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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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buyers can not Vici Kid asts in winter weight. ut. Regular 3.75; heels and winter AN sizes. Regu 810 to a customer.) -PERS ered felt soles, Lic bess ee. MAIN STREET Phone 54. stretch of its run when the, wreck oc- gers who Present Bally Average 2225 Coples. Advertisers ix Dally get the benefit of the Weekly country circulation, No extra charge. Books open to ad- vortinors. VOL. 3 NO. 116 lt;u se Two Killed, 17 Hurt F in Bad Wreck Near Fitzgerald To-day James Cain, Veteran Medicine Hat Engineer; H. H. Flower, Calgary, Fireman, Meet Terrible Death : When Engine Left Track and Rolled Over Both Were Scalded to Death. AS-TRAIN STRUCK SWITCH ENGINE LEFT : bi Eight of the Seventeen Injured by Being Hurled Through Windows and Cars in Hospital One or More May Die From Serious Injuries. THE DEAD: ENGINEER JAMES CAIN, Medicine Hat. Died at the throttle. Badly injured about left side, leg injured. Evidently scalded to death. FIREMAN H. H. FLOWER, Calgary. Sealded to death. THE INJURED: i EORGE WLING, Medicine Hat, car repairer. Right Oe heal crushed, amputated. , Condition .precar- ious; may die. WILLIAM SMITH, Lethbridge, (passenger.) Forehead cut. Badly shaken up. 4 WILLIAM OROSS, Lethbridge, (passenger): Right ear eut; shoulder bruised. GEORGE RUSSELL, Keeler, Sask., (passenger). Hand eut. HENRY HENDRICKSON, Finland, (passenger). Three bad sealp wounds. : JOSEPH WYNN, Central Butte, Sask Abdomen jured. Condition reported doubtful. ABRAHAM DOUGLAS, Kipp, Alberta, (passenger)- Sealp wound 5 inches long; left shoulder Severely in- jured, Condition precarious. MARTIN EDWARDSON, Seven Persons, (passenger). ei Ant arm broken in two places; right shoulder eut bruised. Condition precarious. Some nine other passengers were more or less: cut, braised or shaken Up. sare subtarang from the-shogl Train wrecked 514-517; due here at 4.30 from Koot- enay Landing, was travelling on time, about 3.30 when the wreck occurred. - The cause is-so far unknown. The official statement issued says indications point to the fact that the train was travelling too fast. The direct pees was the wreck of a freight car and the passenger was ordered to go in through the side track to get past. It was just as the engine struck the point of the switch into the siding that it left the rails. Engineer Cain and Conductor Reeber were in charge. 7 i the throttle, Jay under the fire tine Ear ish Oa ox of his teiae: He sufered a in Medicine Hat at 4.30 o'clock from ; a Kootenay Landing, piled in a heap ost eeeeiie ae ss did also his about 3.30 o'clock this morning at aes susie hetas Seka a Fitzgerald, 2 small crossing between cured as to the speed at which the Seven Porsons and Bullshead. TWO train was travelling, other than the Enginemen lost thelr hives and s0m word excessive used in the offiial seventeen people were mi report. two or three of them ei ee ee pot 8 When it struck the switch, the en i careened and rolled completely The train was just on the ast . The train broke loose and the baggage, express, mail car and coaches left: the rails.and ralled over. Engineer Cain andsPireman Flower, it is likely, hardly know what had happened B fore they were pinned down under their engine. The first of the* passengers to reach the . en- gine eotild distinctly, above the roar of the escaping steam from the big iron monster, clearly define the moans of the dying engine men. Engineer Cain's left side was badly crushed above the heart but*fromithe state of his hody he evidently died a terrible death. The escaping steam from the brokeri and twisted engine evidently slowly but surely claimed his life. Witten tite rescuers found him he was dend. gt; HH. Flower, Calgary, the fire- man, died like his chief at his post in- curred. Severs passengers had boarded the train at Seven Persons, a few at other points along the Hine be- tween there and Lethbridge. Other. than that the people on the train ewere all ing. Suddenly, wit a warning o heariebrenr ye a je jolting and instantly follow- Seal teh scans The engine left, the rails and practically the whole train of followed. What a few moments before had been a fine train of first-class cars, bowling along in the breaking daylight was instantly turned into a broken and twisted mass of wood, iron and steel. Worst-of-all from every part of the wreckage screams of pain, screams of agony and groans from the dying en- ginemen could be heard. MEDIC none and arr Tey, Fe As BL AND C, A. Fy i TELEGRAPHIC 'S) es eet went Tony CANADIAN ec ie ambulance had taken the injured