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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Why, it's Mrs. Edwards round again she's always ready to lend a hand with the cook That nourishing home-made I di hundred-ways. females a made dish. And, to bring ont, the goodness of your own soup and gravies and hashes and meat like adding Prime beef and the finest of Irish vege- vi ue ays Edwards Desiccated Soups gt; Peril Brows, Tomate, While: The Brown Soo tad och vegtadion Tae Cider ad Sook Book. Write for a copy post free, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta,, * Aik eke ate sterestek tere: inclines at the kitchen door? rish soup of hers is a real iahcofall work useful in a it's fine a tasty by itself. Ite savoury sauce, It's Puddings there's nothing DWARDS SOUPS what Mrs. Edwards ts in es 4 but what's pui there is no strong ea tayo Sp asi wit if for ha aren ion how. Sc. per packet. are made in three buraly vegetable soups, Laas dcnige cop nation titer Sa 3 BB, ESCOTT HARMER, Winulpeg, Representatives for SBE oe ole ob ie epee ae sree CHRISTMAS CHEER Under the auspices of the Daughters of the Empire a Christmas Cheer meeting will be held in the basement of St. John s Presbyterian chureh on Thursday, Decem- ber 12. All prosperous people who wish to cheer thelr less fortunate brethren are Invit- ed to attend with a basket of groceries, which will be care- fully distributed, Tea will be served from 8 ition an' ingenious plan for a news- idea and. divided Main street, newsboys principal sourdp/ot' rev- enue, into wards, each NEWSBOY POLICE Will KEEP ORDER AMONG FELLOWS President of nd, Association in Springfield, Mass., Ap- ints Patrolmen for Baal HE IS EX-OFFICIO OHIEF OF FORCE, Solomon Skvirsky Has Done Much to Suppress Gamb- Ting and Petty Thieving. Springfield, Mass. Deo. 9. The Springfield Newsboys association - has organiz d a police force to patrol tho business section of the city to feo that newsies conduct them- selves properly and Also that their rights are not infringed upon. Solo- mon Skivirsky; president of the as sociation and ehief of police ex- offico, has appointed a sergeant and patrolmen for each ward. Young Skivirsky eae to this coun- try from Russia when-four and one- half years old, and since he was seven years old he has earned his own living 'by selling newspapers. He i the.most important person in Springfield in. the eyes of the 600 newsboys of the city, among whom. his decrees are law. He attends the Central High school, where he is taking the college preparatory course. He plans to enter Yale uni- versity four years from now and ex- pects/to be able to work his way through collere. -SUPPRESSING EVILS. Gambling and. petty thieving are two evils which the newsboys leader has worked to suppress. Our organ- izarion has stopped much of the gam- bling that formerly went on here to quite an extent among the boys, said Skivirsky. The gambling hab- it with mewsboys probably starts from seeing older boys who hang around the streets play. games of chance. These boys for the most part are in the railroad station dis- trict: They think gambling is an easier way to make money that sell- ing papers or working. That is Fe enough, but it is not an bh eae and our association is' opposed to rls, Slec; cousellioe oe in sociation and a former president of the Chicago Newsboys association, put before a meeting of our associa- boy's police squad. We adopted his the to 6 pm. 126-6 shee fy hy ode beste desks Tate sh i RO vs and to report upon thin Some things that ing pennies and erap. We have ing body similar to thatrotea The aldermen forma ci the association headquarters ant interest of the boys tho: same way asthe Springfield's cityteounci); with tifference that. the.newsboy ited by the'boys,. are recall at any time. fistiss, some bad and some Dad include man s change, hax been lost. Tho good. habits mot smoking, honesty, thought of buying ono, - The policemen in Springfield about subjects so that we may they ean. * The Newsboys association is anilitant organization. When Papers their representatives are rings. it was said. throp, tion. But two or stopped the . Mayor every day to and finally he accepted. He got: ovation when he appeared, ahd Organization. Later he wrote President Skvirsky: TI do not believe iation equal to: yours) in interest, Pr sident Skviriky is making and entertainment/Wwhich shall be red letter occasion. phe duties of these officers are to seo that there is no trouble among niving the most satisfactory. meetings of the as- been regulated. are hold ups, shoot- formed a city goxern ment a plan which gives.a lawemtak- Bach ward has a newsboy alderman, council, which meets every Monday might at, siders different mattors affecting the and requiring faction. Everything is cafried out in 3 afinirs of The newsboy has many character a pallanepnt to a map or a woman ahd orying in pub- lio over lost ntoney whem na money cleanilness, politeness and business ability. A boy with business ability olen sells : to a mdn who has general are kind to the mewsboy: They often Play with us; talk to us get arrested and help us in any way. MILITANT ORGANIZATION. boys have suggestions to make bear- ing on the distribution of-Springfield ceived with dignity by local news- paper publishers. That the public system established by the boys is ef- fective is shown by a recent incident, A Main streat store missed. a dozen The case baffled the grown-up. Police talent of Sprinkfield, but Chiek Skvirisky recovered the rings and ite turned them to the owner. The new - boy. who had appropriated the rings was not a member of the association Atew weeks ago Mayor B. H, La- because of pressure of bas ne s, was obliged to decline an invi- tation to speak before the associa - three of them: in the street press the invitation, came away much impressed with the that Massachu- Setts or New England has an assoc telligence and personal excellence. fangements for a Christiims inner ) + Loss KeatsSystem The News Job Department has every facility for sup- con have FRIED THE CUYMEN No judge. in New York is such terror to evildours and at the sam city Gof, who sentence on Wednesday 608s upon Hyde, tho cian: the fen, and even to United States duct of the was expected man to be Heves to be his The case was what . He is not trom what he be are any influence with him in making a favorable charge onceming a prison- er whom believed guilty. When no bea real trial, and that attempt to restore to mere tech- nicalities would be of little use. SOME F. S TRIALS. While there are judges who have been on the New Mork bench longer than Goff, it is doubtful if any of them has ever o many famous criminal cases tiga before him. Ro- and Molyneaux, young New York elubman, and sonof a distinguished general, was for murder before Goll. Molyneaux was acquitted by a jury, although the harge of Goff was hot one that jated mich confi- ce in the efence put in by the prisoner. Patrick, the lawyer who not a the re other day, was fied by Goff. So was Harry Thaw. Nan Patterson, the actress, also agcused of murder, was. tried hy Goff, and now the most sensational cases tf all have been disposed of by him. The fact that though Goff was on the bench some fof these trials were spun out lweeks, and even months, is an int djeation of the state of the law, for the expedition of trials is one of Goft s hobbies, and he is one of few judges who will sp ak ont openly in condemnation of thg law's delays. THE IRISH BMIGRANT. Judge Goff is ah Trsbman by birth. He was bor ti Wexford 62 years ago, and migrated to tho United States when boy of twelve. All his earthly: belongings he -oapcied. in the few shillingsin his packet-and ah in his hand. He'had. a pl psant Irish face, However, anda willingness to work,so he was not long in getting a job in a retail store. At night he qent to the Pet- der Cooper Union, wite-his books un- der bis arm, for he-had the decent Old: Countryman s respect for learn - and a determination to educate an he to in-) ard) THE JUDGE WAG a greatly admired and respect- edsby the general. public as. Justice Passed former chamberlain. of New York City, and at one time Very prominent politt- As the trim jvdge of Becker abd the gunmeny Gofl's name is tam- iMar wherever the language is spok- telals his was th best known name on the New York bench both in: the abroad. His eon- by any, consider- y Publis knew was released from. Sing Sing the: ie i. itnoclt. Tt is said that most state he went without hig dinner, partly because dinner was a luxury, and Partly because to have eaten it after finishing his day's work would make him late for school. his youthful starvation had) any effect upon his figure is a nice question. Today Justice Gof is tell, straight as a rush, anid very spare . He is almost emaciated. TN POLITICS: LAW. As young man he was-extremely thin, but sinewy and vigorous, as time dem nstrated that his arm could keep his head. When he caine of an age to have a vote he was ooked up by the Tammany leader of his district, and enrolled asa Demb- erat. For some little time he ap- ears to have done his voting as re- quested, but presently he began to look at polities with his-own eyes, and gradually he b oame a leader-in- stead of a follower.. About the time he case his first vote he began to study law. Whifle-he studied he worked in the store, aid finally rose tothe dignity of floor * walker, IF YOU,HAVE ANYPHING TO SELL, WE WANT TO SELL IT, F Ae WA ao INVES WE ldays there. was a good deal shameless grafting, iene was done by his own party, Goff not hesitate to denounce it. So he was by the machine, attorney of New reat chance when pnd to assist the Lexow getting at the facts of tion and gralt in New By Goff the chance was impro Judge Hughes many years pear the opportunity i 1 . insurance. int tion. us Districk attorney Wistaiea, e the Becker case, fe gos dna tiie that 80 mitch evidence, was brought out, and at the end of it Goff might have had almost any slective office in New York City. He chose that of ne sorder, and:it/was as recorder that, he tried many famous cases. When the office was abolished, he was pointed to the Supreme Court, te Nevertheless, We was too able a Ehabter Hof the Staaten of wan for the year paragraph Tlominiae toMeltone Algo to al con of th tshowing aes ot of railway: (a). From pomt st or near Current, westerly to or near tion Company's. sothortaed Pearance- and striking figure fitted him for. As goon as he reteived his Position hishandsome, dignified saa this-position he has held for the five yeats.. Judge Goff has the rept Also to confirm and ratify-an ment between the Company ang the Canadian Pacific Railway Company degree, however, he resigned his job; and began to practise law. About) the same time: he began to interest polities and from ti first tation of being one, st Con- selentious judges, ofi the bench. It is said that it is no unusual thing for respecting the terminals. at Regina. Algo to increase the bonding powers of the Company. SoS agente to ee tao see sSoese ee See oe Since our Store was. burned out on Monday . morning our ized all our departments. . largest orders possible in the hardware business. We Will Continue be. customers have not forgotten their old firm. They have patron- We have filled from the smallest to fhe The B usy B s, TEMPORARY OFFICE To Do So Our stock is as complete as it is possible for any wholesale or retail Bock a Our warehouses are well filled with the choicest of wares. forg lotten us 1 If so, phone oP 1--The Busy B's. il place Have y Desp ite the fire we hag ora, ar Just f Was on ward fo from Sa how got sald 50,0 support ed. bear ping. there wi in New. But 1 BROTHER holesale and Retail H r OVER McKENZIE'S HARNESS SHOP, MAIN STREET. PP POPOL CL PHONE No. 1.
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Image 1093 (1912-12-10), from microfilm reel 1093, (CU1773438). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.