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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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riday, December 13th, 1912, a Since our Store was. Pbucned out on Monday morning our. customers have not forgotten their old firm. They have patron- oe ized all -our departments. We have filled from fhe smallest to the largest orders possible in the hardware business. We Will Continue To Do So Our stock is as complete as it is possihia tor any wholesale or retail atoce to -be:--Our warehouses-are well filled with the choicest of wares. - Have you i forgotten us? If so, phone No. 1---The ry Be De espi pite t the fire we have the goods and will aeaitted to fill any orders that you. wall) lac me The Busy B s, Wholesale and Retait Hardware 0 TEMPORARY OFFICES: OVER McKENZIE'S HARNESS SHOP, MAIN STREET. PHONE No, 1. Tt Septet eee OPO OP LILLE LLL LN LEILA ELLE ELLEN LLL OULO PE SEIS ELLE OH eed ll Block ; advance, and that, though the blow was about to be declared between PI feli suddenly like that Germany Germany and France, produced from struck at France, the force had been a drawer the military plans of Ger- se McGregor Berry OF RUSSIAN SoHOOL tng gainevng, and Gpening Tone pape Bad been prepared Ionz THe h P AY INVESTMENT Cf. ears Real Estate and Insurance 1S WELL AS FRINGE er eee lh aie ses : ACRESGE 3 A ized that their best chances of win- er than Ivanoff and Dimitrieff. The Offer For a F Days Only the convicts, whether ning were by/a whirlwind campaign, last named succeeded Savotf as chief to feel themselves as Some choice propositions for subdividing. Call and Bulgarian General Stu died by beating the Turks before the of the general staff when Savoft went 1 o 8 Lo is in : and to raise them to see us. - We - ae Turks had really got started, and by on the mission to Paris. Dimitrieft they should have a: 3 HERALD in the Dominions of. the signting so fiercely that they left the is at pr sent in command of one ct : ie . + Ozar i Mili- seat ith IU yportun- the: thi Hitary 4 tion dist erat Cla, Baise sock 1, facing Peplanaae, oe par. ere. es Ne aeteansoyes Tk Re i oe ouigaea teu ng work would not inter- See See hahaa: 2500800, 'One -pelr// - comes ft will come as it did in: Rus- charge: of the other, while Mafor- honest man s trade. A Sore ene: 3? a ieee i sia and Japan, with ayictorious pow- General: Koulinchetf ts in charge of started, too, to provide ee Sate geet eeriacas WaateAll PLANNED THE WAR orvand a beaten pow r to come to the third. The present chief of staft p and wholegome food. 4 rn ia ee epee iy Bh :and WoatAllowagre.. Cool. terms. It 4s unlikely that Turkey is Major-General Fiteheff. Bor the m can be dong in Ger- ee ee : MMILE IN-PARIG wit be atic to anpearat tie pence woridertul efficiency of the Bulgarian These Tots were chosen in such parts of ia, why not in Canada? COUSINS AND SISSONS conference with any aire of belig- artillery critics give credit to Naz- the ciivaae ble th nel edicine Hat not make Block 22, facing school, 1050 pair. Most of His a Bt f Batons Grent capable of continuing the lowmoft, while the cavalry command- e city enable the purehasers a selec- 2 It. -would gt Block 25, pen pair 900.00. struggle if necesary. ey i Major-General Tzenoff. tion of either business or resi ites. yrid-wide fame and ad- Block 38, one pair only, 850.00. z to. the Fierce Fighting OF the Russian School -these officers have been identia a of ae Be ae CENTRAL PARK Chins That.Include as So far as the war has developed inate up under General Savotf, ine Hat is a fast grow- oe a popular hero, that honor goes with- who is Bulgarian Slav, and as the fr poets, ths) peat ae re ee eae ee . i fe ae it Stallion to General Savott, -of names: of the others indleate,, they Jast long, Se ae a eee So brilliant and overwhelming the Bulgarian atmy, and virtually are of the same fierce fighting stock. A splendid business corner in Block 54 3 y e ft Bul- it ies. Bef t dit have been the explaits of the Bul- ficld marshal of the allies, Before 'That Savoft was bullding up a for must be gold this week. y would be blessing McGREGOR Se BERRY Fiesten army that the puvite tins al- tie war the. public knew no moro inidable wemy, on paper: has been ountry, and it canbe : Her- Ficst forgotten that there are othor of the Bulgarian army or of the Bul- known to all the powers for some See us for snaps in Gentral Park, a Burns Block Main Street garian generals than imew.ot ifme back, but tho'remarkable thing : ark, Tie in dae nee has