away. the bodies of the dead were removed and taken*to Nott s. undertaking roomt, Blood-vovered and blood-besmeared Pussengers, many with uty about the head, face and hands, clothin ripped and torn to shells, stood firound the platform, tall: and tel - ing,the morbid crowd about the wrecls, till they were hus- tled away to the Hospital: Fireman, Flower, the jad engine nian, belongs to Calgary, Fireman * Condon of this city is tle regu- an for this run, but luckily Him and untuckily for Flower, he this trip, and did got take BAITS cars Ee the greatest sufferers in the smash. Mafl Car Smashed. The mailclerks were busy sorting the last of their mail, when, the crash came. Before they knew that anything was wrong they were hurl- ed with great foree against the sides of the car or buried under piles mail bags. All were somew bruised and cut. The clerks are: W. A. Williams, E. A. Sibley, Berestoe, A. Anderson and Mr, Gil- ray, all of the Hat. A coroner's. jury has been sum- they will meet at the. Court -House tonight for an inguest. At the C, P. R. office this after- noon the following official statement was issued: Herewith list of persons killed and injured at wreck of train 614 this morning at Fitzgerald, which it will be in order to publish: a vigorous duce, incite empire are thereby for trying his counts though it is s-too much continues, -in ev- bridge, forehead cut. Geo, Dowling, car repairer, Med- icine Hat, right leg badly crus ed; amputation necessary. Wm. Cross, passenger, bridge, right ear cut, and passion. to Keep the They know well enough iol at white heat; Leth: joulder er, Bask.. hand cyt. Henry Hendricks n, passenger, Finland, three scafif wounds. Joseph Wynn, pi er, Central Butte. Sask.. ae not serious. Abraham Douglas, . jassenger, Ribp, Alta., scalp wound five inch- es long, left shoulder severely n- Surea, Martin Edwardson, passenger, Seven Persons, right arm broken in two: places, Tight shoulder cut and bruised, All above taken to Medicine Hat Hospital, and att nded to by Pr. Gershaw, , Those able to do so fe: turned to their respective homes. So far as investigation shows up at the present time, accident due against American produce. This in- trigue, which has 4 eda meas- ure of success in is becom- ing bravely jingoistic. y nearly jall forget that since Canada obtained self-government she has reaped no benefit trom the British fleet because there have been no enemies to protect her from. They never dream at the British fleet bas been. trebi ' dozen years to satisfy the Moloch ot War and must never fealize that they have no debt because they have been paying taxes for'th development ot Canaa s natural resources andiso are buililing up power on the em noughts could. west switch at Fitz YNOR Senator Dead f entioned as Demo- eratie Presidential Oandi- date: Washington, D.C, Noy. 25. Sena- tor Isadore Raynor, of Maryland, one of the leading Democratic members. of the United States Senate, and a man whose name wag offered to the Bal- timore convention by W. J. Bryan. as suitable candidate for the presi- -dential nomination, died here carly today. at the end of a jong Iliness, yy J. M. CAMERON. lt;f gt; : Locat on Board, Art Halward, of the Hat, was on the wrecked train..He says that the sae was a terrible one. Cain was one of the pioneer redsients of Medicine Hat, and -be- sides. being*one.of the most trusted and efficient employees of the C.P.R on this division, possessed qualities of-citizenship which placed him high in the r gard of the comitiunity. He held adYaneed ideas in fegard to snunivival ownerstip and always took teat interest in civic aifairs general- ly, bis presence at public meetings ensuring a thorough airing of the subjects under discussion. He was a member of St. Patrick's congrega- tion and a Liberal in polities. He. nemadtis. Senator Raynor had been in a com- atose State since Inst Wednesday, with one or two rallies. His severe leaves -a widow and six small child- iiness covered a *period of abgnt e stk weeks ating from the ee made in We joint political ite BIG FOUR PLANS CONSOLIDATION. with Burke Cochrane . at Baltimore late in September. Physicians com- Cincinnati, 10. (Nov. -26s In pur-petied kim fo retire from thes eam tnd in the same roanner only that ; the ground, many there is not a of any kind on of them badly injured, but the ma- his body other than the voalds. jority stunned and bruised front the . Likely to Die. Shook -of foree of the eure ean Of the eight injured who were tak- they were hurled through the win- on'to the Hospital , on the arrival dows when the crash oan the day here of the reseue train, one, Geo. reste eee vere the Dowling, a car repairer of this city, worse injured. Several of them wore i Bkely die. He is in precar- Anjure t fous condition. The others are ser- thrown with terrific ears ae iously hurt and it will likely be a NTs otal Ha ware sustained. 