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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Block 4,50 feet, A Blow 12,60 6 PROPOSITIONS LOOK INTO THESE HAVE TWO ACREAGE edicine Hat Security Co. : , For Sale COUSINS AND SISSONS Ve wees Lots'i and 2, Block 26, Beniting 9660, TERMS. Lots 1-4, Block 23, Bending 000 A PAIR, 2000. TERMS. Lots 29-40, Block 11, Herald 92100. TERMS Lot 6, Block 1, Central Park. 1600. TERMS, gt; - Lot 10, Block 92, Townsite 3000. TERMS. REAL ESTATE COUSINS AND SISSONS Block 5, 60 tt, 900, Block. 4, 60 ft, 900. HERALD Block 20, 50 t., 1100, Block 8, 60 ft, 825. NORTH RAILWAY STREBE -. -few good corners. Valuable , Property and reasonable CENTRAL PARK Block 6, Lots 23 and 24, 1575. Block 7, Lots 19 and 20, 1500. Block 27, 50 ft. for 800, PINGLE, WALES BELL FOURTH AVENUE. Half Minut Past Post Office. on Estate vying * Most satlafactory. ANDERSON 8 AWREY Phone 891... Office 15 4th Ave. SPECIALS TO-DAY Lote 16-17, Block. 12, Herald assured z Leaf Syatem The News Job hausted. The.Jocal price was SPewaronent has every facility tor sup- van ) seforme: anord: SPLE S Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL Pastor Brooklyn, Tabernacle Albany, NZ i Nov. 17. As always. Pastor Russell got the crowds to-day. We reporktile discourse on-ministerial wrdination and titles. Vory evidently twas a reply to an, attaok recently nade a Mr. W. 7. Ellin, eld editor of The Continent. wad Uias the Religious Rambler, Ellis tharged Pastor Russel) with being un. ordained and claimed that his ordin tion as pastor is fraudulent. The ai dress showed the Pastor Russell fully anderstor? the situation. He Cally Justified his position before: his vast audience and showed un rain bler editor in the unenviall light sither of being ignorant of the sul. jects discussed or of attempting to leceive the public, His text wa Not of men, neither by man, but bh Tesua Ohrist: and Gou the Fath: who raised Him 2 he dead, (Galatians 4.1.) Evidently the ti sly pond olf that the dor of Apostolic Succession started in the: second century, A. D. The bishops claimed that they had the lame authority that Jesus had origin- ally given exclusivel: to the Twelve tes, On the strength af this they appointed. and ordained the inferior clerzy. i This custom still prevails are known as Catholic Cl re ; Arglican and Greek .The ple is wholly wrong. rc: According tothe Bible the Shurch 6 Christ is not composed of two parts. clergy and -Imity. Jesus declared, One is your Master, Chri all ye There achat br. thren. early Church the min the servants of the Flock. und of a different. lordly caste. Thev fe of the people: and when chasm the Ecclesia by the stretehivg forth af the hand (Greek, chai were recognized as of Divine unpoint- ent to the ministry through the Shiuirch. The customs of centuries were 0 Aificult to throw off that many of the reformers coveted the titles necord: the atholic eleray. Nor did they car: bo tell the congregation that its word was supreme in the matter und that ts ministers were merely by the grace Mf God its servants. Others of the , realizing that Jesus and His disciples were notistyled Rever- md, Doctor, ete., declined. to use these titles, preferring-to-be called pastors. This custom still prevails very gener- no man (Master or) sther- lity, called Higher Cxjti ism. Under writings clearly show thet. fits influence they hat to be + PULPIT:. PASTOR RUSSELL AS CHALLENGED Complete Answer to the, Query, Who Ordained to teach and to preach the True i eee y seetiorised: aad glee authorized, ani fred to bo teachers of the Church, forward the errors which fulgated. By reason of eluimed authority to teach, the believed them too implicitly and no sufficiently criticize their utter- iy seit in the light of the a . low in fe to-day in the various Prov testant denominations of Christen- dom? Are al those who receive eec- Beneflisd thessby? Has tuoh oedlams y? Has - tion kept them free from weaknesses. Speaelt Flas Ie bot on we other uate Has it not, on the er exposed them to greater temj because they were p destaled by the people and thereby injured with pride, Ssughtiness, etc.? fas such