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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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THIS SALE MEANS THAT YOU CAN PURCHASE BOYS SUITS AT LESS THAN THE COST OF MANUFACTURE ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SAT- URDAY. i ; Our prices regularly are as low ag the low- est, consistent with quality and making, as we handle only the first grade cloths, . Our stock is one of the largest and hest sel- ected in this department in the eity. Any 5.00 Boys Suit for Any 7.50 Boys Suit for .-- TARy Boys? Suit for . Anyia.50 Boys ae for . is 16.00 BOE FLEECE UNDERWEAR FIFTY CENTS A SUIT. wear altogether, you can ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BUY Any 3,50 Pair Boys Shoes for ..: . - 2.65, Any 2.50 Pair Boys Shoes Any 3.00 Pair Boys, Shoes for... 2.15 Any 2.00 Pair Boys Shoes A quantity of BOYS HOCKEY SHOES at 1.95 a pair. TERMS ARE CASH. SUITS BOYS ami are closing out our stock of Boys Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes, Felts, a and other Boys? Foot- fi Overshoes, Rubbers, Felt Boots, Moccasins, Larrigans, ete., at: proportionately low prices. B AARKER PATTEN T DAILY NEWS, for . for . - 1.35 NO EXCHANGES, neers apparently are now unable to move her in or out. Asked by the foreign naval officers why he falled to hug the shore: after his. ship was torpedoed, the captat replied that his crew was not under Good discipline and he feared they might mutiny f they saw the shore nearby. Consequently -he took a chrace of sinking: E, Solid Basis of Peace Reached by Balkan- Turkish Conference : Ss jataas: 1, bu- Turkey Refuses to Entertain Bulgaria s Demand for In- Present beg fashian O eee demnity Fifteen Days Armistice Probable Bul. atersuas tow tne Turks listen un. c on it es Sacra ere Seeks Pepa May Soke ese oe aan oe often not attempting to alleviate, gt; them. They do not realize that the London, Nov. 30 Ged. Renwich, suff rers, were conditions reversed, correspondent for the Daily. Chroni- would lend no aid tp thelr brethren in distress. sie, at Constantinople, telegraphs: ao I lean on excellent authority that the Balkan-Turkish peace conference, This stoiclem, while in one sense 1s admirable, Is costing the nation s rible price in soldiers. Sometimes gaia ee oer Ieee. Sous they number thousands; they are Pree ern te gee et lame, halt, feebled and ar for the early conclusion of negotia- pert Pa eee oe et Sea eet tions, The delegates are now at one of the following four points: , 1 Adrianople to femain Turkish territory under certain st pulations, inciud ifig the reduction of the fortt- fication, * 2, Buvkey to enter. th federation for customs purposes. The exact conditions of this: partnership are not, however, definitely fixed. 3. Autonomy be granted to Al- bania, under the control of the. Allies. Macedonia Mussulmans in ter- ritories gamnexed by the coalition, to r celve certain privileges. The only serious difficulty in the way. of in itly signing the peace treaty 1 Biilgaria s demand for a War ivdemnity of 500,000,900. francs 100,000,000), which Turkey so far fetuses to pay or even to consider, From-a good- source I-haye learn- ed. a a fifteen days armistice will ed, probably tomorrow, There ubt that very defjpite pro- as been made with the nego- is and high hopes are raised this eve at the porte. The highest ed in all manner of ragged uniforms nd reeking in filth. Part of their re Mgion s to be clean, but that same F ligion by fatalism or indifference ereates conditions which make clean- liness impossible. The seamen are wrecks ofthe Turkish army. It is inipossible to reckon acccrately the tiufitier of Turks lost by their own disorganization and indifference to human life, but it s ems safe to-say that 200,000 have been incapacitated Since fhe war Degar. While several division in Macedonia surrendered and laid down their arms and many thousands were made prisoners, those that died