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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Wednesday, December 18th, Page 10 : MEDICINE: AT DAILY NEWS. x Wednetday, December 18th, 1913 DONALD GURRIE Members of Congres NBEIGP ANTANOTIC: CONEINENE Canadian Pacitic 2 Specially Selected * Knock-Knee Bowles Debate stinonnt a Hota Tuaml Excursion Fares ey veal P Capt. Davis of Mawson's Antarc- Rep, Sulzer Favors- Se icicok: Knees Senators Penrose ... snip Aurora, has returned hero PACIFIC COAST and Gore Say Bowlegs Are Far More Desirable and reports hopes of the discovery of POINTS 8 rocky ridge On )the bed of the oesan Sing 200 miles south of Hobart. Captain Coe to Dayis took ten soundings showing Real Estate The following are some of our + dost buys: Buys Washington, Dec. 18 Whether Senator Penrose insisted that there depths varying from 543 TOWNSITE SOUTH YUILL Dowlegs are greater mendces to navi- was no place in creation for theloms, The main fon of the shal aoa Victoria Tat 5, Block N, 7 roomed house, gation than knock-knees is still 1 knock-kneed man. A man 0 afflict-liowest water is northwest and south. and New estminster: bath, 8000. Terms. Lot 9, Block 15. Regular .............--- 1,300 Blopen question in spite of arguments ed, he declared, on going honie from eaxst, Fitty-aix deep sea soundings SPECIAL LOW ROUND TRIP 51 ft. in Block 24, 30000; 8000 made before the National Press Club his club in the early hours would telwere taken during the cruise. PARES Seg fash: balance arranged. REDCLIFF last night by Representative Sulzer, in a state of collapse in the road Deep vea dredging work was all tog ANGELE: fe ay DINGO 68 ft. Block 27, facing Mon- treal St., 5000; 2000 cash balance 6 and 12, SOUTH YUILL Lots 4, 6, 7, 8 Block 17, 1600 each; 1-3, 6 and 12, Lot 5, Block 99, fifty foot tot Lots 12 and 13, Block 106. igovernor-elect of New York, and Rep- while the bowlegsed man Would be oarried out and the resulta are re- lresentative Stanley, of Kentucky, in bowling merrily homeward. garded as strongly confirming Maw- HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Ex Be condemnation of bowlegs, and Seno- The bowlegged condition he/son s belief that Australia was form- ve Lot 21, Block 22. Each Seo 600 tors Penrose and Gore, in equally said, ia due to a remnant of our phy-terly connected with the Antarctic Vancouver, Seattle and Pacific 4 - eon a) gt; vigorous denunciation of knock-kneos. sical traits when we lived in trees Continent by means of a ridge of land Coast Steamship Line. CENTRAL PARK SANTA BARBARA and SAN FRANSCISCO, California. Referee John Hays Hammond, who and climbed up them. The conse- now submerged, So tee odie te See Bodie ee OOS AOS EIS President Taft's special ambassa- quence is that the bowleged man is The Aurora is leaving Hobart on DATES OF SALE: with shack, 1500 Lots 47 and 48, Block 17, faces Park 2,050 Bil rr to the coronation of King George tull of alb the. vigor of the gorilla or Baxing Day, (Dec, 26) to. relieve Fe eared ge le a yonrn See Lots 1 and 2, Block 10, . + 1,950 Bly acciaea that nolther offer serious of the primitive man. Mawson's expediti eee eae Lot 16, Block 15. 1150;. 550 Lots 21 and 22, Block 10 - 1,950 Bi otstruction and read a cablegram Representative Stanley followed RETERN-LIHT APRIL 80 1918 cash, balance 6 and 12, Lot 14, Block 4, .......5. . 2,000 from the international board of navi- with a sweeping denunciation of bow- SMASH AND BE - Se FaIL 8 M 5 . ;i * . tion in Berlin to bear him out. teys. He sald he could prove by tbe SMASHED SAY THE Wor fall partionlars apply to tea cote HERALD : Before the debate began Mr, Ham-/frescoes and paintings of Raphael SUFFRAG: local Ticket Agent, or write to corner, Block i6, cae Block 19, 1,375. ff mond faced the contestants to rise/and other old masters that the n- ETTES RG. MeNEILLIE, Usual terme. * Lots 4 to 13, Bloc pait,..