ordina- tion ed its ministers from doc- trinsl errors more than. th who did not have a similar of men and by mai The answer is found in the numbers who have left various denominations and ordinations to go into other denominations and ordinations. It is guamered slap in the tact that e ters in majority of ordained minis. all denominations. entifely the Bible as a Divine Re velation. Their ordination did not protect them from our modern infidel- teachers of Bible: Chi itianity, and have become merely-essayists, loaders in political and social r form and in humanitarian work. Manifestly their ordination of men and did not hold them to the faith ones de- livered to the saints. (Judg 3) Tt did not assist them to eppre iate the Bible as.being sufficient that the man. of God might be thoroughly furnished unto every good word and work. Let us consider the matter again, from: another standpoint... Did any of these human. ordinations of men and by man impart the Holy. Spirit or give a mental illumination by which any: of these humanly ordained ministers were qualified for preach- ing and teaching the Lord's people? The answer is, No As deep spiritual- ity and as deep insight into the teach. ings of the Scrintures are to be found outside of the pulpit as inside. The ally in Protestant -Germany and Scandina My Christian friends and: Bible Student associates. well fnow my objection to the title Rev. d hende ape a8 *Pastor shepherd. Furthermore, I fam the elected pastop of the Brooklyn Tabernacle congregation and-also of- the London Tabernacle con; ott. fail to see any: ground for criticism of my course in this respect; nor do I nake - any? attack upon. Christian srethren. who accept other and an- teriptural titles: There is no, question that ordination s necessary to. the proper holding o she office of pastor. The whole ques- ion is7-What-constitutes an ordina- ion to preach, teach and be a pastor unongst the people of God? This question has received 9 wide variety of answers. The Roman, Anglican and Greek Churches, claim- ing Apostolic Succession, declare that the authorization to preach must some through their npostle-hishoper Por this reason Protestant ministers Save notobeen allowed to enter the puipits of these denominations until he Episcopalians a. ver ago granted this concession. Their charge has deen that Protestant ministers are Of course, it their pro- position be correct, I am just-as much ali other Protestant ninisters and no mor s0. Only singe the orzanization of the Bvorpelical Alliance (1848) have the fifferent seats of Christendgm ac- tnowledged*each other and each oth- 's ordinations. Some of then recog- aize the word.gordination-in its true fight. as meaning simply guthoriza- tion; and others of less spiritual di serninent see merely an. outward cer mony. Each denomination does its own ordaining, and makes such cere. nanies as it. n y congregation in London choose to ardain or appoint me their Pastor. 's wholly matter of their'awn what ceremonies, it By, shall -accompary hat ordination or Appointment. Who n dispute this, No Protestant de-. comination, strely; for their ordination are on this. basis. The entire stbjeet or or sters cf the Gospel seema to hat 1 into confusion daring the shi Bling sof the: Dales and. few sem tol have gotten f Bible teachings on this other subjects. Bt. Paul : in emphasizing the fact that he)did not receive his commission as.preach- sr and Apostle of Christ from his Brother Apostles. He distinctly d flares himsalt an, Apaate by Diving authorization: This isthe Zeriptural principle underlying Di- vine Ordination to the Ininistry/of Christ. ee Belore we proceed with abt, tion of the Bible teachings. Di Ordination, it willy b for us to pote the of the diferent: of men af Havevall Ug urslfemhe Supply, fat be- tween 12,000 and 20,000 toni is ex from 8.25 to 8.50 per tits ndvance only covers the toni, ordination, evidently, brought no lightenment, no gift of the Holy Spirit the thing above all needed by those who would teach others and expound the Gospel. The ordination of ministers, of men and by man, has been injutious in that it has perpetuated the