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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ster the skate STORE SHOES. THE NEWS the union s funds to destroy the eonery of contraetors DAILY EDITION W. PARDO, A Pe TELEGRAPHIC SERVICB* Seifert and Buckley Only Two of Forty Alleged Dyna- miters, Adjudged Not Guilty Sentences Given on E ANDERSON Dramatic Scae aa Verdict of Jury Was Given Wives of Convicted Men in Court Counsel for Defence Much Surprised Believed Clients Were Innocent Maximum Sentence Nearly Forty Years in Peniten- i i tiary. : yf Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 28. Thirty-eight labor union officials today were fovnd guilty of complicity in the Mc- Namara dynamite plot, including the wrecking of the Los Angeles- Times building: Frank M. Ryan, president of the International Asso- ciation of Tron.and Structurai Steel-Workers, was among the convicted. He, with the others, was accused of using who refused to recognize the Uni . e Two defendants were found Not Guilty. f judged guilty,were found guilty on all counts in the in- auegnents: The j was discharged and court adjourn- ed until 10 a.m, Monday, at which time the sentences will be imposed. ee Seifert and Buckley, the.only two men out of forty un- jon officials to be adjudged not guilty were discharged fromeustody. - 2 : THESGUILTY MEN. The following were found : 7 Frank M. Sagi geesent of the International Association of Bridge-and Eugene A. Clancy, Sum Francisco; Philip A, Cooley, New Orleans; Mich- ael J. Young, Boston; Frank J: Higgins, Bostohs J. E. Munsey, Salt Lake Citz3 Frank, C,,Webb, New York; Patrick F. Farrell, New York; John Barry, St. Louis; Paul-J. Morrin, St. Louis; Henry W. Lemleatner, Denyers Char- Yes N. Baum, Minneapolis; William E, Redden, Milwaukee; Michael J, Cun- nano, Philadelphia; Richard H. Houll, Chicago; James Cooney, Chicago; a Flo, TL; Murray L. Pennell, Springfield, 11.; William C. Benhardt, Cinctas + ;natly Watford Bert Brown, Kansas City, Mo; William J. McCain, (Kansas City, Mo,; Frank K, Painter, Omaha; Peter J. Smith, Cleveland; George Ai derson, Cleveland; Michael J, Hannon, Scranton, Pa.; Edward E. Phillips, Syracuse, N. .; Charles Wachtmelr, Detroit; Frank J. Murcby, Detroit; Fred J; Mooney, Duluth; Ernest G. W. Basey, Indianapolis; Fred Sherman; Indianapolis; Hiram R. Kline, Muncle, Ind., former organizer for the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and.Joiners, . NOT GUILTY. * The following were found not guilty: Herman G. Scifert, Milwaukee; Daniel Buckley, Dayenport, In, * TAKEN TO JAIL . After Jndge Anderson had cleared the court-room of all spectators and the, failfiles of the-defendants, the thirty-elght-prisoners were taken into enstody by Deputy United States Marshals and spectat-detectives and were taken to fhe Marion county fall. Charges. Sustained : Phe conviction of Olat A. Tveltmoc was. charged with first initiating Or- and Eugene A. Clancey of Gan Fran- tle B. McManigal as a paid dynamiter clsco, and J. E. Munseyjof Salt Leke/and then with: betraying all dynamit- ere to'promote his own ambition. It) charges that they aided in, plotting was he who was once secr tary of the The verdicts were brought in at 10 a.m. All those-at- Tw closing has been one of unexain- 1, 81,720,347, and as sheiidetne Stents ye ing billfon. A. Coughlin, Chicago; William Shupt, Chicagos Edward Smythe, Peor-ed from assistant postmaster Jas. the Los Angeles xplosion in wi 21 persons were killed and assisted the escape of James B, McNamara his flight from the Scene of: that orime. Mie et By its verdict the jufy also sustain- ed the charges prothers, now in pis were aided in the mite conspiracy ecutive, officials Unions, Avey Treltmoe, bean Krancleco was charged with not only*sepplying two. men to assist in blowing up the Los Angeles Tinie. building, but also with having asked tor -more explosions on ithe Pacific Coast. Also at the head of those found guilty ig Herbert S. Hockin, called the Tago OF the conspiracy, because.he EERE EEE RED FN ABYSSINIA ne correspondent of