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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Lowney s shows you how Coa ought to Bepet begs Sree) League ae taste tive value of the opposing players on a basis of 100 in base running, throwing, ete., giving each department ite relative value and reducing it to terms of 100 thus comparing the men. And, after comparing the men I re- duce their comparative valnen as in- dividuals to.their proper value in team play. + Compares Hooper and Murray. The first Comparison is between Red Murray and Harry Hooper, right fielders of the teams. On a basis of comparison in. all departenests of the game I give Murray a yank of 63 on the basis lt;f 100 and place Hooper at 1. Ta fielding Hooper i. + ex, watches batters . more closely? shifts posicicns betiox, Nad plays the , game im much amore Suis ted fashion, Compare Nation Man for Man i a BEE Br i vane f Bag i i H Z i ie BE i i 8 i L i E frit al while in sensatios? ori and the making-of startling cate s. Murray is much in the tead. 'le thieves by speed and dargge miceh that, Hooper performs by studio*s, steady work. There is little t gt;-c ooge between the two mea either in speed or in throwing, although JorSer is ore finished in catching tai 11 position for throws. 7 Tn a manner Marrsy is undicapped jas a. fielder by the Mew York grounds. The right ieW ct the Polo grounds is short c+ar-* foul line ithe high conerets ha:rier back of field would, ma e a. more timid stop on mary ities tat Murray by taking a chance cracking the stadium. at random 20 lt; nes CfA nen-eetting operation that the strong pitchers of the league in his 20 games against these Pitchers Hooper batted .241. T took 20 games for Murray against i jallee the best pitchers of the .Na- tional league that I could secure HIGH-GRADE acvao Hore Delivery Wagon SPRINGS Triple elliptic front; batting, fielding, escaped the Misses McDonald and to- 8 PRETEY G1RES KEPT BOX SCORE PROPOSAL TALLY Any Bid Without a Title Counted Only a Half on Trip Abroad. ONE RECORD OF NINE All This While Two Keen Schoolmarms Chi peron- ed Their Journey. New York, Sept. 30. The Misses ante ond Ms McDopsld ware BYIOUMY Tuteyed sodas Gh Mauretania slid ino her dock and they were again in a land where title bartering, impecunious noble aen are only travelling rarcties. It was not on their 6wh account that the Misses McDonald experienced this feeling of relief singe well, their raven tress- es are plentifully sprinkled with gray, and the spectacle bows have left their; Imes these many years. . Put, in their cuarge, the Misses McDonald had sight as pretty girls as could be found in the South and each girl while abroad, was pursued by any number of swagcering, titled gentle- men with waxed mustachio-. pretty manners and ardent eyes. In Italy the chase started - and many of the enamoured, be-ribboned Swains continued the pursuit until the party: finally embarked. Noble yodlers wooed them in Switzerland, gay royalists in France, profligate Barons in Germanw and scores of young Honourables in England and Scotland. Through receiying and parrying the attentions of this noble host, the young woman, etudents at the Misses McDonald's Belmont Col- lege, Nashville, Tenn., acquired an even greater European polish than their. preceptors had hoped for. Girls Kept Box Score of Their Pro- posals, i From the first the girls kept a box score of thelr proposals, counting only one-half for each that did not come from a titled suitor. This is the way the, score stood when the Mauretania came into harbor and not a heart had-the party left behind. Katherine Holiaday,-9; Effie Woot- en, 95 Corinne White, 2; Brita Bent, 7; Marie Peppenhelmer; 7; Harriet Cole, 6 1-2; Hazel Wilson, 6; Sybil Loewenberg, 51-2. The largest scores were rolled up in Switzerland, where inany young noblemen were, lt;ofourning. Those who did not capituiate at the formal. reception the nigh: of the girls ar- Tival at an Alpine hotel proposed the next day, whep the fair travellers, forgetful of thelr. efsiwhtte dignity, boganned on the perilous slopes which fell away from the hostelry s back yard. The Hon. Mrs. Beresford, Erstwhile Kitty Gordon. The Mauretania brought BE. H. Sothern: and Julia Marlowc- who is Mrs. Sothern from their vacation in England. This they spent quietly in a little manor house at Mikleton, In the Cotswold Hills. irs, Sothern wants to be an arcbitect, principally that she may design scientifically her new home. F. W. Woolworth, the fa ther of that lusty, gangling infant, the Woolworth Building, another pas- renger, Was so annoyed by the report that he bad gone abroad to finance eas gee the pheasant on th side-ot his gay. Tyrolean hat fluttered indignantly. With all the Fest of its variegated argo the Mauretania brought back a choice lot of assorted political op- inions. They were of the general trend that Wilson had the best chance and the Colonel the poorest. It s Wilson, said Dr. Emil G. Hirsch of Chicago, No sane man could endorse the whole Roosevelt