miscon- eeption that the Church . is divided into two classes clergy. and Isity. The ordained have been injured. by ing puffed up to suppose themselves ofa higher casta than their brethren. The unordained have been injured in that human ordinati befog their minds real. ordination: laity have been binders from entering upon the very service. which: God in. tended should b2 their chief, aim and abject. In the early Church,. the Bidcrs were considered merely elder brothers of the Church not elders in years necsssarily, but advgiced ones 1 Lthings, able to help -the brethren properly to understand the Word of God and to attend to all the duties and ppeivt legos inculeated by the Gospel for their preparation, for a share in Messiah's Kingdom. The ordination of reverend m n' to be rulers, and in some cises dictators of Church, has taken away from th Elders the very services that the Apostl: telts them. wer: to be theirs. Instead. it paints them the smply . hono- cf passing the collection plate and the communion s:rvicw.. St. Paul, in his address to th . Elders of the. sonaregition at Ephesus, said. Take heed therefore unto yourselves; and to alt the Flock, over which the Holy Spirit hath made you overseers (Greek, episkovos, literally, bishops), to feed the Church of God. (Acts xx, 28.) All of thers had the commission te A ek-the-Fiock Ait of trem hud opportunity for teaching, instructing the Church: All will admit that if preachers are gt; representatives of God, if they speak In His mame, they must have some nrdination ftom Him, . Whoever has aot Divine authority 8 usurping a holy office and placing himself in agomi m to God. As St. Paul sug- No man taketh this honor that is called of . ares bee) argument is that the jood was typical of the of Jesus the Mel- jood. Aaron and his to the tribe. specially jiyine services; and they allied out of that tri jest, The antitype is Priest or Head Priest, Priesthood all the sof the Church of Ohrist. This St. ter shows seyi hot to the aye fo all the Chas Ye salled , were lo be thes Tesuc, the aver the ait rue meray are a Rava Pelewhood, holy Specul lj Dedple. that ya Show forth thie praises otek as called f Aaron received ing him for the 60 Jesus received Head or Chief fhe Ghurch, the unite 2 ob- fore the tations the 8 AFG to the ot. mm ; pp bt io attempt is tah to Bay, HON the desired quantities oan We supplied. Local dealers have stopped hipping west and will make every effort to insure an adequate supply. to-day refers to thi the stocks now on hand and the as- of the Holy Split cama Ais. baptism. That Him authori His: sermon in eelani ey Se opening ve alah txt, find declared that their tuldiment-had lo preach good tidir 0 the meek. ach ge unto the EB Bake ive tan While Jesus was with His disetples. Ho sent-them forth to preach in His ame. not inthe Fother's name; oF the. Fathor had not srt acknowietged er ivi the anol the Holy Spink, cas, we reads, the Holy Spicit was oot vet givens. be cause Jesus wag. tat y React ien eres aa eaten disciniee he iP promised power from on High Tmmediai immediately they 3 and from. Him at Pentecost by the Divine appointment it has flowed down over al) the. members of touts 4 the Holy Spit ties of ie Holy PD a qualified ambassador of God to spenk His name. As St. Peter says, every such one is a Royal Priest. St. John ame anointing, saying. Ye have an unetion (anointing) from the Holy One, and ye all know From wha we have said if must be clear that no one is entitled to speak for the Almighty unless he hav th Divine Ordination of the Holy Snirit Human titles and human ordination are wholly. inadeqtiate to make a te: preacher and teacher in the Chur of Christ. But the Spirit-l fully authorized to use th: opportunity under. all eiren and conditions. Thers is no divi lt;i of thess Spirit-begotten ones alo the Hines of clerey and never recognized such di and: divisions. His ami Neat the, marks of identification none others have. They edgy of the real Ge: rea character of. G guided by the Holy Sp step into the deen things,of God, We submit that if a knowl dge of the Truth Se an-indication of: an ing influsnce of the Ho preacher