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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Z Glasgow House, -. XMAS SHOPPING Many Suitable and Useful Gifts -SmaltC ost- QUEBEC BANK SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. of Credit and Money Orders sold, payable in all parts of GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH x PORARY OFFICE, 394 TORONTO STREET JOHN INWOOD, Manager. THE ROYAL BANK . OF CANADA ENCORPORATED 1569. Accounts of firme, corporations and individuals carried, on, favorable terms. ee MEDICINE HAT BRANCH. FOURTH AVENUE. C, H. MeDUNNOUGH, Manager. Gapital Paid Up Reserve Fund .... ImperialBank of Canada -- 6,460,000 .. 6,460,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. BR. G WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch, OF CANADA.. Savings Accounts. 2 THE MERCHANTS BANK THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. Established 1864 180 Branches in Canada. Capital Pald Up, 6,000,000. Total Assets (Nov, 80th. 1911) over 91,000,000. A general Banking Business Transacted. Special attention to W: 0, JOY, Manager : 9: + + Medicine Hat Branch + tf Automobile Livery Phil.-Cocking 438 Cor..Roy and 5th Ave. i LONG AND SHORT TRIPS IN OR OUT OF THE CITY Phone 804 ' . P. RB, PASSENGER WINTER 1919-280 - FEFECTIVE OCR 27, 1012 Eastbound, Arrive Leaye. Train and, Terminal. 8.00 820 Imp, Ltd. Yansouver to Mozitreal, 20,05 20.30 Toronto Exp., Vancouver to Toronto 4.15 440 Seattle-St. Paul Exp. Seattle to SEP. 23.00 Local from Calgary, Westbound. Arrive Leave: Train and Terminal. 20.20 2040 Imp. Ltd. Montreal to Vancouver. 12,00 12.25 Van. Exp, Toronto to Vancouver. 22:0 23.10 St Paul-Seattle Exp. St. P. to Seattle. 630 Locat tor Calgary. . e CROW TRAINS. Arrive Leave Train and 240 2.65 Sod-Spokane-Portland Ltd, St, Paul Portland. 1 * 945 9.55 Soo-Spokane-Portland Led, Portland . to St, Paul, 628-511 11,15 Local for Cranbrook. 612-519 19.25 Local from Cranbrook, 520-513 23.18 Express for Kootenay Landing. 514-517 4.80. Express from Kootenay Landing. Note Trains 1 and 2 carry sleeping cars only between Winnipeg and Reyelatoke, No. 11 and 12 do not come nto Medicine Hat passing'time at Dunmore, 8 miles east, shown. Medicine Hat Dews Published by the Medicine Hat News Goa Lida every lawful evening at Its ofice, Main Stroeu Wedicine Hat. Alta. : A. Js N- TERRILL, EAttor free HONE: Advertising Reportorha, and aa Ctreulation and News Dept Job Depts. 1 BING RING 2.12 DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 y-ai, delivered....94.00 3 year by miall.. . .35.00 months, livered. . 2.00 months, by mafl.... 1.50 monthe, delivered.. 1.00 3 months, by maf ..76 1 month, delivered....36 . Addresses changed as often as desired, but bota o2w and old ad reaser st bo given 3 WEESLY NEWS. Pubhshec every Thursday tn sixteen or roore pages, and contatus a eumma-y of the aews of the week. :. local and district, 6 months, In advance 750 8 months, tin advance. .f0e Year in advance.... 1.50 Thursday, December 19th, 1912. MITCHELL'S STRENGTH parent at the Liberal convention om pieked convention. Th doors were. oper to all Liberals and they were there from al matter of personal popularity. Mr. Mitchell has been indefatigable in his efforts to fur- one of the ablest men of the administration and his work is appreciated. BS an he ee group on a small park is excellent, but it G, Av in this city. The hundreds of young men aud boys here without homes make it have a public library without delay. This is one of the prime necessities of an educat- ed city and a cultured people. Weste cities which have libraries show that they are remarkably well patronized, espeeially It is time some public spirited citizens got busy on these things. es a hae PARCEL-POST NEEDED AGITATION has been going on for some time in this country for a cheaper and more efficient parcel-post system. Those people who ha me from Great Britain where this system is developed most per- Property solicited. MURRAY OLSON Real Estate - Insurance and Employment Agents. 386 TORONTO STREET. Please write or phone 942 or eall pn us. Your Istings-of City or Farm, feetly, miss it:sorely in this country. There is no doubt but what the people are being charged excessive prices by the expr eompanies, and the desire of the public that the government, through its po: system, should enter into competition with the express companies, which are but sub- sidiary to the railway companies. Hon. Ro- dolphe Lemieux, postmaster- ral in the late government; had plans r way for the inauguration 1 pareel-post system but the ul day of *PHONES OFFIE .... 