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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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In STYLE-CRAFT tailored clothes you get your money's : worth in honest wear + and solid comfort, and besides: i ju TALORED CLOTHES: give youan air of distinction which in- fluences others, and smoothes the path- way to business and social success. We can show jon a STYLE- CRAFT Suit or PAGE BROS. ONE-PRICE CASH STORE SPECIAL CHRISIM se VALUES Sughout the store. We have a splendid agsort- Heer Oncistzans yoods and no matter what you Be ealoct kero you aro al sure of the utmost ality for er money. Quality considered, prices fi.ePages are lower. B 100 will buy a 7.50 LADIES SI SILK UMBRELLA p a variety of beautiful handles to select from. You can buy a nice and pretty DRESSING SACQUE. for 65c each. Better ones 1.25 to 1.65 each. DIES KIMONAS made of good heavy warm eiderdown and kimona cloth. Prices from 1.75 to 4.50 each. EVENING SLIPPERS. We have a beautiful range of Ladies Slippers to select from. Prices from 2.50 to 5.50 a pair. is SILK LINED GLOVES. Ladies real och Gloves, silk lined. eect Bat 40 4 be REAL M CHA , sulk or woo in- uate Siz s T1-2 to 101-2. 2.25 and 2.50 a pair MEN S FINE NEGLIGEE SHIRTS in stripes and checks. Sizes 14 1-2 to 17 1-2. Extra good value, 1.25 each. : MEN S SILK SOx, OLE. guarantee, in navy, tan, grey and black 2 pairs to the boxe + Guaranteed for three m 2.00 a box. Boys GAUNTLET GLOVES, LINED, at 1.00 Ps and 1.25 a pair. 5 BOYS WOOL AVIATION CAPS Tic each. in and look our stock of Xmas goods over. You'll be delighted with them aug with the low a LePAGE BROS. Phone 28. 388 Toronto St. rules of the Roman Catholic church. The appeal asked for by Mr. Wain- wright is based on the dissenting - judgment of Mr. Justice Archibald, who holds that because an ecelesiasti- eal court anntls a marriage is no reason why that marriage should be annuled in a civil sense especially as tees the Tremblay-Patie been paid at the time of the mar- r At iayolved the marriage riage. tho gupscribe now for the Dally News OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT SPECIAL RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF MISS VERNA FELTON d te- the church would have recognized thn ''g dispensation of 5 (Contifiued from age one) jammy in thelr parliament ature had considered many Dig Questions, but he doubted if any in the whole history of Cahadian legis Tation wag, quite as important and freighteg/with us great results as this AVY sdiiestion. He did not consider. tt ful that the question hd not e jusistent before, because - generally, were too busy carving nation out of the country, Phere had been some, however, con- obligation unfuliiljed nd the question bad widened grad- Rally until it had reached parliament. There, he said, tt will stay until it hud been solved right. He said that Was a question that had become in- sistent in other parts of the empire jand Canada. The other colonies con- joerned with the matter had gradually pone in advance of the Dominion un- til today it occupied the minds of the best statesmen in Britain and-all the colonies of the empire. He recalled the various steps in the deyelopment of naval defense between the colonies and the Mother Country. Tn 1877, at atthe 1 Imperial confer- ence, there was a hesitant beginning of things, In 1902'a further step was taken.-.In 190ya greater step was made, but nel Bk dn, 387, in 1902, nor In 1907, Gada in step or in stride w sister colonies In the empire. The session of 1909 brought the matter in ap ebstt form into the House and to a certain extent in an/abstratt way settled the principles. This was succeeded by the special conference in 1909, in which still further progress was made, Then came the, bill which passed the House and became known as the Canadian Naval Service Act. Then came the dissolition of the House, a change of party and- a change In policy in reference to de- fence. Conferences Reviewed. Continuing, Mr.