i battle or. from cholera re probably ggregate between 40,000 irel s Row. regard peace as certain. and 50,000, while those who became is in a hopeless situation. The recent government ,has departed unsuccess- ful. The machines now in possession ag th inh aoe ie Mh Ieee tive. The inability of the Turks to Gome to a definite decision, it-is feared, will result in the failure of peace nego- tiations. Adrinnople Must Fall. Mustapha, Nov. 30 The unanimous opinion prevails here that peace is imposaible until Adrianople either surrenders or is captuted. fveryone who has witnessed the deliberate preparations made for. the siege of the Turkish stronghold, was forcibly impressed a3) the nareenty felt. jalgarians will aif hold trump cards: jn thelf-hands, propose to dic tate, not to discuss terms of peace. The trip of Mr. Danoff, president of the Bulgarian chamber, to Vienna, Was in every way successful. Its re- sults have stimulated the Bulgarians immensely. The Turkish garrison at Adrianople Operations. have made vain all hope of escape. So reduced are the stores in the town that the Turks-fre tio longer able to work thelr soldiers... Certain, military reporters profess to think that the Bulgarian army is exhausted by its recent efforts and in a state NO RHEUMATISM THIS WINTER of semi-coliapse, Nothing could. be further from the truth, Reinferee being continually sent tu the front. In the last four days three perfectly equipped divisions of fresh troopa passed through. this city. Trains. of stores and supplies col- fumns pass in almost unbroken lUnes, Athusiaen reigns in All ranks of the army investing Adrianople. It ts believed that the Balkan con- federation will be further strengthen- ed in the near future by the adher- ence of Roumania, which will give the league a combined arsenal of am- tmunition and bayonets. Bulgarlan Success Mustapha Pasha, Nov, 30, The Bul- arian tatt announced capture Yesterday of a body of 9.000 Turks under Trav r Pasta, which was op- erating In the region of th Kirdjall mountains, This is proof of Bul- garlan military secrecy. The existence of this force was un- known outside military cireles before it, was cut-off, feolated, driven by a surround'g g-foree-to-the-bank-of-the Maritza river, where it: wae com- pelied to surrender. While investing this separate force, the Bulgarians DR. PIRRCE S FAVORITE F PRESCRIPTION, hes proven its value ia thousands OF cases, like sane Bas Dona M. val ret fe fit 2 2 DRINKING MEN CURED OF THE NARIT BY THE TREATMENT vere able to advance ir lines on Adrianople. They now have addition- al troops-for-the-stege released: Though peace is exp ctod there Is no official news of it here. ter to Wm. J. Bryan, inviting him to attehd a conference on Mr, Wilson's return from Bermuda. The presi- dent-elect wishes to consult with Mr. Bryan as one of the leaders of tho Demooratic party, but he will take counsel with a number of the other Democrat Ieaders also on his future program. It is definitely ann unced, however, that M: Br n is not com- ing to Bermuda and. at he has not been invited to do so A run of twenty-one miles over the frozen prairie roads by the Calgary motor fire apparatus saved the busi- ness section of the town of Langdon from destruction. SAY VOLTEM MEDICINE: HAT CARTAGE GO. ALE KINDS OF TEAM WORK. Household Moving a Specialty. PHONE 820. J. M-Cooper. F. S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale Yall Street. Phene No, 4) P. 0, Box 81. E. Bartlett. it, B.A.Sc oeisga Sek Kiveces cat Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Rallways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation Plans, Etc, oom 14, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat : Phone oy Excursions Fo Europe BY THE lea Nace SJ Wo TL Itey a In connection with special. rates on the railways, Nov. 7 to Dec. 31, 8S. LAURENTIC from Portland De- comber 7. 