world gives evidene gt; of a D: dination to teach and to spenk as a Di Ambassador. We must put away the foolishness of the Dark A: and the misconception that a few mumbled phrases were ever the Di vine method of inducting. the Royal Priesthood into their service as mi isters of the Truth. Let us note the Gospel which Jesu- was anointed to preach, and which we as His members are anointed to preach Fear not behold we bring y tid f great joy. which shall be unio al peovle. he Spirit of the Lord is upon ine, beedug He hath anointed me-to preach good tid- ings to the meek. Poor humanity is nlreadytander the Curse; and the Gospel Messave ir that God fas provid- a way by which we may as nt: come out from tndir the Curse. The 3 ; and all of our aches find pains and sorrows ant tears ar directly. or indirectly associated with that Curse. The M good tidings, com hearted ones, ing, God wipe away all tears from their and there shal be no more de neither sorrow, nor erying. neither shall there be cny more pitin there, Revelation xxi, 4 Spirit. step by The Cricket on the Hearth. The. cricl fon the hearth is still a for the cricket is be to-bring, good luck to a house, while his departure isa certain harbi if evil tidings. It ia unlucky to a cricket. A Lancashire. cortespondent df The London Notes and Quericx records a local superstition that crickets ar Jacky ubout a house-and yill do no hatm to those who us: them well, but that they eat holes in the worsted -stookings of such imembers of the family as kill them The -vriter adds that he was assured of this ol the experience of a re. spectable farmer's family, * Famous Wide Str Unter den Linden, the famous Ber lin thoroughfare, is 215 feet. wide; the Ringstrasse, in Vienna, is 88 feet, the Paris Grand Roulevard 122 feet, and the Andrassy Strasse. i Budn pest, 155 feet. wide. Busy Swansea. Bwansea is the chief seat of the copper. smelting trade in. Great. Bri fain and within compass of tout miles it possesses various works, giv ing employment to over 90,000 persons. , however, little doubt put the famine wilf beriously affect Western communities, Two cargoes consisting of betwoen twelve and fif- teen thotisand tolls are-on the. way up the lal and famine prices Will not Become effective here until SUNDAY SCHOOL, Lesson Vill Fourth quarter, Ber Nov, 24, 1912, THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson. Mark ix, 1-13 Memiry Verses, 9, 10 Golden Text, Luke ix, 35 (R.. V.) Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. ti recorded, by Matthew and Luke as well ua by Mark. t was the one occasion on which the glory which was always in Him was allowed to sbine through, tc this particular wily. In the tabernacle and in the temple the glory of God w: Always in the holy of holies ubore the merey seat, between the cherabim, but the veil concealed It the vell which was rent in twain from the top to the bottom tn the midst when He died and which. we are told in Heb. x, 20, repre: sented His fesh or body. John ays that the word was made flesh and tabernacied among us. and we bebeld Bis glory. As he makes no record of the trans. figuration, possibly be refers to it in this saying. as well as to His whole life on earth. Peter undoubtedly refers to the transSguration woen. he says, We made known unto-you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and were eyewltnesses of His majea- ty. for be mentions the holy mount and the words from the Father John (14: IL Pet. 1, 10-18). In connection with the coming of Christ in glory which He mentioned tn last week's lerson He sald that some of those. who stood there would not taste of death tl they bad seen the kingdom of God come with power of the Son of Man coming in Hix king: dom. Then after six intervening days, or, as Luke says. about eight days. He took Peter and James and John nto a high mountuin, apart by thein- selves, and 43 He prayed He was trans- fxured before them. It seems to me that the wouder was not thit the glory now shone through the veil of His flesh. but that ft was always there, yet concealed. But it was. ax to His whole life. the time of Hix appearing as one to ns, xin excepted (Heb. th 14), His face did xbine as the sun, and His. raiment wax white and glistening, shining. white ux the light, white as snow, When Moxes came down from the mount the kin of hls face shone so tht he had td wear a v il while he talked with the people (x, xxxiv. 