- . G95 f and shake bands to show there was ols they pictured were untversally psa Dist. Passenger Agent, 100 ft. corner, Block B, River Lots 14 and 5, Pie , Per pair . of eo no hard feelings. knock-kneed. London, Dee. age tte a few days Calgary, Atta. ee 4500. 1-3, 6 and 12. : ts 4 and 5, Block re : Representative Suleer attributed to Senator Gore assailed the framera Of inactivity, tant suffrag- I, A. Dobbin, Ticket Age Lote 87 to 40, Block 12, 2600. : poe 23 and 24, Block evess++- 1,700 Gi) vowiegs virtually all the diseases of the constitution because they had ettes have renewed their Ietter-box W-8- Medicine ti 1-8, 6 and 12. * 18, BI eke pe 1,650 ff xaown to medical science trom corns not grappled with the knock-kneed Outrages. Outside of attacking a COUSINS AND SISSONS Lots 16, 16, 17 and ey to consumption. He declared that question face to face and feet. to Pillar box neat the: Stock Exchange Lots 29 and 30, Block 10, 1400, history could show no. bowlegged/feet. He admitted that the problem ee aes ee damaged by . 1-8, 6 and i2, hero, while Moses, Socrates, Hanni- was a knotty one, but added)that the an in : outrages were 70 mf ee ani Ba Lots 5 and 6 on shack, oe two Tots rer bal, and scores of others, interfered American people had settled it polit- mainly Rages e southeast Landon. ee Liota 18.0026 Block 18, ni Ww use, mae in their knees, He closed by quot- ically, by both the knock- A bottle, contained ink was 1-3, 6 and 12, savage 10,. oat 1275 Bice: kneed Republf an elephant and the found in a pillar box labelled De- COAL Lats 81 to 6, Block 14, 826,0 . 2,150 A man knock-kneed bowlegged bull moose up Salt Creek fiance of His Majesty's government; pair; 150 cash, balance 6, In a triend indeed. as obstructions to navigation. Votes for women. COAI q 12 and 18, z 3 Similar attacks are reported in HARLOW FULLER a Kana 20, Edinburgh and Tunbridge Wells. 3 : 5 40 on 0 x Pyne, Spe 3750. ( Lloyd George and Doctors Have Pore women hve Yen arrested. in pi al, tet ee t and 20, Block 12, ..... oe 1,200 Differences as to Right Charges sna atso ove who broke a arealarm targe or small quantitien RIVERDALE 100 ft. corner River lots, in Block E, 1700. Terms. We have a good section of improved farm land eight miles from town that we will sell or trade for Medicine Hat property ig box at*Convent Gardens simmoning London, Dec. 18. The question of Number of visits last year paid by the fire brigade. whether it is worth six shillings orjthese physi lans, plus visits to these A more serious outrage, this time eight shilling six-pence, medical men physicians at their offices, 539,516. by a male suffragette, comes before practicing in Great Britain to give Total receipts of these physicians a Wealdstone magistrate, who issued attention to a patient for an entire for this work, 400,00U. a warrant for the arrest of a man year, continues to be a topic of ab- Average receipts per physician, 1,- accused of endangering the safety of shipped to any station. Storage: Esplanade and N. Railway. 8. TAYLOR CO. Room 17 Becker Block. 10 and 11, Block 64, 5 and 6, Block 27 12, Block 80, ..... OUSES 2 if P, 0. Box 818, ha six ft. Prices rangin; sorbing interest, not only to the doc- 869.67. Passengers on the Great Central re phere oe 00 to 6,000. he BME Bitcrs attected, but. to medical -men Additional foes recelved. ty phyate: railway by setting fp to the cour from rat throughout the world. The British ans for operations, certificates, cor- partment of a train in which he was OR GE. physicians maintain that the lower oners fees, etc., 250,000, travelling. The accused refused to eat figure is inadequate. It is likely that Gross income to the physicians, attend court and wrote a letter to We have already subdivided acreage in close range i) 4s. 120,000 practitioners in the Uni- the magistrate, expressing -suffra- Canadian Pacific Medicine Hat - of the city and ready for retail, which we sell I tea states ana gette sympathy. A 3 in, rms. ith . Thi itter is being dis- 084.11. Mrs. Pethick Wi i i only