eri Bank of Canada Capital Paid Up .. . 6,460,000 Reserve Fund .... . 6,460,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK BEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. BR. G. WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hit Branch. e, ro toot fs oss ss fe ee te 1 st so Soak co af so-ate LISLOT OTE ES i Ms THE MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. Established 1964, 180 Branches in Canada. 3 Capital Pald Up, 6,000,000. Total Assets (Nor. 80th. 1911) over 81,000,000. A general Banking Business Transacted. Special attention to Savings Accounts. ea a Franca W. , JOY. Manager 2 Medicine Hat Branch SPaeaSe PPADS eetetie sie sto ate c.g. R. PASSENGER SERVI WINTER 1912-13. FEFECTIVE OCT. 27, 1912) Eastbound, Note Trains 1 and 2 carry sleeping care only betwee Winnipeg and Revelstoke, No, 11 and 12 do notcome tuto Medicine Hat passing time at Dunmore, miles east, shown. Medicine Mat News ee soe ecanee by the Medicine Hat Yews Con Lid, ever) erentug at its office, Main Stree, Wedlelme Hat, Alta. AL HONE: Baltorial, Irertising Reportorhd, and Cireulation and News Dept Job Depts: 1) ROG RING TQ DAILY SUBSCHIPTION RATES 2850 old ad resser 7 t bo given WEERLY NEWS. Publishec avery Thursday In Sixteen or more pages, and contains a eummary of the news of the week. local and district. 6 montha, tn advance 7oe 8 months, in advahew. .50e year in advance:... 1.50 : Saturday, December 2ist, 1912. MILLIONS FOR AGRICULTURE. TF CANADA can spend 35,000.000 on battleshps, surely she can afford to spend 5,000,000 for agricultural educa- tion, said Hon. Duncan Marshall, minister of: agriculture for Alberta, when speaking at-luncheon at the Fat Stock Show at Guelph the Even Duncan s bit- terest enemy must admit that in that sen- tence he uttered a truth that every Canad- ian must recognize. As Dr. Clark remark- ed in his speech on the naval question, the farmers of Canada will pay the great bulk of the 35,000,000 that the Borden Govern- ment proposes to hand over to be spent ou battleships. are losing millions every tignorance and no one knows this better than the farmers themselves. able interest is taken where opportunity is afforded .to make use of any educational facilities placed at their disposal but there jare not enough of them for all who want to learn the proper op, ity. Five mil- lion dollars in addition to what is already being spent is not too much to allow the farmers of this country full opportunity to become better acquainted with the beat methods of agriculture in all its branches. MASTERS IN TRAINING. THE Boy Scouts of a little town down in Tennessee have the use of an old house and it is their custom to Keep their equip- Automobile Livery Phil. Cocking 438 Cor. Roy and 5th Ave. Phone 804 LONG AND SHORT TRIPS IN OR OUT OF THE CITY tf Real Esiate Insurance ei and Employment Agents. 386 TORONTO STREET. Please write or phone 942 or call on us. Property solicited. PHONES Tasker Browen Transfer Co. apid LIGHT and HEAVY iano Moving Ter sonable DRAYING A Specialty liable Main St, next City Hall. MURRAY OLSON Your Ustings of City or Farm ; ment and the food supplies for their expedi- tions in it. The boys of the mountains came to know about that treasure house and when the Scouts were away at school or in bed at home, they d descend ,on the place and pretty well clean it out. The Boy Scouts were for reprisal at first until one of them, remembering the en- deavor of the organizers: to keep the mili- tary idea subdued, suggested that they might stop the business by inviting the now given-in that vicinity that any one who robs, molests or otherwise mistreats a Boy Scout will have to reckon with the whole kith and passel of mountain young- No, Arrive Leave Train-and Terminal, 2 8.00 20 Impy Ltd, Vancouver to Momesal. 20.03 20.30 Teronte Exp, Vancouver to: Toronto uu 1.15 440 Seattle-St. Paul Bxo. Seattle to st? 51s 23.00 Local from Calgary. Westbound, Nol Arrive Leave Trai and. Termfnal, 1-20.20 20.40 Imp, Ltd., Montreal to. Vancotiver. 8 42.00 -12.25 Van, Toronto. to. Vancouver. 18 , 2210 23.10 St. Paul-Seattle Exp. -St--P.-to-Senttio. 515 6.80 Local for Calgary. CROW TRAINS. No, Arrive Leave Train and Terminal. ue 240 2.55 Soo-Spokane-Portland Ltd, St. Pau Portland 12 * 945 9.55 Soo-Spokane-Portland Lid, Portland to St, Paul. 518-511 11.15 Local for Cranbrook. 