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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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S RNISHED ROOM TO RE Bultable for ight hoisekeopinige fh 720 Beasiiar St, MARS HA Lhe : . SiwMuone Wana, ney g40 worus, one day .. .. ab REAL ESTATE Re Rea rate, No 'TO. RENT -PURNISHD, ROOM, pecially Selected a ae BUYS SONS re alee Ad accepted for les Wan 2b cents ply to box 1472 News office, ak BROKERS Cash iat accumbens the order ee gt; lt; Phous aa R lt;' BENDING North Railway St, )i vat vccce sieguoasiae Block 22, Lots 21 to 40, each. ..... lt;++-++4+ gt; 400 Kr * ; ite: on ee i + is i bk p posite. crossing BBL Block 24, Lots 27 to 28, each.. Oot employees of th Marahall-ait-) Mr. McLarity, tm a well-worded ad Main'st. * s . 2 Fa 3 i 6 40. ancl: 500. ware Company were ten- dress, dealt with the growth of the - hWANTED MAID. FOR GENBRAL Block 13, Lots 10 40, each. sees Sp most dainty banquet by: the Marshall-AMitchell Hardware Conpaly a 7 house work, Apply 429 Balmoral St. Block 26, Lots 10 and 11, each. 500 At the Corona. Hotel on Satur- since he had been in thelr employ. 106-6 4 a Block 18, Lots 27 and 28, each cnight. Some sixty guests alonk Hoe said that though he was leaving : * aN ea 7 oc ya as) 2 memb rs. of the firm, sat the firm, that he would always watch i WANTED 4, WAITRESSES, 3 DISH-/ 9 2. q E: Block 33, Lots 21 to 30, each ... ai to a most tasty repast provid- their udvancement closely, and tie ; Waah rs, 1 second cook, Apply Ls B, ey WE HAVE A ed) Hosts Penlant and Babb. had certain amount of sentiment 3 Hi 4 itt Bi mS 7 CENTRAL PARK Mh. S nerrit acted aa toost mas- anout che. business watch he had / PD ee ee FUR LINED ot AF Bi wanrep Hovse KEEPER FOR - AND COON in introducing the tonst Hst, helped te build up. a Joined 4 on th . many benofita de- the firm: they +had.sixteen mployecey small hotel. Apply at Factory Hotel, both employer and employes today, they have, forty-five. or; Factory. and South Railway St, 1 3 je holding of auch events... It CAM. Roche Fesponded to. the toast f 145-3 T to cut out disputes and keep The Ladies, and paid a tribute: to B ia ae : Bryce Mitchell; He fintshed with a i x WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOK: 3 at ; Block 29, Lots 5 and 6, each ..- Block 4, Lot 14, 50 feet ...+ Block 17, Lots 47 and 48, facing park, each: ae eee ; Block 11, Lots 3 and 4, each , ee 3 ; Block 20, Lots 49 and 50, each . After the ustial toast to the King, most, acceptable recitation. 3 keeper, and stenographer. Apply Py Block 10, Lots 1 and 2, corner, each lt;- By pace Ete sae Sey coe cated: upon. OSPR nicest ag Block 10, Lots 39 and 40, corner, each 4 Hh eaieda open oth did in a able M. C. Sackrider was then called 5+ SALESMEN WANTED, TO SELLE Block 10, Lots 3 to 18, eaeh .4 PS and creditable manner, and at the/on and following came the 7, Vancouver real Salory and Block 10, Lots 21 and 22 s 975 store consratulated tho Marahall- the press, responded to by D. Cush- f9. i. . ps 0c Mawes ee 3 Mitchell Hardware on the great show- Ing of the News, and Mr. Bradley. of lt; Georgia Real Company, 515, ; Block 10, Lots*23 to 38, 5 950 ing which they:are making in the the Times. a . Pendgr St, West, Vancouver, 144 J ak 26 785 mercantile field i Medicine Hat, One df the pleasing events of the, HERALD ; Block ae om ana 3 i Sees 55 eS Mr. apres is the firm's banker, and evening, and which brought It to AME fuser 46, Lote 7 and 88, 155 WANTED MAID FOR GBI Block 26, Lots 37 an l8, each ....-...