in logis andl on very easy te Soe er SS hee a olen st Meat Market (7 CIM. MM : PHONE 920, . ized countries. lt;f some medical men on this side as night, said they must. prepare for se One of the interesting revelations surprisingly good. The British med- destruction. They must prepare to ae made im tho course of this controver cal sssoclation pointed (Before thn smash and he smashed even if thiie Fresh Meats at 100, sy has been the income derived by tssue.of this roport), that these 1s- bodies be made to suffer, : 7 lock il ni l : ld not be e Nib u 9 imited ey ectigaines pecpaebe, i MALE tor the cational Ineurancdlee TERRA NOVA OFF 1xe, 1be, 1740, Room No. 8, Imperial Bank Building. Chancellor Lloya-Georgo was made In 'They maintain that greater demand TO GET CAPT-SCOTT and 2210 a Ib. ane five selected towns, with the appro- will be made upon the profession than Fourth Avenue, 4 Medicine Hat. J) ,.1-or the medical association, and before the act was passed-in March, (4. ass 2 brought the following resul as the fees being yearly baal, oo is ane a a aoe a -Aggregate population of the five would involve no charg s sa towns, 404 184, on the patients thus insured, and they * iled from oday to the LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS number of physicians in theso were called more freely for medical Capt. Rol Scott s Antaro- towns, 244. services. The British government as- tic expedition. Rone 87 , 515 THIRD AVE. ation for medical service to their she will arrive at Captain Scott's 420 Main Street - Phone 799 BXCAVATING ing six shillings. The sailing of the Terra Nova NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS : Fare and One-Third for the Round Trip artnurs to vancotver and fia POSSESS branches. Splendid Sz Going dates, Dee. 21, 1912, to of Re Jan, 1, 1918, Final return limit Jan. 6th, Ottawa, Dec. 17 Clark in speaking, in th 1918, the Laurier amendment J f eall every mornings, A trial is all we ask. For further particulars apply to nearest agent or to R, , MeNEILLIE, District Passenger Agent. the friendly societies as a remuner- MdMurdo Sound, and it is said-that Capital Realty Co, (reese ee erie es aie, Tas ot Fall is Here AND 80 IS HOUSE CLEANING - serts that the sum generally paid by The Terra Nova will proceed to House Mover sics tor mates: service to tic she will ive at Captain Scots Phe medical association replies, yesterday from Christchurch to pick HEAVY TEAMING however, that the.present condition UP ca party of Capt. Seott is al TIME Calgary, Alt den Naval Act, sald as : CONCRETE WORK. of friendly societies work is unsat- sign of the end in its third year of HAVE YOUR CLEANIN Wa deen described by - SeeeLle elitr and semi-charitabl t expedition to the Antarctic. It BY THE NEW Annu: ear 1. A, DOBBIN, Ticket Agent statesman as being bot moreover, includes. only selected jis likely that she will bring Seott cRss, COSTS LESS THAN THE Medicine Hat pamatas, Hee an real bonds of ie emp back to civilization in March. K Daa. OLD WAY AND IS FAR BETTER WE CLEAN THE CARPETS ON THE FLOOR AND TAKE OUT ALL GERMS WITHOUT WEAR OR TEAR TO CARPETS. 0 : 8. THEY ARE OTE THESE PRICE J. J L AIT It is the British custom for SNAPS physicians to supply medicines ani The ship arrived in Akarea, N. Z., 116 MONTREAL STREET the goverment wishes to include April 1, 1911, with the last news of Phone 260. this-with the six shillings. The med- S ott. It was then learned that, on feal association demands eight shili- January 31912, Capt, Scott with of sentiment, love for the monarchy and the flag over it. If Canada had 2 own, in the event of the , 75 ft, corner, Block 108.. Usual terms. 00 each. Pwo corners in Biock-76. Usuat terms. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHOND ings, six pence, without compulsion a party of four men, was 150 mik 3 VAL TI SS oes 9200.00 to 450.00 each. . Residence lots in all parts of the town. NO. 268, 402 728 to supply medicines, and with a Ust ftom the Pole and wae-advancing 23 Gity Vaouum Cleaning Go. IF MONEY Is UE YOU Sacre tua of extras for special work, Chancel- hopefully for his goal, although he Phone 707 Read T Ss ne ee cata e COUSINS AND SISSONS 1500,00 pair. Terms. 