512-619 19.25 Local from Cranbrook, 520-513 23.13 Express for Kootenay Land 614-517 4.80 Express: from Kootenay Lan Addregses changed as often as desired, buy bota usw au P vincial governments expenditures amount to 10,000,000 yearly. It is therefore most import- ant that the farmers should be better pre- year through A commend- mountain boys over for a spr ad. They 1883 cantilever Bridge at Niagara Falls opened for may just a been hungry, he said, and tratfic. that w hy the stole. The mountain 19 Gen. Antoine Simon became president of Haiti. boy cepted the invitation and notice is Se me erin his system of bribing provinces with tederal money, threw the-bill-out:- But in this connection it is interesting to note what the provinces themselves have been spending or are about to spend for roads. The information has been compiled by an eastern journal and is said to be authentie. British Columbia has spent in the last mm years approximately 15,000,000 on roads and bridges, and for the three years 1912-14 the expenditure of an equal amount is contemplated, or an expenditure of about 5,000,000 a year. Alberta has made a special appropriation of 1,,000,000 for a central north and south trunk: road, in addition to the usual 250,- 000 for eurrent revenue. Saskatchewan has-made a special ap- propriation of 5,000,000 for trunk roads, of which 1,500,000 is being spent this year, in addition to the usual 400,000 from cur- rent revenue, At the Jast session of the Manitoba legi lature a highway act set aside 200, 000 an- nually for provincial aid to main roads. A. Good Roads Act relating to the minor roads requires townships improving them to submit plans to the provincial authori- ties and upon approval may era ay oon debentur tures may be purchased or guaranteed by the Drea government, Oni for colonization roads in Nort tern Onatrio this year about 250,000. Local municipalities are spending each year about, 1,100,000 days of statute labor, and 1,400, 000 in. cash. In 1911 the ex- enditure under the highways improvement. act was 711,000, of which the province con- tributed a third. Quebec has borrowed 10,000,000 on forty-one-year bonds, enabling municipali- ties to borrow from the fund for the -same term on 2 per cent. interest. Three provin- cial highways aggregating 350 miles. in length-are being built, the municipalities paying toward the cost gl, 000 per, mile. New Brunswick appropriates annually 100,000 for roads, but a new road measure is promised for the eoming legislative ses- sion. Noa Scotia spends about 250,000 an- annually and the counties levy a statute labor tax: amounting to about 250,000. Prince Edward Island, where two cities are the only municipal organizations, spends annually maintaining earth roads. Thus for a total of 250,000 miles the pub- lie highways in the nine provinces the pro- THIS DAY IN CANADIAN HISTORY DECEMBER TWENTY-ONE. On this date/in the year 1814, Colonel Procter was tried by court martial in Montreal, on five charges con- 5 : cerning his retreat from Sandwich (after the defeat of pared to bear the added burdens. Agricul-) the British fleet on Lake Brie) and the digastrous Battle tural education is the most pressing educa- of the Thames near Moraviantown, of which the brave fons anh Plawnema Tecumseh 1a the accepted hero. The court found that i I problem in Canada to-day. Farmers proctor aid tot take the proper measures for conduct- ing the retreat, that in Many instances he had been erroneous in judgment and in some ways deficient in those energetic and active exertions which the extraord- inary difficulties of his situation so particularly requir- ed. (One of these difficulties was that, his whole force of white men and Indians was outnumbered by the army of his opponent Harriton in the proportion of more than three to one.) , The court acquitted him as to any defect or reproach of his personal conduct, but he was sent- enced to be publicly reprimanded and to be suspended from rank or pay for six month . A great omission on his part appears to have been neglect to burt the bridges bebind-him. The historian, Hanney, however, maintains that he was unjustly condemned. Reinstated, he served again before the end of the war, and ultimately rose to the rank of lMeutenant-general. EMILY P, WEAVER. THIS DATE IN HISTORY. DECEMBER TWENTY-ONE. 1804 Lord Beaconsfield, .celebrated English author and statesmafy, born. Died April 19, 1881, 1894 Sir Mackghzie Bowell became premier of Canada gt; 1911 Tabriz, Persia, bombarded by Russian troops. DECEMBER TWENTIETH. 1716 Thomas Grey, famous English poet, born. July 24, 171. 1776 Continental Congress met at Baltimore, 1779 William Wilkins, who was secretary of war under President Tyler, born in,Carlisle, Pa. Died in Homewood, Pa., June 23,1865. 1848 Louis Napoleon took the oath of allegience and was proclaimed President of the French Republic. 1860 South Carolina seceded from the Union. 