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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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18 GROWING THE MOMENTUM I8 American Hotel pne of the most its of the kind held in some time. The repast Host Fleming. was tasty in with Should, to-cope withthe eity s growth / Hat have at jeast three stations, one on es of. the e were. also es ct former resentatives Rithe Webb firm, he fire apbar- st to the king, Gol. Sissons, the. departmeny. Phe 1913 president- w/the opportunity lor ayfd City council 6 for the dain- em, and assured appreciation of the Sic Lo kwood J (Stoner: MEDICINE ; SS RED CLIFF 2 SS AT, ALTA. ? Wheeler, Limited sency ) -a return directly related to i az one investments: ae 6. Pingle, after a few humorous rks, thanked the nembers afi brigade for tigir honor of elk him their president forfthe ensii ing, He considered it-ne. of the greatest honors that a citizen of Medicilje Hat could receive. There Was not, in his opinion, a body: of young men in the west who could fempare with the Hat's volunteer. firemea. ,During thelr many fights mee fires. there. had b en on. two fie obcasions fires in close prox- txt, property of-his, but be did it view the danger in a serious way. Hg had contidence in Chicf Hatcher anid his men, and he found out that bis copfidence was well placed, He ther weht ato the matter of extend- ing the bfigade, Mgfiicine Hat. he east sile and an uxilliary sta- ton on. the hill, and he hop d that tt one of the first things that. s council would take hola vice ; th re Was not a banquet 6 ny one or any- Doty more mpportiine than the one te, the. fireatsans 99) mich. for: the excellent servic the clty could Hotlem In, thes p ory, but. setter kartipte ii Modficine Hay) lh Dougall MeNal assistan* and: H, L. Dweed, easurer, He told of the histor the department up to the present day; his predeces- sors, his sicieoe ae froubles,.and a few pf his own. iro alarm in those days was rung by the first tian whggiinded at the fire station. He took mer and -walloped a piece of C.P.R. rail as Bard as be could. They had 600 feet of hose and a chemical engine, weighing some tons and requiring about 25 or 0 men to haul it He dealt with the number of yolunteers since the re- organization, practices, etc., and a few, of the troubles with different. unciis, potn out that when all would threat n to resign they g n- erally-got the reforms they asked. He also dealt with the part the firemen had played in athletic sports and; pointed to their many cups as material evidence of their victories. Mr. Williamson, in a few well-cho- sen fwords, expressed: his thanks for the kind invitation to attend the ban- quet. 4 Chiet Hafaie, Lethbridge, in r - spotise to the toast Volunteer Fire D partments, dealt with the. many phases of the question, and wound up with some gt;advice as to: the introduc- Yon of firsbaid to the, injured among the members of the permanent force, Just, Innugurated, . Tweed also responded-to this 4m a humorous manner and packed up the.remarks, bf Mc, Pingle T th extensions of the department Agiateur Sports, toast thttodu ef the vite-chatrman, waligrep to by Dr. C.F. Srfith, andi Plefiins, in a capable manrien, Were humorous in their remirks, b at'the/same time they *polt out the Hat's Wonderfal sui in Sports: in the past, and: thouir aie keopt as end ii of the elt chief, W. department; to post tl y TN head Le come ta as far as fire depa cerned. Service a two. strong argumen this, Engineer Grimmer tated that he always considered himself closely re- lated to the: thre ment, having to do with the wat ply, He fav- ored the motor appamitys and recom- mended that Chier hey be given a private outfit. .. . No city has Bb the words of Ald. i Mayor Spen toast Our Clty, lay's name was also toast. The mayor Finlay: as one of th the city to speak Was one of the Tiss dot where Medicing and he went back and in a well-choser ig general the from that time till, Gi -ug who stayed Bjoy the prosperti He told of the briiging of lumber here, apd also of their trials to get tlie gas, how Jt would no: at first burn, but how later thes succeeded