2 lots in Block 20. HERALD would say? flag with the whole of and moral resources. Dr. Clark sald that th alty of the Liberals wa O.11-1m J, C, LARSON, Manager, was far behind in his schedule of THE J. S, FOLLYS jtor-tiove-ceorse takes the position that the government is willing to cou- march and had been beaten by some Contracting Co, siser any reasonabie proposition, but weeks by Capt, Amundsen, Capt. ee TORONTO Ot; he holds that the demands of the 2s- Scott sent back by Lt. Evans thi Our brand new stock of Men's Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Mitts and Gloves, Sheepskin Coats, etc, Is Phone 569, i Box 804. tthe river aud sociation are excessive. They WoUld. isconic message: eee et ee te ee an ate Come Grave ne contends, amount to guarantes- 17 age ree a ie ape eas DAILY ARRIVING tacked simply because tt Excavating a Specialty. ing each physician an assured income eats We are selling these for a very approve of any partic another winter in order to continue CROSSLEY BROS. NST Light and Heavy Horses for sale z ted by a governn oo a sai AE Ties. pan tation saGa oo a sar ond foes ork. : a tee, aie siege me ae considered for 1 oe ove 3 ? peereeme nc the bentsbads in the) tye Ne more than was originally planned in SIEBER? eae as Builders... Contractors. taaies and Gents new and years ago the Conservat properties, See us about this. MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY. now passed, being the summer of anfmously for defendin: the Insurance act. second-hand Clothes, Boots and northern latitudes, and from the 4 3 . th SiO SUBDIVISION PROPERTY Horse; Repository messabe it might be assumed that a i Shoes and lots of other aril- Bik ine cmuusition We have 6000 acres adjoining the city suitable for subdivision. Rear 312 Fourth Ave, (opposite TRIED TO HELP OLD Capt. Scott will be ready to embark 7 ee Taemwese St cles which we are selling at ody shold supyort Jt We also have w halt section near Redelift at farm land pric s. Dreamland Theatre.) pee Tour Gorm peice, some, however, who W and return north at once when thi SANTA CLAUS S GIVING)**rerra Nova, after a few weeks If you are one of our custont- a sailing, reaches the base of the ex- Houses for Sale. ers you know the truthfulness pedition in McMurdo Som - of this ad. If not, we ask. you The last word from Capt. Seott tats enough to make s swiftly, The premier B had deprecated a spirit to come in and prove it for sy. He had displayed RIVERDALE We bnve only four lots left in Block 8 at 400. Single and double outfits of.all descriptions for sale Broekton, Mass., Dee. 17, Fearing that Santa Clans would not-have euke or-hire. 4 money enough to buy all the presents Ieft him on the great Antarcti yourself. eaten ti Horse or Automobile De- ne wanted ht 1d Gi ie ates guine temper 1 -year-ol eorge plateau, 9,800 feet. above the-level. of ft cabinet GIVE US YOUR LISTINGS. livery at all-times: Gove toot'a Mat ot pals trom tis tne ca, 60 feet above ehe-tore ot WILLOW. RIVE HARVARD TAILORING CO. going stroma tat HAY FOR SALE. mother's bureau, trudged down the r. Evans and three others turned (D. L. 788) Opposite Dreamland, Tt was all very well f Phone 295. DAVIS, PROPRIETOR of the government to h document urging that ken out of politics. , by whom had it been it Prairie Hay by the load. No. 1 street to where aS; laus col- hack at that t ti h This new TOWN OF IMPORT- Kmiothy-ty-the-bale-or TO leating fond for a charitable oar Terr a the news of ANCE on main line of Grand PHONE 703. Trunk Pacific, and- Pacific and ization stood, and dropped the bills Seott in time to allow the vessel-to Hudson Bay, at junction of Fraser down the chimney of Santa's coin get out of the sound before the ice and Willow Rivers, British