platform, althought it has some good features. Marcus Broun, Presidept of the Hungarian - American - Republican Club, said, as to the Colonel, that he was torn between love and duty. He would cheerfully have supported Roosevelt, had he. been the standard bearer chosen at the Republican con- vention, but could mot see now how he could desert the G. 0. P. According to J. Sergeant Cram, it is Europe's. opinion, in view. of the Pan- treaty of any sort. EPPEEEEEEEEEES + MAKING ONE + DOLLAR DO THE *- WORK OF TWO ama Canal situation that the United) States is not a Ot nation to make a HE AUlUMN STYLES in Seri-re here for your critic nspection. y Tailoring for men are The Chief Designer has achieved new honour ia their production. It will give us pleasure to have you .ok these Garments over now, though you may but wish to know what i8 the st e and fashion for F'all and Winter. There s Joy always in seeing and showing artis:ic conceptions such as the Semi-ready tailors produce, H. 8. IRELAND MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. SS George Stoval Missed Piloting World s Series Conzender by Split Hair George Stovall, manager of t1e St. Louis Browns and former leaer of laps, missed out as pilot of a world : ries contender this y:ar by a split hair. It could just ar well have been Stovall at the head of the Boston Red Sox this year as Jake Stahl. In fact, probably even Stov- all never realized how close be was to managing the present pennart win- ners of the American League. When James R, McAleer, president of the Rex Sox, was here a short time since, he related the trytig ex- gt; preyailing upon Garland Stahl to-retuin ic ihe base- ball fold as playing manager of the Red Sox. Stovall was second choice Of McAleer for the berth. MvAlcer stated that he had the sayso 13r Sto- yall s services from Charles V , Som- ers, owner of the Naps. McAleer was despairing of (nnding Stabl to pilot his old teamme ss and had about made up his mind to take Stovall off Charley Somers hands when he decided to make one more trip to Chicago. After a lengthy con- ference, Stabl finally agreed to take a whirl as playing manager. Had he said McAlecr nay that time Stovall would have been named as Patsy Donovan's successor as manager of the Red Sox. That certainly would have been sweet berth for the man who piloted the Naps from a poor sixth to third in his first trial as a major league boss, Why did you beat your wife terribly? my whiskey Because flask. That didn't furnish a good reason for beating her.' But there was a little bit of whiskey in it. Well, why did she break it then? Because I boxed her ears. . And why was that? + Because she told me when Icame home with a jag to go and sleep it off. so she broke YESTERDAY AND TODAY, But fame is fleeting as thewinds and glory fades away Less than a year ago Bender was Pitehing himself to glory; Frank Baker was clouting his name into history; Rube Oldring was storming th m over the left field wall in the bic classie of the cam. paign, . Now there's a world s series at band, Bender? In disgrace, sus- pended and-fined, it is sald. Oldring?. The same. Baker Sick at home with his name erased from the box score. Davis? Ont of the: managerial game in disgust, after a badly mottled y: It surely isn what it used to be, but what s your ayer now? J SORCECCSOH TWO HO BUILT either 4:tical or horizontal. CYLINDER bor: 4 inches, stroke 5 inches. Prerrdedeedoeterteceotoetectoctoets Pumping Engines RSE POWER WHEELS 1 1-8 inch all riveted rims. AXLES 1 1-8 inch, long distance BODY Hitted with drop end te, wings and removable full platform rear. PAINTING Choice of colors in- eluding red body with yellow gear and green body on yel- low gear. . PRICE - - - 75.00 e Medicine: Hat. - FLY WHEELS ' inches in diameter. SPEED 500 res iutions per minute. This Engice is equipped with an accurate and sensitive hit and miss governer, Each engi. furnished complete with, oil cups, wrenches, spark coil, spari plugs, ete. PUMP JACK * o can no ENGINE PRICE - - JAMES RAE, - - Medicine Hat Podte atest tote tosteste stn teste ste ta ttnsteat La tacteiats eehocfo doer cfoagesfoate-ste eho-dhocte-sfeatectesteatectestealecteatoatedteetess frequently, to make one, dol- lar do the usual work of two, The experienced reader of advertisements will always make a dollar command a preminm, that is, make it buy more than the dollar of of advertise- 2 . batteries, non-reader ments. How much above par are the dollars im your pocket worth? It will depend on how close- ly you study the buying op- Dortunities outlined in the store -. THE DAILY NEWS TER tah ee + Your dollars vary in value Recording as they vary in purchasing power. The man or woman who studies advertising 1s able, , al-built Pump Jack at 750 65.00 Diy a strong, Seatobtect Peer ter te es so Re . +4) - + te * * os so 2 foe bs +e + * +12. + * * +
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Image 599 (1912-10-03), from microfilm reel 599, (CU1772793). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.