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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Look, We can deliver below market prices ce . Block 1 Bloek 1 Lots 1-24 ig Lots 41-48 lt;1. 185 EACH One-third cash, balance iB 17, ft, Montreal ock 6, 50 ft. Esplanade .. D.50 ft Esplanade; cash Y VIEW ock 40; 10 view lots (en bloc) Hegue terms. te : HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Se, Block 27, Lots 21*and 22. Regular terms 1500.00 Block 31, Lets 11 and 12. Regular tome 1600.00 Block 34, Lots 1 to 5, per pair. Regular.. 1500.00 3000.00 2000.00 ick 17, Lots J and 3-Regular terms. 1400.60 Block 29, Lots 5 and 6. Gee cular terms. . BENDING 2 36, 6 to 30, -bk Block 36, Lots per pair. (en r 0.08 Cosy Homes These Will Double in Value On forty (40) foot lot, beautiful 6 room House, thor- ee oughly modern, electric lighted, gas-heated, tint- d walls, plate rail, and picture moulding. Full basement, good furnace; storm doors and win- dows. This house has an exceptionally large living room, with an smposing: brick fire-place. Price 5700. Terms: 1000 cash, balance over 4 years Good House on 35 feet of land. This is a six-room house with all moder: conveniences and nicely decorated-threnghout. Six nice rooms and fitt- -ed bath. see Clothes closet pad full base- tment with gas. aCe, Price 4300. - Terms; 1,000 cash, balance like rent. We have many more Houses at all prices apd all p styles. If you are looking for a good home we ean ee Our: LOOK CORNERS ; eo a Bending, Block 86, Lots 29-and 30. Reg. 650. Bending, Block 84, Lots 21 and 22. Reg. 650. Bending, Block 34, Lots 39 and 40. Reg. 650. High 1 Annex, Block 34, Lots 1 ae 2 Regular 1650. Trackage, Block 2, Plan-796-M, Lots 1, 2, 3 gt; -and 4. fife ' 6500.00 Bleek 9, Plan B 199 , Lot 10 (house) - 3000.00 Riverdale, Block 3, Lots 21 and 22. 600.00 alae 35, Lots 1 to 10. Esa . 8750.00 6500.00 He Townsite Block 89, Lots 9 and 1 loele 86, Lots 9 and 10 30, Lots 9.and 10 Bloek 85, Lot 10 ( 4000 Herald, Blk. 2, Lots 30 ACREAGE - We haye some of the best acre age a Prices ranging Reodelitt at 15 per acre. IT. WILL PAY YOU TO CALL. PHONE 920. ae Limited vr Matting Hat. 3500.00 1950.00 ANIONS RESTED IN iraww s CAE : TOWNSILE.. B1 ft on Toronto Street, 30,000 8000 handies. 50 ft, corner In Block. 93, 2000. Terms. i Qosely Outpome Edward Grey's The warning Panama note ment will pro- test Put) in case an attempt is made io-- vt: section of the Panatha Aci bjch prohibits the use of the cams r y- railroadsowned or trust-ewr. lt;cor controlled ships may, it Is the iqbt here, indicate 4 formid- able Buro,*ei opposition to any at- tempt by chi Government to extend the operatioss of the Sherman anti- trust tegohd the confines of the United Brat s, Tt ie lt;nown that the British em- bassy 1s elveely watching the devel- opments Im the pending suit against MERALD 1 ft, in Block 4, 2000. Usual. RIVERSIDE PARK. Lots 13 and 24 in Block 20, 950. Usual. Lots 33 and 34 In Block 7, 1050, sual. Lote 26, 27,:and 28 in Block 15, 425 each. Lots 29-30 18 Block 15, corner, BAKING POWDER A pure, healthful, Cream of Tartar Baking Powder When buying an article of food you are antitled to know exactly what you are buy- ing its quality and ingredients. 1000. Wat, ee POWELL. gt; Lota 2 and 3 in Block 3, 1500. Usual. the trans-/4 oe Steamship Lines, expected to enter a formal against that attack upon Bri ieh shipping interests until the Tegal, Scocsodines come to an ent Moin against the British HILL, Lots-1-5, Block iT, 625 per pr. moving wa: the creation of mon- o.fomestic sale of petro- ese of implied warnings Aaiget in some way fall with- of the Sherman anti- send the French and Italian 4 governments are ad- lt;2 tobacco monopolies j Slightest fear of the out- come lt;2 6 investigation about to be made brs sclect senatorial commit- tee. Ali-cYesc governments are pro- ceeding atcbg parallel lines, though fof course there is no external ovi- of etncerted action up to this CaN TRBCTOBS GET GREATEST BENEFIT OF BORDEN'S GIFT The parliament- as follows: iembets. of the Commons appr ciite- Canada s generosity, While regratting its form, and the entrance of the Dominion into the Hvropsan state of armaments. Fresh fuer S sfasmished: Tor the airenidy tor Powerful armor manufacturing in- dustries, are international facts of serious importance. Contractors profits oa Canada s gift will be 8. TAYLOR Co. . Room 17 Becker Block. 700,000: pounds, and if the Indian states wire to add their 21 0 pound: a further two millions ster- ling woul, be ad ed to these olu ments. It is cledr that Mr. Borden's are in essertc, s-on to the turn of the phras. the views of the Admiralty, as ex: a by Mr. Churchill. It is Rot to Ye taken for granted that this 1s the cnly:Jositimate aspect of the question. At the same time there is even Medicine Hat Meat Market Fresh Meats at 10c, 12the, Be, 17440, 20c and 22 4c a Ib. hands of the foreign secretary, Sir Edward Grey, at an important junc- ture while, to gos little further the Nationalists are delighted that there should be this object lesson of loy- PHONE 87 . 