in getting: it going right. For some 7 or S.years the gas was somewhat of falluvep and some men Jwanted to purchase At; but They Fetused to gol , Fud) today the city was reaping the denefite of the: heritaze ,which had beon handed down safely to them. Mayor Speneer said that Clet.Har- die was probably fight about the councli s appreciation of the work of the fire department being slow, but nevertheless ther .nevyer was a more Joyal buach of boys than the Hat's. fnitch Gould notebe said of the We they.shaa done and now thot they, were feaving this sphere of ure fulness, Hewas-eure that they would take up another. Ia the past they bad devoted ail their time to the fire now he hoped. that they Would giv -some of their time to the Inthe ppast yeara heglected Iailig, Thwasingt he age fob fn the world nts: were con lupkeep - were in favor of mayor, were pwn in calling pto respond to fon, W. T. Fin- pupled with the Balled upon Mr. first mayors of dir. Finlay iiHlers of the lat now standt emany years Speech outlined: of the city sald, the few Row here to f,.the men then irs. labored for Rte steBped th, whe jit, timo: came th re Was noMmote; Feuedit, aun him than any A fou of the, dint , f Mayor of , Toronto Says Borden. Plans Ganadian Navy; Built and Manned Here. Toronto, Dec. 31 The World saya: Mayor, Hocken told the members of the Centre suc: South Toronto Con- servativ Club last might that Prem- jer Botden's navy proposals will be found, when ali has been announced to be of a most sweeping nature: The great super-dreadnoughts which re will have Canada contribute to the Empire defence will be built in this country of Canadian materials, by Canadian Tabor, and manned by Canadians. This, His Worship said, he believed is the Premier's ultimate plan, and s such it will be worthy of the sup- port of all true Canadians. We have here in Canada the world s nickle supply, Mr. Hooken said. Without it the highest type of areadnonghts could not be built, But Canada docs not prohibit the export of nickel. If Germany possessell. the same I believe she would keep it for herself in order to build up the great nickle industry in the yworld. Mayor Hoeken is proprietor of the Orange-Sentinel, a paper which has Jong supported . the Conservative party. ASQUITH, BALFOUR, AND CHAMBERLAIN MADE NAY CAPTAINS * to assume. the I cpptain and heriet.t precedendeyt wl George, who thus gave bimself a new rank, the pfime (smmister; George Haniilton (a former Rosebery, Rear Admiral Hector Stewart, Joseph Chamberiain, of Connaught, and the rabies Crewe. The idea of ot ings a nightmare, and beriain, oa. aera as way, te Find Exh ialh: p an d'Writes ie London, bed: 0 ely has , the Wife of a foreigh ami m becom. such a centraj of eourteou: fae and diplomat the Prine as Lich) wife of the new German Goyrt of St. James. When Baron Marshall yon Bieber. st in died, England with its:cinstant inciination te Germanaphobia, was feartul that his successor might not beva mtr of such suaverand ameliora- eugpndenciea, but Ince Charles Mla Heb, cultured ing orgetted with clpty sel et inh the n i find favor Ppa pao tov Lodge fear seyeem tie Neve te thts a facil Lord 1,500,000 a: year. first siderable balance after lord of Ske admiralty); the Earl of masters are paid and a : B. devoted to the saintenmice of digent: men who have spent a premier A..J. Balfour, Prince Arthur on the Irigh sas. ce to on even: . fine channel cross- porations ia lost int 4 ou an occasion Ree Ae to feed: them Bap Priicons soe ns Dlayay sings, teaydls. and wri and it is thi watt ot lige che tre that is at present occupy tng attention she 18 also. a, So iglosy astivd and - practical on, eugenics, She has lately: published a book on proud coming book -that she consi Sippointmenc areas works Esypt, the iMnstrations: and tesbuot which are both by her own ee as she.4s of this, it isthe . er erning this tarremching study nce oe 6 entrancing px ot ae hursery-are vas hie Princess Ete gcconsldered a great acquisl ranks of
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Image 1267 (1912-12-31), from microfilm reel 1267, (CU1773634). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.