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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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of this season s stock of some lines that haveFeduced to one remaining, 20.00 COATS FOR 16.00. 312.00. e for That Change in the . that Aas. Coming , Soon a? Our sitnad is packed t the ceiling with neliette Sheets ext Tice size, soft.and downy finish; the kings Bee ee a LEONA -. High-Grade Grocers, FLANAGAN . Goods and Ladies Wear. CORNER OF OTTAWA AND RD AVE. prove of benefit to you. Every morning we will have om sale onc distinetive bargain selected from our large stock, e + aA Drop in early and we will be able to give you spectallattentiog, THURSDAY'S SPECIAL White and grey Flan- melette Blankets, ai Phone 515, North Railway Street McKinnon s s Ltd. 391 MAIN ST. ASK FOR. GENUINE, Butternut Bread RICH AS BUTTER. SWEET AS 4 NUT. : Avoid Imitations. 2 Look for the Label DES and Overcoats re considerably reduced to clear out the Pee ce. oat J. Moore Son HATTER REPORTED DEAD D.C. McK Frozen to Death: Mr, D.C, Mack: the He to the through several wear egst supposed dead one, Mrs, Reginald Newbery, 568 Char les Street, will. receive on Friday, 22nd inst, and every fourth Thurs- day. : Son ae ae Sap Si cieveset ts tun daa Vvangelical ee eqing, Nov. 24. Rev. L. lag ner, Supt. of Missions, will Jin ates the gervices in the morning and even- ing. He will alsd condust a prepata- tory service and quarterly conferenca on Saturday evening. . . H. Prnitt has returned from his fruit farm and states that Fhe expects to leave shortly to take reaideaice there, farm furnish the Water supply for a neighboring town nd Mr. Pruitt owns the service wh eh is a gravity system. Mr. A. R. Speers, of Winnipeg is Aooking up old. friends in town. yas Mr. Jim Burns has returned from Ohio after a year's absence, and his many friends will be pleased to learn that he will be here for the winter. His brother, Ot) has done great work. this year. in the Toledo outfield, and was picked to play on the All-Star team agajnst Minneapolis, pennant winners in the American Association. Mr. 8.,G. Blair, of Calgary, is vis- iting bis brother-in-law, Mr. J, F: Mr. G. A. iAnthony is down from Caigary for a few days S atr. Yoogtyn, of Chicago, has ar Yived in the city t6emanage the new Hotel Ceci. Mr. Joc lyn has had a wide expericicp . fn Hotel manage- ment and' omes to Medicine Hat with most flatterinig oredentials. nnerman, of Winnipeg, is at present visiting Mrs. A. Ry Morrison, of Montreal Sts. a dy Mris:We H. Gord a and children Jefe this thomming for Winnipeg, to agenda a wetk with friends. 'Mr. E.R. D. Porter returned last night from a trip to Oklahoma. Mr, Will Mitebell is home from Minnesota. Miss Rowe, gniduate nurse, re- : turned today from*an extended va- cation i-the Eastern States. ST. PATRICKS BAZAAR Wik open on Thursday, the 2ist fait, at St. Louis Schdol, corner Bal- morgt St. and East Allowance, and will continue till Saturday evening, 23rd, The ladies are offering all kinds of plain sewing and fancy work, et, all at reasonable, prices. Home made candy, and all kinds of home made cookiag, will be on sale. The three days, afternoon and even- ing. The doll contest will close on Saturday night, and the drawing of prizes will take place Friday night. Al parties holding tickets.on The reputation of the OURLAY PIANO ie due entirely to the character ef the Gourlay Pianos as at present manufactured it does Rot depend upon the character Of instruments msde ; twenty- Mother s Bread ? TASSIE BROS. PHONE 256, this drawing should aitend. Refresh- ments will be served afternoon and evening No admission. Everybody welcome. 