29- 35). That must-have been reflected light. He did not wear the vell when be went tn to talk with the Lord and possibly only after he had done talking with the people. Stephen's 4ace seems to have reflected soinething of thie same Hight (Acts vl, 19 . How wonderful the statements concerning us in Matt. xiil, 42: 1 John Hi 2 Consider for a little these two men from beaten who are talking with Jesus and whom the three favored, disciples lt;aw and seemed to uow. for Peter mentions. them by 1.400 yeamg gt;aince Moses dicd and was buried on Mount Nebo Meut xxxit) and: perbaps 900 years since Elijnb. was take from the side of Elisha on the eaxt of Jordan by a whirlwind ard horses and chariot of Gre (Hl Kings ii). yet here they alive and weil and recognized. as. no doubt we shall know all in the glory yeithout ntroductions. They talked with Jesux about His decease, which He Should accomplish at Jerusalem (kets. 30. By, virtue of thnt atoning death they, and all the redeemed *from Abel on- wird had enjoyed centuries of bilss, a: it Were. on a: promissory uote now abow tu be paid, None are nglory hur ever can be except by virtte of that precious blood-tn due time shed on Golgotha. It ts the blood that maketh jonement. and without shedding of blood there ts no remission of sims (Lev. x lf-l1: Heb. Ix. 22). The disciples were heayy, With sleep (uke ix, 32), and so it was also tn Gethremane, lt; Are wi not all in a meastire asleep to the great things of God? How often we talk as foolishly as Peter. who sugzested the fliree tabernacles, not-knowing what to iy. That 1k a: g00d word' for as, Awake, thou that sleep st. und. arise, from the Aead.-and Christ shall ftve thee. light (Eph. tl, 14h.) As Peter spoke a cloud orershadowed them, nd 9 voice came out of the cloud, saying: This ts my beloved Som. in whom I am -well pleased. Hear ye Him. And they saw fio mati apy more save Jesus only with themselves (verses 7,8: Matt, xxvIl, 58: i ee A BLOOD MEDICINE WITHOUT ALCO 4 kor he genateltat reser aay eee at wrens te forza teat aleceal wales of the blood and renders theun weable to take or isons porme Conse the death of ovse oh Ealt of the b Abi medicine, tract of roots, such as Bloodroot, Queea s root, Go Stove root, has been extensively sold by druggisrs Pieroe's Goldeu Medical Discovery. The Nature's influeqve the blood is bathed in the tonic which the vital free of the body burn brighter and their inc tissue rubbish which has accumulated during the winter, a H-E. BAR Surgical Institute, and a practice, was the first to eh roots, without particle of alcohol or narcotic. eh pooa sents Spiga ie ; giceremeair hae coon So gt; Firaily 1 wen tod t tae of the treatroedt the ware real font froublen, aera te nd dostroy disease goemes I, which fn PuF dlyceria , . oetta ea den Seal. root, Mandrake and for the past yoars as Dr. influence of ext) is like ivew life to the hae activity consumes the if of the Tavalids Hotel and ian of large experience aud up an ALTExArive Exraacr of to take up made entirely without alcoho tel De, R. V. Pieroe, the foun ng whe pometet pare a Teed rag as NE wate et on know ot tor Mas Watts ean ate sore have to consult a spectatist coneerntat wht be edt Sut helene oe we vised ma vo write to De. Bierce which Tad iter Kind figed seven mee Sad 1 enter teeter a Den Ploren's AlcHlenline Sve T dressed the wo Goble Aled'ont alwaya the and Pisaaant. Pellets for yocr meietnen, ee arn fiver and bowels. NUM. J. 3. COSTELLO, 420 Main Note Street - Phone 7329 Our Prices on Redcliff Property 1500.00 for 50 2200.00 each. ft., Block 84, terms. Terms. Two 75-ft. corners, Block 107 2200.00, terms. 75 ft. corner, Block 107. 300.00 cach, terms. Four lots in Block 45, 1750.00, terms: 50 ft. corner, Bloek 106. 1700, usual terms, 50 ft., Block 106. We have 320 Acres close to Redcliff. Will soon be itable for Subdivision. Snap.Farm Land prices. ALSO NOTE THIS MAIN ST. BUY: 35,000, terms. 