* Foster surveyed the result of the various conferences and the inctease of contributions by various colonies in 1902. Canada, however, never having made a con- tribution still did nothing. But she Promised that she would take up the question of naval defense insofar as Tespected the formation of Canadian naval cadets. Then came the conference of 1907 when the representatives of Canada usual by the stitements of the prime minister and the tire lord of the admiralty. They were not begging for help, said Mr. Foster, as they had not been in 1902. Eng- land never had and never will beg her colonies for help and the fact that she has not done so and will not do so, was not to be taken as an ex- cuse for not helping. It is, said Mr. Foster, est appeal that can be made honest loyal hearts for help. Becomes Sareastic. ) While the other colonies were con- tinuing thelr contributions and un- dertaking new duties, Canada s re- presentatives had only a cry of a policy and the note of misrepresen- tation, the cry of apology that Can- ada could do nothing because she was operating a fisheries protective service which was fairly burdensome, she was instituting wireless stations which cost money, she was watching with eagle-eye the development of the United States fleets on the lakes, and feeling about as to what was neces- sary to protect Canada from the men- acing danger from that source, the statement, which was not true, that she had made a beginning in insti- tuting a naval cadet service, That was all-that Canada had to say at the conference of 1907, except that to the request for imanimity of-action. in regard to defence on the part of the colonies Canaila said No, we will not pledge ourselves: We do not propose to be led away from the exercise of our proper autonomy and the responsibilities at home; we, do not Intend to throw ourselves into the maelstrom of European conflict. The 1909 Resolution. Then came the resolution: in 1909, which as it passed the Canadian par- Hament affirmed certain principles. It affirmed the duty of Canada to as- sume some more of the duties of na- tional defence; it atfirmed that regu- Jar and periodical contributions ware not the most satisfactory solution of the defence problem;. it declared that in the speedy organization of a Cai adian-service-in cooperation with-and in close relation to the Imperial navy, along lines suggested by. the admir- alty, was the best method for secur- ing the naval supremacy of Great Britain; it declared that whenever need, arises, Canada would make any sacrifice to. cooperate with the Imper- ial authorities in any movement to maintain the integrity and honor of the empire. Mr. Foster pointed out that thi: the strong with The ALLENPLAYERS TO-NIGHT The Royal Purple Special Added Feature: The RO AL HUNGARIAN STRING ae PRICES: . 25, 50 and 75 cents Seats on sale at. Pingle s Drug St ire. pecial Matinee on Saturday Afternoon declared that the policy was to build was not the form in which the ori imal resolution came before parli: ment: not the form of the amend- ment which Sir Wilfrid Laurier, then leader of the government moved. That was a resolution which the result of concessions on both sides or the Iaudable purpose without giving away another principle of protec+ tion. Denles Inconsistency: Tt has been suggested, said Mr. Foster. that gentlemen who voted for that resolution in 1909 are in- consistent now when they support the proposition of the government as placed before the house in that the resolution ent out temporary or oc- casional contributions and in that it e 7 of ip a get Sees OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHON?D NO, 868, 2 728 HE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. - Heary Teaming. Sand, Coal Grave , Bxeavating Speclalty. Light and Heavy Horses fer sale AL) Times. MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY Horse Repository Rear 812 Fourth Ave, (opposite Dreamland Theatre.) Siagle and double outfits of all descriptions for sale or hire. Horse or Automobile De- livery at all times. HAY FOR SALE, Prairie Hay by the load No. 1 Timothy by the bale or ton. PHONE 703. FOR SALE RESTAURANT AND LIVERY STAB- LE IN SEVEN PERSONS, Both places are well stocked and equipped and doing good business; Owner has other interests. For particulars see 8. CARLSON. 