90-6 Houses for siile on easy payments of Wwill exchange for real estate. Ap- ply to Hotson Leader. B4-tt Kaiser's Old Timer 10 Cigar. See me pas and get first-hand) fal rma: tion. HSH. ROSEWARNE Montreal Street. Phone 800. RETURNS HERE ALWE One Time With Redeliff Review, Was Said to-Have- Been ongstime res ident of Medicine Hat, and who was associated with A. Rollins Me lelsh in tho starting of the Redelltf Re- view, fs renewing acquaintances in the elty, and at the same time giving report that went papers that Tie had been frozen 0 death im if northern Saskatchewah hamlet. Mx. MacKay Is very much allre for SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Investments Which Will Make You Money CENTRAL PARK 50 feet, Block 18, 800 cash. 50 feet, Block 15, 1300. Terms. 40 foot, Block 21, 900. Terms: HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 50 feet, Biook 23, 1200. Terms. 50 foot, Blook 23, 1260, Cash. COUSINS AND SISSONS 50 feat, Block 34, 600, Terms. 50 feet, Bloek 19,: 1000,. Terms, SOUTH YUILL 50 feet, Block 4, 1500. GO feet, Block 15, 625. 104 feet, Block 14, 2,000. ROSEDALE 100 feet, Block 9, 2600. BENDING 50 feet, corher, Block 26, 650. HERALD 50 feat, Rlock 15, 1500. 80 feet, Block 12, (Toronto St) 3,000. SEE US FOR BUSINESS xo. - PERTY, H.C. PETTET CO. 868 Toronto THE THIRD DEGREE Excellent Drama was Greet- ed. By Packed House Good One Tonight. The Third pele, one of the best bills ever presented by the Allen Players, wa.jthe offering at the Opera House jast night. It Is an exceptionally. well written plece, and was superbly si by. the Allen Players. Miss Felton appeared to good ad- vantage in it ber emotional work being exceptionallf: good. The light ttle sarcasims, icisms and tou- ches of humor: she. injects in- to her work, riz in the most ser- Jous of sittiatibns, However, and her Manner of giving them, greatly en- dears hem to. the audience. Geo. Zucco, as Richard Webster in Wighit s cast, is-a-mioef gt; finished His acting of the very aiffi- Gilt part he carried off. most admir- ably. - Each other member of the cist merited the great. reception. which they received from the packed house. Miss Huggari r telved three cur- tains, Whut better or higher praise gould*be paid her singing. Tonight's show, A Contented ae man, a suffragette. comedy, iirles Hoyt. ie PERT ERE EES : LOCAL MARKET 4 Paeeeugeseseet 8 quarters beaf,.J2 1-2 to 2 c. 34. chickens:-aty60c. 125 Ibs. butter, 35c./ Eggs, 11 dozen, 45c. JARDINE-JOHNSON NUPTIALS. Miss Ada Blanche Johnson, daugh- ter of R. W. Johnson, manager of the Revelstoke Lumber Co., was un- ited in marriage yesterday after noon to Jno, Im Jardine, a C. P.R: fireman, 5 Rev. Mr, Blundell, of the Firet Baptist church,performed the cere- mony, in the presence of the friends and Telatives of the young couple; After the ceremony wedding sup- Per was enjoyed.and the young cou- ple then left for the east, On. their Teturn they. will reside on Yuill St Subscribe now for The Dally News. Selected Snaps TOWNSITE : Lot 18. Block 82 1500. Reg- ular terms. HERALD Lots 29 and 30, Block 20 Lots 13 to 14f Block 23 850 Terms GAS CITY REALTY Co. ; Questin river. WOOD CHIEFLY USED IN YUKON TERRITORY Contractors Make Deliver. ies to Gold Com. anies in Dawson andj lsewhere. THOUSANDS OF CORDS CUT. Thriving Industry of the North One Man Receives 112,500 for a Season s Work, Dawson, Nov. 1, Wood men on the Yukon and th Klordike have Just ended an active season, and are preparing to handle big contracts next year. Frank Nelll, the woo contractof, Who. several days. ago pulled out his Steamer Argonaut at Stewart City, has just completed