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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Turkish Investigation of Police in ? CW, A. P. Dispatch) Cochrane, Ont, Oct. 25. Charged with accepting inoney fOr the alleged Cettinje, Montenegro, Oct. 25. An Protecting of a Rus lan boarding-/ engagement is proceeding between hotise Keeper, Cliet Constable Jamie- the Montenegrin army under General son, now under .uspension by the or- Laxiveh and the Turkish army near er of the mayo;,Was given a hear- Keplik, about 12 miles to the north img yesterday aft:fnoon before Judge of Seutart and on the eastern shore Vali, of North fay. + ot the lake. It is reported that tho Mayor Carter tej tified regardin Montenogrins have turned the Turk- tee the ish position and forced a retreat in Scutari. General Martinoviteh s Oe Montenegrin troops have established solemnity. Battle Near Seutart FOR LACK OF USE British bia Crop So . Great Marketing System Has Broken Down. Guechofl, of Bulgaria, an interview this morning. He tinued, The best friends of. Tur- key now are those who advise her not to prolohg the hopeless struggle. The sooner the Turks submit. the better it will be for them and for humanity. AN friends of mankind must deprecate. the mischievous talk that this war is . one of extermi tion. The Balkan states have no in- tention of exterminating the Turkish People. Best of Troops Used. The significance of the fall of the Turkish stronghold of Kirk Kilesseh lies in the fact that the Turks. had athered there the best troops in their army and their best- gencrals. TE they have - failed to hold this stronghold, they would seareely be able to resist further south. Constantinople, lt; Oct. 25. Stories of desperate hand to hand fighting between the Bulgarians and the Turks are did in newspaper de- oe Sve ig ere from Adria- London, Oct. 25. Lord. Roberts, nople. losses were sustained despite his eighty years, is touring by Both armies in the battles around the country advocating a national that military service. He is addressing Bayonets Used Unsparingly huge gatherings who cheer the fam- Bayonete were used freely in ous veteran lustily but his direct re- fight for possession of the banks of ROBERTS CARRYING ON BRISK FIGHT Veteran Tours land, Advocating National Mil- itary Service System. (C. AP. Cable) ed fpe of Brita have caused hos- killed or wounded. Hight battalions of his mestings a memorial has been the village of Maras, wore repulsed signed by-over.2 score of members by the Turkish of Parliament protesting against this losses. method of advocating 2 national The Turks have 150,000 of their amilitary service. : finest troops on the line stretching Yesterday Sir T. Vecey Strong, ex- from Kirk Kilessch to Adrianople, Lord Mayor of London, wrote de- which latter city is garrisoned . by Drecating statements, especially by 6,000 mien. Still another 60,000 Werts, as to the warlike intentions of to Luleburgas. Germany aginst Britain. SCUTAR NOW SURROUNDED (Gontinued trom page one) Congregate Near Salonika. in-chisf of the Turkish forces, some time ago declared that the troops at his disposal were sufficient and since then the great stream of fresh troops tributed targely. to tho rapidity of tas beem directed towards Salonika. aha stdin of as Grock intact oh Communication with Adrianople is and ttis precision of Gresk lon still working normally and no ser- : onciauih fous SrEaek ci the dafsore af that HT ep in -Fight-, ead Disease c, azue with the which the del commander. Fugitives from Kirk 3 convention Kilesseh, most of them Christians, ire being brought to Constantinople Servians Fied in Confusion, On the other side of the peninsula, Seck Ki Risha, thirty thousand Turks, is reported ve attacked the Servian army of Kumanova just asa lange of Bulgarians was atfout to ef Gf eouree, one which wll bring the greatest number of answers, It is a ay er 01 oy ion back across the frontier, a battery of artillery and a i and hence in its Brev- Hi general s flag bebind them. The there Turks took many prisoners and found Want Ad. can only inter- ) 4 large number of dead and wound- the reader om the baste of fod om the field. Seek Ki Pasha then interest. Each -eader is attention to the Bulgar- Interested