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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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HURRY HURRY HURRY MAKE VOUR PURCHAS Knight s Bazear and chance to win one of the three VALUABLE PRIZES there Yurid stories onstrated with Washington, Dec. 23 The first COUPON GIVEN WITH EVERY 10-CENT oan re ington, Dec. rst ing a eect soln gepeaage Se: srroatgand: toc ne anlaset. to. We ken ip RV: fan newly PURCHASE OR OVER. sralit: Englii ceive the airy reply: Oh, wo think ereated Children s Bureau of the De- Dra S ey as Cea QOTERE nothing of this im England. partinent of Commerce and Labor, wing takes place Monday, Dee. 23rd at 2 pan, Oe Ducks G se Tt has been alleged that the majo: : Will be infant mortality covering the : ; hic Ro trae SOULS OF WOMEN ae te ee ci Gifts For Everyone ee ocak ree ational xe Sciacon chit at Be cuhisree tare Toys, Dolls, Games, Leather Goods and dainty Hand- Seon cient gland an grees SACRIFICED 10 cau, who announced tonight that theif painted China, and the more substantial China and HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR XMAS STOOK OF POULTRY U AN ) NEW BUREAU'S: WORK me i FE R Y? g feeently appointed by the Board Throughout Country. t P O U AePORT OF OFFIGER SENT Ue needs and netroeats-ot et HOPE TO-GAVE. AT rescto:home for fallen women in Migration Cost heen: Die Each Plan te ies are True. A servant, an unmarried English Out It In Half. Page 10. Come, righuly Sent to Canada the. head of the) UJ, . Dey ent to Inquire of Social Service in Montreal to in- flement work in that city. Miss LEAST HALF THE: BABIES Montreal, 7 per cont. of the in- girl, in services at St. John, New . London, Dec. 23. For a long time (Spectal Despatch va OAVING THE: BABIES Xmas : Soe From (Se Settlement at Torento, Jno. Tufant Mortality TO LOOK INTO. Tee ss Three Hutidred Thousand ber Declares Lurid Stor- ates were English girls. Brunswick, has a child. Her mistress Turkeys Chickens Bacar sane inquiry will be launched immediate-) A Doreelain Diuner and Tea Sets. dow. It f 8bels upon the character of English. ly after Christmas, Which are now on display in our shop win: land more particularly London work- Over 200,000 babies fe annually in fed States and the Children s Bureau is already in possession of the data which tngy deliefthat at least 150,000 babies: can So Declared Detroit Pre- be saved every year. ti This would be equal to an addition late Men ee Day of 1,500,000 every decade to the popu lation of the United States. Other Souls for Worldly rho inquiry will have some new Things or For Wealth features. It will be the first house and. Power. to public provision conducted by the U. S. government based upon the birth records rather than upon the PHONE 53, death records. The method will be to obtain a lst, of all ebit ren born within a given year in the communi- A Great Labor Saver, to be shown the finest silver cleaning pan int world. On sale now at from a 1.50 TO- S00-RACH. 2 look them over. Unfortunately it appears now that the indictment is only too true. The Junior Imperial Migration Commit- tee, a well known emigration body, was desirous - of ascertaining what prospects there were for working girls in Canada, especially in regard to domestic service. Accordingly, Dr. B. . Sparrow, a member of the committee, went out to Canada and has just returned to England after tour of inspection of the Dominion whieh lasted four months. Regretfully Dr. Sparrow confessed is the choicest stock we have ever handled. Calland ff);,- cin. BREED Knight s Bazaar : 396 TORONTO ST. Speaking et Toronto on Sunday last Bishop Williams of Detroit, Michigan, said: to a representative that the charges advanced by the people of Canada are only too true, . Everywhere, said he, I was met by the same stor Everywhere Iwas told the same thing, No Hngnsn girls need apply. My enquiries were not confined to one district, for I went to Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton, Welland, Lon- don, Stratford, Guelph, Peterboro, Belleville, Kingston, Brockville, Win- nipeg and a number of smaller towns and through several