Daily Express weported on good Professor Pai Mj Commeroiat attache at Alexandria, and a sumer of his . companions have been murdered while travelling in Abyssinia. se obe oleae of fe ote ob et - hh Bb be ob be be ee e ternational Urtions and Whispered the egr of Detective Burns the 1e8 of the Los Angeles Times dy- namiters. gee Jobn sT, Batler, vice-president of the Iron Workers, also was convicted being branded by the court as the Perjurer, after he had denied that McNamara was drawing 1,000 a month for dynamiting. Dramatic Scene Almost a tragic scene took place in the court room few minutes. following the end of the trial. As United States Marshal, Edward Schmidt, ordered the prisoners one by omg to step be- fore the court, wives of score of men in ar of the room leaned pitifully gver the railings calling for. their hygbands. Possible: Sentences Possible punish BIG OGILVIN Mat: AT MEDICINE HAT, PEFORN OF DEFENCE OF THE STOCK FACHINE Change Course Result of Pujo Inestigation. BILLION Canadian Trade for Past Year Will Beat All Prey- ious Records. j . Ottawa, Dec 28 That the year pled prosperity has been shown by figures of Canadian Trade for that trade. The aggregate will be a bil- Mon dollars worth which creates: a record, In January the total was 63,630,433. February saw an Increase of 1,000,000; while by March i had Jumped: by 23,000,000. The increase throughout the sufgmer was steady and October receipts totalled 101,- 277,489, November figures now being computed will go 3,000,000 ahead of this.- The grand total to November , the wht bea ors of the stock exchange fiave all but definitely abandoned the idea of issuing a statement in defense of exchange practices and instead of correcting evils whith admittedly exist. This was th upshot of . the diseussion at Sieprular sheeting om Thursday; 4t yester- day trom one of the influential members of the board... Just how : the governors will go about.the re forms they are prepared to make, has-not as yet developed, but it is understood thatthe first steps at steps. sub-committees on: Stock bsting ad- missions, ete. - + The movement forreferm was a direet. outgrowth of the fact that. a statement should +be issued in reply to the criticism expressed or implied in the line of testimony: followed by Samuel Untermeyer ab the recent hearings before tlie commission. Former presidents of the exchange admitted that manipulation and wash sales should be stopped and that much of the transactions re- presented pure gambling. The emphasis that was laid on this fabuses in the view ofsome of the WANTED 10,000 . BUT GOT PINCHED, Jamestown, N, Y ., Dec. 27. A well dressed young man entered the West- field, N. Y., postoffice tind demand- Do. zlas 10,000 he said the govern- ment owed him. Wait until I see if the order has come, said Douglas. The stranger pulled a bottle trom his. pocket. If you move from that chair I'l drop this bottle said the man. J. B. Lennox, who was in the Host office,. quietly went jout .and notified Constables Hopper and Nege. They: grabbed the arm that held the botde and then arrested the man. The bottle. contained enongh nitro- pelycerine to blow the building up. proper and: useful tunctions of the ex- change and they felt that their case had not been. fairly put before the public. They proposed that a defen- sive statement ts drawn up to off- set the effect of this testimony on the public, whose confidence is neo- jSSsary to the business success of its members. A meeting of the governors was called ten days ago andthe proposed statement discussed. Strong opposition to it appeared Dr. Boeckman is a son of Dr, ana *t the start. It was urged that the dignified tring to do wait uns AFGE elie os ar Seon EBT tha Palo aomaettegimee made its prominent young physicians meee End cogent tegislaticet completed his medical t the hearing on such bills, it was ee argued, the stock exchange could pre- sent its case not under cross-exam- ination but in its- own way. The matter however, was referred to the law committee for further considera- ion and was discussed