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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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*Clothes and Invictus Shoes impossible we have apparel that change for anything better. Semi-Ready clothes maintain the standard of first only in material and workmanship. Hat Choral Society this season will Invictus Shoes maintain quality, paramount, and they cost no more than imitations, notice. becoming disgusted with the contin- uous rainfall, entered the town and started to make things lyely. Thoy came to blows with the townspeople. The mayor came out to Alrect the town forces, summoned the Chief of Police and the town fire brigade and ordered the latter to open fire upon the students with their hose, The students capture the hose wagons, whelh they used to keep the citizens at bay around them. Finallf they sur- rendered the fire apparatus, 50 ft, Lot, Men From McGill Iniversity Disgusted Be- cause of Rain, Pproar. GW. ALP. Dispatch) Sept. 26. Fitty- - MEGA students from the uni- eanip, had a fierce battle Inst edt with, cltizens of the town of near here, The students Create Yuill South; 1,000 cash. H. T. W. Forster ish in the Beaver that has will be solid by auction on Friday on Market Square. Co, Auctioneers. nother Big Shipment of Ladies and Children s Sweaters Arrived yestenday. The prices are exceptionally low, considering the For 1.50 you: cam have the choice of three dozen of these or will exchange for real estate. Ap- quality. garments. Our winter flannelettes have arrived. A big range of patt 12 per yard fs the price asked for some of these pieces. All good heavy cloth., THE FAIR LEONARD FLANAGAN, PROPS. 81. Cor. Ottawa St. and Sid Ave. Phone 81. High-class Groceries, Dry Goods and Ladies Wear. select from. The Piano which has set Building SOLD ON LY BY Mhe Medicine Hat Music o Under the Big Fidate, d We Furnish You With Bread that equals any that used to bake. that once you try it, you'll see bothering with South Railway St. Tes 20, good the folly of home baking any longer. Suppose you'take a rest for a week and have us supply the We think you'll our Butter Nut Bread as well perhaps better, bread? lt; as your own, Try it anyway. J. B, RICHARDSON, MGR. McKINNON? S LIMITED Phone 105 e hit and ches, batteries, MOTHER S BREAD ONCE USED ALWAYS USED ip Jack at 7.50 LOOK FOR THE LABEL, TASSIE BROS. PHONE 256 CHORAL SOCIETY MEETING TONIGHT Will Be Held in City Hall Lovers of Music Asked to Attend- The first meeting of the Medicine be held in the City Hall tonight at eight o'clock. The Chotal Society has been grant- ea the use of the City Hall: Couneil Chamber for their work, and mest- ings will be held there on Thursday evening of each week until further Any ntusical friends who have ar rived, since-the Society-was organia-/- ed or have not yet given in their names, may do so at tonight's meet- ing. a TENNIS DANCE An Informal dance will be given by the Tennis Club in Becker's Hall Friday night, Sept. 27th. . 65-2 Tt certainly is sure enough evidence of the good class of residences now be- ing built in Medicine Hat-when one takes notice of the really superior jcade of lumber and finish now be- ing stocked and sold by our local lumber dealers. The writer had the pleasure recently of looking over some of the best fir and cedar fin- Lamber Co's. sheds on Factory and South Railway ver come to this city. About 100 cases of fruit: Plums, Apples; Feaches, Italian Prunes, etc., H. B. Browne it Houses for sale on easy payments ply to Hotsdn and Leader. Batt Look This List Over Carefull ully Tt contains good ness. and poaiag Lots that we can guarantee to deliver. TOWNSITE Lot 3, Block 21, Toronto St. 28,000. Lot 25, Block 82, Braemar St, 1500. Lots 4, and 6, Block 68, (trackage) 8100 each. CENTRAL PARK * Lots 9 and 10, Block 25, (fac- ing Park) 525 each. Lots 23 to 26, Block* 7, (on sewer, water and gas) 750 each. Lots 38 to 36, Block 20, 525 each. t Lots 29. and 30, Biotk. 18, 400 each. es ESPLANADE Lot 8 Block D (50x280 on river) 3000. SGUTH YUILL Tots 2 and 3, and part of 4, Block 14, (104 ft. frontage opposite new school) 2000. Lots 1 and 2, Block 17 (cor- ner on Columbia Ave.) This js a--good business cortier) 4000. Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block P with house (205x203 feet on South Railway and Factory Sts.) 37,000. NORTH YUE ; Lots 4 ta:8, Block 18, each. Lot 7, Block 9, 826, HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Lots 4 to 9, Block 24, 600 each Lots 29 to 35, Block 24, 575 each. Lots 10 to 13, Block 24, 550 each. Lots 11 and 12, Block 26, 1260 pair. COUSINS AND SISSONS Lots 1 36, Block 11, 865. Lots'5 1,20, Block 7, 370 each SEDALE . Lot 13, Bl ck 3, 3000 (track- ica rner, Block 8, 260. HC Pitt Co. 368 Toronto St. Phone 481 735 LO ea C.P. RY. LABOR AGENCY See Harris Olson if you require help or if you are look- ing for work. EM Real Estate -and : 886 TORONTO ST. : Over. Mitchell's ButcherShop: Box 765. Insurance. HILL DIVISION LOTS FOR SALE statement shows the following changes: ers went on wage increase of cents an hour: ty mien are out and all buildings are at a cash. H. T. W. Forster Co. MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. BANK OF ENGLAND STATE- MENT. . 26. The weekly ofthe Bank of England Total decreased 219,000; circulation, inareased 280,000; bul- lion, increased 60,000; other seouri- ties, decreased X1.027,000; other -de- posits, decreased posits, increased 185,000; serye, 231,000; public de- tes xe- decreased 273,000; Govern- ment securities, unchanged. The proportion of the bank s re serve to Hability, 51.39 per cent.; last week, 50.64 per cent. DISAPPOINTED LOVER MURDERS BRIDE OF BOT A FEW. HOURS Belle of Lacrosse, Wis., Is Shot. Down Shortly Af- ter Wedding Ceremony. (CW. AP. Dispatch) Lacrosse, Wis.. Sept. 26, Yester- day Ella Thompson, belle of the vil- Tat of Desoto, Wis., became Mrs. Se ver Yttri, the wedding coremony was considered notable one in the vil- late. Today she lies a corpse at the Burlington passenger station at La- erosse, where sho was shot down by John Peterson, a disappointed: suit- or, who later inflicted a slight wound upon himself: PREYS ON HIS MIND Winnipeg s Mayor, Unset- tled by Partner s Death in Titanic Wreck, Will Retire: (W. A. P. Dispatch) Winnipeg, Sept. 26. Because his mind is preyed upon by the tragic death of his business partner, Thomp- son Beattie, who perished with the Titanic, Mayor Waugh announced to- day that he would not be a candidate for re-election despite the fact that. it is customary to give a successful mayor a second term with practical- ly no opposition. Mayor Waugh will seek a complete rest after his term runs out. REGINA HAS. STRIKE eae Demandran Tn- qenease of Pay and Pia -ing Cease: OW. A P. Dispatch) Regina, Sask., Sept. 26. Bricklay- this morning for two and a halt One hundred and fif- standstill as result. The on now receive sixty-seven and a half cents an hour. WOMEN IN THIRD PARTY Hartford, Conn,,/Sept. 26. Several women were among the accredited delegates to the State convention of the Progressive Paxty ot Connecticut, which met in this city today to name candidates for State office, Congress and - Presidential adopt platform and complete ar- rangements for the State campaign. electors, and to 374 ft. Bk. 10. Allowance, 1,200 it Don t Wait No alarm clock is going to ring when time strikes the hour of your opportunity. Fate never yet failed to turn down the man who waited for some- thing to turn up. v It is seldom, however, that opportunity: gets by the man who is ready, Be alive Be prepared. Be on tho ground and working. Buy one of these lots, or if this does. not suit you come in sud let ws show you sromnd: Our car I; We have all of Block 8 i Altawana at 625 a pair. Terms, . TOWNSITE SOUTH Bisek 87, Lot 24, price 1680, Terms. Block 54, Lot 25, 1470. Terms. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Block 27, Lota 9 and 10. Price 1000, terms, Block 28, Lots 24, 25 and 26. Price 1260, Terms. CENTRAL PARK Block 22, Lots: 24 and 25. Price 850, Terms. Block 6, Lots 21 and 22, ner, 18 0- Terms. Block :6, Lots. 27 to 30, corner. 3200. Terms. COUSINS AND SISSONS Block 18, Lote 85 and 36. Price 840. Terms. Block 6, Lots 1 to 10. 750 a pair. Terms. Block 28, Lots 21 to 40. Price cor. Price . 200 each. One-quarter cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months. THE BRADSHAW AGENCIES Beeker Bldg. Phone 817. 