9H S09 tlre St fo known nat AML wte sopra Teen oat be. the clone, WBAE the outeome will be. many were internally hurt, and many Scone at Station. timba were fractured. No better evi- ' The station platform preoented a weird sight about 10.30 o'clock whop dence of the force of the crash can be secured than by the fact that the the train with the dead and injured artived. he bodies of th. two heavy. coaches were hurled clear of the right-of-way, past the fenpe and dead enginemen were in ono of tho coaches ax were also the See onto the prairie. The worst scene of all, the most Dowling, the worst injured, was the Superintendent's car, gs pitiful and lamentable, was at the ich: also onthe train. The injured were Bodies of men, women and child- suance of the policy of consolidation mapped out by the New York Central Lines, the stockholders of the Cleve- land, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louls Railway met here today and gave approval to the plan of the di- Tectors for the purchase and consoll- eee dation of a number of subsidiary lines las s heretofore leased by the Big Four. Of which the lines to be consolidated the most important is the Cairo, Vincennes and Chicago, which has 462 mips of Toad extending from Terre Haate to Danville on the north, to Catro on the south, and to- East St. Louls on the weet. Palgn atvonce after that and he re- ton home where Senator Ray- from neuri- making his 1/ His death the Senate of ' Maryland. f that State is not meet this 8 fabtican Governor's o through the the next copgress, Mitchell, 8: D., Nov. 25. President Ledger of the American Library As- sociation 8 scheduled ax the prin- cipal speaker at the annua conven- tion of the South Dakota Library As- sociation, 3 met in his city today SUCCEEDS (Special to the News) + Winnipeg, Nov, 25. Chattoa. N. Bell, secretary of the Winnipeg Grain Exchange, was elected president of engine. Bealded to Death. hustl d to the Hospital, tat is. Engineer James Cain, those Badly hurt, while the a veteran otnery, session. Librarians the Canadian Club here at their an- stees from all parts nual meeting here teday, sucteedihg in attendance, former Mayor W. Sanford Evans, grices of the old and es Premier Borden e the dollars from If these benevo- ly spontaneous, pro- seasoned colonial pol- The net ble, C. H. Baker, who, has just spent three declares that al- horrid thought, there J. Cain, engineer, scalded to death, m joint investment H. H. Flower, fireman, sealded 5 to death. They preach the Wm, Smith, passenger, Leth- 'y prejudice. eg gt; efor rn exes p lt; cae Riise, Gann Ack eep intact the protective tariff more trulj than a world of area Fesulting from continued attacks off ou, NESHIErS CASE UP FOR. TRIAL case would te before the jury i 2 o'clock Monday afternoon, there train ously. ompe l all parts of the It gays the young- ington table Grant ta be way north Lewis aident leader place arms Hay: lowed lution fe theure Pisin Turkey to Regina, Noy. 6. An application is Montreal, Smy: Feported to have g cupied the large Turkish island of Chios in the Ae chatalja lines, curiae ean Sea, and close to this city. ed a oe ee one of the richest and most beautl ful islands of the Levant with a pap- ulation of about 6000. counter between Win. D. Haywood, a the World, and J. M. was national campaign manager of the recent Socialist campaign, took vention Hall, where Federation of Labor was holding its final session, met Just outside a door to the aud- itorlum, the door was open and Preg- ident Gems Haywood strike Barnes, A delegate to this convention has been insulted Bhouted . Gompers, keep their seats and the.sergean took refuge in laundry one barred the door, vented further trouble. turbance in the night e1 presidents of the Uni college presidents of political economy bye, zens, Was unanimously aid Samuel president of the Ame of Labor ower atex: sembled in been postpom postpanemesit was made fen from all parts of the South At- tic sand Gulf States, the jurors tind je enough evidence against the ex-president of the Farmers Ban) he will Uikely- be tried: somo week. EASTERN BLIZZARD ie, Nov. 25. Ten inch- fallen bere bythe ber ditezZahd celised WAR WNGNITABLE: BETWE AUSTRIA-HUNGARY ANE Latest Baspatches F i Austrian Mbbilized Ultimatum Be Sent to 9 Servia. Berl swans n slight delay Austri: ervied, but not so-as to serl- ineommode the public, . 