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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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WIEMLOINE HAT i Glasgow House Silk Sale SSsa pate RIES, Mistowe BUTS 5 pone You wili hayg Wwarm and comfortable. week in Ord PAP ETE rome, ALL S-a8 ON SALE AT 25 PER CENT. OFF REGULAR PRICE. 50c Silk for 38e. 1.00 Silk for 75 e. 1.50 Silk for 1.12. . 2.00 Silk for 1.50. ONE LOT AT HALF PRICE. 'BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH The Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers RY OFFICE, 394 TORONTO STREET JOHN INWOOD, Manager. is. aa'60 12.25 Van, Exp, Toronto to Vancourers WINTER . P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. EFEGHIVE OOT. 27, 1912. 2 8.00 8.20 Imp, Ltd., Vancouver to, Yomveal. 4 20,05 20.30 Toronto Exp. Vancou Toronto 4 415 (40 Seattle-St: Paul BxpeBeattle to StP, 5 23.00 Local from Calgary, Westbound, 7K No. Arrive Leave Train and Terminal, 1 20,29 20.40 Imp, Ltd, Montreal to Vancouver, 13 22,40. 23.10 St, Paul-Seattle Exp. St, P. to Seattle, 515 6.80 Local for Calgary. CROW Leave Train and Terminal. bs 435 S00-Spokane-Portland Ltd, St. Paul pi st0c5 Soo-Spokane-Portland Ixd:, Portland to St. Paul, 14.15 Lecal for Cranbrook. Local from Cranbrook. : 23.13. Express for Kootenay Landing. 4.30 Express from Kootenay Landing. Note Trains 1 and 2 carry sleeping cars only between Winnipeg and Revelstoke, No. 11 and 12 do not come Medicine Hat passing time at Dunmore, 8 miler edicine Mat Dews bUshed by the Medicine Hat News Co, Lid, every lawful evening at its office, Main Stree Wedieine Hat, Alta. A. iN. TERRILE, E ttor. PRONE: DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES x livered.... 4.00 3 year by mail. t nths. delivered.. 1.00 3 months, by maf 1 month, delivered. aoe: Addresses changed as often as desired, but both naw and old ad reases At be given. WEERLY NEWS. Published avery Thursday in sixteen or more pages, and contatis a eumma-y-of the Hews of the week, local and district, 6 months, in advance Toe 3 months, im advance. .50e Year in advance.... 150 1 ; Monday, December 80th; 1912. THE CONVICTED LABOR OFFICIALS T AM not ready to believe that organized labor yet stands for the things that have been shown here, said Judge Anderson, terms. - MEDICINE HAT BRANCH erial Bank of Ganad ital Paid U; . ee ip to a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. C. H. McDUNNOUGH, Manager. SAVINGS BANK -DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES B. G. WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. after the jury had brought in their verdict convicting thirty-eight labor union officials of conspiracy in dastardly crimes. This is not a trial of labor unions, but of union officials accused of-wrong-doing. - . Lhese are the words/of the learned judge Who presided over the court which tried Ryan and his leagues. When the ver- dict was announe d on Saturday the first words-from-the ips were: This is an low to organized labor. But such should not be considered tru While, of course, a certain amount of dis- will come to the unions just. as each pocrite im-the hurch injures the repu- tation of the body and of the other members yet as with the chure i the disgrace and wrong-doing of a few can-; not be charged up against the whole body, lits membership or its principles. The unions did right in doing their best to defend their officials in their trial for they had no reason to believe them guilty before it was proved. A man who would THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. Established 1864. Ser Paid Up, 6,000,000, Total Assots (Nov. 0th. 1911) over 81,000,000, A genefal Banking Business Transacted. : Savings Accounts, Ww. 0. JOY, Manager + t e 180 Branches in Canada. Special attention to : M dleine Hat Branch commit: Such a crime would lie to hide it. These men were trusted-by the unionsand they had every reason to believe them when they said they were not implicated in the MeNamara dynamiting. Now that they have been proved guilty, repudiation of their-action by the unions should be suf. ficient to clear the junions, in the public mind, of any disgrace or injury. Shetty GET YOUR.MONEY S WORTH. 438 Cor. Roy and 5th Ave. Phil. LONG: AND SHORT TRIPS tf IN OR OUT OF THE CITY ocking a Phone 804 MURRAY OLSON Real Esiate - Insurance and Employment Agents. 386 TORONTO STRERS Please write or phone 942 or all on us. Your li Property solicited. : a PHONES AS OFFIE .... 