been domiaated by the Hulpar- Oyami ad Nogi before the war be- 1s tat -Snvott- bar chown himselt-as/ Hh ald Townsite and Hill. Ss i . ng There has been no confusion tween Ristis and Jajfan. Nor 1s all brilliant e leader on the field as he and no overlapping of military oper- th information which an eager pub- was admitted to be an able -organ- SEWIN LIVE MERCHANT: ADVERTIS fitions. It is plain that the plan of/lic desires about Savoff, Ivanoff and izer in times of peace. Russia's INE aon a 8 3 E IN THE NEWS oonpaicn was mapyed out long ih Dimitriett yet avaliable, y was a terror before the ord Something, however, is known of war with Japan. Turkey was sup- for Bale and Rent.) them, particularly of Savoff, who posed to jtave a wonderful army a oronto Street. had a fine military record reathe couple of months ago. 4 tf Phone 598 present war begall, and who had the A Wonderful Feat. Phone - - Assiniboia Music entire confidence of his countrymen But to the Bulgariiin people them- At q ; when he took the field at the head of selves must go the chief credit for e Mover IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SELL, oe ee ie ee a though the German school fs the materials for his army. Bulgaria lias by Hadith Sessions Topper, 7 FOR SALE most fashionable at the present time, a systent of universal military ser- ond Mrs Tanqueray. ow at the Berkeley Theatre, Ne IAVATING nd enthusiastic young ofifcers who vico, either for two or three years, Hilda Myenan, daughter -ot EYork. : Y TEAMING WE WANT TO SELL IT. desire to reach the top in their pro- the longer period being for the) Mcenan, who has been playing with , John B. Mellard, who ssored suc * ae fession feel that only in Berlin will mate tropa After this aah her father in vaudeville, ras been. en- eeas in Hamlet, is to play Shy- ETE WORE. 5 nrouree of mitts gaged for a role in The Road to Tock. --* a * solence. Sayoff is a product of the aR for 16 or 18 years called 1 anon gt; e a Russian school, though ke has stud- to put in three weeks annual train- L. BX 1 T a 3 is fed in France and taly. G oe ie eerie ghee War Planned in Paris. Sis then becomes a member of-the Cc d ty fi R. il ed Ba opt IF YOU WANT TO INVEST WE va ae Banal in Po, le oe porns ments Canadian Pacific Railway hone 260. brilliant, part; and when the Bul yrves a week each yea at the xy z fan. cabinet resigned in 1903 8: mvr s. By this. system a coun- * ite - fa NE STABLE PHONE Gj LICIT YOUR PATRON AGE was appointed minister of war. It Whose population fs not much ) E 2 78 SO * was then that his genius for organ- miore than half that of Canada can ome 1sitors xCUTSIONS zation became apparent, for the mod- putian army of 275,000 in the tleld Fo . S. FOLLIS . ern Bolgarian army, which has proy- with 150,00. reservists ready. and - s ed to be a fighting machine, quits availabte-to. fill casualities and form UNITED. ATES acting Co. : comparable with that of Japan, s complementary units. ST TORONTO ST. e the creation of Savoff, and has been Wales, Chal Boo built up in the past nine a PLAYS AND PLAYERS. RETUBN J ARE FROM MEDICINE HAT Gravel fgome time he combined the offices-ot gt; mers ee Fs. . war minister and chief agetatt but HarrysLauder s nine weeks tour of Mitrhi apolis St. Pani 41.25. Duluth 38.95 avy Horses fer sale st ee four or five years ago left the America will open with one week at 7) or i All Times. 7 ministry and went to Pe-is on a, spec the Casino, New York, a week frem hicago 297.25. Reauess City wee. : M O R G A N F 0. 8) ial secret mission, * next Monday. Corresponding fares to many other points -verard Co. 5 poe ase he spent several years. and Maurice Campbell, the mantger of Tickets on sale December 1 to 31, 1912. is supposed that in those years he) Henrietta Crosman, L ESTATE. s ei conferred with, military representa duco a Spanish play in For farther particulars call on L, A. Dobbin,) STREET, PHONE 655 5 Railway: St. ties-ot other., to the stra time pext month. icine Hat, or write to tings Wanted, P 4 tegy to be employed in the war with This winter Mrs. Leslie Garter will exe - RG, MeNEILLIB, od buys in Hil, North Be Turkey, which was then recognized yenture out in a repertory of her old 3 i end Powell, 4 2 as inevitable. He may have been successes, evidently designed for the We ve; Calgary. like Moltke, who when told that war smaller towns. She will appear in
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Image 1115 (1912-12-13), from microfilm reel 1115, (CU1773465). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.