25. -Prestaaife Sam- of the American Fed. seriously Mat and is threatens i to his ph aip- for the President the lurgest and this section and to grace th next Thursday. every to Patt, NEW. RAILWAY made to Parliament for a char- ter for the Dominion Northwest Rall- Company to construct a line from Regina to Red Deer, Alta. via Tuxford on the C. P, R., with bran- ches from towfship 23, range 16, to Battleford. PROMOYER IN TOIL, P.Q, Nov, -25. Altred Ruthven of Topeka, Kan., pre- of the Dominion Automatic Train Control Company, who has been advertising extensively its ae in Canadian papers tor the last Was arrested ini Montreal today chats. etwith -talse- pretences, ra, Nov. 25 The Greeks are GOMPERS Labor Haywood in Serap. Rochester, Novi 26- A. tistic- en lt; fn the Indystrial Workers of Barnes, who last night in the lobby of Con- the American Haywood and Barnes , on the platform, saw leghteh tees the Tur oe has been sext. Re-Elected President: of the American Federation of that all tHe Servian troops who can tion Bap ihe: source. Despite official Austrian denials of persona i b 1 the reported mobilization of the 0 i a With tro-Hungarian drniy, the dent declares that five army ct have already been mobilized and the ' Vienna, Nov. 26. The result of the visit. to Bexjin of Archduke Francis Fer the Austrian heir to the ly in those qhestions relating to Rowmenia and the Adriatic Sea, Ger many, Italy and Austria. .will march Quebec, Nov i n Rioux, of the Royal George, i wircless message ashore some days REo that the steamer would be tloat- d off on the 24th Inst. he cient left a margin of twelves howcs .ease of accident, as. the tide would be high at 5.42 acm.on that date, As matter of fact, he was floated off at four o'clock; half an hour at Padem Kui Otteman treops captured 800 of the Bulgarian and Servian right wing on also: deft. six fisld- guns and one ma- chine gun on the field. Another, special says Austria-Hun- gary is mobilizing w striking forde at Port Haguasa ta which place a portion of the garrison of the Aus trian fortress of Spizza, in Dalmatia + Servians Ayutas. Vienna, Nov. 25. It is reported ere that the Belgrade forts are be- ing hastily armed with heavy guns by the Servian war office. 2 Information has also been received be spared from Prisrend and Monas- tir have been recalled to the Servian capital. gt; Meeting Today. sLondon, Noy. 25. The Plenipaten- observance. tisties of Turkey and of the allies Pee nations bell their first moeet- TRIAL IN mae RIDER CASE. ing this afternoon to discuss the pre liminaries for the negotiations Owensboro, Ky, armistice, Greek Success, 3 Athens, Noy. 25. Greek troops to iis came up for trial In the Federal y Big Bill Haywood, Delegates il remove the disturhemMs foo: ran Into the st several delegate opposing the pani and Gompers mado ince, until next large attendance Z wint Janina. f Dardanelles Open. erly on tho left flank of ; elites, has en doepatenettee to Brack Sea in order to strengthen the ribe n w for the Daily News. day occupied the Samarina . Road Gourt,, The case is one leading to the Turkish fortress of of maiy night rider cases pending in the Federal Court in Western Ken- tucky. VanHoose is secking damages Constantinople, Nov. 25. The Dar- on-the grotind that he was driven out a or irlal he was awarded a Judgment ps on the forts guarding them, of 2,500. the capture pad pas would 7 a Greek to sail through OLD RSE SALE OPER ant C ae wand GLORY HO) iser Lost, New York, Nov. 25 Lovers and don, Now-25. The loss of the breeders of fine horses trom widely h cruiser Hamidich is a severe separated parts of, the country throng- dieap to the Ottoman command- ed Madison Square Garden this morn- n-ehief, special de: ing at the opening of the annual g patches received from the front. Old Glory sale, which is a yearly he gus of the other Turkish war- fixture, following immediately ypon hips almost ineffective for the the close of National Horse Show. of stopping the Bulgarian The sale eontinue through the The Yattleship Meidesid- week. The consignments of sacers, which ws aj reemployed and trotters to go ting ee Rodosto and Lat- are declared tobe 2 an en number 20 offerings in which are: rapid) ition to command the oplier, a 77 years ygic Is as keen mente dso far as his phyuie fe concerned, as he bi it, he feels as rugced as 0) in all his 77 yoara the haa boen tree 3 SYment on Huse; north and wild in the land Gakes by brae p What have you to offert/and burn. During the congratn- etter: Co, lations were reo The Daily News eliverds: in): the homme te wii clty 35e month,
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Image 983 (1912-11-25), from microfilm reel 983, (CU1773118). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.