at another JIM HILL'S DAUGHTER GETTING MARRIED. St. Paui, Minn. Dec. 28 The en- agement of Mids Rachel Hill, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Jerome . Hil, 240 Cummit Avenue, to Dr. E. G. Boeckmann, was announced yes- terday. The wedding will unite two of St. Patl s oldest and most prom- inent families. Miss Hill will be the first of J. J, Hill s daughters to mar- ry a St, Paul man. studies SIR MACKENZIE: BOWELL S BIRTHDAY. Belleville, Ont, Dec. 28. Sir Mac- Kenzie Bowell c letrated fis 98th birthday with his paper after attend- ing Masonic disiner. . Prince. George King s Second Son to Visit MBP, TERRIBLE DEATH. any minimum tou ty-nine and one-hit oarg cretion of the gourt. Each prisgner as victed of havingslni on eda cons; 4 ni alist the United-Bu this being punishable dy tw imprisonment or w fihe Of 40000 ar doth, 3 Pee While the chifmtilated possible puri ishments arg thifty-nine and. on -hait) years, the court intin ated in course of the trial that he would im- ose sentence in aecordance with the degree of guilt, After receiving thoir sentences the prisaners are to be taken to a federal prison, probably at Leavenworth, Kaa. Th end of the historic trials caine (Continued on Page 9) the fs Canada, United States tyeDec. 2 a * Bo scab o ' and West Indies. yearaipld was through be- shaft. in theonm Tt Wal H cessaty to cut in four mplese8 to/extricate him from betwee the shaft aiid the top of the bork Unde single add: had ee in the: fr leht sheds e three Yeuts. seh Fort William, Oni Sa n London, Dec, 28 There is a possi- bility of Prince George, the king's seeqnd son, visiting American ports in the near future. It is announced that the prince after four year s tu- tion in the aval colleges at Os- borne and Dartmouth will embark on the armored eruiser Cumberland on January 18, in company with oth: er naval cadets for a long cruise to West Indian and other ports. The cruise is undertaken for instru om Purposes but the admiralty has de cided that.the Cumberland shall visit some foreign ports to enable the ca- dets to see something of the world Canada js likely to be visited. meeting. FIRE IN MINE S., Dec 27 Fire was Aiscovered ing slope No. 2, Springhill Collicries, a*Wbuple of days azo, and the section walled off so that there was litttle danger of its spreading. No serious consequences are antici- Pauted though ther wil) necessarily bea sma ler output for a time, + Halitax,,N New York, Tee728. The: govern- will:be faken throwgh their governors rather overshadewed-thei i Could Not -at- Queenstown Storm in France Severe. London, Dec. 28 Whilo stories of Hives lost and vessels Wrecked in yes- terday s gale continue to come in, there was great reliet here last night when it was learned that the storm- battered P. O.-ateamship, Nar rung, which left for Sydney with 248 Passengers and sent out wireless ap- peals for help n Boxing Day, when at the Bay Biscay, had arrived at the Isle of Wight under her own steam. Owing to the whirling of the seas, the. White Star liner Baltje from New York with S16 passengers and a great quantity of New, Year's majl for Queenstown, was unable to approach. that port last evening and proceeded. direct to Liverpool. The have, , done damage throughout land. At Portsmouth a wedding party had to be conveyed to church in boats and the old Lalyport landing stage used tliere by-Nelson, was swept away. Telegraphic and telephonic lines to France were out of commission most of yesterday but last night the storm. abated and communication was re- stored. NEDFOUNDLAND MAIL, FOR UANADA BURNED, Halitax, N-8, Dec. 27. The post olfice here has been advised by the Newfoundland post, office that the en- tire mail fon Canada, despatched from St. John s at six p. m. Saturday 21st, Was totally destroyed by fire while in fransit by rail to Port Aux Bas- ques; .this mail would. contain a great deal of Christmas matter from Newfoundland for Canada. SEVENTEEN READY MADE z FARMS IN SOUTH Lethbridge, Dec. 28 While in the city yesterday, P, I. Naismith, mana- ger of the C.PR. department of