in each and all of his whom he attacked and routed, them also back across the ier with the loss of four of their uy Messages in French A despatch from Uskup says that civilians, who are leaving that town, are departing toward the south. Jt Elis understood today that the foreign military attaches here are to be per- mitted to Jeave fot the front tomor- row. The Ottoman government has (notified the various embassies that. the reports of their military at- taches should be made in French and a. similar-request.has been made the case of war correspondents. ance, are, first, tne names of the article or thing advertis- ed; second the quality of the article or the kind of thing Advertised; third the price of the article or thing advertis- fame of the advertiser. When the above essentials are fully and truthfully stat- ed in the Want Ad, the best Fesults are obtained; but io the foreign. popula- practically its only cause, with this tax rotection the mun - 20. longer have to Proportion to the pumber -of MARRIED. gers and others these essentials ommitted At the Methodist parsonage on ompitals, The hos- from the Ad., does the advert- Oct. 10, by Rey. Ny McDonald,, Mr. parllealaxlyit they 7 parma Feat ae to. bis) John Francis Warn to Miss: Ghris- te as, amen Wa se tina Johanna Verhgan, of 2 casi: opportunity; look for them in i yeshees Ce eR Sh obobe de fe hbk bobo bh The News, 'Phona 13. PEEERE Ge PE Sublet prisoners. have been sent from Se ia to Fleesona on the way jnterior of Greece. The fun - of seventy citizens, including one 50 distinguished as Lord Ro- men guard the tine fromAdriamople ibe now for the oil News, . i nn sen Sonesta 7 P erevte AUNE EE. T Cochrane. Ont., Started pier, who were massacred by the Yours in Court. Turks in Servia, took place yester- 4 7 day amid a some of great His and Con Near thing whol than comes of the anythi the wi instant i The s tility in certain quarters. Outside cf Bulgarian -troo ich attacked Way to successful brain surgery was aa e oe, eee hat the buman brain is not. simply a in entity upon re whole of whict troops with heivy Serr mental sensation acta; hot a ple mass all directed to doing one, tl a t t hing. 4 bdullah Pasha, commander-/ple with the conditions, and that is cS me fe the reeult: here... As the onteome of ix long labors and research and in- ql b vestigat predict cust t ster he bivyele. the most ed into Headach i ewme ui motion: ind dev: that his sical vel is that he su Hollander removed a small ortion of bone from thi brain in whieh he had Dr. ound a b wound weeks / oy the the Tigla OR. HOLLANDER HAS REVOLU. Treating of Which ts Mira gether, send our youth France and Germany and A specific. studies, but dll turalization can make him. Tt used to be thought 5 Dr. Hollander, city on Tuesday and Wednesday- school of which he is the lender, to show Sais va pi of man can be treated by the-s surgeon as eas the jiy as some accessible internal organ ? with whose treatment and cure ex- ferences to Germany as an undoubt- the Tundja River and hundreds were perience has made us all familiar. hat the brain is in compartment: self-centred areas, from each of which ome distinct emotion, sense or attri- bute arises. Therefore, if you injure he head in a certain place you dai a definable tract of the brain ich tract alone must be treated. ow this works. astonishing stories ever told in the whole history of surgery. are many, but we will take a bril- t and sensational one, .every-step m1 which is now enshrined in the sur- gical records of the country. Tn 1993 a distinguished eda he right hun temporary external evidence, ud both were forgotten. Seon, how- ver, an extraordinary change came with an army of vver the victim, From being one of iicapacitated him from work, of) ought relief in travel far and wide, up and fled in but withuot succoss. ing to, the ent from bad to worse, and at end of 1905 the doctor had become a of fluid nid general condition, had brain from pulsating. drawn off, arid, the rest of the n having been left healthy, the the patient w his work a n In F sheet metal workers, butcher men and th Journeymen horses Pee More new t Mters were ers on Horse Goods -duting Adguat thatiin: any one wonih in two years, OF eae Of November 4,:at