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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Page's Sie Doings ot inn to Wage Earners rede GROWTH OF THE PLUMBERS. +The United Association of Journey- men-Plumbers for the flaca year 1912 organized seventy-two local, unjons, MINERS ARE PISSAPISFIED, Child labor pre-disposes to tube) sions, and those who are fifty-five o: enlosis. This does not apply exe more years old and have been in the feynol SUIT 10 DISSOLVE the gromt weekly paper aivelyto child labor in the factory. Service twenty-five years or more. , has this trenchant edi- m many cases child labor in the may be retired at the option of the Fecent lisue: No sane and home is as bad ag in the factory, and res company, The pension age of fe- THE STOP Wi penton grudges the winers the danger: from tuberculosis is just males s five years younger. The with an increase of 4,000 mampere, eae 7 plan for distributing the pension is making a total: membership for the ar FORMER. ners pos digi ruernom 90. TO PRO- Hosea on tougth of sorvies, ay stated organization at the preasat, timeot PACHIGANDERS HAVE TRO SOLYE THE TION, BUT 2 beet ONS, SICK BENE- nq the amount ot pay-recelved. During the p riod mentioned BUE WAGON Com ; 5 ah FES, AND INSURANOE TOEM- aan thirty yours in the service 1) pro- there were sixty strikes, forty-flve of STANDARD SYSTEM 4 PLOYES AND FAMILIES. tnised 20 per cont of his annual pay which were won, two compromised, BONUS SOHEME WIN IN 1 Lafayette, for the last ten years preceding re-/and three lost, with ten strikes stil STRIKE, : beet Washington, Dec. 7 The press tirement, no pension to. be less than /pending.. Strike benefits amounted inet ere reports state dist 10,000,000 have 420. per month, Bickuesa and wocl-lte 83,998 and, decid, genes 014,600, Mei king Court of p for. been set aside by the Bell system, dent disabilities are provided for em- 'The plumbere now-havo 585. local as 7 De, 7. The ; , Ail children under sixteen in the embraciag tho Bail Telephone Gom- ployes, and tn case of death resulttag unions, with average wages of 6 per Polishers and other employe: elementary schools of Pennsylvania/pany and associated companies, from accident in the s rvice, insur- /day, the vast majority of the Jocal local automobile company have shall be compelled to pasa the ffth pensions, sick Dencfits, and life Stice amounting to three years'/unions working an eight-hour day Succes ful in securing an agre grade before being allowed to go ou: surance for the 175,000 employes and aalary will be paid, the maximum,/and a half-holiday on Saturday tho Which eliminates what was t into Hfe, according to an important/their families. It is sald that, under however, to be 5,000. year round. During the month of standard system. This was plank in the ohild- labor restriction the terms of the new pension plan October new local unions were char- Another name for the much-hei bit which the Pennsylvania Child /employes sixty or more years of age. Miners wives in South Wales are tered in Swift Current, Saskatchewan; Taylor system of efficiency Labor Asiociation will send to the who have been twenty or more yeats/in revolt against the ney aystem of and Belleville, Ont. though the standard system Legislature this winter. tm the service, may retire on pen- it under the mites act. the Taylor system one better. ca er a eR Oa a it man with a stop-witch atoc bind the metal polisher and time To mark the last resting place of while performing the operation. *. Charles Lazinskus and Frank Nag- ing up the material and placing 3 rikus monument has been erected the machine or laying it down. di Y : by the District Council of the United count, and was called unprodi IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SELL, Jer wrerserSiPs soot: . i . L is sago. The two men mentioned were or the power stopped, this Was shot in the great struggle of the Gar-/denominated unproductive, an g 3 ad . : y ment Workers to eliminate the sweat time xot counted. The time was WE W. NT T shops of the clothing manufacturers actording to this plan on thn A OQ. SELL TE. im. Chicago. The exercises were at- four pleces of material, and th . - tended by a large number of members Was figured out how many jot the Garment Workers as well ag could be made in a day at that other union men and appropriate f speed, which was called one addresses were delivered. The mem- dred per cent. of effictency. ory of these men will live for it was one hundred per cent. efficiency through their efforts that the Gar- Were to be paid bonus, but ment worket of Chicago were en- Ttaching the one hundred per labled to secure better conditions and mMark were pait only 1.75. IE YOU WANT TO INVEST WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE, fh * EES An English social worker reports the ratings were based could -n maintained for an entire day. Uy : : i bet i that one-third of the girls in the ? dressmaking and millinery trades in ing to the dissatisfaction arisin, her country recetv no pay at all./of this systema strike was They ere classed as apprentices, but and all the employes came they do a great part of the actual These men were unorganized, - 2 3 work: since they have been successf drawn and the entire mat pose ae ee their strike, efforts are being . In the meantime bal i : sinh ae 3 ie Painters, blacksmiths, machinists, to form a permanent organizatio claiming contol of tie e ce ae ad and shopmien who have been of strike : F (18,606 ma z ae f since last fall against the Tilinois Seyeral thousand organized y Central Railroad system are still de- carriers and building laborers in y Jane Bull wishes lt;0 ee ee ee ee el ss termined to win their fight for re- cago, are now seeking affiliation he people who assisted in am f Were akilled laborers. it os tare he i cognition of the system federation. the international organization. addition to the house and - eo ne is affiliated with the American atctatte eter tives : . Seventeen per cent. of the money ing. The movement for compulsory unt- eration of Labor. for the winter, ; lenders: in- India are women. - se ad Rous - JB torm teports- of* industrial accidents Seats le a The General Gonfederation of La- b Sn res . ae ae oh and diseases made distifict progress Hamilton, Ontario, firemex Ther are said to de 2.500 women bor of France voted recently to stay airs i 2 a, ; : a during the last year in many sections next year enjoy a salary raise ministers in the United States. outside the Socialist Party. 7 Stithe. comtry posers PSSeooDeSEES ois o5ebeees IN OUR MISFORTUNE our Store was- Aipied out -on Moaday morning our ee customers have -not forgotten their old firm. They have patron- ized all our departments. We have filled from the smallest to the largest orders possible in the hardware business. We Will Continue To Do So Our stock i is as comp lete as it is possible ioe any wholesale or retail stock x fs be. Our echoes are well filled with the choicest of wares. Have y ee forgotten us? If so, phone No. 1---The Busy Bs. Desp ite the fire we kave ; f Boa the goods and will gua. ss to fill any crdete that you wall place. xs oe ERS Hardware Wholesales;and Ri TEMPORARY OFFICES: OVER McKENZIE S HARNESS SHOP: MAIN STREET. PHONE No. 1. - 2000009999eeoesee eee
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Image 1074 (1912-12-07), from microfilm reel 1074, (CU1773464). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.