nat- ural resources, stated that the seven- teen ready made farms on the com- Dany s tract east of Coaldale, nearing completion. Buildings have been erected and several hundred acres, broken. Mr, Naismith thinks the n w scheme will attract a very Pleasing oiong to the Lethbridge district The demonstration or mixed farm four miles east of the city Is alio receiving attention, and work has beet started onthe erection of Me buildings. This farm wil be managed by the company to demon- Strate mixed farming solely, MURDERERS GRANTED REPRIEVE (W. A. P. Despatch) Halifax, N. 8., Dec. 27 Chlef Jus- tice Sir Charles Townsend issued an order yesterday for the reprieve of the Graves brothers under sentence for murder pending the considera- tion of the mppeal by th e Supreme Court of Canada. HALL: CAINE S MOTHER IS DEAD London, Dec. 28. Mrs. Sarah Hall Caine, mother of the novelist, def yesterday at the home of her daugh- ter, Lily Hall Caine, the actress. Mrs. Caine, who was born a Quaker in 1828. iost her official connection with the Tlage outside of the sect. She never Wore any gems or jewelry except her wedding. ring, Mr, Hall Caine ts tll at St, Maritz Place In Liverpool on Monday. Ne hela are Sactety of Friends through her mar- , PROPOSALS BY of Terms, Ottoman Representa- Consult Presided at Session. After Short Discussion of tives Say They Must Rechad Pasha TORK Constantinople ol Loudon, Dec. 28. The peace envoys jhand being the presentation by the representing the Balkan allies and the Turkish Empire, met again St. James Palace today und after hour and half's discussion on a further adjournment until four O'clock Monday, morning. x The delegates of Bulgaria, Greece, ant negro... Setvia and Turkey, gathered at-eleven o'clock. It was the turn of the Purkse tq preside ana Rechad: Pasha took the chair, Busl- ness began at once. The matter on FARMER CHARGED WITH AWFUL MURDER Vilisca, Towa, Des 28 Lew. Vao- alsting, a Taylor county farmer, was arrested yesterday by city marshall Turkish plenipotentiaries of the coun- ter proposals put forward by tecOt- toman Government in reply to these offered by the Balkan allies. 3 .The Balkan allies representatives: found the Turkish conditions quite eceptable and after an hour and was made the Turkish en-- id they must agete-comfer with: government at Constantinople. (Continued on page 4.) voys the Horton, on (3 charge of murdering * the Moore family of sifand their guests, the two Misses* Btillenger, on the night of June 9, lasti The pris- oner will be- given a hearing tomor- Tow. i Moore and Vanalstine are said to have had an altercation about a year/ago. Mrs. Vanalstine said when her husband was arrested that she eld swear that he was at home on the-night of the mmver. There is no public sentiment against Vanal- stine Kecause of the apparent ab- sence of adequate motive for the crime, z EDMONTON BROE IN PRETTY iE Boston, Des, 28 How Harold Batchelor, a real estate Broker at Edmonton, and Miss Annie J, Asms- den, Dretty young book-keeper at Tagoma, have fallen willing yiebims to Dan upid, was. revealed today. by the artival'at Granby, Mase., of Mise Amiden who Says thatthe young. Canadian js also onthe way and that the wedding will take place on New Yeat's eve at the ome of her mother ip Granby. The story of the romance. goed Something like this: Mr. Batchelor having business with the Taconia, concern employing Miss Amsden, spent some time in that city and in his dealings found it necessary 5 frequently consult the book-keepom Then they discovered that both wer natives of Massachitsetts, and from then. on the friendship just naturall ripened into something better. Ow ing to the recerit death of the father of the bride-to-be, the wedding cere- mony will be simple, : STATE SENATORS IN PENITENTIARY Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 28 To serve terms of three years and nine months Tespectively, State Senators Isaac B, Huffman, of Butler county, and La- forrest Andrews, of Lawrente coun- ty; entered the pen here todi ith hwid-been refused new trials recently. They