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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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HERE IS THE CHANCE OF YOUR LIFETIME TO GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR. BY AN EXTRA- ORDINARY STROKE OF GOOD LUCK WE ARE ABLE TO MAKE YOU THIS OFFER. SUCH AN OPPORTUNITY MAY NOT occur AGAIN AS LONG AS YOU LIVE. READ THIS AND CALL FOR PARTICULARS. The city. is rapidly developing towards this Hockey Shoes at Foster s point. Already the gas is being piped in this direction and hundreds.of people are Buy your Hockey Shoes here and have the skates Joking His ay, oo one. put on free of charge. me OSTER S SHOE STORE an GET THESE Lots : MURA ivan, Dedman 7 MAIN STREET. . A GOOD PLACE TO BUY SHOES. ved Yesterday nt are the choicest selections of WAISTS, ii prices range from 3.50 to 550 no higher, and re- the product of the best ladies' wear factory in Can- thee: You want to secure sbine exclusive desigus- LEONARD FLANAGAN eo te ease See ene Aor eee hob icp Pf ala FOR THE LOW P OF 200 PER LOT. 50.00 DOWN, DON T MISS THIS CHANCE . NOTHING DOING AFTER SATURDAY. H. C. Pettet Co. 368 Toronto St. Phone en of their own + altuation over. votes for the M - PREPARI THE Bl CONF Greece W ed Great ALLIES HAVE ING THE D SULTA Prospetts: Peace-in jfote-New ingly Big don, Plain the institution to be erected aw it tins been fully explained by the of ficer in charge -of the local corps,: MAYOR ISSUES APPEAL TO BELP MEWORTAL FO r nye THE LATE GEN. BOOTH) om st ers ot es creat country ing for their life's work, and to car In connection with. the memorial ty on that work which was so dear institution to be erected in memory to the late General's heart. We must to the late General Booth, founder sree that nothing would be more of the Salvation Army, at the requests the desire of his heart than: an insti of people. of all walks In life, who tution of this Kind, that will con- have been admirers of the general tinue to throw out blessings to all Pe and his great work; the great inter- Darts of our great dominion, our. est that has been taken by officials Own city receiving some of the bene and most influential citizens of oth- fit. NELSON SPENCER. er cities, should inspire us as 3 zens of Medicine Hat to do somie- A delegation watted on Pramier thing to show our appreciation as Scott, of Saskatchewan, asking for individuals; and as acity, of the dir ct legislation. - great world-wide work accomplished Sane for humanity. through his self-sacri- Controller James G, Harvey and business trip to Edmonton.- EFS fiding life and devotion. T. EB were nominated for the Mce,B.: Watney, Bow Tsl ad, Chicago, Dec 6700 Christmas Tt 48 not necessary for me to ex- Winnipeg, Mayoralty. passed through Medicine Hat Deo. Mr, and Mrs, Romenbers wish to trees, doubtless from the wreck of sense Sr on her way to England and sails thank thetr ri nds and acquaintan- the Rouse. Simmons, floated :in at : : Buipress. of Britain. ees for their sympathy and Kindness Kewanee, Two Rivere.and Sturgeon 2 : College, hown by them in thelr recent ber Bay, Wis, today. panies: het ater at Relate; tho avement of thelr daughter. i Chic desicns In Madras Nets and Scrims, Se to S0c a yd. Beautiful Dagdag Rugs for the living room and parlor 8.50, 995 and 99.00 each. Pastetul Portieres, atsorted desigiis and colors, Prices Tanging from 3,560 to 12.00, A splendid new assortment of Eiderdown Comforters, beautiful colorings; shadow effects. oat: from 36.75 to 1500, te - SIGNS OF WRECK SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Dr. Agnew his returned: trom a J. Moore Son Phone 515 North Railway Street We have money to invest for our clients, Why not list your property withus at reas- onable prices for immediate sale? john E. Howson, ot: this-tty, was one of the I Licensed. Victuallers Association Winnifred Mavesty, wit revetve with Cy aiverea, C. H. Belanger of Edmon- her sister, Mrs. Allison Smith, f0F 710 was re-clebted president. SELECTED the first time since-her marriage, on SNAPS Saturday afternoon, at 722 Highland poy py. eosed) fOr many Hcg Eng sears street. a Seong ot the Academy of Medicine CENTRAL. PAR a igned becaiise the application . 