Su. Loult, Mo, PERT OW. BRAINS IONIZED M ND OuRES. Vionness, Whe Went ic -Lon- to Study Medicine, Gave Up Entire Time to Brain Diseases Developed thy Medern Theory cerning the Various Areas the ly thirty years agova plemiant- taced youth fom Vienna landed in London, student of medicine at King's Col: lege Hospital. its- surgeons, especially for ear. ape- cialiala, but young Bernard. Holinad er thought that he might learn and entered himss jenna is famous for from the illustrious. som. England, who, taking the subject of the buman body and mind as a have done more for mankind the rest of the world put to says London Ideas. We ati to the clinies of trian for the world to us for teaching. Now it was open to young Holland. er, with bis natural gifts, quick: establish. himself in Londu: as some other man s pestner. or by buying practice. He d When he had finished at lege he went back to the cor and, traveling from clinic to cliric. made an exhaustive study of disen-e- te either neither. Col- nt, mind. When he returned t England it was to settle down per manently, i i certain. st been germinating preliminary hep: ment of becom nto excent his brain. us the compli. rselves of an at yehon the. bra ng, but led the bry in. and hot brain was effected, that a mind dix eased was irrep could be done that who so touched the brai that nothine way of opera eutt Tt has remaiied ts: J death. DR BERNARD BOLLANDER. and. the lustrious overeign. discovery paving the The cardinal revelation in Dr. Hollander is able to and to combat. Let un see It is one of the most The cases horse, - A gear was heavily thrown from his Neither injury left more t amiable of men he develop- a man of terrible temper. he and nueralgia frequently fe be- ibearably irritable, extremely . used atrocious language, Joped suicidal tendeneies. He Indeed, he be- was eften in trouble, extraordinary things malady led nim to do. Things and mental wreck. T .c mar- ed at all. of the sted the it i to reside, and beneath seriously morbid 7 n abnormal quantity brain, The re revented fluid on the was closed. In three weeks N. D,, fn: the last tew, ave been organized (the argo, there Brotherhood of Leather Wobk- green and slight and carried him wiong with the train. The train had to be stopped and the thirty-seven ing between 3 and the major prayers. five hours out of tle twenty-four. ia said to be passionately fond of ani- mals, particular of dogs. Pesitersijy working on a plan to build a home Learpent STARS AND IMMORTALITY. New Worlds In the Making Desertigg ye developed Soe Se ioe by Prof. A.W. Bicker ho a over from New 8 0 to. make kitown a solentific dis portance. He he New Astron: on the question i fd destructive, t them to be broughi number of agencies and law of nature, and ive. how that im. the various celestial to be and mms constitutes the mode of celestial evolutions as Dar- does that of organic evolu oa lt; hen lle the eserey wi two suns collide ie with which they graze one another formous that the stars fp their path, eieept vat actually meet one a portions a tic third star of stupen- . It is as if w cosmic and steel had met acd struck off intensely colestial spark. The third star explains every mys- tery of the wonderful pew stars that have tronomers. The vast k is forme. in less thanjan hour. It is easily shown to be explosively hot. The vast bonfire expands more than a million miles an hour, and 30 whereas about Nova Persel, the new star of the new century, was 10,000 times 4+ bright as the sun grew to this inteu- sity in less than two days and was almost gone in a month. Naturally it-would go. It had exploded. As we trade out the phenomenon of this explosion we see that new agencies are. brought into action that have not been contemplated by physicists. Lord Kelvin showed thet all matter tended to roll up and ali energy to waste, But this new conception shows that miater.sleo distributes itself and energy is picked up for renewed use. Thus, this few idea gives Us at optimistic instead of a pessi scientific philosophy a possibility. af eternal life instead of the certainty of eternal. deeth. Just to develop my theory a little further, I may say that althouzh the sters will pass on they will be much modified by. fhe impact