134-12t Seven Persons FOR SALE BLACKSMITH SHOP IN. SEVEN PERSONS. Tools, forge and complete equipment for carrying on business. Must be sold to close up estate. Full information as to price, terms, ete. upon application to GUS BOWMAN, Seven Persons, MEDICINE HAT GARTAGE CD, ALL KINDS OF TRAM WO) Household Moving a Syecialty. PHONE 820. -L M. Cooper 134-12t SINGER SEWING MACHINE AGENCY Machines for Sale and Rent. 421 Toronto Street. P. 0, Box 18 tf Phone 03- BARTLETT GRASSIE CI IL ENGINEERS, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyors Industrial Spurs, Railways, ) Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation Maps, Plans, Blue Printing, Ete. Room 14, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat. Phone 420, Oakes Everard Co. REAL ESTATE. 865 1-2 MAIN STREET, PHONE 636 Listings Wanted. See us for good buys in * Noy Yuill and Powell. Se a ee et CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ae W: A HENDERSON CO., chartere: accountants and auditors, (estab Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medicin. Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Letb bridge. A. E. Gibson, C., resider partner. Phone 193, CORSETT es SPIRELLA CORS measure, guaranteed for one yeat against breaking and rusting; RRE very light weight. House No, 7, School Ay: enue, opposite ast side, of high school. Phone 699 for appdiiftment or write P, O. box 7 , Mrs. Matthews. 121-8m (Contmued on page 9.) tor THs -Bally News. BELL SOM Terms: Half cash; balance arranged. Burns Block 2T6at 3 MADE TO Real Estate Brokers. INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. Corner of North Rallway aud PHONE 633: aa 1800. Only 400 to handi Dalance over five years if nec- Rents now for. 20 per thonth. See. it, Seo It. High School Antiex Two room- 400 veasary. d-shack for 1300. cash; balance 15 a month. Balmoral St A terrace of 3 lot for 3200, 1500 cash; balance arrang- Houses, the ed. Queen Street 3 roomed Cot- 1400. balance 15 a month without interest it tage; gas and water, 400. cash; rents at 15.0 month. Special Values in Cor- ners Deliv guar- anteed. rae 100 ft. corner, Nc ual terms, maker, 100-ft- -eorner, Centrai Park, Lots 87 to 40, Block 24, 2700 2500 cash. usual Special. 100 ft. corner, Riverside, Block 7, 2000. Usual terms. Snap. third: cash; years. River building sites in Very special. 50 ft. corner, Herald, Block 9; * 1500. Usual terms. RIVERSIDE 200 ft, Block 7, 1,000 a pair. Usual terms. 50 ft, Block 13, 1600 a pair. Usual terms. * 5ox237 2500. of city and river. 50 ft, Block 7, facing Broad- way. 1200, Usual terms.- 25 ft, Block 3, 450, Must sell, 50 ft, Block 12, Fourth Ave. only 1200. Usual terms. 25 ft, Block 19, 500. Terms, Riverside is the cheap- est close-in buy in Medicine Hat today. CENTRAL PARK Usual terms. 5O ft, Block 29, 1100, Usual close to park, 50 ft, Block 5, Charles St, only 1800. Usual terms, 100 ft. corner, Block 24, 2700. 1000 cash, balance 6 and 12. Charles St, 50 ft, Block 3, 2000. Terms, COUSINS SISSONS 10 lots, Block 35, only 750 a pair, . Usual terms; 50, ft, Block 19, 1300, terms. 100 ft, Bloss 36, 1100 pair. Usual terns, 300 ft, Block 13, 1350 pair. Ad- facing Joining school and South, Usual terms. NORTH YUILL Usual terms. jal; delivery guaranteed. See it, Block F. Price for 50 ft. 1850. HIGHLAND ST. Block 20, 100 ft, 1700 pair. Usual terms. BENDING Block 5, 75 ft. facing south 1500. Usual terms, Block. 20, Lots 4, 5, 6, and 7, 300. Terms. ALTAWANA OLD TOWNSITE Facing Montreal St. and Mc- Leod Trail, 180 feet on Me- Leod, 6 room house, block 34, 10,500. Tei TOWNSITE lot 1 Montreal and Rast Allowance, 150 feet on each St., 6 room Most house, 15,000. Terms. -valuable site. Block 1, Old. Cousins, 2300. Easy terms. ROSEDALE Block A, brick house, 6 room ai try, size of lot 37 by 2,800, Good terms, We want your 2 PHONE 633. W. KEITH BELL. .- . 8) sone dV, BBL de bP uill, Lota and-2, Block 17, 2900, Us- Sure money 50x237 ft, Block B, 2500. One- balance over 3 lots. Best the city. SPECIALLY SEL- ECTED FOR THE SMALL INVESTOR. ft. corner, Block , One-third cash, bal- ance over two and three yrs. Commands magnificent view Terms. 100 ft, Block 20, 1400 a pair. terms. Level view lots and Usual 100 ft. corner, Lots 1 and 2, Block 17, Queen Street, 2900. This is a spec- 25 feet by 130 feet, 5 room cottage, near Ogilvie Mills, yan Me t Zi) Car at your service. Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc., ada. under these headings. 26 words, one day 36 25 words, three days .. 60 25 words, six days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 25 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 13 ring , und it will receive attention. RELY WANTED. WANTED A SERVANT GIRL. AP- ply Mrs, Doty, 800 Toronto St. 137-6t 0. P: 137-3 WANTED MESSENGER BOY. R. Commercial Telegraph. WANTED A GOOD GIRL TO DO Seneral housework. Apply 602 4th Avenue. 187-6 WANTED BRICKLAYERS. APPLY J. T, Bergman, corner of 6th Avenue and Braomar St, 187 6t MALE HELP WANTED GOOD-LIVE Young man to sell tickets. Gpod salary. Apply ticket agent C. P. R., Medicine Hat. tt. WANTED AN UPSTAIRS GIRL that will help in the dining room. Apply Redoliffe Hotel. 136-88 WANTED UPSTAIRS GIRL, AP- Ply housekeeper, Assiniboin Hotel, 136-3t WANTED DINING ROOM GIRLS Apply Royal Hotel. 136-tf WANTED AT ONCE MALE STENO- gfapher and bookkeeper. Apply to Niblock Tull, Ltd., Imperial Bank Building. 135-8t WANTED A GOOD WOMAN TO DO family washing. Will be delivered and called for, Apply Mrs. H. O. Wheel- r, or Phone Redcliff 23. tt WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Every convenience; two dhijdren in family. Steady empioy- ment to suitable person. Apply Mrs. EB. G, Smith, corner Braemar and sth Avenue. 132-6 WANTED MEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade; eight weeks completes; situation furnished; tools free; won- derful demand for barbers. Write-fer Our new, free illustrated catalogue. Moler College, 604a Centre St. Cal- gary. WANTED PANTRY (GIRL. APPLY Cosmopolitan Hotel 128- tf WANTED GENERAL SERVANT. Apply to Mrs. W. G. Lynch, 603 Main St. 125-tf BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE. Ogilvie Flour Mill job, Telephone 787, Job Office. Canadian Stewart Co., Limited. pag ett SITUATIONS WANTED. ; lt; lt; lt; WANTED -YOUNG MAN 24 YHARS of age wants position as bookkeeper and clerk in office. Bight years Can- adian banking experience. Box 1464 News office, 137-6t ablereom and board or room an Kaas will remit sum for ad when BOARD AND 2oom FOR BOARD, ROOM WITH PRIVATE family. Apply at 622 South Rallway Home Style Cooking. Good rooms, 186-3t CORRESPONDENCE WILL MILLENIUM DAWN FR(ENDS blease correspond with Mrs, B. Tay- lor, Coleridge, Alta, 133-6 BOARD AND ROOM WANTED. YouNG MAN WANTS comMrorT breakfast,-in modern house. Apply Box M62-News office, 136-3t LOST AND FOUND 5 FOUND AN UMBRELLA Was found in opera house some time ago. HE like a Dres Gown, a Smoking d et, a pair of Jaegar Slippers, a Swe Coat, a pair of Gl a silk Muffler, a Neck Tie, some H kerchiefs or silk Sc silk Pyjamas or ar the 101 suitable X Gifts we have for 1 Open every evening til 10 0 clock. they receive umbrella, Apply News 9 office, liste pee eer FOR SALE FOR SALE HALF PLATE CAMERA. Busch s wide angle lens, new Thora- ton Pickard shutter, 12 double ma hogany dark slides. Bargain. Apply 227 Dominion Road, 187-8t TO INVESTORS I HAVE 80 ACRES close in at 550. Every lot suitable for building. Best of terms; 15000 handles, Lots adjoining sold for 200. Address P. 0. Box 981, Medicine Hat. 137-2t FOR SALE 43. CHOICE IN Clty View. A. ch: double your money in short order, Prices 175 to 225 a lot. Regular terms. Act quick. A. H., Box 1463 News 136-8t TURPI BROS The Man s Stone Where Get the Big Dollar's W. FOR SALE ONE BLACK AND white dog for sale. Apply 848 Mon- treal St. 136-6t VIOLIN FOR SALE FIRST GLASS child's violin and case. Every neces Sary equipment that a violin needs. Price 20.00 or 30.00. Apply Med- icine Hat Music Store, 121-tt FOR SALE A FINE LOT OF MAR- quis seed wheat, grown on new Sh ob be be sherk ob ob breaking. 2.00 per bushel. 