066 9 RESIDENCE 211 i eee, Piano Moving) Tye rconabie A Speciaity cliabfe ASfer. Co. LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING gt; Main St, next City Hall, at, HERE is a point to which the News de- sires to direct the attention of adyerti- sers who are desirous of getting the best re- sults for their money. In leading up to me guestic 2 making an appeal to common sense and good judgment. Is it not a fact that the evenimg paper is the home paper and that its contents are more thoroughly read and assimilated than those of a morning paper? The morning paper arrives at an hour when all is bustle in the household. There are few men who have the news items much less the advertising. before departing for their day s work. The housewife has even less time to spend on a newspaper. In the evening it is different. After finishing the meal everyone in the house is awaiting a chance to read the paper. Advertisements as well as news items a ad and commented upon. this not the case in your.own domi that ulation ich as to ery householder, in 2 y, an ad if should certainly* x- pect with confidcnve to reap results throt gh uel a medium. Pte THE Turk ople, Tf he ate the state 4 he vs he won t giye up Adrian- oniki and some other places. : Eastbound, ; Arrive Leave Train and-Rermisiad . . deserves the heaviest sentence is that fel- With the unions, jourora: Trrr-dexa later, on the night of December 30th, even the leisure at their,.disposal to read. es le? Of best to pohtOY OF CONTRIBUTION TO NAVY. BUT, sir, froma constitutional and pol- ical standpoint, I am opposed to it reasons, In the first place, IT do not believe that 1 id endure. In the second place, it, would become a source of frietion. It would become a bone of par- tisan contention. It would be subject to ticism as to the character and the mount of-the contribution in both par: iaments. It would not. be: permanent or continuous, It would conduee if anything could conduee, te severing the present connection between Canada and the Em- ae R. L, Borden in Parliament, Jan. 12, 1910. 3 state mete OF the thirty-eight convicted tonspirators in the dynamiting oitrages, the one who low Herbert S. Hockin, former secretary of the Bridge Workers Union. He it was who,-in-erder to further his own ambitions throwing down some of his colleagues. hispered in Detective Burns ear the; names of the men responsible for the Los) Angeles explosicn. He not get clear as he exper and he deserves to get it heavy for deserting his friends to help himself. THE judge did not uphold the con ion, of E. A. Lancaster that his indemnity. as member of parliament was not assess- able for income tax, but he did say that after the member s expefses-were deducted there was not enough of the 2500 a session left. to assess. The general experience is that hei laeky ithe has any at-all left. Tf he has it is a. sign of the decadence . of amateur sporting organizations and ghurch building in his constituency. ieee es THE fewer Grits there are in the City tician in the municipal campaign in Tor- onto the other day when advocating the election of Conservatives to the City Coun- cil. That sort of thing is the curse of mun- icipal -polities-in Ontario and is the one. thing. above all others that western muni- cipalities must condemn. There must be no party politics in municipal affairs. It is ruinous. Sey hag tee E. A. LANCASTER, M..P., says that Bor- den will do all kinds of things to the Senate if it should throw out the navy bill, even to -the-extent-ofabolishing it. Not much danger, there are too many worn out Tory politicians looking ,to the Red Chamber for ease and honor in their de- clining years. PHIS DAY IN CANADIAN HISTORY, December 80th. fe A few days after the burning of Newark dy the Ameri- cans in 1818 the British General Riall' retaliated in the cruel'fashion set by McClure, and gave to the flames the villages of Lewiston, Youngstown, Manchester d nd Tus- Riall Who had returned to Queenston, again crossed the riv r to) attack Black Rock. Landing two miles below the town, the: British light infantry captured a picket and sefzed a bridge which the Americans had begun to to destroy to the ast of Black Rock. Crossing this Riall's troops gained a position near the town, from which the Americans tried in vain to dislodge. them. In the inorning th British were reinforced by. the Royal Scots, 800 strong, who while crossing the river In ba- teaux, suffered severely under a hot fire from the enemy; but Riall succeeded in turning the American right, and, harassed-by he tire from fleld pieces on the Canadian side of the river, the d fenders of the town gave way. The British pursued them to Buffalo, and soon that vil- Jage and Black Rock were nothing but blackened heaps of ruins, and all along the Niagara River, New Year's Day found the unbAppy settlers shivering beside the smouldering embers of their homes. EMILY P. WEAY- SS THIS DATE IN HISTORY December 80. 