1500 50 ft. corner; 19, 20, ferenc will not ment office but --eharacter approp with ample acc delegates and t McKinnon s Ss Ltd. 391 MAIN ST. ASK FOR GENUINE -Buttermut Bread RICH AS BUTTER. SWEET AS A NUT, ook for the Label. What is is a Voltem Roll? Yoltem Roll is the latest invention in Player Piano Music hand played rolls (actual records), no ng, no levers, no buttons you just set the and play, and you get an exact reproduction artist's work just as he played it, fit any 88 note player and child can operate them. Fou woDId ike to.hear one just stay into our atore and say we will know at once what you mean. EMEDICINE HAT MUSIC C0. UNDER THE BIG FIDDLE. H.C . Patiet, wite, und family, 8 + ror membership af Byof. A. leaving next Thursday, Dec. 12th, fT linm of Toronto. University was re two pr-three months for points iy, eastern Canada. SOME GOOD BUYS. ALTAWANA. S 100 ft, Block 1, 1800. Termis. 50 ft, Bidek 23, 1060. Terms. 150 ft. Block 23, 3000, Terms. 50 ft, Block 21, 1575. Terms. HILL DIVISION 50 ft., Block 33, 750, Terms. HERALD-SURVEY 0 ft, Block 1, 1590. Terms. 100, ft, Block 14, 2500..Terms, 50 ft. Block 17, 1150. Terms. BENDING South halt Block 27, 350 each. Perms. RIVERSIDE PARK 100 ft, Block BL, 5000. One- third cash; balance 1 and 2 years. : TOWNSITE 80 ft., Block 68, 20,000. Terms. 60 ft., Block 96, 21,000. Terms, 100 ft, Block 25, 20,000. Terms * 50 ft., Block 99, with three- Yoomed h use. Only 1800. Cash. Snap. Call at Our Store and get a Free Sample of Fleischmann s Yeast. 7 TASSIE BROS, PHONE 256, NORTH YUILL 100 ft, Block 8, 2600. Terms. 50 ft, Block 11 with two new Cottages, 1200 les them. HARRIS) 5 60 ft, Block 15, . Terms. KENSINGTON 50 ft, Block 1 , 360. Cash: 50 ft. corner, Block 1, 550, Terms. COUSINS SUBDIVISION 120 ft. trackage near Clay Pro- ducts, only 6300. This is the cheapest clossin Hrackage In the city. GAS AS C i Y REALTY Co. 40 Main Street. .3,000,000 To Leak on City Property and Farm Lands, Interest 8 per cent Prompt Attention, INSURANCE C. A. KRAUSS Porter Block, Main Street. Medicine Hat, Phone 250. FOR SALE New Fully Modern House , on Alberta Street, CENTRAL PARK, Containing dining room, parlor, den, four bedrooms, kitchen, pantry, hath and furnace, Full basement. Hardwood floors, atc. Shy PRICE 5:000.00- GOOD TERMS. APPLY REX REALTY Co. 877 MAIN STREET, PHONE 858, Block 24. 400 pair, : Boeke 700- patr, Block 3750 pair, Block 29. 3750-50 ft. corne:, Block 27, 300 lot 27, Block 27, 750-60 ft. lot 11, Block 83, 3600-60 ft. lot 40, Block a3. 1700 50 ft lot 16, Block 3, COUSINS AND SISSONS, 260 each, 11-15, Block 35, 126 pair, Block 10. 200P for 100 ft. corner, Block 21. 1500 pair, 10, 11, Block 4 1260 palr, 12, 13, Block 4. 850 50 ft. corner, 1, 2, Block Se ? 1600- lt;pair, 9, 10, Block 2, HERALD. 1800 pair, 23, 24, Block 4, View lots. 1200 pair, 25-26, Block -8. 1760 pair, Block 14. 1200 pair, Block 17. 550 Jot 24, Block 8, Toronto Street. 1050 pair, Block 9. 1400 palr, 29, 80, Block - 20, Highland Street. 2500 pair, 39, 40, Block 11. 3000 palr, 16, 17, Block 12, Toronto Street. 1575 pair 6; 6, Block 10, Tor- onto Street, 1500 pair. 21, 22, corner, 1600 pair, 25, 26, Block 15. 3000 5 tt 280, lot 8, Block D. + OLD TOWNSITE. 00 lot 18, Block. 2000 lot 28, Block 82. 12500 lot 28,, Block. a2, susp. 5000 Iot 17, Block 10, BF SOUCH, Phm.B, DETG STORE, TORONTO NIBLOOK TULL, Limited. Room No.8, Imperial: Bank Building. PHONE No. 920, Montreal St. Bakery MITCHELL S HOME-MADE BREAD REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST TYPE OF BREAD MADE. ONE -TRIAL- WILL CONVINCE YOU, PHONE 560. EXTRA RED PEARS FANCY MIRABELLES MACEDOINES STRAWBERRIES in heavy syrup. Packed in glass bottles by J. A. Sharwood, London, England. New stock just to hand. Thete is. stil personhel of the cording to-the In key will be rei Pasha. Turkish mah Nazim Pas Berlin; Relehid war, and Reicha wiser of the Po The Balkan al represented as 1 Bulgaria Mi minister; Mr Da Sobranjes, and ister at London, . Servia Mr. N time minister to witch, president and Mr, Milenko at Paris. Montentegro M Poporitch and 3 vate secretary t Greece Mr. 5' Danglis, chief o ston to-the propo Morial conferenc putes affecting 2 outgrowth of the six powers, unant an European wa: forever. The ambassador ably will be hel treaty of London Kans and Turkey (Continued
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Image 1067 (1912-12-06), from microfilm reel 1067, (CU1773480). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.