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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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id Buys TRAL PARE ier, Block 23, 1600, her on Highland Bt. ool, 1650. HERALD 22, Block 10, 1000, Block 21, 450 each. ock 14, 1200, Terms, lock 2, 850 per patr. OSEDALE lock 8, 4000. Terma lock 8, 3200. Terms. OWNSITE a2 station, 25,000. acres: of nice level , r Redelift at a bar- ull and see me about erty in all parts of: : YOUR LISTINGS. ld Currie Becker Block. Undecided give a suit of old ay or have it re- side on the renovat- ing it to us you'll glad you did, be- will probably save st of new clothing. Is of cleansing are id right up to date. e work. OBE CLEAN. RESSING CO: Office on Fourth Ave. NERAL YMENT AND P. RY. AGENCY 3 Olson if you or if you are look- c gt; and Insurance, RONTO ST. : W's. Buteher Shop, Taylor s nsfer eary Draying, ition to all orders, y with Plano Van fo lireree, E NA. 349, anitary in every be machinery is money can buy. ) employed. E NO. 8. age solicited. rs will call for a the goods. SWING NE AGENCY Sale and Rent. allway Street, tf Phono 486, ee dott Neetodes RP selected dete RD s Only 88 Cash down: eee rere MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. LPP OOOPOIIO SPOT IOSD Srrrtonrgreargerereced GOLD FOUND . ON FAIRVIE We Have Buried 2,000.00 on this property. There are '700O Lots altogether and gold is found. on every lot from one dollar to one hundred dollars. All is to buy your Lot and get your Gold. PRICES FROM 185 TO 225 . a Balance 8.50 per month. THIS PROPERTY IS JUST ONE MILE FROM THE POST OFFICE and one-quarter mile from the C. N. Ry. property, on which itis understood will be located the yards and shops. These lots will double in value before you have half paid forthem. You can build on the property atonce. Every lot isagood one and plenty of good : water on the property. Come in and see us and epost 25.00 with us for acboice of your lots and as a deposit to hold your lots until October 9th when we will give you your agreement of sale. We give You cash for whatever gold is coming to you. It costs nothing to ride in our car and it only takes ten minutes of your time. G. G. MacBean Co IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING LEP HETS OHS OOTOSS OPEN EVENINGS Serer ee oer er eo esr ap aio stontp aie aie ahoelo eo sto ese foteateatoete eloeteatoeteeteeleeteefesteteteetesioase died eto you need Interest 8 per cent. 8 Yoakoaioefe gt; Lo ehoeze-gg When Duke Makes Trip to Far North Hudson s Bax: Company to Carry Out Old Provision in Charter. Edmonton, Alta, October 4. Furs + of two elks and two black beavers will be presented to H.R. H. the Duke of Connaught next summer, when the Governor-General of Canada visits the northern outposts. of the Hudson's Bay Trading Company. This s not fn the nature of a gift but to carry out, probably for the first time, a pro- vision of the charter of incorporation granted by King Charles to the Gen- tlemen Adventurers of London on May 2, 1670. This gave to Prince Ru- pert and his associates the sole trade and commerce of all those seas, bays, straits, rivers, lakes and creeks lying within the entrance of the straits called Hudson's Straits. A. F. Fugl, of Edmonton, district manager, has tendered one of the company s swiftest steamships, fully manned and equipped, for the novel voyage to the Arctic circle by way of the Mackenzie River. It is expect- ed that the Governor-General will be Accompanied by a party of distin- guished men from various parts of the United Kingdom. The clause in the charter, making Each BARKER PATTEN obligatory upon the Hudson's Bay Company the presentation of furs to the heirs and successors of the merry monarch of the seventeenth century, reads as follows: We do, by tlese presents, for us, our heirs and successors, make, cre- ate and constitute the sald governor and company for the time being and their successors, the true-and absolute lords and proprietors of the same ter- ritory and Mmits and places and of all other premises, saving always the faith, allegiance and sovereign do- minion due to us, our heirs and suc- eessore, for the same to have, hold, possess and enjoy the said territory, limits and places... . to the sald governor and company, and their suc cessors forever to be holden to us, our heirs and successors, as of our manor at East Greenwich, in our county of Kent, in free and common soccage, and not in capite or by knight's ser- vice, yielding and paying yearly to us, our heirs and successors for the same, two elks and two black beavers, when- soeyer and as often as we, our heirs and successors, shall happen to enter into the said countries, territories and regions, hereby granted. Accoring to law there is: doubt. whe- ther the Duke of Connaught would be inefiided-as coming under the term heir and successor. One. hundred thousand persons could find work in New York if they would go into the domestic service. CLOTHES MADE TO ORDER garment cut individually to your own measure- ments, and tailored to give lasting satisfaction. Hundreds of Samples to select a suit or overcoat