wil each carry the sears of the encounter in the form of vast blazing lakes. As they rotate, they will show alteration of the intensity of their light and will be what are commonly called: vari- able stars. , The third star possess a capturing power. That tends to make two stars into a double: star. Hence, td, is explained why double stars are some- times each of them variable The same capturing power explains every detail of the formation of spiral) neb- wlac. When we come to our impac of stellar systems similar to our Gal- aixy wat once ses the reason for remarkable configuration, every de- tail being easily deduced from the dy- namics of such an inter-penctrating The gaseous rial. expelled system. frow-exploding uns sprends itself in- to the. erapty parts of space and form the seed beds of new cosmic systems of the first order. These. by. collid- ing with the dec sing stel form new and virile universes, simi- lar to the one on which car beautifal earth is so minute a part. Hence the lesson of the new astronomy is one of hope, and shows that there is no great basic flaw in the scheme of creation but that it is a system in- finite and immortal. Indeed, the more study I have devoted to it the more E bape, discovered 1 to be fixwlese a amp- Prof. Bickerton belongs to Ei having been born at Alton, Expensive Soda Water. The highest. prive ever paid for bottle of soda water was given in nvaden recently wen one that was relie from the wreck of the Royal George wan ancticned off and brought 134, The Royal went down in 1782, which made the soda water aomewhat old. Two-thirds of the li- quid remained in the bottle. the. in- side of which was discolored and thickly inorusted with sea sult. The bottle was of the ante shape as those used for aerated water at the present time. hut the gldss. was of a weeper wwier. Soda wat- er was. invented) in. 1767, and th relic was bought by a soda water manufacturer for advertising. pur- Notary Pablic, Fourth Ave. Post 16 cash; 10 twelve months; months. Lots in eight six, twelve, months. Near new 20 per cent come with a handle this Sally. Block 17, 1 to Block 82, price Very valuable on Main and sale. 300 feet long, St, 2500. CITY 10 lots in front Pingle, tion, Rumors That ual. London, poses. The Reward of Kindness. A kid heart-d man in New Zea- land had a sudden shock little time 0, He was standing on u railway platform apples to. wm cirous elephant caged in cattle track the circus-was onthe move. The train started, and th elephant, not to lose the last apples in the: basket, promptly seized the man in his trow kind hearted man from the nad Prie-t. The present dulai lina of Tibet is years old and is learned Tibetan snd Pali. Hi devout in the functions. Ris- he devotes of his time to his average he slo in Sanskri Ose man Ireland's Peat Wealth. Ireland has 3,000,000 acres of peat lenosits. Tike Texas State Cuuncil-of* Car- the indigent and disabled of the State. The General Confederation of Labor of France voted recently to stay out- Bide the Socialist party. The vote was 1,00 to 35, s intetnational Brptieriood ot nde: of Signy, Pntnloyees wit anhalt wention, The American Federation of Labor xpects a record-breaking attendance * te annual convention in Rochester, next month, been ineffective. Workers the international a1 Organizers for the Western Federa- tion of Miners ar at work in north- ern Minnesota. Pingle, Wales Bell months, and 10 Real Estate, ste, Minute past office, bs ToDay s Specials HUGHES DIVISYON 855 per lot, six months; 10 10 eighteen twenty-four HILL DIVISION different blocks, 200 each, Terms cash, and eighteen MARLBOROUGH PLACE Lots 250 to 300 cach. Terms, cash, balance in nine monthly instalments. No interest charged. These prices ae about to be raised. REDCLIFF We foretold two months ago in our ads. in the News what a doom there would be. It has vengeance. We Property spec- HILL DIVISION 5, 800 each. - BENDING Block 18, 20 lots, 800 each. . TOWNSITE 1450 for 50 ft. TOWNSITE Block 84, 60 ft., 2600. RIVERSIDE Block: 6, Broadway, 850 pair. Block 5, 775 pair. Inside. property Toronto Sts. for RIVERDALE 250 por lot. MORE SPECIALS: 100 ft. on Esplanade, Block D, 6500. A snap. 50 ft, Block 71, on Princess VIEW at 200 each. Wales Bell GARLAND FUR OTTAWA Conservatives Nominate Mrs. 2B; Lively, at Sugar. Bowl, Candidate To Stand in Main st. . Tate Fortheomin; e-Elee- tien, iB - Bye-Blec- gt; ioxtavens WANTED ON THE Ogilvie Flour Mill job, Wednesday eee morning. Telephone 787, Job Office, ottant fy Be, Dispateh.) or Assinibola Hotel evenings. Can- Kava, Oct. 20 Alderman F. W-ladian Stewart Co, Limited. 