-- 332 ROO) Pcie ates there, oon nostiria waastasd ciges: van igieeomntah aes Danes an St nor on i faeeee VO Anny Tt: CoRR EE VVANTED, TO) BUX Rallding 1ote e stems 639 Main St. 3 144-6 in Old Survey, Herald or Central made so rapid progress, or was on some watch fob and locket to Mf CG 51) y AND SISSONS Park. Give prices, terms, ete, to P. so strong a footing. In the last two McLarity, by Bryce Mitehell, on be o Soe 31, Woe ).and 20, corner, each - 625. years their advancement had been half of'the firm. Mr. M Larity'Is sev- HI WAITRESSES: AND CHAMBER- 0, Box 10. Own ly need apply. Bloc a s 2 a 3 47 Wwond rful) and-he stated that in his ering- bis connection with the firm 51.0, oer st. maids wanted. Apply at once to man- ,. Sete ae : Block 31gLots 23 and 24,each Wl Seinion the exeate for thle way. duel and in starting in Dusingss for him MPCs omar ae ace con neee Cocks Hotels Medicine Hat 45:2 ae e + aif h i lot for - i - 13, 14 and 15, (Highland), each 875: Be be ary ae : 375 architect, in one Joe a orchestra was preg- ots 1 to 10, en bloc, each ...--.+. ee of the finest npeechebet the evening, ent and dispensed music. s Bar ad 550 reaponded: to the taaly. ot Que Dior The follo is a Hist of the ae ince. He dealt with the rapki growth jgfests + Wm. el, C, MH. 5 HERALD of the Provinte, the- wondertit rail- RoeheyW. Parker; A. J. N. Terrill, WANTED EXPERIENCED HOUSE- a, 377 Es gt; mal. Apply 129 Bra mar 8, or oars ate phone 60f 143-tf 5 sale. See us. COUSINS SISSONS Block 22, Lots 25 and 26, 1155. MAID WANTED APPLY . HOSPI- a ree : ma Terms. tal. 50x280) Taine 5 D0 road development which is encourag- , S ; Pingle, W. G. Lynch, W. T. : x mez glasses. - Owner may have Lot 8 ( )) Esplanade ae Ce ear peek peers ota. Ma acthg, ai Wa bado Block. 13, 4-paire at 1600 (8) es by applying to News and gage Lots 6 to 11, each .....-- 35. Bi tnrant, worn ti 1908, with mo lilatory. ind e per pair: ANPED GOOD GENBRAL SER-J ing for ad. 5 B a Doty, S -Withrow, J. W. Hamilton, : 2 : AL SE for att. ots 23 and 24, (Highland) . 850: fil bat a cood parentage, and yr Cushing, W: S. Weight, J. B. vant. Apply to Mrs. James. Turpin, : : and 28, (Highland), each .. 900 i)may nave at times sore: toes opt Darty,. As J. Maloney; Ef. Mitchell, REDCLIFF Jr., 637 Main St. ()443-3 LOST A LEFT HAND PERSIAN d 13, Esplanade, each .... 4750. sons of depression, -he hoped she yitcuell, D.: Higgins,--A- Barrk M Block 51, 50 ft. detw oak WANTENG DINING ROOM Gant - Lamb gauntlet mitt in the down- sRGB aeE Gach FTA woud survive and come out strong tn 2.,. a erase ot Ae eee NS OOM GIRLS town district on the 2th. Finder re- Wink 7 ae chased Sach es the end. (He edmonished all against ae Sends; RE Barta, J oe eee ate ee iy Ragiet Hotel: 5 paces 200 on return to. News of- ts 31 and 30, peat a yo) Pegesppe Sag ph gcaterteanne ovitce. Schneider, B. Mitchell, A. G.Mackin- ff 26 tect opposite hotel steps, qraNTaD Sag To LEARN HAG e ee : Monday. s o fe c Bene ire of ine previniss why tee ts, Sane Sinclair, G. next to pool rooin, 1800, ber trade; eight weeks completes; LOST BROWN MARMOT MUFF Eaemmeestern intercoloaiate 15 to 18, each .......-..---- . maturing centre. of Oc , why ree ctord, Jaa Ries, MLM. Dob- B Block 437 25 feet near school, situation furiished; tools frees. won- with two heads and four tails. PPlonship tournament oper ago. derful demand for barbers, Write for News oftice. isk z our new, free illustrated catalogue: Phil Corss vs. One -Rov she had to have othep large centres Moler College, 604a Centre St, Cg - FOUND A GOLD LOCKET WITH sche prov- tins,A.-P. Bailey, H. Cameron, Jack Canning, , Jas, McKay, Thos: 14 Lots 25 and 26, Toronto, to eat up her product We make a special study. 