country dis- The very souls of women and children are being ground out in some of our large industries, for the increased dividends in these concerns, who employ such labor- because it is cheap. Because of the low wages st a time when the cost of living is at one of the trighest points in - the world s history, the young girls working in these establishments are being forded into the streets to sell their bodies and souls to enable them to but the necessities of life, The subject of the bishop's address tips and trace each child through its first year of life. The list of ques- tions to be asked in this inquiry has been prepared to cover the: housing, milk supply, the industrial and ec- onomi condition of the parents, sani- tary conditions of the nelghborhood. in-fact, all the hygenic surroundings of the child. Women experts of the Children s Bureau Will visit the par- ents of the babies and seek to discov- er the favorable conditions concern ing those children who survive. feeding and care of the children; the EXC fag FT aera EASTERN URSIONS DEC 1-31, 1912 tricts. Everywhere the opinion wAs)was taken from St. Luke's words, This 1s to be an absolutely demo- unanimously expressed that the char- hall fo profit a man it he TUT Medicine Hat ( ef t i cratic inquiry, said Mrs . Lathrop a oF the-girla was very bad it- 5, the whole world and lose bis last night. It-in believed that. the PACIFIC, to Toronto . own soult The bishop explained whole purpose is such as-to-onlist thes Cry Return CAUSES OF UNPOPULARITY. how the very-essence of Christianity good will of mothers who will have My first intention in going out was the value of a man, or a man s an opportunity to co-operate with the was to seeure the assistance of wo- soul. movement in trying to save the lives men in various localities who would Qyery day on the great railroads of infants. The yalue of work done - form themselves into committees for men are being maimed,-and some- by the bureau must depend upon co- tho reweeats 1s evens ee sent times killed. What does it matter out ffom , desirous of enter- to the railroad? Someone takes his ing domestic service, but I very soon plage and the work goes on as belore. IRISH CROWN JEWELS changed my plans. But what if 9 machine gets: ont of I found that the English working order? Serious steps are at onee THIEF NAMED BY A girls. were so thoroughly unpopular taken to readjust it. Why? Because that I determined instead to make a machines cost money. Men do not. NATIONALIST WENBER searching investigation into the rea- The speaker, in continuing his eub- sons for this unpopularity. Un- ject, declared that although a human doubtedly the fact is that too many life or soul was of infinite value as Serious Charges Are Made of the girls who have been sent were reckoned in worldly goods, men are / Against Army Officer in lazy or slovenly, as well'as morally jevery day bartering some part or the British Hous delinquent, and it is necessary that partion of their soul and personality Sra ee sro should greatly improve the class /tor worldly things. For, ssid he, of girl Canadians are to every time you gratify a lust of be encouraged to take them. * the flesh, or secure dome additional oe re trish eroea Seveln from Dabs My first stop was at Montreal, /wealth or power by some means i. castic was brought up in the House and I would like to say at once that which you would not care to have of Commons again last night by Mr. the social conditions of girl workers the whole -world know of, you pay innell, one of the Nationalist mem- in that city are bad in the extreme. for it in some portion of your own bers, He stated that before and in On no account should friendless girls soul, or in;other words your person- +he course of the Boer war, the Brit- from working lags homes in Eng- ality. Every time you sin, some ish grmy in South Africa possessed Yand be sent to Montreal, which is a portion of your soul is gone from (first as a private and afterwards a vicious place indeed. Neither is it you, until in time you are a soulless petty officer of railroad-guards, the ons, For* e . x in on ion W XC 1 right to send girls