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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Friday, December oth, 1913. COOH SS FOOGSSSOLSSOSSOSOSHO OSSD Peper e 3 . ; A ( oS ? 6,000 Population in 1913 inf gt; Se )A LARGE BUILDING co. HOUSES ON THE SAME. NTER GOODS T..BY 10.00, HAVE THE HE MIGHTY JESMEN EXt-. UNKS, VAL- REDOLIFF IS NOT BOOMING BUT IT IS GROOWING MIGHTY FAST, AND THE MOMENTUM IS INCREASING EVERY DAY. Find Out About it : 2 we , Nj. PHS OI gt; gt; gt; gt;IOOPL EEE IOODY FORE THE BEST PLACE FOR YOU TO INVEST YOUR MONEY IN. er , oan Redcliff Realty Company Limited REDCLIFF. ALTA. 6 9 2 w PPO EHH Ms - s Suits ne peed very, snap, 14.05 40 ieze. 5 25 Me - eho Se ee , e Stoner, Lockwood Wheeler, Limited (Stoner Agency) : ase ; ; -MEDICINE HAT, ALTA, i OtO5SS Pode Seegeceatees 9 these cases Austria-Hungary would rT be relfeved of the tecessity of in- Y. Is a) matter.of Indiffergnce tol teryentig directly. Aus riasHungary which of the com- That Europe's summons will be obeyed by Servia sees: now prob peti.ors succeeds in obtaining defin- i 4 Fl ite poss mn of the buik of the s- le enough, always provided the 3 3 e Janis, excepting, - however, those IVI authorities at Belgrade continue Peseuitcch tte which command the entrance of the Wield the supreme power, for yes- under any con a Dnrdanelles and on that account are terday the. semi-officlal Servian or- Fexarded as under the immediate S, Samouprava, announced the de- Guardianship of the signatories of zhe Cision of the government to submit Montreal, Dee. 5 The Gazette Sau Sask, , Deo 6 Dr. Dillon Makes Forecast of Division of Porte s Realm unhesitatingly to Europe's deciaton:- (Conserve tive) will say tomorrow Phoenix (Liberal) eu De re truaty of Berlin. If Greece were to Greece Wants Islands-.Bulgaria Will Nearly Iay/ claim to any jof these, the mat- Change of Boundaries, morning: morning: Double Its Area What Montenegro and Servis ter would have to be referred to the tinder these circumstances .the Mr. Borden, from his place in the Mr. Borden s policy is not, justi- Will Get. powers. clouds on the politi al horizon -wiij Parliament, has laid before the coun- ficd by the circumstances. The em- I am informed from Constant- drift away, as 1 always maintainea try the Government's conception of pirc has the assurance of . British London, Dec, 6. In the Daily Tele-j tion af the peace conference in Lon- Fople that the porte is: resolved to they would. The largest part of Tur- Canada s duty in the matter of priv- ministers that there fs no emergen- graph, Dr. Dillon, writing from Vien- don md the partition of Turkey, he *etuse the cession of sny part of au- key in Europe will be partitioned ilege for the sea defense of the em- cy, no epuse for-alarm, no reason to na, takes a hopeful view of the peace goes on: tonomous Albania to the Balkan among the belligerenta and instead Pire, its trade and its trade routes'tconclude that Great Britain is not situation, and insista that all his op- At present the differences that states. This decision, would, if car- of six and a quarter million inhabi- at the present juncture. The meas- now able or will not in tho future be timisitic prophecies are being veri- divide tiem are becoming more im+ fied out, relleve Austria-Hungary of tants, which it numbers toda: ure embodying the proposition is one able to retain her Gomtinance of the fied, Casting his eye over the Bal- portan (han the common aims which the necessity of intervening between will count only one and three-quaz- of the most important. the repre-, sea. Whatever thers was of rivalty . kans, he reports this conclusion: stil bitd. them together, Saloniki iv; Servia and Turkey, for if Albania is ters. This loss, added to that of sentatives of the people of Canada with another nation will be aggra- p is s J G rom what has come to my knowl- the are of discord: tor Greece an deck autonomous, it follows the Tripoll and Cyrenaica,:fs the great- have ever been oall d upon to con- vated by this action of the: Canadian ped. wi edge of late, 1 am firmly of the con- Bulgaria. Servian occupation must end as soon est ever suffered by the Ottoman em- sider, These is, -howeyer, no new Government. It will. serve to keep jistion' that itde Will remain of: ihe Pesbeanion-of Bilsuds Jas the peace treaty is signed. But pire in one year. principle involved. From the first alive the dying embers of interna- e met fps try hard te inearporated them s certain. ME chic iseheisesereresesenerteses ere 5 Fialkan coalition within twelve Anoiber possible prize which fires honld Turkey. surrender the Al- Pirkey's boundaries in Europe wili it has been recogaized both by tional distrust and it will foment PS Siee months witsr the conclusion of peace the ims