325 each. Terms. We want your Listings, ( NNCHEAN CO. PERRY, SEWELL PER REALTY REVIT Given these two qualities thrift industry and a residence in the Medicine Hat, a young man has yn, else to ask for The WAGE EARNER can go duck shooting FALL if be will only invest in Medicine 1, now. The next twelye months are going to be fat 1 for the shrewd investor. Be one of them and Jet values place. you where you Would like to be, like rolling off a log: Loans 3,000,000 To Loan on City Property and Farm Lands. Interest per Gent, Promipt Attention. INSURANCE C. A. KRAUSS Porter Block, Main Street, Medicine Hat, Phone 250, Jat Real Lots im Cousins and Sissons at 275.00 cach. Rey All level. Lots near Clay Products and Potteries it. mone: We are revising our listings of property and wou to have yours, Mr. Reader. We are selling property Ontside capital ts coming in rapi fore, if you would like to have some of it in exchang property, Just give us particulars Of what-you-mave-t PERRY, SEWELL PE REAL ESTATE AND FENANCIAL BROKER: FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE, Medielne Hat, Cs of 80 lots per day. You are interested in Medicine .Hat realty. Then look over these bargains. HERALD Offices Toronto Street. 100 ft, 785 pr. 1250 pr. COUSINS AND SISSONS 50 ft. Block 11, 865. terms. 125 ft, Block 20, 2000; Terzas. 50 ft, Block 18, 735, 50 ft, Block 2, 800. Terms. (Monticel Se Bas St. Bal THE BEST YET Try Mitchell s Home-made Bread a be convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS. PHONE Me a RIVERSIDE 100 ft., Block 18, / 750, ALTAWANA 50 ft, Block 10, 1400. Terms. 50 ft, Block 4, 1500. TOWNSITE 50 ft. corher, Block 92; 2100. Terms, SOUTH YUILL 60 ft, Mill street with shack, Gs bl Rely 60 Fire, Life, Aceldent, Hall and The Capital Investmen Se LOOK AT THESE SNAPS IS THERE A LIVER, BETTER LIST IN OUR CAR AT YOUR SERVICE ALWAY LET US SHOW YOU. COUSINS AND SISssSONS Block 2, four lots, 450.00 each, terms, TOWNSITE Block 5, 50 ft. on Main St., 100 ft. from City Hail, the business section. Block B, 100 ft..on Montreal St. 410 Main St. Exclusive Watch for the Openings This store will be open on the 25th September with a complete new stock of CLOTHING, GENTS FURN- RnNGsy BOOTS and SHOES, 25,000, terms. 5500.00, Finest Apartment House corner in city at 7th-a level asa board, 60 x 130. CENTRAL PARK Block 24, four lots. 1680.00, cash. ALTAWANA Block 5, 23 lots. 16,100.00, terms Block 5, two lots corner. 1650.00, terms. REDCLIFF Block 108, 3 lots corner. 84; four lots. 600.00 each. corners, 7500.00, terms. cr bargains for the open- Come and let lus HAT ing week. get busy. MEDIC; Corner Toronto and North Railway, 1950.00. 1950.00 75 -180-each: Block 77, two'lots on Broadway. 1550.00, terms, Block 43, four lots on gas, water and sidewalk. HOTSES Lockwood Street, modern, seven rooms. Twe houses under construction, modern and uj every way, will be sold at practically cost tion, Small retainer asked until constructio in one month according to plans, LLY. NIVISTON 208 lots at 165.00 each, terms. HARRISVILLE DIVISION 98 lots at 165.00 each, terms. EUBDIVISION Kiplin Park, 300 acres adjoining new industrial s vity, subdivided and ready for market. - 250. See us for good subdivision buys in. west ang south See us for cheep acreage adjoining the city. GIVE US YOUR LISTINGS. 3800.00, Houses 24 of varieug- Kinds construction, nearing comple- tion. Fully. modern. Apply to W.-H. ROSEWARNE Builder and Owner. Phone 800. under eter See Our New Sweater Coa SOUTH YUILL 1050 S0- ft. lot and Shack rented at 10. 36000 100 ft. corner, Columbia 1200 50 ft, Columbia Ave, CENTRAL PARK Lots 1-4, Block. 30, 750. pre 25-26, Block 21, wat er and gas, OLD TOWNSITE 1350 Lot 14, Block 80. 3500 For 207 ft. on Macleod . Basily worth 5000. 22000 100x65 ft, Toronto St. th Ave. 11000 Lat 12, Block 56,' To- Tonto St. COUSINS AND SISSONS 900 pr 81-82, Block I. 840 pr 84-85, Block 2. HE) 785. pr 8 Made of best worsted yarns with lay-d collar which can be buttoned: up c around the neck. Mens , Youths and Boys sizes in a: iety of colors. Price 1.00 to 5.00 6, Blook 17. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 840 pr 24-26,. Block 28, 1100 pr B-6, Block 20. 900 pr 24, Block 31. 7 3900- A . Modi Broadway St, Ri B.F.SOUCH, Phm,B. DRMG STORE, TORONTO ST. fern House on H.W. Ireiand Street. Pet inininiebeleeininleleinininininfolntninfnfntotiointntoteties
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Image 552 (1912-09-26), from microfilm reel 552, (CU1772788). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.