1769 Dartmouth College chartered. 1803 Francis Lewis, a signer of the Declaration of In- dependence, died in New York. Born in Wales In 1713. 1853 Louls Kossuth, the famous Hungarian patriot, spoke before the United States Congress. 1853 The - Gi m purchase bfought to thewsUnited States all of Arizona south of the Gila. 2 1861 Banks In New: York, Boston and other cities sus- pended: specie payments. Council the better, said a Tory poli- i mp make AY 25x160 ft. Lots in ALTAWANA . 5Qx150 ft. lot on DOMENION ST. Medicine Hat, Alia. 125 ft. edrner two blocks from Central Park . SEE US FOR ACREAGE FOR SUB-DIVISION. NEWS BLOCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. PEEE RESET PERE S ie THE WEATHER + Sa lt; EEE Pe be ee Toronto, Dec. 20 Fair, mild wea- oe -prevailed today throughout maritime provinces on Saturday, has been sin e passed out to sea over Newfoundland. A pronounced de- pression lias moved in Atberta ee Victoria ... Vancouver Kamloops Edmonton Battleford Prinice Albert. .. Min. Max. All West Mostly The Daily News delivered n the city, 35 a month: YOUR WINTER . OVERCOAT How about it? I surely nteds * 4p pressing and renovating to make it look like new, if you have had it put away rom summer motns. Better bring it around -and*let Us put in ship shape for you,,so that it will be ready for the first cold Diast. It will look like a new one when it is returned from ING PRESSING GO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave, 1862 The famous iron-clad Monitor undered in a gale oft Cape Hatteras. 1903 Six hundred lives. lost in fire-and-panic-in- the Iro- Qpois Theater, Chicago. ee THIS IS MY 48rd BIRTHDAY. Stepehen B. Leacock. Professor Stephen B. Leacock, one of the most, known of Canadian educators, was born in cember 30,.1869. He came to Affierica in BI teceivet his education at Upp onto Untyersity. Later he toomee Js at the University of Chicago. A: Professor Leagock is widely know faculty of Uppef Canada Collaj head of the department of at McGill University. Ingol selected byathe Rhodes Tri Ish empirg, delivering lecturehtgn tu CONGRATULATIONS Earl of. Londesborough,. 48 years old Rudyard: Kipling, the famous author, 47. years lit to- day. Simon Guggenheim, United States Senator from: Colof ado, 51 years old today. Mgr. Michel T. Labrecque, Roman Catholic Bishop of Chicoutimi, Quebec, 63 years old today Lieut. General Sir George. B. Milman, a dfstinguished not careful he will, get his wrist slapped. veteran of the British army, 90 years old today. Improved methods make i service particularly efftelent. lt; 7) nation takes place, Drought about by your pal ing John Chinathaii. Por you'can do better than this;. you know. NEW YEARS CARDS The Finest Assortment Ever Show inthe City Pingle s Drug and Light and Heaty Draying. Prompt -Attention to all orders, Plano Moving with Pawo Vax Speciality. H. B. CURTIS Heavy. Teams, Driv rs, Saddle . Horses for Sale. LIGHT AND HEAYY DRAYING. for Bale, REE icCLAIN. PROPRIETOR T. F. PAIN Latest samp 120 Eighth Ay OFFICE PHONE 9 NO. 868, 7 THE J. S Contractj , 108 TORONTO Heavy Teaming. San Excavating 2 Light and Heary 4 AT m va-ean, by taking adtantage of-9 a WINE HAT STEAM LAUNDRY wish plan. We send your clothes hack free of Vermin, Oplum and Disease contamination. Ours is the Hygienic plan. Phone 8 de Vain Female Pi pile eng ine pomet paver T Ean a wate sto getse ro shed tesey Seld at Pingle s Drug Store, City SaleStablest Sgalgariem, ey WOMEN ARE PLO TO PLACE PRI Mrs. Katherine Todd . Chicago, who has just world-wide scheme for t ing of American girls been chosen. chairman utive committee, and-v ergy and systematic Princess Paleologue, cause she is a woman, elevation to. the throne buffer State with Cdns 4 capitol seems to Shoeteetertoegees
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Image 1258 (1912-12-30), from microfilm reel 1258, (CU1773548). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.