40 rounds, at New York, SCH ANNEX ince has splendid buildings, splendid 4 ee O0L a charches, splendid ratiways, tele- Hinchon, T. G. Graney, James Ross, of Redcliff Property. rary. ca) FOU aos A 8, Lots 1 and 2, corner, each .. 1250 Fil pnones-and telegraph systems, very-1M. C. Sackrider and A. Innes Morri ae ae de. ome may have 4 ; Lot 21. cash Re: 700 S tings was being done on up-to-date S0m- 3 fs a Ma same lying to News anc , : lines, and we were benefitting by oth- M FAIR VIEW '... - no. Girt. et 138-t i ae MANITOBA HOUSE 2003100 ft. cofners for 1260. ers , experience. In conclusion he 0 Lots 1 and 2, 8 and 9, 825 : : : ee eck St Lots i and 2, each S25 Pmmeccy oe wemetagst MREES JANUARY Of Coe ee (UL s alone il etc wa CULIAR Block 31, 4 : Company, ani Cae Bata z Apply. to Mrs. W. G. Lynch, 6o9 O mer will remit sum for ad when ; 7, Lots 21 and 22, each .. 800. ff) kina invitation to be present. Winnipeg, Dec. 28. The third ses ACREAGE: poe ; Side : : gt; Ald. Doty: expressed surprise to sion of the thirteenth Provincial New York, Dec. 30 Ado HILL DIVISION find that the hardware company em-lisiature will open Thursday, Jan. caf ae ithe chateest to offer Ht) BRICKLAYERS WANTED. ee old, Ie 29, Lots 21 to 30, (Highland) each... --875-- ff) Mozet wp Bane He had no idea The date was decided on at a. special) ff Around Ue GAY: : Ogilvie Flour Mill job. Tel phene 787, of h * 27, Lots 39 and 40, i h 625 they had sp many emplo; He sate fig of the cabinet-ministers hi ts Oe i Job Office. Canadian Stewart-,Co., lock 27, 139 an , corner, each +. - 2 in responding to the toast Our Clty, Saturday morning. e Have a House and ( Limitea. Ygs-it STORM DOORS AND WINDOWS - fitted,-also general: repairers orders St, here, late last 1 which toast: was introduced by the Dr. Orok, M. L. A. for the new con- Shack Toastmaster in a rather unique Way, stituency of LePas, will mo e the ad- SITUATIONS WANTED, promptly attended to. Apply, 718 ty-after Gotch ha On Bridge St, 400 handles. 7 Short Avenue. Phone 875. 138-9 bath-room groans v gg00 fl referring to Mr. Wiliams m ntion- gress in reply to the. speech trom) j 950 ling the Province as the infant He the throne. Albert Profontaine;. M Also one on Queen St, 400 J SITUATION WANTED MIDDLE- 7 handles. aged. woman wants to do light house SKATES SHARPENED PaRTiBS pea See our House list. ; of the house 45,000, fy) smzecsted that the city of. Medicine y, 4., Carillon, will, second the, ad- 15; Hat be considered taepheart of the aress, work and cooking from January Ist, wenting skates ground, can hav same gtrotehedrout. on the floor Ay Mi Dickson By ywn, Red- done in th ply Mr Dickson By Brown, 6 in a first class manner at the condition. He died before OLD TOWNSITE Block 49, Lot 6, House, Ottawa St. .. P Block 15, Lots 33 and 34, per foot, . 84, Lot e.. . 6000 fi intant, from which the rich blood in ms 4 lock 18, Lot A, Espianade, house --. . 10,000 the form of products were sent out BEATIVE NESBIT ILL HERALD Uff tAlta. 343-6 Skating rink, Main St, J. Halward, yt 10, corner, house,... 