Colum- box house. blocked it. The men who stayed Dit is the southern and nearest walities? The time wa: 4 polities FOR SALE , Tris ie. 2: as. Gove missed with Scott were Dr. Wilson, chiet of FMC*SY, (2 the Ereat and wonder WINTER VEGETABLES - aE erie F the money and the police were notif: the scientific staff; Capt. Oates, in SPELLS OPPORTUNITY for the SE ioe i Shortly after little George be- charge of the powies; Lt, Bowers, com- an or woman who wishes to ju- - poate had advised the eee ee SEVEN PERSONS. S2 telling when he expected fot miseisariat oficer, and petty offeer cleusly, lnvest a small or. large OR CALE lock Imagink ts Hele rN RSO ee , am ayments; r Christmas. His father advised his /Evans, in charge of the sledges and tercstey notaver Wote todos fur a flag in order to down tory-would condemn th party for its alliance tionalists. On the oth name of Laurier would a leader who succeeds a bye-clection in the Quebec on a policy have been the policy 0 Canada, son that Santa Claus could not get equipment.. maps, plats and printed matter. all that for one boy The advance party started forward PAC. TaNb dowgsrtes Co. Carrots, Turnips, Oh, yes he can, said George. I with a month's provisionsand. ived hi 2 g0od 572 Pacific BI Terms: Half cash; balance arranged. * C him the money so he could:' /prospects of reaching the pole. ae den Piancouver. B.C. An investigation followed and 17 UNITED STATES Te OE wa started hy Sinta on the cor YOUNGSTERS DO. NOT 134-12t Seren Persons - LIKE SCOTT'S NOVELS, RETURN FARE FROM MEDICINE HAT 5 z aT ) partie with SPERADO London, Dec. 18. The County. Minneapolis or St. Paul 41.25. Duluth 38.95: Chicago 57.25. Kansas City 62.70. 'F OR SABE oer it aH a Counctt, Baweation Committee, ie ree j fight today in the hills at. Tamato moving Sir Walter Scott. from the Corresponding, fares to many other points, 2 Both places are well stocked and lequipped and doing good business. ;Owner has other interests. Parsnips, Beets, Onions Cabbage, Potatoes. FRED SMITH Basement Under Pruitt: Block. TORONTO STREET. Box 480 Medicine Hat. Crystal Ice Co NUMAN SANDERSON Successors to Mr. Peter Robinson Moral Supp Dr. Clark said that wants most from Cat moral support. An ol Springs, twelve miles north of here, works most suitable for distributlo BLACKSMITH SHOP IN SEVEN between a young desperado and more as prizes to elementary schools. ) 4 PERSONS, than one hundred . county ofticers, The most popular books for government's proposal Tickets on sale December 1 to 31,1912, : ; sete equipment riltiamen and ciffrens, the outlaw, Purpose are Robinson Crug HAT GARTAGE C0. ew form s that this mor an Tools, forge and complete equipment who had attacked'a young girl last Hans Anderson, Tom Brown thrown away. He was Py fine Fer turtzer particulars call on 1. A. Dobbin, Ticket Agent. Med- /ror carrying on business. Must be night, was killed. Under Shritt Rob- Schooldays, Old Curtosity . sho . Electric Restorer for Men ger, His opiaion was SA eine Hr or write. , sold to close up estate. ert Squires also wan kilied and three Lainb s Tales from ALL KINDS OF TEAM WORK. Phosphonol ssstores every norte ia the bode was four years ago. Ea z s . Full information as to price, terms, of , his deputies were seriously and Miss Alcott's Ed Household Moving a Specialty. rim and vitality. fad ogee Pkepon ail eext hi 80 a . c 7 Roakness at once. phon el scare has become Eps or : - ete., upon. application, to wounded. The battle was the climax Ivanhoe, 8 the on : PHONE 820. Be ylens tere, heeds shell Drog 4t now finds a place Bi MWaeE * QUS BOWMAN, ef an all night pursuit of the bandit Waverley novels retaining the favor J. M. Cooper Co. Bt. Cetharines, Ont. tes i x aessee fleven Forsens. by a sheriff's posse. ee et ert teniecetedhe fein ies st) a
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Image 1162 (1912-12-18), from microfilm reel 1162, (CU1773540). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.