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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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QUR BASEMENT Children s Pastry Setts ABIG BARGAIN. 15 GENTS A SETT. 150 Sas, t for the girls. The sett includes a bake bonrd, ug pin, mixing bowl and mixer, all done up in a box. Eegular 25u. A big bar gain. Onsale inthe basem nt. Only 15 per setts. sf Wile Lee eet ee C. SEE OUR 25c DISPLAY OF TOYS Here you will find Horns, Banks, Rattles, Jack-in-Boxes, - Horses and- Carts, Rubber Doils, Tops, Lirawing Slates, Dancing Tops, Tin Stoves, Trunks, Floating Toys, Zoly Poly, Child s Irons, Eskimo Dolls, Child s Brooms, Tin Tea Sets, Watches, -ilvioidBabies in Bath Tubs, Stuffed Toys, ete: BIG CHR ARE ON SALE IN Dressed Doii Sale : 29 GENTS EACH. 100 Dressed Dolls, all colors of - Dresses, nicely trimmed hats; have shoes and stockings, nice real hair, and all have sleeping eyes. A big Xmas liargain. Now on sale at, each... . ie On sale in the basement. (A Vistr OUR BASEMENT TOYS FOR ALL BARGAINS oe BISCUIT JARS Green glass Jats'made with nickle top and handle. Truly a most won- 4 derful bargain Every lady will be lucky-whe-gets-one of these. On sale in our basement. . 1 SILKE KNITTED NECEWEAR ry Goods Ce. Special value, 85 each, Colors of old rose, tan, brown, (red, garnet, Paddy green, white, navy, black and champagne. 35 each. .......++.+++405: 3 for 1.00 The Imperial D ; A. F. BINNING, OPPOSITE ROYAL BANK OF. CANADA. n, beautiful fixe lawn; pretty cross bar, embroid- L lace effects. Hecelies seen 00 ....8 for Sts or 6 for for winter, will Ieave before Christmas. sary, Underwriters in London are amouats. and yesterday orders were it is expected. sstonished at the flow of business still pouring in. -95 to Knox's dismissal, which the P Every day the number grows, 0 Judging by auessions on the order hich they describe as the most ex- One risk alone represented: 1,250. era decicre was miscarriage of jus- (Special to the Ne that the onder paper is assuming raper dismissals havo been airly ge- tensive ever placed in connection 600. * Most of the business was plac- : a large proportions, . and ,bids fair to eral throughout the Domini id with any crisis, s ef at one and one-half per cont. for Ottawa, Dec. 11. That the reform .. , gulky dotument before Christ- all departments of the servioe uve i three months, 2 per cent. for five could of the civil. service espetially with)mas recess. been responsible. The depsrtuient of labor and pottery trades in Austria-)months and two and. one-quarter possibly intoxicate: normal regard the placing of the outside The varicus commissions appointed jthe postmaster-gensral, the customs Hungary haye been insured for large per cent. for six. months: Mian, the drams being Commonly tak under the act, which was since the coming into power of the department and the departiu of : t advocated by Premier Bor- present Government do not appear to public works are, however, ..pparent+ j ih-opposition, has little have been fruitful of results. Ty most responsible for the whole- being realized this session The Public Service Commission up- sale axeswing. The Departoud of period of Knux's probation before 1 mdicated from the fact on which Morine, Lake-and the Interior during thn pax few 40,000 men of the Northeastern rail- Felsiiated are now lt; , eee eens ove per iet cei th oe i Sate. strike right e Various tions, bad many executic: eae i prin ea oe. i i S Civil Engineer and Landscape Architect. TRSURERE, AGAINST? WAW Sewerage, Water and Gas Supplies. cas : Street Gradings, Industrial Spur Rafiways, Irrigation, ete. Rs Dae 0-2 Subdivisions, Layout of Parks, Stes Constractions. amas Of tapareone ne za Designs and specifications for Houses, etc. MOTTO: First-class responsible service for Reasonable Prices. . TOWN ENGINEER, REDCLIFF, ALTA. - McGr OS SSSSOY PT SEOSTSOLOOLILOLIS SIO O DI GOL GEL HL POLIO OLS OL OOH OL I OL POGGIO PETE Real E GREAT MYSTERIOUS SALE /- - Block G, facing Bs Block 15, one pair, FROM DECEMBER 12 to 3ist' 2 Bs diren s Clothin - Stock