515 THIRD AYE. La as the product of colonial home E. Bartlett. Munfetpal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyo: Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Trigntiog Plans, Ete. Room 14, Imperial Bank Re Medicine Hat: Phone 49 Rigs call every morning. Atrial is all we ask. WINTER VEGETABLES. Carrots, Turnips, MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY Parsnips, Beets, Onions Cabbage, Potatoes. FRED SMITH Basement Under Pruitt Block: TORONTO STREET. Box 430 Medicine Hat. Rear 812 Fourth Aves (opy fe Dreamland Theatre) Single agd double outfits of all descriptions for sale or hire. Horse-or Automobile De. livery at all times. HAY FOR SALE, Prairie Hay by the load. No. 1 Timothy by the bale or ton. . PHONE 703. STRENGTH AND VIGOR THE BASIS.OF SUCCESS i Fall is Here AND SO IS HOUSE CLEANING TIME HAVE YOUR CLEANING DONE If you are run BY .THE NEW VACUUM PkO- down, weak, tir- ESS. COSTS LESS THAN THE ed. nervous OLD WAY AND JS FAR BETTER oP ee era WE CLEAN THE CARPETS ON ; Hon to get, ot THE FLOOR AND TAKE OUT, natan ALL GERMS WITHOUT WEAR OR WEAR TO CARPETS. fcocle, or suffer eCity Vacuum Cleaning from losses; i have trie eticlne wtt h out helping your conditions, don t be. discour- aged. Rr. ME ER BATTERY .. while y e natural life of the organs of the bady, ana it quickly puts new life igor into weak orn-out ystema; Itgpre alth, pro- Jonge life, saves fees and Jons of, time; it s always ready for nile; requires harging with vin- 00 per cent, easier per cent. great: OSSLEY BROS. Builders. Contractors. Horse. Repository . If this information is refused don t buy it. Some of the low grade baking powders are advertised, but the ingredients of the a coverniient-utsotx powders are scrupulousty concesied, A housekeeper W would not use a baking powder containing ing alum if sie knew it. It is well when buying to examine the rise on the can. Unless it shows the gredient cream of tartar, don t buy it. DE Price s baking powder is absolutely free from alum. A FATAL ACCIDENT VIN ST. PAUL, NE KILLED Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 11 One man was killed and three Injured, while others had narrsw escapes In wrecks in St. Paul las. night, one of these in the St. Paul yards and the other on the midway strict. Albert E. Patnode, ireight conduc- tor in the Great Nortiern ralilwsy, was burned to death n his caboose at Lexington Avenue, when it was struck from the rear by an engine of incoming freight jad demolished. Patnode was caught in the debris, which took fire from the engine. His among Radicals the belief that Can- * ada s action will sfrengthen the j 4 body was recovered an hour later, but it was burned beyond recogni- ton. Ed. Mary, of St. Paul, a Great Nor- thern switchman, and. R. E. White, St. Paul, a Great Northern engineer, were painfully Injured and damage estimated at 10,000 was caused by a head-on coli sion between a Great Western freight and a Great North- ern freight in the St. Paul yard lest night. Neither man s condition is considered dangerous. Place your orders now for the News big handsomely Winstrated In dustrial number, Over sixty pages. Ready by the first of the year. MINNEAPOLIS FIRE. Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 11. Fire believed to have started from cross- ed wires in the plant of the Whit- ing Chandler Shirt Co., did more than 25,000 damage to firms in the Hele Building. The stock and machinery of the Whiting, Chandler Co. was ai - most totally destroyed, as was that of the Queen Rubber Stamp Co., sep- arated from the shirt-making con- cern by a partition only. An hour after the firemen had left the shirt factory rekindled. The con Mitions of the second fire, unlive ed by seeming explosions within the factory, caused the locking of the tf. pbuilding pending investigation. ALATUAHM AVIONOUI: Axles cs and supplied with either steel or oe skeins- Wood stock all gir-seasoned from three to five years. eee as : Studebaker Wagons EXAMINE THE HUBS AND TYRES.. vim and+ SUIHLO Try LVS ALLE We stcck these wagons in all sizes and can now sell on next year s terms. Can supply. them. 729 Lockwood St. ld at a low price witbout added tost for fancy books. A Booklet with full particulars matied free; sea Houses for Sale. hI Block, Cor. 7th lt; St, Bast ts of wheels and all widths of tyres. Call and examine J AME S RAE MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. bent se m s SOLOS H ELMO o ts ste ehodiode ated fe. J HOUSES GREAT Laborers ini
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Image 1110 (1912-12-12), from microfilm reel 1110, (CU1773478). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.