75-tf. Garland, of Ottawa, was the choice of the Liberal-Conservative Association of the County of Carleton, which met in Convention at Stitsville yesterday to nominate a successor to contest the riding for the federal seat made va- cant by the death of Edward Kidd, M. P. It is likely that the nomination will mean an election by acclama- DISTURBANCE IN CRETE of Powers Made Demonstra- tion Which Was Ineffect- Warships (W. A. P. Cable) t. 25. Reports are cur- rent here of serious trouble In Crete. The Greek Government has announc- WANTED SITUATION BY A BOY, ed the appointment of former Pre- mier Stephen Dragoumis as Govern-)0. Box 274, City. or-General of the island, which is in defiance of the agreement of the Eu- WANTED IMMEDIATELY, ropean powers. Dragouinis is said to have arrived in Crete to take up the appointment, Cerisored telegrams received from Crete today refer to a) naval demonstration by the warships of the powers which fs sald to have Five new locals of Boot and Shoe Union were chartered by juring August. 'PHE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR Hand Tools tn the city. and second hand Clothing, Clocks Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness and a aice new line of winter goods We buy everything mentioned abor: and pay the best prices. Call at 50 South Raflway St. or Phone WA4NTED LADIES AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watcher Jewsiry, guns, revolvers, valises, sui gies, harness, bi stoves, musical instruments re, Democrat waggonm bus icycles. carpente tools, etc., raw hides and furs, hors hair, wool and f sold. Apply to the Co; 312 Fourth Dreamland theatre, thers, bought an Harvard Tailorine avenue, opposit P.O, box 355 Phone 295, The Best Prices Paid fo the above. 23D a se 5181.00 Additional words at same rate. No/ treal, ad accepted for less than 26 cents. Cash must socompany the order, Phone your ad to No. 18 ring 2, and it will receive attention. 2 BELP WANTED. CARPENTERS AND LABORERS wanted. Apply Crossley Bros, 729 Lockwood St. Phone 569 20-tf WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. Apply 626 Balmoral St 91-3 WANTED GENERAL SERVANT. Apply 603 Main Street or at the Can- adian Bank of Commerce, 90-tt WANTED CAPABLE MAID general housework. Highest paid. Apply 734 Esplanade. FOR WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL Apply 601 Montreal St. 90-6 WANTED LABORERS, APPLY ON the Job across the river, R. C. Chiirch. 89-te WANTED CARPENTERS, HIGHEST) wages. Apply Odd Fellows job, To- ronto St. 89-tf) BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE Ogilvie Flour Mill job. Telephone 787, Job Office. Canadian Stewart Co., Limited, tt WANTED AN UPSTAIRS GIRL. AP- ply American Hotel. 89-3 WANTED CARPENTERS AT ONCE. Apply 425 Mill St. P. W. Defreen. 89-3 GOOD GENERAL HOUSEMAID wanted. Apply James Hargrave, Phone 302 or P. 0. Box 26. 8i-tt WANTED CARPENTERS. APPLY A. Dickinson, Bennett House, 6th Ave- nue, 86tt WANTED PORTER. APPLY COS- mopolitan Hotel. 83-tt WANTED CARPENTERS. APPLY A. Dickinson, Hotel Cecil. sett TWO GORDON PRESS FEEDERS Wanted at once. Apply to foreman News Job Department. tf SERVANT WANTED APPLY TO ers and teamsters. Apply A. P. Burns Contracting Co. mitt WANTED AT ONCE 50 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill Job. Boarding camp onsite. Canadian Stewart Co, Ltd. 33-tt WANTED Men and women to learn barber trade. Summer rate now on. Situstions guaranteed. Special Fates to ladies, Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 699 Cen- tre 8t, aoaatt WANTED 20 FIRST CLASS MILL- wrights. Highest wages pald. Apply to Medicine Hat Milling Co. 60-tf SITUATIONS WANTED. ji Years of age. Apply H. Hole, P. 90-8t sITU- Ap- 90-3 eee eG CLERK DESIRES PosITION IN store. Apply 213 East Braemar, 89-3 Sa ai ass i aed TO-RENE eee TO RENT FURNISHED HOUSE, fully modern, 40 per month. Will Tent for six or eight months. Apply 1414 Columbia Ave. 39-8 eg meee ES TO RENT NEW COTTAGE. APPLY to 205 Dominion St. or box 753, post- office, 29-8 eee een eee ROOMS TO RENT. es eae eel TO RENT A DOUBLE ROOM SUIT- able for two gentlemen. Apply 721 E. Allowance. 