666 Tasker ** a temporary stop to the carrying out of plans. Hon. L. P. Pelletier, his succes has not to date shown any great hurry to get the system in operation. The reason orn Transter Co. 2 LIGHT and HEAVY oy... DRAYING Main St, next City Hall. for his delay known corporation affiliations of the goy ernment may have something to do with ir. Canada is away behind the times in this matter. Hon. Lemieux is not without blame . about it, nothing very much different from THAT the Liberals are strong behind the the black waters. The Assembly of Upper Canada voted Honorable . R. Mitchell, was On- again in the Royal Navy, to attain Flag rank, and to spend day evening. There was not the slightest * peaceful old age in retirement tn England: sign of any division, and it was no hand- parts of the riding. Every one was strong for Mitchell, who was the most popular man in the hall. Whether the provincial) 1753 city of Toulon retaken by Napoleon from the Brit/ elections come in the near or distant future, ish, a the Liberal party will be ready to rally 18o1 Thomas Jefferson and George Clinton unanimously round their popular. representative, ami s nd him back with a decisive: majority. There is a reason for this. Itig not alone a ganas ther the interests of this-city and district. 1854 Lord Elgin resigned the Governor-Generalship of He has made good as a minister of the tows and the people of the whole province have confidence in him. He is considered THIS 18 MY 68rd BIRTHDAY aursday, December 19tb, 1912. ergeti ally, he could have got it inaugurat- ed before he left office. It is no new thing. And there is nothing particularly difficult a letter post. It will cost more money, but like the letter post it will more than pay its way. thee The European system of parcel-post is lone of the best, cheapest, and quickest, systems of sending a parcel that could be Anywhere in the United King- dom a parcel weighing a pound can be sent by mail for 6c. Doutle that wala can be y ip to po i ing 3 pounds an be sent by post for 25c, and up to 11 pounds for T5e. Distances makes no differenee to the prices which are fixed by weight alone. To jforeign countries the rate are proportion- lately cheap all over the werld, and in many cases both within the empire and to foreign countries the goods can be sent .o.d. by parcel post: gt; WRITING a letter every day to the folks at home, or to friends who have left Medicine Hat, is'a big undertaking. -'The easiest, cheapest and most.satisfactory way om of the difficulty is to send the Dail: News for a Christmas present. It has all the news every day. ESTAS gu he es THIS DAY IN CANADIAN HISTORY DECEMBER NINETEENTH . -Phirty-four. years ago today died a British admiral, the once-celebrated Caroline Drew, of Navy Island fame, As Ouptain Andrew Drew of the Royal Navy, he Hai set tled in Oxford County. He had a high reputation in his profession. For. instance, it was told that he had once: defended Cape Coast with 160 seamen against 50,000 Ash antees. Joining Colonel MacNab s force, sent to look af Uttle isl in the Niagara Riv er in 1837, Drew. dealt the reb ls a most severe blow by cutting out the Caroline daring volunteers, who crossed the dangerous river, seven four-oared boats, surprised and forced its crew. ashore, towed the vessel out into the river, and sent it blazing downstream, soon to plunge out of sight beneath awards of honor to Drew and to MacNab, but attempts were made on Drew s life. He lived, however, to serve EMILY P. WEAVER. oe gt; THIS DATE IN HISTORY. Ces DECEMBER NINETEENTH 1649 ANl stage plays suppressed in London: chosen President and Vice-President-of the United States. 1813 A force of British and Indians captured Fort Nia 1 1845 Many lives lost by the sinking of the steambot Bel 5 forane in the Mississippi. Canada. 1864 President Lincoln called for 300,000 volunteers. So . Is Parkview Lots 300 to 700 each TeeEowann dl FeWINes AcENCY Medicine Hat Alta. (OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 OCLOCK The Finest Assortment Ever Show in the City We are Loaning Money at Per Cent. PER ANNUM TO OUR CONTRACT- HOLDERS From Coast. to Coast in Canada To Buy or Baild Homes. To Pay Of Mortgages. To Improve Real Estate. INVESTIGATE OUR CONTRACT PLAN AT ter the insurgents who had set up thelr-Republic on the Pingl Book Store e's Drug and Wear Made To Order Shirts MADE BY LASTIMO Room 8, News Block. We guar- antee satisfaction with Shirt. We carry all the new- est and up-to-date styles and A trial order is all CANADIAN HIOME INVESTMENT CO. LIMITED 225 Pacific Building, Van- couver, B. C. IMPERIAL BANK BLDG. MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. Office Open Evenings Until Nine O'clock. patterns. we ask. Prices 1.25 6.50. ROOM 8 NEWS BLOCK (4 IME erican financial and industrial affairs. was born In West tT. TO GET BUSY Overton, Pa., December 19, 1849, Atter completing his 4 i schooling he began his business career as clerk for bis THE idea of having the Y. M. C. A., the grandfather; 2 four merchant and distiller. At that time Y. W. C. A, and the Public Library as the coke industry was in its infancy, but Mr. Frick, even 4 With his limited business experience, saw that it possessed 5a vast possibilities. He borrowed some money from his would be a better idea to get busy about' (anafather and embarked in the busin ss in a small way. setting them built. There should be no more 