were convicted of having ac- cepted bribes in connection with de- sired legislation by corporate inter eats. E ENGLISH OFFICIAL IN PHILLIPINES Washington, Dec. 28. English will be substituted for Spanish as the of- ficial language of the courts through- out the. Phillipines on January 1. The Anglo-Saxon tongue hag teen accept- ed generally in other circi islands, It is spoken by Phillipinos. Almost 1,000,000 Phillip- Inos are study English in the schools and 450,000 of them attend industrial and agricultural schools where that language s spoken, POLICEMAN HELD ON MURDER CHARGE Vancouver, D c. 27 Robert Hys- lop, a private policeman at the B. C. Sugar Refinery, was today commit- ted for trial on a charge of murder, the victim being Johny McDonald, 1 negro, whom he rejected fromithe re- finery premises recently. The. medi- cal evidence showed that MeDonald died from a kick in the stomach OHINESE LOAN APPROVED, Peking, China, Dec. 27 Approval waa given to the terms of the six powers loan during the session of the Chinese National Assembly today. Ag a quorym of the members was not present, the matter will have to be The funeral of his mother will take so tha brought up again at another session dietment by U. 8. 6 * Ottawa, Dees 28. It 18 b that a possible settlement Trunk differences is in indictment of. President Hoy the federal jury in New Monday Was a shock to his. After a: two years camp suring the good will of a, i ot New England based upon 41 fses of: de tit fn that territory, the nh donment of constravtion work followed, by the announcement Working alliance. with the Mell ferests and the: indictment of Mr, Chamberlin this week G.T.R. official cireles were deeply stirred and all energies were, dire to r patring any injury dope t6 the Gr nd Tronk. standing and credit: The restilt today iis that it is pellevell that fitiancial lt; arrangements have Practically been effected with Bos- ton financial interests whereby the whole G.T.R. construction policy in New England, including. its entrance into Boston, provided for by the Massachusetts legislature Jast spring, will, be resumed. and completed. The story is vouched for by- influencal friends of the Gtand Trunk today, who declare thatthe money for New. England programme will be forthcom- ing provided the Grand Trunk will agree to. drop forthwith. tts alliance with the Mellen interests and run ite Mines into Boston and Providence, the Boston financial interests simply re airing that their interests retain Control of the New England exten- sions. The Boston and New England in- iterests fe much aggrieved over the. ventering-of all the-Mellen roads in. New Ycrk instead of Boston. So. Strong is the feeling in Boston ags the Mellen amalgamation, past Jpresent, that an-action has now been taken against these two cor) 2 8 For years Boston, finan Boston interests. have been pre to encourage most materially any rect Canadian connection with ton as the main seaport. tern This new system would possibly c nect with the Grand Trimk Ces Junction t Boston with ines too er large manufacturing centfes, bi the Boston financial men woud duire thatthe new system should: solutely isconnect with the Melle Toads. Vice President Wat of the G/T.R, was in, the capital da: : 8 Barrington, Nip Dec. TW men missing from Plat Island after an absence Of) sixteen hours, Seth and Edward Nickerson were picked up dy the steamer Seabird of Halifax. fe ole oft oe ole eh Eh of oh oe oh oh MR, BUSENESS JEAN Sentiment eats noe in business. It-1s values which count, gt; Advertising Is busl-, nes in tho. strictest sense o the Word. See that you get value tw your advertising. The News gitarantees a dally ny- erage lrevlation of over 2000 Books open for exam- ination, - it may receive the approval of a fuil assembly. PEEP ebb thee PLETE EEE bbe tpn Whe ke Thicke gels ke be he obs Oh te ots, oe Vermont system from Wells River aaa
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Image 1245 (1912-12-28), from microfilm reel 1245, (CU1773551). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.