91 ATION. as house or table-mald. ply 103 Montreal St. 0 ren ade 1 ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR SALB lt;-Tmmiediate posession. For price and terms apply to owner, 627 Montreal Street, 1-if Fol soe SELL ONE HOUSE, 24x36, shanty Toot, 375, placed on. the lot Also one kitchen range and one gas heater. Appiy J. Se Lait, 106 Mon- : 89-8 a ae HOTEL FOR saLE IN THRIVING town - tear Medicine Hat. New furnished and everything wp-todate, Apply to Lewis A. Trotter, Walsh, Atta, : a a FOR SALE A FINE LOT OF MAR- Quis seed wheat, grown on new breaking. 2.00 per bushel. 0.3, Me- Gee, Redvers, Sasi, 81-80 FOR SALE NUMBER OF HOUSE- hold articles and furniture, Reasona- ble prices for quick sale. Toronto Strest. ss anal REN LOST AND FOUND i LOST ABOUT SIX WEEKS AGO Sold charm with monogram W. J. Be Reward if returned to News office. 21-3 BOARD AND ROOM. Se ee MDT SOA. AND ROOM FOR LADY IN private family. Apply 408 1 -2 Main aseeee eS eens ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED pemiiemeSsecineat WANTED BOARD AND ROOM FOR man and wife, 1 minutes walk from Medicine Hat Milling Co. Private house preferred: J. 8. Ranch, care ot Medicine Hat Milling Co. 918 ee TO EXCHANGE ee WILL TRADE FOR MEDICINE HAT lots or dcreage close in, building 24 by 60 ft, two stories, in centre or Main Street, opposite depot, in Gra- num. Ground floor used as pool hall with three pdol tables upstairs. Has club, rooms. Everything goes for 5,000.00. W. Stevenson, 518, 20th Ave. W., Calgary, Alta. 91-6 ee eae AUTOMOBILE IN GOOD. ORDER TO exchange for Medicine Hat lots, or Payment on house. Address full par- ticulars to box E,, Carlstadt, Alber- ta, 59-6. ROOMS WANTED, TRAVELLER WISHES ROOM, TO be occupied Saturday and Sunday each Week. Bath. Give terms. Ad- dress E. R. Hassan, care Cosmopoli- tan Hotel. 87-6 WANTED TO PURCHASE A SMALL GAS COOKING STOVE IN 00d condition. Write G. B, P. O. box 948, city. at ie WANTED TO BUY Bullding lots mm Old Survey, Herald or Central Park. Give prices, terms, ete, to P. 0. Box 510. Owners only need apply. WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS. Apply 377 Esplanade. 62-tt STRAYED 25 REWARD THE ABOVE WILL be paid for information. that will lead to the recovery of one grey gelding, weighing about 1300, branded either H. F, monogram on left shoulder, or ) at tet This horse ie / . four years old and has trim- med tail. .R. B: Starks, Medicine Hat. Sept. 29, 1912. a MEDICAL DR. W. M. ANDERSON Physician and Surgeon. Office above Assiniboia Music Store. Office hours A. M. 10 to 12; P.M. 2 to 4,7 to 830. Resi- dence 512 Roy St. Residence phone 708, 0. 19-Im lished 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winn Leth- bridge. A, E, Gibson, C.A, resident partner. Phone 198. Burns Block. 276 CORSETIERRE ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM TO let for two ladies. Apply P. 0. box 818, 91-3) ROOM TO RENT IN MODERN house. Every convenience; five min- utes walk from depot: Apply 207 Bal- moral St. 91-8 TO RENT, AT ONCE, TWO FURN. ished rooms, With all conveniences, 10 minutes walk from city hall. With or without board. Gentlemen pre- ferred, Apply phone 559, 90-8 FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT Gentlemen preferred. All modern con- SPIRELLA CORSETS MADE TO meastre, guaranteed for one year against breaking and rusting; very - Ught weight. House No. 7, School Ay- enue, opposite east side of high school. Phone 699 for appointment or write P. 0. box 72, MrsMatthews, MISCELLANEOUS eT SST SRS AMS es ANY SMALL JOBS OF CONTRACT. Ing, either Carpentering, painting, In- boring, plumbing, engineering, eto, will be undertaken by th undersign- ed. Estimates given. Patrick Mac- jurt, 723 Third Ave., or general de- Ty, city postoffice. 89-te veniences. Immediate possession, ply 720, 4th Ave. 91-8
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Image 759 (1912-10-25), from microfilm reel 759, (CU1772813). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.