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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Is Glasgow House MLAS SHOPPING XMAS Many Suitable and Useful Gifts at Small Cost FANOY HANDKERCHIEFS FANCY LINENS KID GLOVES 512-519. 19.25 sow House The Gla ; se of Fashionable Dressers E QUEBEC BANK : 9th YEAR IN BUSINESS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. of Credit and Money Orders sold, payable in all parts of GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. - MEDICINE HAT BRANCH YY OFFICE, 394 TORONTO STREET JOHN INWOOD, Manager. THE ROYAL BANK Accounts of firms, corporations and individuals carried, on favorable aR .. terms. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH C. H. MeDUNNOUGH, Manager. FOURTH AVENUE. e pete doetetoeaey es Imperial Bank of Canada Capital Paid Up . Reserve Fund . A GENERAL BANKING BU: SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. o4g fs toes os e-ef eo +.. 6,460,000 +.- 6,460,000 S TRANSACTED. 2 oes ey of . P. 2, BABSENGER SERVIC WINTER 1912-28. FEFECTIVE OCT, 27, 1912. Basthound, Arrive Leave. ff'rain and Terminal. 3.00 8.20, Imp) iutd., Vancouver to Montenal.. 20.05 20.90 Toronto Vancouver to Toronto 45 440 Beattle-St. Paul Exp, Seattle to SLP. 23.00 Local trom Calgary, Westbound, No. Arrive Leave Train and Terminal 20.20 20.49 Imp. Ltd, Montreal to Vancouver. 3 72.00 12.26 Van. Exp, Toronto to Vanconyer. 13 2240 23.10 St Paul-Seattle Bxp. St P, to Seattle: 518 630 Local for Calgary. ie eR CROW TRAINS. No, Arrive Baave Train and Terminal. 11 340 265 Soo-Spokane-Portland Ltd., St. Paul Portland, 9.55 S00-Spokane-Portland Lcd., Portland to St. Paul. 518-511 11.35 Local for Cranbrook. Local from Cranbrook... 520-513 23.13 Express for Kootenay Landing. 14-517 4.30 * Express from Kootenay Landing. Note Trains 1 and carry sleeping care only between, Winnipeg and Revelstoke. No. 11,and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat passing time at Dunmore, miles east, show Medicine Mat News Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Lid, every fawful evening at its office, Main Streeu. Wedleine Hat, Alte. - A. J. N, TERRILL, EAttor das 9.48 PONE: - lt; HONE: Eattorial, Advertising Reportorkd, and Cirealation and News Dept Job Depts. 7 RING 8 RAG RAR . .. DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 yan detivered....8400 3 year by walls gt; sys.00) months, d-livered.. 2.00 6 months, by mail... . 1.50 3 months, delivered.. 1.00 3 months, by mal. ..76 1 month, delivered....85 Addresses changed as often as desired, but bota osw aud old ad .resser st ba given k WEEKLY NEWS. Publishec avery Thareday tn tixteen oF more paces, and contains eumma-y of the news of the week. s focal and district. months, in advance 7 e, - 3 months, in advance. .500 year tn advance...: 1.50 1 i Tuesday, December 24th, 1912. CHRISTMAS. PEACE on earth, good will to men, sang the angel host one starlit night and the simple shepherds on the Judean hills look- ed up and- wondered at the heavenly sounds. The occasion of the joy among the heavenly. host-was the birth of the Christ child. He and the making of gifts as by have been repeated as the day Rept holy iv eeseaeenees deeds come nearest to their professions. Established 1564. Special attention to W..0, JOY, Manager + + Medicine Hat Branch Automobile Livery Phil. Cocking 438-Cor. Roy and 5th Ave. LONG AND SHORT TRIPS IN OR OUT OF THE CITY Phone. 804 S. of Peace in all the realms of life. et got the sytem under way a little over MURRAY .OLSON Real Esiate and Employment Agents. 386 TORONTO STR Your listings of City or Farm Insurance Please write or phone 942 or call on us. Property solicited. lyear ago. Now it is-reported,in the pr that another syndicate has made the of: Tails ry System instead of having it'in the gument to show that the people of the city would get then. would go to he 1 of the city and thus help reduce taxation. Toronto's Civic Car Lines. was the messenger of peace, the creator of - ie good will, the One above all others to bring uele: and the change one ee Lee about conditions to make*the world better 1g91 will be made without friction and al- and happier. The wise-men of the East most as a matter of routine: Through all the ages, amid all the vicissi- tudes of the Christian religion, the mes- sages of good will heard by the shepherds ,,qu1a probably borrow the money from England and wise men. pay only'the interest, 1,400,000 on it, or a paltry 17 1-20 commemoration of the birth of the Prince of Peace comes round each year: It is the day of all days when thoughts of strife and vengeance, lust and greed, are given over t mreatening to.make Macleod, or Medicine Hat, or Leth- those of peace and forgiveness, love and pridge, the headquarters if the electors do not wish to do generosity. -It is the day above all others ust what the: Interurban wishes on Friday, The Inter- when throughout the world the spirit of the Christ has the freest. course and) men s ** evn ** endorse the agreement Friday. : This year the Christmas tide is shadowed - eeReee fee hP Heer P PEPER EEEE by the spectre of war, the evidence of man s Zi 2 inhumanity to man, although the influence THE MERCH ANTS B. ANK - E o the Christmas seasoris evident in the ap- Ralph Francis Howard, seventh Harl of par OF CANADA THE PIONEER. DANK OF WESTERN CANADA. *. 