0.3. Mo: Gee, Redvers, Sask. 81-1-80- ROLLER, ROLLED oe ee ee: oe ie ie ia WANTED TO PURCHASE Montreal, Deo. 18 Lemarin won a cate WANTED TO BUY Building lots eatch-can wrestling 1 m Old Survey, Herald or Central last night from Dr. Rolle Park. Give prices, terms, etc., to P, 0. Box 510. Owners only need apply. +.38-tf. WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS. Apply 377 Esplanade, 62-tf Seattle. Dr. Roller Won the-tirst in a minutes, Lemarin ing the next two, one i tinutes-and the deciding in 13 minutes. teeeee eee 25 REWARD THE ABOVE WILL STILL TIME FOR THOSE ( be paid for information tha will lead m otos.. Sittings 10 a: to the recovery of one grey gelding, Ip. m, Larson Studio, - welghing about 1300, branded either HL. F, monogram: op left shoal er, oF ice ee ) pate eaieh. This norse ts ) tour years old and has trim- med tail. R. B, Starke, Medicine Hat. Sept. 30, 1912. - eae + MISCELLANEOUS - STRAYED HU HURRY . WHEN YOUR WINDOWS OR OF- fice, etc., leeds cleaning, write Long Woe, P. 0. Box 206, + 136-6t TWO GIRLS WANT WORK AS waltresses or clerks. Out of town preferred. Apply Box 1. 135-3t WANTED TO RENT WANTED PLACH TO STORE FUR- niture of seven roomed house, Re- quired in about ten days. Apply box 1455 News office. tf WANTED ON OR- BEFORH 25th January, house to rent.-No children. Write box 1428, News office. 11 tt WANTED SIX OR SEVEN ROOMED house to rent. Fairly close in pre- Merchants Bank of BOOMS TO RENT. Epuire upstairs; Modern; 848 Montreal St. TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for young lady, witl private family on the Hill. Appiy Phone 747. 136- gentleman preferred. Apply Wo FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET Apply after 6 p.m. 627 Montreal Bt 135-8t FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET Trwo rooms, furnished, two men each. 619 Tor- 135-3t APPLY 421 *Toronto Street. 136-3t SKATES SHARPENED PARTIES wanting skates ground, can have same done in a first class manner at the skating rink, Main St. J. Haljard. * 125stt. DANCING CLASSES EVERY MON- day, Wedriesday and Friday. Ar- Fangemetits made for out-of-town or private lessons if desired. K. Her- man, 518 Toronto Street, Medicine Hat, 124-tt MAKE vou Knight s chance tow VALUAI A COUPON GIVE ferred. No: children. Apply box 1456 ce es : and second hand Clothing, Clocks, 5 Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re oS Sete i folvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harn ROOMS WANTED. and a alce new line of winter gods ROOM WANTBD WARM ROOM IN modern house. Furnished or unfurn- ified. --Must. be central. -W. 0. Joy, Phone 7. 13 -3t ROOM WANTED BY YOUNG LADY Write particulars to Box 1459, News TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO let Apply after 6 p.m. 627 Montreal Street. 1g5-3t TWO ROOMS TO soa 626 Ottawa Street. 196-3t TO RENT ONE FRONT ROOM Si36-6t We buy everything mentioned abos and pay the best prices. Call at 5. South Railway St. or Phone 687. SS ae eal, LOOK LOOK HERE THE RAW FUR SEASON IS OPEN. Don't sell our or your raw hides till you call Gh 587 or write P. O boa 702, Medicine Hat. Our price is from 2.00 up to 6.00. Don't forget it, and call or write, ee ee WE PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR second hand furniture, tools, stoves, rifles, gins, raw hides and furs. Call at 312 4th Ave., opposite Dreamland theatre. Phone 205, D. Davis; Pro- prietor. 119-1m AUCTIONEERS H. 8. BROWNE 00., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor: onto St. Sicek Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Rancb and farm stock sales conducted any- where. House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- Perlence at your disposal free. Phone 108. H, B, Browne Co. 519 To- ronto St. 1s2ats GEO. SATTERLEE, LIVE STOCK General Auctioneer. Sales on mar every Friday Right price. Oftice 102 Main St. P. 0. box 826, Medicine Hat. 126-tf Place your orders now for the News big handsomely fllustrated dustrial number, Over sixty pages. Renily-by-the first of the year, tf. PES MEDICINE Hat HIDE, FUR a ae AND-JUNK CO. The above hare i talk on hand the best selection of Sedona Drawing takes plac Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new Gifts Fe eys, Dolls, Games, Painted Ching, and Porcelain Dinner a: AjGreat posi to be shown th world. Ob OH-0 OPO pone Ti We carry i gt; of Bui Lumber, Lath Fir Finish. ani Yard, North Rail O+O+0-Le-pe-+e-+-ere
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Image 1168 (1912-12-19), from microfilm reel 1168, (CU1773529). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.