of 25,000 of Men s, Youth s and Chii shall be Sold FROM 25 to 50 PER CENT. BELOW THE SELLING PRICE WE HAVE A VERY COMPLETE STOCK OF GENTS FURNISHINGS AND BOOTS AND SHOES THAT WE WILL SELL AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. ALSO A GREAT ASSORTMENT OF WINTER CAPS WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT GREAT VALUES. E ATTENTION READ EVERY WORD BELOW. IT MEANS MONEY TO YOU ; i Block 22, facing sct Block 25, per pair Block 33, one pair Block 5, corner; 10 Block 15, one pair, McGRI MEN S TROUSERS : c 250 MEN S OVERCOATS SHEEP SKIN LINED COATS MEN S SUITS He 4 0 lar 10.00; for ; Regular value, 1.00; on sale for ... 8.00 Sheep Skin Lined Coats, duck 'tops. Regul no Ganatian Tweed, Regular 15.00; on Bt Regular 8.50; fOr -..--.sserrcsseeeseseeeereee 86.50 Regular 12.50; for . Regular 1.50; for 1.00 i Se ae Sheep Skin Lined Coats, corduroy tops, with open Tailor made. Regular 10.00 Suan Wore. ij Rogular value, 18.00; on eee ar pein, 2 Tae eas See : Regular 2.00; for 1.40 at Regular value, 2000; on sale for Regular 11.50; for ..--..+0+se++e-seereseeee 8.50 Tailor le. Regular 20, English Blue Serge, H Regular value, 22.50; on sale for 15.00 Sheep Skin Lined Coats, corduroy tops, with open Tailor made. Best trimmings: . Regular 3.00; for 200 a Regular value, 25.00 eg sale tor : v2 1675 bottom. Regular 22.50; for Canadian .Ethope, H ae BE oral iis - Regular 15.00; for . seeeses 1000 eae or for Regular 33.50; for 2.25 ra 2, gt; lar 27.60; for i FUB COLLAR OVERCOATS . fies: 50 GREY HEAVY PEA JACKE i : eee ret an Regular value, 26.00; on sale for ........,.++ a agile WER: tor AD, TRG as 20 BOYS SUITS (Three Pieces) ee eee i FUR LINED OVERCOATS 36 BLACK MACKINAW PEA JACKETS Ee, tek Renslar 4505 for a + Lined with Russian Lamb, beautiful, well-made and Tweed Linihgs. Boys Bloomer Suits; Blue Serge: secon 7 ee ee very heavy: extra Valve on this agularcQEMb - tor .2ackepi-..1-.abedligiacs- 450 agitar 5.50; for .iasis--c.cenrseustessoees 4.90 Best Tallor made. French Worsted. Regular 75.00; on sale for only- . BOYS OVERCOATS Boys Popes: Suits, In Scotch Tweeds, Rogulr 000: C005 6550. c2kk cbs oho stked Lined with Mink Marmot, another Bp Regular 6.50; for + 795.00 4.50 With Velvet Collars. Bee Diagmer Suits: ja Wales Worsteld Best Tailor made. Brench Worsted. : Regular 76.00; on sale for only ........--++ Regular 7.00; ar ) Scie ties; ton R Reale SOU Tato ok vfs caecresliecuaay oot 535 f With Storm Coll Lg Extra Heavy Mackinaw. FUR OVERCOATS Regular 8.50; : . 8575 MEN S OVERALLS Baguier She for - 92.50 With St he i glist lackinaw. orm Collars, Blue Black and Striped, Regular 450), for ike * Bishop Skins, quilted lining, good and heavy. so Regular value, 27.00; om sale for ...-....+++ 18.50 Shep Skin Lined Coats, duck tops. Regular 7.50; for .. : Regular 10.00; for .. sees 675 We have u big assortment of SPRING AND FALL OVERCOATS, colored and black. Regular 10, 12 and 15, your choice t . Regular 125; for ..........0seceeesceeeee BOYS BLOOMER P. 25, 1.50, Regular 1 All the goods mentioned abore are made from best rench, English and Scotch material, and also guarantee everything sponged, ven-lUnings. he reason for this great, slaughtering sale is that on account of, th warm Don t miss this great opportunity you have at the present time which may eeked with winter. Seeds and need the money. Our need i8 yout never occur again. The proprietor of this company is also president of the Monarch Clothing Mfg, Go. of Montreal and is in a position to absolutely guarantee the values as advertised. above. opportunity. be Boi Come in and be convinced. We are, always ready to show our goods and it will. cost you nothing to see them. : Remember the opening of this great sale on Thursday, Dec. 12th, and lasting only until the. end of December . l. GROSSMAN CO. we ; cae CORNER MONTREAL AND SOUTH RAILWAY. NO 400 some RAILWAY , St pa ea as eee es eee A S
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Image 1102 (1912-12-11), from microfilm reel 1102, (CU1773463). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.