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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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es. Jue use, thor- ated, tint- ng. Pull and win- lly large ire-place. 7000.00 Parcels For Britain. Must Be Posted This Week We will be pleased to pack anything you may, be sending in a thoroughly. reliable manner and supply addross tags. NOW, GET A SWEATER COAT for the father, soil, or brother ovgr there;.s0 suitable for that damp climate. -Our renge Seaport full of sizes: and reasonably, priced. H. S. Ireland Wo do not 53 sults bought after 18 k. Saturday. it is possible to see anywhere. it is so varied it is Impossible for us to describe them in The prices range from 3.50 to 5 50 no higher, and re- er they are the product of the best ladies wear factory in Can- See these if you want to secure some exclusive designs. : LEONARD FLANAGAN + High-Grade Grocers, Goods and Ladies Wear. PHONE 81. . CORNER OF OTTAWA AND SRD AVE. A O. F. LANGE c.E.B.U. Giyil Engineer and Landscape Architect. Sewerage, Water and Gas Supplies. + Street Gradings, Industrial Spur Hallways, Irrigation, ete, Subdivisions, Layout of Parks, Steel Constructions. Designs and specifications for Houses, etc. MOTTO: First-class r sponsible service for Reasonable Prices. REDCLIFF, ALTA. OVER 300 RAISED AT MASS MEETING FOR BOOTH FUN ipa Crowd Turned Out age oom Afternoon to Gathering in Opera House GRAND TOTAL WILL BE O ER-ANOUNT ASKED. Ww. Cousins St Started List With 55 Music by Or- Considerably over 800, the amount set aside for Medicine Hat, was rais Capt. Peacock of Winnipeg and Capt. Oakes of Modicine Hat, The meet- br by Rev. Mr. McDon-. ald, tod after a few and Mr. Cousins, Capt. Peacock taken up, and the sum of 900, amount set aside for this city to raise, Staff Capt. Peacock, however, told of other promised donations which will put the-Hat well beyond the required amount: Wm. Cousins, 55; Mayor Spencer, Ald..Brown and fr. Smythe, 26 each; A. R. Pointer,- 20; Ald. Ans- ley, 16; Ald. Pratt, Ald. Robertson, - B. Haw, H. A. Moore, J. W. Haniectaniate Macis say Leonard, 10 each; Anon, F.. W. Fallis, B. J. Henison, J. Benson lation and thirtesh others, 5 each. 10 was collected in loose . collection. * DRILL HALL SITES IN MOOSE JAW. AND. rg BXHIBITION OF SCANDINAVIAN embraces half hundred paintings by ART. notable Scandinavian artists, together - with numeroysporc laing and carr- New York, Deo, 9...The Norwegian, ings. Following the close of the ex- Danish and Swedish ministers came hibition here the collection will be oyer from Washington today to re- displayed in Boston, Bulfalo, Toledo, present the rulers.of their respective Chicago, Minneapolis. and several countries at the formal opening of the other cities.. Scandinavian art exhibition in this SE EEE city. The exhibition is the first of its The Daily News delivered in the Kind ever held in this country. It city, 35 a month, + McKinnon s Ltd. 391 MAIN ST. ASK FOR GENUINE Butternut Bread RICH AS BUTTER. SWEET AS A NUT. a Look for the Label. Avoid Imitations. Whati isa Voltem Roll? A Voltem Roll is the latest invention in Player io Music hand played rolls (actual records), no controlling, no levers, no buttons you just set the fmpo and play, and you get an exact reproduction e artist s work just as he played it. They will fit any 88 note player and a child can operate them. fF you would like to hear one just. step into our store and say - we will know at once what you mean. MEDICINE HAT MUSIC C1, UNDER THE BIG FIDDLE. Ottawa, Dee. 8. Information aa been recived at the Militia. Depart- ment that the city of Moose Jaw has transferred to the Government . five acres of land well located, for the erection of a drill hall, while Regina is giving mine acres in the centre of the city for the same purpose) Con tracts will be let immediately for the construction of two thoroughly ap- to-date drill-halls and the work yill be proceeded with soon. ROME S ELECTIONS. ections were held hete today. All the anti-clerical candidates, includ- ing Mayor Nathan, were elected. The elericals petained from yoting. The Daily News delivered in the city, 350. month. -- sane so US AETAWANA 100 ft, Blobk 1, 1800. -Terms, 0 ft,, Block 23, 1060. Terms. 150 ft. Block 23, 3000. Terms, 50 ft, Block 21, 1675. Terms. HILL DIVISION 50 ft, Block 33, 750. Terms... . HERALD SURVEY 50 ft, Block 1, 1500. Terms. 