8S. LAURENTIC from Halifax, De- Thanks to SIM PILLS iN Ae an extensive stock of this Toilet ware 0 much in vogue ae now. . Tolle ote fae to 16.0 Mirrors, 8.00 to 94.56, Hair Brashes 2.00 to 94.00. Clothes Brashes, 2.50. Hat or Velvet Brosh, 200. Nall File, Te. Kiamil Pasha bas expressed bim- inetrective through lack of nourish- self al optimistic Fekarding the pros- ment and care, according to the Tarkish Characteristics. Constantinople, Noy. 30. Foreign observers here dally ate aroused elth- er to condemnation oF, admiration of the Turks by reasomiot some pecu- Har display of characteristics which are different from those of the people Of the west. Their indifference to the suffering of thelr feilow men and the Wanton wastes of iife displayed hor- Hbly in the wrecks of the humanity Walking the streets of Stamboul and Pera and in the piles of dead, need- Jessty large, in the cholera camps, is otfset by the courage of the officers: and crew of the cruiser Hamadisch after being almost biown up. The captain brought his ship ack to Constantinople in a manner few Buropean commanders would have adopted. He took a course Aeross the deep sea and arrived at the Golden Horn with the decks of the cruiser 18 inches above water. The ship was practically sunk at the entrance to the dock andthe en number 57,000 and probably more. The Turks continue to boast that Asia Minor Gan supply bundreds of thousands more recruits, The war is giving the foreigners here an opportumity to see why an empire which should be one of the richest in the world, 1s sparsely set- ted and poverty-stricken. It has dem- strated also that the Turks can be cruel by indifference to) own people as in an attack on E Within the Tohatelis Chris- ans, even Bulgarians, continue to res in the villages ui Nested. the Turks. - 2 A conspicuous case with regard the property of foreigners was give when cholera victims appealed to the Turkish officers for permission to open empty and deserted houses at San Stefano. This the Turks re- fused to do on the grosud that the Propgietors would dislike cholera in their houses. They would permit Wounded to-be taken into the build Jings, but not persons sufferfig from SHILOF the scourge. its, and heals te Gs cone JArticles can be engraved and tn, in the following colors / blue, pink, black, red, ete. A.B.COOK JEWELER eg Sins An agent who has been here -at- tempting to sell aeroplanes to the MAIN T: pects Of an early-p ace with honor, statement of a Turkish staff officer, ietied Rheumati: want to 1 WINTER Rheumatiam? ope want to pith the help es Citi PILLS. 597 Panet St,, Montreal, P.Q. done mea great deal of good. iam for couple of years, this winter I saved myself from it using GIN PILLS. 1 bighty ze GIN PILLS to the publi. A. BEAUDRY, Thousands of boxes of GIN PILLS are sold every year through the influence Of those who fiave been eured, aud who recommend GIN PILLSto their friends and neighbors. If you are subject to Rheumatism, Kidney or Bladder Trouble, -start in right now om GIN PILLS, 06, bax, 6 for 2.50. If you want to Ary them frst, wiite fora free uaaaple 10 National and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited: Toronto, 148 cember 8. 88. TEUTONIC from Portland, De- cember 14. ao NIC from. Halifax, Decem- r 88. CANADA from Portland, Decem- ber 21- 8S. CANADA from hig es der 22: Decem- Celtle, New York-Liverpook Decem- xen om Yor, N. - .-Southampton, De- .-Southampton, Decem- alanis New York-Londom, De- 2 Bohemina, Borton-Liverpool, Decem- 7. Gedrie, New Xork-Liverpool, Decem- Oceante, N. Y Southampton, Decem- ber 14, St. Panl, N. .Southampton, Decem- ber 14. Minneronka, New York-London, De- cember 14, Winefredian, comber I, Also sailing yia one port and ray tutning via another. Apply fot particuuars to nm railway or SS. agent, or to McLeod, Can. Western Pasi Agent, 333 Main Street, Winnipeg. Boston-Liverpool, De- - -Phelrbusiness. suffers, thelr social standing is impaired and thelr Hewitt Armstrong Every drinking man, in his sober moments, realizes the handicap under which