180 Branches In Canada. Capital Paid Up, 6,000,000, Total Assets (Nov. S0th. 1911) over 91,000,000. A general Banking Business Trinsacte - Savings Accounts. ent desire of the parties in the war to) Wieklow, was born at Southsea, Dec. 24, bring about peace and cease bloodshed. The hope may be expressed that in the other warfares of life, that of capital against labor, of corporation greed against. the lives of children and women, of lust and greed against innocent womanhood, of poli- lieutenant in the Second Life Guards, and tical debauch against an uneducated elector- served as a staff captain in the South Afri. ate, the Christmas spirit may have its iti- ean war in 1900. In 1902 he was married fluence also, and that these heeding the to Lady Gladys. message of the season may cease their bloody and indefensible warfare against their fellow-beings and help bring about the reign of peace and good will over all the OSE JAW S STREET RAILWAY. Elizabeth THE City of Moose Jaw gave a street rail- way franchise to a corporation which to buy the franchise from the present hold- ars for a million and a quarter dollars. The ssession of a private corporation, who would get.the profits? It requires no ar- The surplus . of profit lp pay the running expenses Or what is better the fares could be reduced according to the profit and the people could have cheaper transportation. t with a-privately owned system there is no chante of this. The corporation is after the profits and the people will have to pay the fares that are agreed upon im the agree- ment as long as it lasts. The city gets little of the profits as its share while it might have all the profits if it owned its stem. Sere ey What is proving true in Moose Jaw would - prove true in Medicine Hat, should this city be foolish enough to grant a franchise even for a few years to any private corpor- ation, The,corporation would operate. the system to make: profits. ane pene who used the cars would provide these profits and in return the municipality would get only whatever small share of the receipts over and above a certain amount as may be agreed upon. They might as well have the whole profit either for use in iene purposes or in the form of cheaper fares. Se gear PUBLIC OPINION. Just Business Talk. ( incher Creek Echo.) A eorrespondent wants to know if it is proper to put the letters R. 8. V. Pon an invitation to a wedding. Better cut it out. It used to be quite the thing; but nowadays jt is used almost exclusively by .Pincher Creek merchants, who tack it onto their monthly statements, with the addition ofa couple of letters, thus R.S.V.P.D.Q.. os (Toronto Globe.) 2 Phe inauguration yesterday of the first of Toronto s publicly-operated, car. lines was a notable event in civic history. - After a trial of private operation extending over fifty years the people of Toronto have come to the conclusion that the public operation lof civie services is the only satisfactory imethod. Before the Toronto Railway fran- chise xpires in 1921 the civic system will be thoroughly established in the outer ame to worship Him and brought their gifts, gold, frankincense and myrrh. SEs UHEALEE, 4 (Moose Jaw Times) In our first criticism of Mr. Borden's propdsals we drew attention to the fact that the offer was not as large as it looked. That while 35,000,000 sounded big, we 1 Der head of our population today. NOT HERE. (Calgary Albertan) The Interurban is not advancing its interests by urban is not bound to stop in Calgary, with headquarters EE ge THIS IS MY 35th BIRTHDAY. Earl of Wicklow. 1877, and succeeded to the title upon. the death of his father in 1891. His family dates back to the time of Charles I. The peer Earl was educated at Eton and the andhurst Military School. He became a ese ee / PHIS DATE IN HISTORY. DECEMBER TWENTY-FOURTH world, where Christ shall reign as Prince 4g00 Attempt made to assassinate Na- poleon I. with an infernal machine. erson in Baltimore. . 