stnation and nerves the armyyo a be henceforth marked by the river w and the people that it is the racial trouble in our own midst. It a 210 apd th2t Huixasdd, Durkey, Roumania of Greece is the possesgfon of the is-(Uisposed to regtrd..s s5 am down to its estuary in the Country's cuty to provide for the ni Hiey not of defense but of de- a oe anf Aicania will constitute; in real- lands it hablted by Greek populations ikely, then Europe collectively, wa c tional defence. Fox years also, the fianes; it flings out achallenge to a ee: ity, 2f not in name, the United States which no onger will Pe contented 1 oubtless take the matter in . scognized that the Se ex- nation with which wo are at peace 46 the: her x of the Balkan Peninsula. Temain arder the government of the md demand the evacuation of Alban . ; and dares it to further compete in the foldwing ps Commenting on the probable ac- Sultan, *Xet the Hellenic govera.,an territory without delay. In both se nd -race-of zsmaments, Canada sand lal at. je ae Se Maritza and continue to the tion is novel only as a departure cabot aflora toyacoen.. Shores of Lake Okhrida. Bulgeria rom)the familiar lines and as to the fey, hoes, Rubbers, 3 : i E i also annex a strip of the Aeg- extent of the outlay concerned. There h t F PB) can coast line, which comprises Dea- is no question of the right or wrong Moose Jaw, Bask., Deo. 6. Editor- joes at the ' ead oe ad and Kavala and will also of the suggested action. What has/ially the News (Conserva- retain about half of the Vilayet of to be decided is confined to the suf- rir: ff Aarinopie, witho .- ficiency of the action ended, Borden Government : IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SELL, Bees y traced iconic r ales te 3 Slee ha fe std ae * Bi tons wit presumtbly amount to the country to bear the burden in- mand the endorsation of every lt; three quarters of her present aren. volved, atriotic Canadian who realizes WE WANT TO SELL IT f oughly, Secyla willighin saa iuch: The character: G9 well an thexmat ho te a MEM ct te S Uskub, Prisrend, and part of Novi- ter of Mr. Borden's speech, will help Ties bazar and Old Servia, will also be the public to: comprehend the situa- added to King Peter's domains. tion in all its bearings without Montenegro, who Was first to op-/S8md to political or other bias, en the campaign, will also receive a . 4 po es IF YOU WANT TO it NVEST W WE cern cea ry ieee, Be, See dead reel ce SE Jag attached such importance, and tomorrow; st OF the teinty: three Hindr od pai which is : e hirts f Men s Work- yest material, lues in town. rts , on buttons, style colors. irself of these also without a war indemnity, which Premier Borden-indulged inno ... , / is btill greater disappointment, for high flown xhetoric and r6-plati. (HO NEWS aay average, over sixteen hundred SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Montenegro is sorely in need of r a- tndes. He told the nation 4o which ered 0 city subscribers. This should mean onleeadedy 4y money and unless a loan can belhe is responsible the advertisers in the News. Keep this fact in your ca speedily negotiated, setlous difficul- tion and. how he in i somethi whether ; ties may be encountered in Nicholas' order to meet it. ii hac yout have to sal ae little realm, matter of ie, real estate Onsen Greece, too, has no good nphsqp, Mates bor Ment Teaches every home in the or to. be dissatisfied wita her share nations, not pected. Spoil. South rn Macedonia, Bpiris, by ts Sale it Britain, but In addition to our sixteen the peninsula of Chakidike aia ile jy bee own strength. we average a daily deli f seven will constitute her rewardjgtthe pri Me Qanada hares in the re- t tor di ae 3 i she ran before the fe-orgaitzation. of fsponeihitities of the empire ana Jacent towns and villages and amongst people who nae her ey ye como 5 t in. Statids shoulder to shoulder with the pee ail in Medicine Hat. Possession o iki is:an inl other dominions, determined that-no ni ore ither, that eekly edition reac a , ternational aftair whleh will be set-lfatuous plea of neutrality shall avail over atten aeeaeen zi faeries Gees roeiine t Fs tled finally only viigfae Steat pow- her if ever any other power comes to . i R 9 : erg. he. death-grip with the British race. Oro eeetrdeat ; oom 2. - Figures do not express real value of - Place your orders now for the Canada s contribution. That value News big handsomely tMustrated Ih- cannot be reckoned in dollars and dustrial number, Over sixty. pages. cents for it is as much if not more, Ready by the first of the years tt. moral than material.
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Image 1058 (1912-12-06), from microfilm reel 1058, (CU1773445). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.