he is placed by his periodical lap es from sobriety. The-man-who drinks moderately or the one who drinks to excess ate Doth slaves to the habit, and from experience havo learned that it is possible to stop drinking without assistance. The polson is in thelr syateni. and the craving for alcoholic stimulants must be satisfied, respect steadily dimiaishes. The Neal Treatment conquers the drink habit and effects q cure in three days time. lt; The Neal Treatment consists of a purely vegetable medicine taken tn- tetnally and does not Include hypodermic Injections, The Neal Treatment removes every; trace of alcoholic poison from the system, it clears tho brain, steadies the Herver-and restores the body to a rormal, healthy condition. All this is done in three days s time, and the patient leaves the Insti- tute with all craving for alcoholfc stimulants banished. No drinking man cam afford to miss this great opportunity you can be cured practically without losa of time and places you on an equal basis with your keen-minded competitors in business life. Write today for futl particulars. Correspondence strictly confidential. LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS Th Se. Clans Special has just pulled in with a great con- signment of Xmas delicacies--.turkeys, geese and all the things that go to make the coming season the usual one of j joy and hearty goodwill. oe Look over our stock before you ju do ero Christmas marke we so ke that the vente are almost beyond belief. Ev. you need is here, down to the candies for the kiddies. Come in whether you buy or not let us wish-you a Merry Christmas, anyhow. HERE ARE SOME OF OUR CHRISTMAS BARGAINS Raisins, Valencia, 2 Ins. for 25e, Raisins, seeded, 12 o., 1005 16 ox, 1240. Seite eee ee ee r a Candied Peel, Lemon and Orange, 2c. per Ih, Citron 25e, per Ib. Nuts, Shelled Almonds, 50c. per Ib, Walnuts, 50c, per Ih, Futs, unahelied 2 SE Almonds, 25 per Ib, Walnuts, 25 . per Ib. Filberts, 25 per Ib. Brasils, 6c per Ib, Peanuts, 20 per Ib. : Plum Puddings We hare a fine stock of these Puddings: Sharwood's, * lt; Weston s and Wagotaff s in 50c ahd 81.00 sizes. FRUIT CAKE If you are too busy to bake Fruit Cake, como and get it here. We hate a stock of it always on hand Mince Meat, fresh and sweet, just arrived, 20c. per Ih. Cranberries, 2 Ibs, for 85e. Malaga Grapes 30c. perth. Lemon Cheese, 20 and S6e per bottle, Salad Dressing, 250, S0c. and 60c, nizes. You should see our stock of Chutneys, Relishes, Sauces, Catsups and Pickles, Sharwood s Fralts In glass, Macedoines, Red Pears, Raspberries, Strawberries, Greengages, Mirabelles, all 60c per bottle. Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chickens, Xmas Week. Laurentis Mik, half-pints Ses pints 10c, Laurentis Cream, half-pivts Ie; pints 25 , Oysters, treah, 50c. pint. Table Raising, per th. 30 and 85e. . THE QUALITY GROCERS. Phone 258 Main Street LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS NEAL THREE DAY. The sentry, Lance er, was easily capt asleep at his post. battle in which not Captain Wes Becke V. Cox and Col. were captured alc and supplies. The securely tied and ta headquarters wher by jury. Scoutmas judge. Patrol tes and Sec.Treas. Ha prosecuting attory Leader, Ralph Fi The prisoners w but the prosecuti charge heavily. were examined afte retired and after de minutes gave the was as follows? Capt, Wes Becker at V. Cox guilty; Lar Becker and Col. G. guilty. Judge Crisall Die the executor faithfully Court a o'clock. At the Patrol Le Instant You can stop tha eczema and otlier two seconds. Seems too good bis true, and WE V Just a few are cooling, wash, the tion for eczema, an instantly. Now if you hi many cures for ocze Le-bete-+e-+e-H MMe RE We ca oO Lumber, Fir Fini Yard, Nor Fotopepe-hed Oo LO OOPS O LOLOL OobOLOS
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Image 1032 (1912-11-30), from microfilm reel 1032, (CU1773422). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.