1814 Signing and the United States. a e88 fer honor of Louis Kossuth. present company has a capitalization of o half a million and therefore the system not cost them over that amount. The fr: chise after the has been in ope tion only a littl doublad .in value, or approximately a yaar. No doubt, mar seeing this are heart ry they Fasker Transfer Co. LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING Main St, next City Hall. PHONES OFFIE . RESIDENCE 211 Piano Moving easonable A Speciaity liable the franchise get out of the hands of inerease 8o rapidly? Obviously it is ca ed by the making and ect to make. V pays these profits? Equally obviously rge sar has more than profits the: company ig Jantic telegraph to flash ,the tidings in.a moment from t Old World to the Now, and titteen days aftes the sleubig, of the Treaty at faraway Ghent (in Belgiurf) a Brislgy force under General Sir Edward Pakenham, endeav ring . make Inspection. Who then my did United states and England, was si AN1- the season when the thoughts of opa- dwelling on the happy message from n earth, Good will to Men. . The, War bad suffering and logs of life on. both: sided, anti anything toMeompensate for this-excepl dditional w: . Great Brita has vut. a stop to the Irritating and unjus the ins vessels flying the riean flag. : ot party by send- cans, from that day to this, have not dreamed fpensily tng you fp the Steam ignt a ace ioeese: at aude ary Ho a Laundry. , s city and into the contrdk,of a corporation. cnquering any part of the British provinces. Pe What has made the valueiof the franchis Lots in Parkview at... Lots in City View at . 50x200 ft. in POWELL ... 40x190 ft. on COLUMBIA AVENUE 200 ft. Frontage in ALTAWANA . 25x160 ft, Lots in ALTAWANA - x150 ft. Iot on DOMINION ST. 135 ft. corner two blocks from Centrat Park SEE US FOR ACREAGE FOR SUB-DIVISION. TRE Lowakbd FEWINGS AGENCY: Medicine Hat, Alia. 1803 Jerome Bonaparte married to Miss Treaty of Ghent, end- ing the war between Great Britain 1851 Great reception in Philadelphia in 863 William Makepiece Thack rey, the famous novelist, died. . Born in 1811. Very appropriately, the Treaty of Ghentjiwhich at the end of 1814 concluded the tratricid hisrar Batween. the Cbrintmas Bve,) stiane folk. are akies of) Penco NEWS BLOCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. SAE eS MEMORANDUM OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 OCLOCK .We are Loaning PER ANNUM TO OUR CONTRACT- HOLDERS From Coast to Coast x in Canada . To Buy or Build Homes, Te Pay Of Mortgages. To Improve Real Estate. INVESTIGATE OUR CONTRACT, PLAN AT ONCE. THE CANADIAN HOME a Sp elality. 225 Pacific Building, Van- couver, B. C. IMPERIAL BANK BLDG. MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. Oftice Open. Evenings Until Nine O'clock. CHRISTMAS COMPLIMENTS AND CONGRATULATIONS that come with the arrivel, of, Santa Claus are al especially where th atlye of our good ing and pressing men s. garments, We want every,one to look their pect on Christmas Day, in cloth- ing that is spotless, shapely aud genteel. If you have suits or over- coats that need doing up ,send THR GLOB THR GLOBE CLEAN. ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office om Fourth Ave. Improved methods make our PHONE 8. OFFICE PHONE NO, 868, For The Party Yeady, for the wedding, eayy Teaming. f the peace was hailed with delight un this side of hd Their work is ion for AUS- ocean. Unhappily, In those days, there was no an they have Installed alf the most up-to-date machinery which Dr, de Van s Femate Pil * eliminates all lniperfeetion. OF our plant we invite the public the people of Moose Jaw who use the cars. in. Cite of Moose Jaw owned its own strect ter. - Tf to storm New Orleans, was repuleed with terrible slayst-jyeDICINE HA Bil cheap izaitat ll cheap T STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 8, Canada PIN . Xmas Catds The Finest Assortment Ever Money at : P ae Show in the Certt. City Pingle s Drug and Book Store R. B. Taylor Transfer Light and Heary Draying. Prompt Attention to all orders, Plano Moving with Plano -Van nhotlesteste dratetecte ate atentoctoety CitySaleStables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale. LIGHT AND HEAYY DRAYING, Hny for Sale. FRED McCLAIN PROPRIETOR STABLE PHON 402.8 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORO Spdedet OOH L IN oe Speelalty, All Times. ble Prone regulator: never fails. Th ex iy pomertul ia regulating to Fenerative porttwmot the female aya ox or thee for 10 eabell Drag Oo Sold at Pingle s Drug Store, ro any nddred Big Railroa Inc Chas.. Smithers ar Up For Violat New York, N. ., Dec. 2 Smelen, president of the New Haven and Rartford J. Chamberlain, preside Grand Prank Railway of Alfred W. Smithers, ct Grand Trunk board of dir indicted by the Federal here yesterday, charged ating the Sherman Anti-t the alleged monopoly agi tween the roads. The indictment ay Chamberlain and Smither gaged in August-8;1913, since engaged jn an unl Sreoseees f . if deetoadede eet oe os tee Sete Seefest RS tet Ps Brees
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Image 1218 (1912-12-24), from microfilm reel 1218, (CU1773557). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.