7he business prospered from the start and before many, delay in organizing a campaign for a Y. M. j years grew to be larger than all others of its kind In the country combined. Before he was thirty years of age Mr. Frick was the largest individual coke operator in the *. Ee * 3 world. In 1889 he became connected with the Carnegie imperative that something be done to pro- stee1 Company and he was the central figure in the great vide them with some place of recreation and strike at'Homestead in 1902. During the strike occurred improvement besides those whose influence one of the most exciting episodes in Mr. Frick s car is not always for the best. This city should when he was:several times shot and stabbed by an anar- chist. years old today. in the lines of books on technical education. court of Canada, 50 years old today. the Iate Cornelius Vanderbilt, 32 years. old today. * Prof. Albert A. Nicholson of the University of Chica j them to g0, winnervof the Nobel prize for physics in 1907, 60 years THE olay 35 ING PRESSING CO, Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. Improved methods make our service particularly: efficient. stember, 1911, put not known, but the well either, for if he had taken the matter up eu- HENRY C. FRICK. Henry Clay Frick, long prominent asa leader In Am- ia SS ge CONGRATULATIONS TO: - Mrs. Minnie Maddern Fiske, the well Known actress, 47 Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, chief justice of the supreme Reginald C, Vanderbilt, youngest of the three sons of g Enthusiasin BY GEORGE MATTHEW ADAMS Enthusiasm is what happens to a man When on taking invoice, he discovers that his heart and head and determination have finally wedded into and become a part of the Main Chance. Enthusiasm is a process not an act. Most everybody hash ead and heart and determin- ation but it's the folks that have sufficient sense to get these together. in the same spot-at the sametime for the same purpose that start things and move on the progress of the times. 4 Enthusiasm Is the spark that starts the action and moves the man that finds the cows and brings them home, Enthusiasm is what makes a fellow/*get:there. Get Enthusiasm and you will steam on. gYohody bores miles under great rivers, wins battles out cities and towns md nations. dnthust ges maps and makes History possible. You at your desk, at your plow, at your y youRyaxe, at your bat, at your pen youy whpyor where you pre take heart and h Enthusiasm. 5 For enthusiasm start all things ,shaij does all things. Start today to mix Exiiusiasm in gour-Wlood. Then keep ft there R. B. Taylor's Transfer Light and Heavy Draying. Prompt Attention to all orders. Plano Moving with Piano Van a Speciaiity. Parcels Delirerea. HONE NN. 349, CHRISTMAS COMPLIMENTS AND CONGRATULATIONS that come with tHe arrivel of Santa Claus are always welcome, especially where they are appr ative of our good work n clean- ing and pres lng men s garments. We want every one to look their best on Christmas. Day, in cloth- ing that is spotles: If you hay coats that need doing. up GLOBE CLEAN- . CURTIS shapely and genteel. CitySaleStables Heavy Teams, Drivers, . Saddle Horses for Sale, LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. Hay for Sale. FRED McCLAIN PROPRIETOR PHONE 8. 2OOO990 9900900520496 OR E. M..CAWKER, Phm. B. Druggist Complete stock of Toilet Articles Drug Sundries, Proprietary Medi- cines, ete. Drawing the Line This must be done in the heat nd. gold, washing, froning and rf ing the line make a woman olds for there is 8 way out Fell, this, when you Imbib con- pagal bliss Phone Laundry to call.. There price and work is such, you are sure to D ing of Physicians Prew scriptions a specialty. 204 South Ry. St. Phone 73. T. F. Reynolds AINTER, samples tn Wall Paper. Phone 69 , ETc. 126 Eighth Ave. MEDICINE HAT STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 8, a2 Yhureday, December 19 SOUTH YUILL- Lot 9; Block 15. REDCLIFF Lots 12 and. 13, 1 HIGH SCHOOL Lot 21, Block 22 CENTRAL PAR. Lots 47 and 48, B Lots 1 and 2, Blo Lots 21 and 22, - Lot 14, Block 4, . HERALD Lots 4 to 13, Bloc Lots 14 and 15, Bl Lots 4 and 5, Bloc Lots 23 and 24, E Lots 15, 16, 17 an ORTH YUILL- Lots 5 and 6 with lorner with hous Lot 15, Block 10, ) gt; Lots 5 and 6, Bloc COUSINS AND Lots 36 to 40 on r Lots 1 to 10, Bloel Lots 19 and 20, Bl OLD. TOWNSIT Lots 10 and 11, E Lots 5 and 6, Ble Lot 12, Block 80, . HOUSES We have only six from 4,30( ACREAGE We have already of the city only in blo: Nibloc Room No. Fourth Avenue, FAI NOW. O Prices fr TERMS One-Qu Redue FG: ROOM 7, IMPE Capitz 420 Main S NOTE THES 3000.00, 75 ft. corner, 2000.00 each. Two co 200.00 to 150.00 each. ( 1500.00 pair, Ternis. 1400.00. Terms. Tw: town. * We have some of the properties. See 8 We have 6000 acres ad. We also have a half se We ave only four to GIVE
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Image 1166 (1912-12-19), from microfilm reel 1166, (CU1773555). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.