25,000, terms. 50 ft. Block 5. Snap. 100 ft., Block 12. We have 6,000 Acres adjoining the city where things are doing. SEE US. GIVE US YOUR LISTINGS. Stock must be SPECIAL LOW PRICES Will Be Given On All MILLINERY, TRIMMED HATS, RIBBONS, LACES, VELVETS, GUNG OUT We want to sell in a hurry and willmake-the prices move the goods. Store is rented to another tenant. MISS BUZZA OF BUSINESS SALE all sold by December Fourteenth, AND NECKWEAR. ae 397 Toronto St. To Him xive all the prophets witness, ul xo it must be Jesus-only.-The Lord alone, shall be exalted. See now the kingdom in tminiatufe the Lord Jesus glorified and with Him the risen saints represented by Moses and the trans hited saints represented by Ejijah, The three disciples may represent all Israel made tighteous and the niultitude at the foot of thie bil the people td be blessed when the kingdom comes. Blessed are all who see the glory of Fils kingdom, endeavor now to walk worthy of it and Hye to hasten it As they came down from the mount He charged them to tell no one of the wonders they had seen till the Son of Man should be risen from the dead, but Just what that saying meant not one of them could tell (rerse 10), for they did not believe that He was to die. They j femembered some of the last words of Malach concerning Elijah and spoke nd Jesus indorsed them and of th Wy-thet-monkess ald that they would surely be fol- Ancient records. sh were kept as peje lv as the led. that there had been already a 1290 B, C. 5 5 fulfillment in John the Baptist 4 Nobody likes the man who thinks he knows it: all. : The average man s popularity sei- dom outlasts his money. Dr. Martells FemalePills Nineteen Years the Standard Prescribed and recommended for women s ailments, a scientifically sured in-coming supply is exhausted. Loose Leat System The News Job Department has every facility for sup- plying. the most. satiatactory. prepared remedy of n worth. The result from their ase Is quick and permanent, For b at all dray etorer 9.0,0.-10 Og v ADLLINGER AGENCY SPECIALS WORTH BUYING HERALD Block 22, 100 ft, 3000. Terms. on Highland St. Block 19, 50 ft, 1500. Terms. Block 17, 50 ft; 1000. Terms, Block 10, 50 ft, 1200, Terms. CENTRAL PARK Block 7, 50 ft, 1476. Block 13, 125 ft, corner, 3600. Terms. Block 6, 50 ft, 1509. Terms. HOUSES : New 6-room brick modern, on. 50 ft. lot on Braemar Sti,. 75004. 7 Lot is worth half the price. GET IN QUI MONEY, OTHERS ARE DOING IT EVERY DAY. ANNOUNCEMENT The Western Engineering Co. are prepared to: undertake the. supervis- ion of any irrigation or hydaulie construction. estimates, veys, maps, ete. TEMPORARY OFFICES, HUTCHINSON BLOCK Phone 867. COUSINS. and SISSONS Block 6, 60 ft, 900. Terms. Block 22, 60 ft, 1060, Terms. Block 34, 100 ft., corner, 1160. Terms, NORTH YUILE Block 9, 50 ft, 1050. Terms. Block.1, 60 ft., 1260. Terms, 2 Acres of Trackage, 1300. Terms. A snap. BUSINESS Block 51, 250 ft, corner. The cheapest on Toronto Street, 200 per foot. This will be worth 500. per foot in the spring: s z A IF YOU WANT TO MAKE SOME EASY Terms. house, fully railway, structural, municipal, Sur- reports, specifications, Medicine Hat *PHONES lt;BRSIDENCE 211 Piano Moving -A Speciatty Transfer Co. Tasker apid LIGHT and HEAVY easonable DRAYING liable Main St, next City Hall, forma, * To Pay Of Morts To Improve Rea HOW MUCH A) PAYING: It would buy yor in ten yea INVESTIGATE PLAN AT O - THE CANADIAN UNVESTMENT LMT IMPERIAL BAN MEDICINE HA Office Open E Until Nine 0 THE FAM Schub Symphon Lady Qu: of Chic at the OPERA H Tuesday, I Curtain at 8.9 PROCEEDS IN ST. BARNABAS Tickets: Reserves 75 cents. General Admissior Plan 2t 0. 8, P tore, Main: Street. TO HOMESTEAD) COAL co. Galt Stove, Blacksmith's Coal. Latge or smal shipped to any sta Storage: - Esplaz Railway. , TAYLOR Room 17 Beck P.O. Box CROSSLEY Builders. Co 729 Lockwo Houses for F.S.1 CONTRACT HEAVY TE GRADING AND E Gravel and San: Yuill Street. P. 0, Box
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Image 976 (1912-11-23), from microfilm reel 976, (CU1773126). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.