to country dis- man. If your sin is that of drimken- great earic doa . ICE. in connecti ith these , excursi triets. The loneliness is too much ness, you become a sot, with no am- Ey aii Kiowa inthe armiy-as dates of departure and reservations apply to local for thenr-while the wages, not being bition to stem the appetite: If your la reckless bully, roblgr ana murder- fg agent. Tickets via all T Trans-Atlantic Steamship 50 good as can be obtained in the gin is covetousness, you become aler, and .was otherwise depraved. jes. towns, the girls naturally drift to) hardened weizendd old money bag; Mr, Ginnell continued. . He could For full inforniation, rail and steamship tickets, where the money is higher and they and the, most dreadful ghost is not not be court-martialled because no- are, in a measure, free from re- the bodyless soul, it is the soulless body would dare give evidence against ee ree fee Phone ol, straint. mn a body. him. He was eventually induced t6 As I have said, the class of girls You notice, continued the speak- resign and went to Ireland, where he R-G. McNEILUI iE, District Passenger Agent, Calgary, Alta. Medicine Hat (i fn to Montreal ; Return e i Corresponding low ;; rates; -to, points in Ontario, Quebec and Maritime Provinces. Tickets on sale December Ist to 31st inchisive. Good to return within 3 months. KINK I HS HE WADE HIM A Toronto Man, in Ja waukee, Wants Straightened Ou WILL BE EX Says He Would P Go to An Asylw Ffhan to Prison. Milwaukee, Dec. 23. C most imteresting cases physiology in police a1 sented by Philip Van Tin at the ounty jail here, ed of having raised a che to 70. At the prelimina tion Van Tine, who is 3 and vlaims his home-is- Dec. 25-26 All of the best Buekers that the World s Cham- pions rod at the Calgary Stampede. . Horses own- ed by A-P. Day. Suitable Prizes will be given: Ist, 150 in gold; 2nd, 100 bill; 3rd, 75 in cash. A v. . BRYSON and IRA TRIPLETT- Managers. LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS le Liberal Extension Privileges: Hekets inet in connection with Trans-Atlan- tic. Trips on sale Nov. Tth*to Dee. 31st. inclusive, and limited to five months from-date of fees, with privileges of extension. Finest equipmgnt, Standard and Tourist Bleens ing Cars, Dinin; Dining Cars oneal through trains. Com- partment-. Saiey. Observation cars on Imper- jal Limited ? and Toronto Express. SPECIAL THROUGH TOURIST CAR SERV- (Special Cable) Phone 569, CROSSLEY Builders. Cont NOW ON THE MARKET sent out is very bad indeed. Many Jer, that after a-man is dead the obtained a commission in the Third of them, though they have been inj world clamors to know what he is Batallfon of the Royal Irish regiment. Prices from 200 to 300 1 edge a -Quarter Cash; Balance 6, 12 and 18 months. . Reduced prices by the block. domestic servicethere, were born and bred in the slums. In London slum life in. particular, it is possible for'a girl whose character is not too good and whose habits generally are bad to pass unnoticed, but in Canada it is different. There any one who does wrong is ab once noticed and pointed at, Can- adian born women are allowed a worth. What he had been sticcessful in grabbing from the world s treas- ure store. But his friends and rela- tives do not ask that question then. They never think of it. They: search their minds with a candle for every good thought or noble deed accom- plished by that man. His wealth is no longer of use to him, his friends seck-to find something which will He got congenial spirits in Dublin castle to admit him to. their society; then, when opoprtumity came, ite, in conjunction with others, stole the crown jewels. One of his friends in the castle was a Heutenant -in the third batallion of the Royal Irish Fusileers, Mr, Birrell angrily repudiated the suggestion that he shrank from doing) Capital Realty Co. 420 Main Street - Phone 799 729 Lockwood Houses for ERNEST E. CA 6.6, MacBean Co. great deal of liberty, and the Eng-leonvinee them that he had a soul, BIS gts toca Te stiletto are REDCLIFF LIC, RL By lish girls we have sent do not seem and that it was i a scandal. He complained that OPEN: CVENINGS able