222-7000 Bi to keep the other parts. alive. a Use. vob Banner woo es 125-2 arrived. s Oe aye 38, (b5 ft om ELighland 5500 fy, 14, Domalremarss rare ee eae gitar oe ele Newest, 1000. Vsual ena pe ee aan So ge ae das to 3 broke Lot 3, 50 ft. on Narth Railwa Bytom, ee cose come hanes cae ; Wann a narra oar fered in falling out of the ae y ,000 fh city, He-seid that he was not too 0D- ne unable to appear at the Assizes lt; lt;, WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE, day, Wednenday and Fridagc ar- : pote 9 and 10, (100x130 Braemar) 10,000 ff) timistic though, and mentioned that which commence next Monday. CENTRAL: PARK pref fably 5 or 6 rooms, will give rangements made for out-of-town or was employed and 6, . aan 15,000 when the Clay Products Co, was op- 0 ck bond to insure good care of furniture. private Jessons if desired. K. Her- engineer. He jy eal e eee , wel prediction: made: then. ks to the : lock 28, 50 ft. for 1260. Address F'enner, Assiniboia Hotel man, 519-Toronto Street, Medicine : s DS ee ime S200 future, of the city were little bellev- NOTICE . 4-3t Hat. + a LAWZERS W. ANT 26, 4000 PEs bik they tad more than come The annual general meeting of the ff 100 FOOT CORNER Bay tes in Loe ae ee EW OLVORECE shareholders of the Sarnia Ranching pivsrsiae, 2200. Block 18. WANTED HOUSE TO RENT, FUR- (YH5 MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR SS ot 8, Ottawa + 8500 Pjtrue. He said that he expected to nished or unfurnished, by Febrasty. AND JUNK OO. The above have 9, Deo, 29 A di ok a 94, Lot 14, 9 room house, Roy St. 6500 gee building permits for the city next, Company,Limited, will be h ld at ? 14, , Roy Wl year total ten malition, and pointed out the office of the company on Section Eel, BE MM ase soko aeemnahiGh bate MEP eer Go uae eoeceege that he was justified in thinking 0, 14, Twp. 11 Range one, West of the/. 100 FOOT CORNER livery, Medicine Hat. 4-6 i . Beconk d be ve the increase this year had been 4th Meridian, neat Walsh, Alta, on Tuesday, January J4th) 1913, at, the large, and next year there was a vast a Rmeunt of building that It vas im- hour of three o'clock in the afternoon ee iene be done. He mention- for the transaction of the usual and 100 FOOT CORNER North ufll,, 2900. Queen St 9 WANTED ON OR BEFORE 26th January, house to rent. Write box 1428, News offi Block 17, Lots 4 and 5, . Block 13, Lots 11 to 16, . 15,000 2200 Y ae ae pe 2000 Pe Winters hopes on the car shops any necessary business. -gttve ee ee ae? ' Block 1 Tato ce 1300 and when the announcement came, No. C. BEATTY, Pe ioe allen Sb1600: a . FOR SALE : eT i es Bpfnow st woke the city up and started) Secretary. g Block 6, 60 ft, tor 750: FOR SALE A GOOD PAYING BUS e NORTH YUILL to do things, with the result that falsh, Alte, Deo. 28th, 1913. 145-1 : INESS for sale or Will exchange for this year the city-had een CENTRAL PARK half cash and real ebtate. Call- 512 teen factories, TEN: 5 eighteen or ninet good 3 DERS Block. 17, Lote 8 and 4, 1400, fg Highland St. Phone 765. * 145-3 Block 1, 54 ft. on East Allowance, with two : 6500 The city, he stated, his, during the) Tenderg will be recelved up to the ee FOR SALE Lot 18, block 10, Main q-roomed houses. Terms easy Block 7, Lot 5. eS eee 1600. fsear, lost hundred families through 15th of January for an organist for fj + ee ere 2500 g Pot -having the houses required, and St. Barnabas churck, one capable of RIVERSIDE Street, 100 a foot, one-half cash: cigee e hat next year he hoped to see hum- conducting the choir. Applications to J Block 13, 50 ft., 1000. 100 foot corner, Mount Royal, 1600 seen ee Ree dreds of homes built. In concludIn be sent to UWe-secretary, Mrs: We Stock 46,25 a one-half cash; balance terms. Owner Milis, box: 127; Medicine Hat 45-6 BoE Wo-ont-countey. M ell is his remarks, the alderman paid high tribute to the work of Meyor week. Apply owner, 862 Montreal Spencer during the past year, dealing All the above are good: I street. a eases wit the-manner in bleh ae a listings, all verified. to- ft after the factories and landed them. day, Friday, Dec. 27th SALE A NEW MILK cg ile Interests, was CIVIL ENGINEERS. * BY, V9 COs ee BR : The-toast:Mereantile Interes We can deliver and sign ply R. P. Collin ig coupied with the name of C. 8. Pin- Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyors gle. He dwelt on the future of the Industrial Spurs, sweaty up these on Saturday. fj) ror sLu By owNeRs, We cali attention to the f in biock 33, Bknding, at 375 each, Block 6, Lot 8, house ..,-.