100. ft, Block 14, 3500. Terms- 50 ft, Block 17; 1150. Terms. BENDING South half Block 27, 350 each. Pee ro esoonas POUT mRREST ; Monday, December 9th, 1012. Mrs. D. 8. Gyrrie held ber nuptial reception on Saturday, re- ceiving with her sister Mrs. Allison Smith.) She was owned in her pwedding- dress of beautiful white sat- ae ea Trish Jace. Her sister, Mrs. ith, wore a charming gown of acwoate silk, Tho decorations for the occasion, were most beautiful, pink carnations daintily arranged MADE. IN ROBBERY AT WINNIFRED: Ex-C. P. R. Brakeman Was Taken into Custody on decorated the drawing room, while Saturday. white carnations and festoons of BURGLAR GOT 625; Sar une eae LEE: MUOH IN TIHLI, jeut the ices, while Misses Rorke,. pee ave-Evidently Try Purker-and-Mre. MoClain-sssiated. oo F to Connect Act swath Mr,-and Mrs, W. A: Burton left iHle-Robbarpe Saterday 0 visit relatives in Moose Four men are now being held at Jaw. The Women's Missionary Society ot M Berries in connection. with, the O.P.R, station robbery at Winnifred. the Methodict Church will hold theit jase or ine pects are hobos, who Were arrested few days ago. The latest Is Pote Watkins, who was ta- Kn In custody at Winnifred Satur- day. He is an ex-C.P.R. brakeman. The police are still working on the case and others are working at Whit- la, where a robbery was committed short time ago, The police are, ac- cording to reports, trying to connect the two, Finger print evidence is said to have led to Watkins arrest, Whoever committed the act got only 625, 26 Ja aliver, . 4 amt 42-tut being left in the till, Robt. Stockdale, the agent, had fost Hockey Shoes at Foster's Buy your Hockey Shoes here aid have the skates lett the.depot a short time before the put on free of charge. . Gag tamns eats oe ; 20 gects serait tet ae bone Sodl FOSTER ss SHOE STORE A GOOD ee TO BUY SHOES, iy aainevs. HOPE, SKIPP AND JUMP. at ds. certain: that everybody will 5 be doing. it . next Wednesday. and Thufsday evenings at the opera house for it is positive now that the pro- The Oakhurst School District Ne. 2318, has been authorized to borrow 1400 to bulla and furnish a school house. Jas. Carter, of Manyberries, is treasurer. The Alberts Gazette has the an- nouncement of the incorporation of the Redclift Development Company, Limited. Head office, Medicine Hat. Capital 20,000. Also the incorpor- the: Redcliff. Motors Com- pay? titled Head office, Redolitt. Capital- 200,000; and dipoithe Red- cliff Pressed Brick Company, Limited. Head, off, Redolitr, Snieaepy vane and-aiso the Medicine Hat Brass/ Manufacturing Company, ited. Head office, Medicine Hat. Cap- ital 50,000. DESPONDENCY THE CAUSE OF SUICIDE Many Berries. Man Had * Spent Much Moitiey on a Visit to Hat. Despondency . Was) evidently the cause ot Jno. Guiman, of Many Ber- ries district, ending his life. He ishot himself with a revolvgr. the bullet entering the side of hiv head. Some time ago he broke a blood vessel in the side of his head and at times since hag been noticed to act rather queer. A few days ago he re turned from Medicine Hat to his home, and seemed greatly upset over while-in the city, and these facts, is it thought, led him to end his lite, Constable Shadlaw, of the R.N.W.M. P,,. Investigated the-egse, and on his report that the case was a Clear one of suicide, Dr. Boyd decided that no inquest was nevessary. The remains were brought to the Hat and yester- day interred at Hillside Cemetery, PETE CURRIE DEAD Former Resident of Medi- cine Hat passed Away in Victoria. Terms. RIVERSIDE PARK 109 ft, Block B., 5000. One- third ash; balanee 1 and 2 years. POWNSITE 50 ft, Block 68, 20,000. Terms, 50 ft, Block 96, 21,000. Terms. 100 ft,, Blox 35, 20,000. Terms 50 ft, Block 99, with three- roomed house. Only 1800. Cash. Snap, 100 ft, Block 50 ft, Block. 1 Cottages, 120 60 ft.7Block 15, 500, Tezms. KENSINGTON . 