from, if you prefer a custom made garment, fo one from our ready to wear stock. In either case, perfect satisfaction MEDICINE HAT. English City Holds Its Annual Oyster Festival Festivals. to which local products give a distinctive character, and often provide the menu, have of late years beeome frequent on this side of the Atlantic, and are doubtless based on similar feasts celebrated in Eng- Ysh towns for centuries. The cor- poration of Colchester, England, will give today its annual oyster feast, an old institution which matks. the open- ing of the oyster season and now serves to advertise the muicipally- owned fisheries for which the city is famous. On this side of the water it is usually fruits and vegetables that are celebrated, and which gives us raisin day, a ice day, melon days; corn-husking bees, potato roasts, tomato battles, and even a pumpkin ple day. About the only exception to this rule is the general observance of turkey day. In Eng- land it is the product of the sea, rath- er than of the fleld, orchard and gar- den, that is celebrated. Besides Col- chester s great oyster feast, given in considerable. state each October, there may be mentioned Yarmouth s herring day, Greenwich s white bait dinner, and Gorleston s yearly fish ple dinner. Other notable Eng- lish festivals include the observance of sausage day at Peterborough, and the venison dinner which has been held at Farnham every year for over three centuries, under the auspices of the Bishop of Winchester. A number of notables always ac- cept the invitation of the Colchester corporation to partake of its oyster dinner, apd the bivalves are served in every manner known to the culin- ary art. In addition to the formal banquet, the popular celebration: at- tracts thousands of visitors from all over the tight little island and these are fed on oysters to the limit of their capacity. The Gorleston fieh pie dinner, al- though not a popular festival, is not without its unique features. It is held each winter, and sixty-five fish- ermen are invited to attend. The vicar of Gorleston presides, but the fisherten have to supply their own fish. The venison dinner at Farnham is of ancient origin. Many centuries ago, it is alleged, the Bishop of Win- chester discovered that many of his bucks had disappeared, and he pub- licly promised a buck each year if his herds were no longer disturbed. Cer- tain it is that every bishop of Win- chester has to provide a venison din- ner each year, or lose cast with the people of Farnham. Peterborough's sausage dinner is perhaps the oldest of these annual ob- servances, and nobody. knows when it started, - Its orizin, as the fine writ- ers say, is lost in the mists of anti quity. The mayor and members of, the corporation are the participants in the meal, at Which nothing bat color and composition, are served. Yarmouth pays tribute to the source of its wealth by its yearly herring dinner. The far-famed Yarmouth bloater, from baby sprat to adult herring, appears in every course. In every dish served at this meal, the erring is present in some form or nother, although often in such. d s- guise as to be almost beyond recog: nition. Greatest of annnal feasts, in its palmy days, was the white bait ban- quet at Greenwich, Some of its old time glory has vanished, but it s still of such importance that the man who gets an invitation to attend may count himself fortunate, and famous, et It is said that Great Britain has more women workers in proportion to its population than any other coun- try. There are 616,000 drvesmakers. sausages, In evers known-shape, size, , Tower of London had been the depo- in 808 by the Lombard Jews, sitory for the cash of merchants un- oldest existing bank fg the til Charles I. selzed the money as a Parcelona, Spain, founded joan. Then the traders began to de- posit their cash with the goldsmiths in Lombard Street The first bank The first bank in England was. os- tablished by Francis Child, a London goldsmith, who died 199 years ago to- day. This pioneer financial institu- tion was opened in 1663, and a num- ber of rival goldsmiths soon opened similar concerns. The mint in the Geer NEW VICTOR OCTOBER RECORDS OUT TO-DAY SOME SPLENDID SELECTIONS FROM THE NEW LIST. 10-INCH- DOUBLE SIDED RECORDS 90c FOR THE TWO SELECTIONS oe ee + That Girl Quartet 17146 (Way'Bown South, gt; Heldclerg Opt As as the Shamrock Grows Green, . 17148 A*Wee Little Drop o the Cruiskeen Lawn, Fiddle-Dee-Dee Z ad Rastie Soldier Man, C ing Fren 64232 Chanson Lorraine, .. McCormack Sings The Wearing of the Green 64258 The Wearing of the Green, . John McCormack Free demonstrations at any of His Master's Voice dealers everywhere. /Aak for a free copy of our 300 page Musical Encyclopedia, listing over 5,000 Records. BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE COMPANY, Limited, MONTREAL yO Edmond (3) ) ( We handle the Victor Machines Excl MEDICINE HAT MUS Subscribe now-for the Dally News, Underithe Big Fiddle. (ue i 7 ta
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Image 606 (1912-10-04), from microfilm reel 606, (CU1772798). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.