---.- Block 7, Lot 15, new T-roomed house . Block H, Lots 1 to 5, 250x380 ft .......- 2 Norwoop Weve each 6 48, each . 185 mercantile business in the city. The) 1.) a.) f D1 Irrigation : city was bound to grow and the mer- O00 Deg. printing, Htc. corners we offer today. te s. Hist Jevel. Box 1468 cantile interests would grow with Its Nae: : News. 143-6 st. Boom 14, Bank Building. Good buys. i there was no stopping them. Bui Medicine Bat. Phone 420. ease H- 3. BRO to you VIOLIN FOR SALE FIRST CLASS and Genei We would be obliged ee oir oseie sie dnieeeats in the city had always been the Jor your listings: We have. child s violin and case. ery neces- onto St. Sto Phere had been but few : a and they were due to bad a hag i ec toumes ay nsoee Block 10, Lot farm toy wero U/C ERNEST CARVER (irr 7, ine agllmecss nae in gt Jon Marat Bloek;8, Lot 10 . had been the greatest boom to the HC, Re BAL ; PM icine Hagimiale Me oat a sock i ; Merchant by not taxing his stoo egistered Architect i : my mbtre. House BS A and it was just as good as a bonus H. A. E. Browne, Mer. FOR sabe ee oe Head Oftice: Suite 25, Becker Blk. duis aesd wie ete Lees pet your 4 . HL B, Bro granted to the factories. Ald. Doty E os sia the WIE ticcded houses. Tt did, PACU: i ea breaking: 2.00 But it need d stores just as bad. He e, Redver coneiuded by expressing the) nope, CORSETIERRE - ees A, that the coming year of the Marshal Mitchell Hardware Company: Would SPIRELLA CORSETS MADE TC be' ven more successful thimethe one measure, guaranteed. for on yea: coming to clos? E against breaking and rusting; ver Pe Marshall-MitcheiligAthrdware light welght, House No. 7, Schoo Av Haragigre Combany wit Fedpondedto enue, oppositey east side of high by Bryce Mitchell. He pointed qut school. Phon )699 for appointment or hat. the -onderfisl success of the write P, O. Box. 72, Mra. Matthew firm during the fiast yea? had beon Ye 1 ue to the good feeling which exist- gt;- - He ed among the employees, and the out- AUDITOR W. KEITH BELL, CARE? 4 ee look for 1912 was even a better one. a BELL, JAMES Y. BELL, CA r He mentioned the fact that James J, 8, GREAVES ACCOUNTANT, PAR BELL. z McLarity, buyer for the firm, was anditor, ete,, tradesmen s books writ- feaying, and called upon Mr. McLar- ten up, Charges rearenable, Room ity for a few words, 8, News Block. 11m . Js om Tonto St, GEO, SATTERL General Auctioneer. every Friday Righgig paid for infottwation that Wilk leac Main St. P. O. bi the recovery St-ohg, rey gelding Hat. * eighing about 1800. ae ite es F. monogram on left shoufd r, o g CHARTERED AC on left thigh , This horse fr four years ofa and has trim tail. R, B. Stare, Medicine Hat 0, 1912, 89 Wiad eco : liehed 2882), Fe, city of Medi; 7 ? Hate Winnloeg, Medi tele fekvED ONTO. THE PREMISES OF tales Me rorteae ea tee jersigned about Nove 6th, red cow partner, Phone 198, Buras Block: with white face; branded A. K, over . 2tsett baron left ribs. Henry N. Cavan. ss r 142-6 Gubsoribe now forthe Dally News, NEXT MOORE'S F 2 STORE :
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Image 1260 (1912-12-30), from microfilm reel 1260, (CU1773532). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.