80 ft, Block 12, 850. Cash. 50 ft. corner, BI gk 21, 550, Terms. COUSINS SUBDI 120 ft. trackage near Clay Pro- ducts, only 6300. This is the cheapest closb-in trackage in the city. GAS CITY REALTY Co. 410 Main Street. News of the death of Pete Currie; a former resident of this city, which occurred in Victoria has been re- celved here, Friends of the deceased in this city were aware of the fact that he was in poor health and also that he had one farther west to the Mountains in an effort to find better health. The deceased was for some time in charge ofthe dry goods department in A. Des Brisey's store here, He left, however, and went tn business with his brother in Saskatoon, and they were most successful and made a great deal of money. The news of his death will be learned with regret. He was a man about 37 years of age, and was well known to all the old timers. Place your orders now for the News big handsomely flustrated In- dustrial number. Over sixty pages. Reddy by the first of the year. tf, The medtine between the members ot the Odunell and C. N. R. officials fe still going on. Another session WiLL be. hdd. this atternoon. Nothing definite H 8 as yet been announced. News is expeqied in the city in a few. days: aB to when Dr. Montagual the-fast that he Had: spent some 600 duction of Hopp, Skipp and Jump, will be greeted with packed house at both performances and it will be well for those intending to get seats to be at Ringle's, drug store promptly when the sale opens Monday morning. One of the most. interesting fea- tures is sure to be the choruses and drills and among these one of the Prettiest will be Good bye Old Pal, as sung by Mrs. W. E. Evans, assist- ed by a ensemble comprised of Dora Robertson, Cora Trimble, Anna Ruth- erford, Marjorie Rae, Teresa Logan, Florence Smith, Jean Lowe, Ella Walsh and AE. Campbell, J. D. Snowden, C. F. Sweetlofe, W. R/ Simmonds, F, H. Cowath H Zilliax, D. B. Larder and Eric Gilroy. These will introduce an evening dress num- ber. sure to be very attractive. O'Callahan, a new,lively Irish hit will be esting. by Gladys McDougall, nesisfed by the Irish malds, inctud- ing Jegsfe Smith, Lillian Taylor, Nora Niblock, Bertha Crawford, Ethel Me- Gill, Phyllis Becker, Margaret Mit- eholl, and Myrtle Fatlow.. Alma Newmarch as Beatrice Clay sings . a Dixfe Girl Who's Longing Yankee Doodle Boy. She is assisted by a Dixie boys chor- us, including Messrs. Latder, Gilroy, Ziliax, Cowan, Campbell, Snowd n, Sweetlove and Simmonds. There are at least a dozen of the Very. liveliest kinds of hits all the way through the opera, in fact Hopp Sgipp and Jump is chuck full of everything that goes. to create merri- ment and is said to be one continuous laugh all the way, through. GIVEN TWO MONTHS, a Charles Smith, a colored gent hail- ng fram nowhere goes to Lethbridge for two.months to escape the win- ter s cold. Vagrarcy and begging was the charge. The Council will hold a meeting tonight. Likewise the school board. CENTRAL PARK. 700 pair, Block 29. 400 pair, Block 37. 1200 pair, Block 16. 3900 for 27, 28, Block 29. 2000, corner, 60 ft, Block 14. +: 600, 50 ft., Block 33, Lot 19. 300, Lot 27, Block 27. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX. 1800, for 6, 6, Block 20. 500 pair, Block 31. THACKAGE. 6500 for 1-4, Block 2, corner BRAY AND ATLANTIC ST. 10,000, Lot 26, Block L, next M, H. Grocery. 3000, Lot 6, Block 6, Rosedale. OLD TOWNSITE. 10,500, Lot 4, Block 56, with. apartment bouse. 9500, 100 ft, corner, 9, 10, Block 86, 2000, Lot 12500 for worth 20,000. 36000, Lot 26, Bivek-. 84, with house. Bu . 35,000 for fib 22, comers 6000, Lot 1, Block 11, Main St, 2, Block 22, 7 Lots 9 and 10, Block 23 . Lots 34 and 35, Block 24, Lots 23, 24, 25 and 26, Block 7, Lots 27 and 28, Block 7 ..... Lots 1 and 2 gt;Block 15, Corner, 50 fea on Fewing St. 50 feet Balmoeat Street . BUSINESS PROPERTY 25 feet, Block 14, Main St., renting for 3000 Gan be bought on easy terms aie Cablpra are phase Gegiaeren Semel 1500.00 per year. for, per foot, HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX CENTRAL PARK TOWNSITE H. C. Pettet Co. A few good Building Lots that 'are on gas, water and sewer. : - 1575.00 1600.00 1750.00 3200.00. 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00: 28 feet South Railway St., with good build- ings, at, per foot, - 1000.00 50 feet Main St. near Bank o Commerce on easy terms for H. of Pettet Co. 368 Toronto St. Prone 481. REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST TYPE OF BREAD MADE. ONE TRIAL WHLL-CONVINCE YOU PHONE 560. Montreal St. Bakery MIMHELL S. HOME-MADE BREAD In Stock New Peels. LEMON, AND CITRON ORANGE H.W. Ireland Co. Will be here tn regard to the formin Main Street. Phone 54. ot Canadian Club, : + - Malser's O14 Timer 100 Cigar, Fle Picilninfeieiebieiieieleleienieiefniebeininieinieiele niin nists
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Image 1088 (1912-12-09), from microfilm reel 1088, (CU1773423). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.