to look after themesives when worchy of entrance Into the lig hore (Tames and facts should have beet ome THES E PRICES. THEY ARE freee ROOM 7, IMPERIAL. BANK BLDG., 4th AVIe ff siven corresponding freedom. after. communicated to him privately instead Head Office: Suite 25, 2 CANADIAN WOMEN SMART. of the case belng brought forward on SNAPS eS F cavridewae Canadian women are very smart, ) Dy, A AND ttle floor of the House. d snd though they are willing + amare 7 LAYS PAYERS. ur. Ginnell promptly shouted a - 4 companion of a smart English girl teadore Duncan fs to make another U2 of names to Mr. Birrell. the ee ot ea es oss: ae Aroatiega store ran coe the Weta alia ae Barrett sequently unless the girls are ver: , 01 Wyndham has been engaged and if it had been possible to obtain II able to take care of themselves 7 te leading role in Charles Froh- evidence against the men they would COUSINS AND SISSONS for, joa dine. of the, ibe: or iaatiig: MD's Bromuction of Chains. have been. proceeded against, Every He stel - re a tions belonging to one of the yatious , TO Bermstein has recently fin- effort ts being. made to find the Jew: 1500.00 pair, Terms. 2 lots in Block 20 Qn - S ished a play entitled The Secret, el religious bodies, which, by'the Way: lin which Mme Simone will have the tq tae s3 boca 8000.00, 75 ft. corner, Block 108. Usual terms. : 2000.00 each. Two corners in Block 76. Usual terms. 200.00 to 450.00 each. Residence lots in all parts of the towal Canadian Pacific Railway Home Visitors Excursions COMMENCING UN lt; TtTOo 5 : : In the course of jer remarks, ay her aor fe opportunity to appear this season. Mr. Birrell referred 6/the deathot Mf 1409.09. Terms. Two lots in Block 9. Good view of the river and e Fe tae ea Henry W. Savage is organizing a the magistrate he appointed to) inl A TES s showing the type of girl we lcompany of Irish-American actors gate the theft. e have been sending I x vasmzpaltert and actresses to appear in plays by He got. his rewards? o4 TOES zm ce RE N Agparee instances of many ich Irish-American authors. Tim Murph: a 4 lose-in i ed TURN FARE FROM MEDICINE HAT ethe told to mie during my viet. In phy Mr, Ginnell. maome of the best buys iqvewe city-in close-in improv and Gertrude Quinlan ari one of the chit, cities the president recruits, erthe Geet te pie Pepe. of the National Council of Women Master Gabriel, famed for his Bust- that in the future he would ay, told me that the first party of Eng-ler Brown and Little Nemo roles, has Ginnell the total disregard his ish girls which reached Canada in been engaged for Mrs. Burnett's play vations merited, 1912 came out with the highest Jot Racketty-Packetty House. His aay SS credentials and under the best aus- part will be that of a doll called Pet- Only a few dozen of those beasttl- pices, yet tured out bad or Piper. ful Xmas cards .left-You will hav There were eighteen girls in this When The Daughter of Heaven to hurry if you want them. News of party and they were selected by ajleaven New York and goes to Chi- tice, Main Street. : Jadies committes in England, while cago i will be succeeded at the Con- Sp a Indy conductor made the voyage tury Theatre by a spectacular pro- Loose Leat System The News Job with them as an extra precaution, duetfon of Joseph and His Brothers Department has every faelllty for sup Of these eighteen-girls one was found by Louis N. Parker. zs crerip the incat: aeduduntoce: Sproperties, See us about this: i SUBDIVISION PROPERTY Our fine stock SUITS, UNDE der to make roo Minneapolis or St. Paul 41.25. Duluth 38.95- Chicago 57.25. Kansas City 62.70. Corresponding fares to many other points Tickets on sale Degember 1 to 31, 1912. ; We finve 6006 neres adjoining the city suitable for subdivision. We , oe Yuilf section near -Redcliff at farm Iand prices. i hee RIVERDALE Nie higye only four lots left in Block at 400, For further particulars call on L. A. Dobbin, Ticket Agent. Med- Pog ge Medicine 331 NO: GIVE US YOUR LISTINGS.
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Image 1206 (1912-12-23), from microfilm reel 1206, (CU1773568). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.