1880 Electric street lighting introduced in New York City. Died LUTHER CONANT, JR, 4 Luther Conant ,Jr., who a short time ago was ap- pointed to the office of United States Commissioner of Corporations, was born in Acton, Mas ., December 21 After having graduated from the Acton schools ste the same, according to proclamation, ne utended Massachusetts Institute of. Technology, from being sy1 ymous with wild cats. which he received his bachelor of arts degree in. 1895. Ther 400,000 of these Boy Scouts in Fer several years thereafter he was engaged Ja ealtorial this coun Tf only.a small part of them ork 08 New York newspapers. Prov et Me e e /1CM appointment to the position he now bolds, Mr. Conant. are getting this idea f applied Christianity servea as deputy commissioner of the Barony of Corpor- fixed in their intelligence the Boy Scout) ations. Previous to that he was a speclal at in movement has justified itself magnificent- the bureau, ly. j , 0 aa CONGRATULTAIONS TOz Rb . a cn am Charles P. Taft, Cincinnati newspaper, and THE GOVERNMENT at Ottawa proposes promer of President Taft, 69 years old today. to bring up a; its bill appropriating Mrs. Mary Virgipla Terhune, (Marion Marland) 1,000,000 to be divided among the pro- writer, 81 years old today. vinces for the building of roads. The man- dhe. An ae Sonne coal commander in D Aig? Aino 4 a 3 cgi. lef of the British Home Fleets, 6 ol aye y ofj dividing and using this money will prot, charios H. Haskins f Harvardy Who te mentioned Invest Chat LOTS in PARKVIEW at LOTS in CLEY VIEW at . 50x20 fi. In POWELL . 402180 ft, on COLUMBIA AVENUE 200 tt. Frontage in ALTAWANA 253150 ft, Lots in ALTAWANA 50x150 ft. lot on DOMINION ST. SEE US FOR ACREAGE Medicine Hat, Alta. NEWS BLOCK, OPPOSE (an FR DAILY ) MEMORANDUM OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 OCLOCK We are Loaning Money at Per . Cent. PER ANNUM TO OUR CONTRACT- HOLDERS From Coast to Coast in Canada To Buy or Build Homes. To Pay Off Mortgages. To Improve Real Estate. INVESTIGATE OUR CONTRACT PLAN AT ONCE. THE CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT CO. LIMITED 225 Pacific Building, Van- . couver, B. C. IMPERIAL BANK BLDG. MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. Office Open Evenings Until Nine O'clock. CHRISTMAS COMPLIMENTS AND CONGRATULATIONS that come with the arrivel of Santa Claus are always welcome, especially where they are apprec: ative of our good work n clean- ing and pressing men s garments. W want every one to look their best on Christmas Day, in cloth- ing that is spotless, shapely and genteel. If you have suits or over- coats that need doing up send them to, THE GLOBE GLEAN. ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. Improved . methods make our eervice particularly. efficient. ld Ready For The Party Make eady ndy for the wedding, banquet, ball or party by send- ing, your laundry to the Steam Laundry, work 4s perfection for installed all the most machinery which eliminates all Imperfection. Of our plant we invite the public to make Inspection. probably 2 the subject of controversy as it did last sesion when the Senate, seeing old today. for the presidency of John Hopkins University, 42 years MEDICINE HAT STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 8, Nn) ma 125 ft. corner two blocks from Central Park. Tre Lpwann ol Fewines AceNcy All of the be: pions rode at the ed by A. P. Day. 150 in gold; 2nd A.J. BRY FOR SUB-DIVISION. Canada ITE POST OFFICE. Xmas Cards - The Finest SPECIAL R Assortment Ever MISS V Show in the iy Pin gle s Dr Drug and Book Store ? . : Spec R. B... Taylor s. ROYAL HUNC Transfe PRI Seats on : ot ation to all orders, Piano Moving with Piano Van a Speciality, Parcels Dellt ree, 4ONE NN. 349, Special Matir JAMES D. (M'GREGOR HONORED AS BENE OF, WESTER (Continued frend pas Dr. Rutherford then s; atically of the necessity o ing as a means of keep fertility of the soil. and hearers that soil exhaust ing to us as came to of Canada and the Unit This country owes a debt to those like McGregor w ing to keep the live stoc alive. They are laying ations of permanent pro A Great Ovatio The ovation the guest ing received when he are was something remarkabli told in song that He is ; H. B. CURTIS City SaleStables Horses for Sale, LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING Hay for Sale. 5 eae poiandely FRED McCLAIN PHONE 85. PROPRIETO: E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Druggist Complete stock of Toilet Articles Drog Sundries, Proprietary Medi- have establi and higher. purity and in ndy r are preparec cocoa beans affords, perso us, and grou factory by tioners. T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETC. Latest samplew in Wall Paper. 120 Eighth Ave, Phone 696, The cho . is of the fine: OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHO the centres NO. 268, 102 and iyetied combination THE J. S. FOLLIS sults in the licious ch Contracting you ever ta Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming. Try them. Excavating MOIR S Light Heavy Horses ter sale Al Times, Dr. de Van s Female Pi A pile are Reaerative porti aol fi'cheap imitations i a box ur tntee The Boobell Dreg Ue Sold at Pingle s Dros Besce nn
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Image 1186 (1912-12-21), from microfilm reel 1186, (CU1773564). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.