one of the busiest Seasons of the many he put in on the Yukon, He brought down th Yakon And delivered at Klondike City thi Year 12,500 catds of wood, all ted at various places for the Yukon Gold company's: thawing plants. cord, or total of 112,500. Only Spruce Cut. Some of the wood comes from up. the Yukon as far as Selwyne, 160 miles above Dawson, and from points up the Stewart as fai as Mc- in the winter. Ever stick of it is epruce, The wood which was deliv- ered up- Bonanza this season will be used in thawing next season. Hun- dreds of cords are:thrown in huge piles, some, places 50 feet or more in height, so that it will be as close as possible to the thawing plants. Mr. Neill gets an average of about 20 eards of wood from an acre. Sin this wood is used fh mining it is n subject te the stumpage or roygity of 50 cents a cord which the govern- ment tdxes all wood cut for other than mining purposes. Mr, Neill has a contract to deliver 14,500 cords of wood to the Yukon Gold next year. He will be busy all winter superintending the hauling of the wood to the river. He has camps at Ogilvie, Moose Island, Calcite, White River, and This- a total of tWlve.. He will have three teams Satan ter. During the suthmer he Slways Had.50 to 100 men at work. White Pass cae The White Pass has contracted at, all its old stations about 20 between Dawson and Whitehorse, for -wood for thelr boats. They are expecttd to use aboyt 10,000 jeords. Abouit 20 separate contractors are getting out the wood. Each contractor is limited to one station. Other heavy wood contvactors.,on fhe upper Yakon . this year were: Mike Day, who brought down 4,000 cords for the Yakon Gold; and Jolin, Sipkus, 1,000 cords. Day is to bring 3,003 next year. aid It is. understood the Yukon Gold also has et a contract to Sam Me- Cormick to deliver several thousand cords this winter on Bopanza and l- dorddo from Ainslie Greek, which flows into the Yukon below,-Indian, and-over the divide westward from Eldorado.. McCormick will haul the) Wood over the hills to Bonanza and Eldorado with horses and sleighs. It is understood Charley Stone will deliver several thousand cords pf wood on Hunker this winter from the hills for the Yukon Gold. The N.A-T. T., it s understood, 1s cutting 10,000 cords im four-foot jengths at the stump, -on the north fork of the Kiondike, to be sent down the river for the Yukon Gold. Wood Down. Klondike, A large quantity of wood was brought down the Klondike to Daw- son this year. It s understood Labbe, Chisholm, and Hollenback landed 10,060 to 15,000 cords. The Chisholm boys bronght down this wood for the Some GhOice INSIDE PROPERTY OLD TOWNSITE 35,000, terms, Lote 25, 26 and 27, Block 22. 25,000 terms, Lots 23, 24, Block 22, 8,000, terms Lot 3, Block 33, (with house). 6500, terms, 100 ft., Block 84, faciig Braemar 3t. 9500, terms, 34 ft, (cor.) Blk. * 59 2100, terms, 50 ft, Block 96. HERALD 2100, terms, 50 ft, Block 13, (Toronto St.) 2000, terms, 60 ft. corner, Blk, 13 1750 pr, terms, 100 ft., 14 1150-pr., terms, 250 ft., Block 21 1400, terms, 50 ft, (Highland St.) Block Block 20, A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Boys School Shoes In box calf leather with Good solid leather soles. Made by Williams Shoe Co, SIZES 11 TO 13. 2.00 LARGER SIZES, 1-TO 5; 2.25 . FOSTER S SHOE STORE MAIN STREET SHOES. Indian Agent ie City To Indians, WERE ORDERED of which was taken up Bonanza by the Klondike Mines railway and distribu- Neill sold the wood here for 9 a It was gut, blazed; a hauled and stacked on the river bank Stewart.C tle ol Yukon, and at Tenderfoot . and Si Crossing on the Stewarts ..oq cout a6000 conde ct weed lost iid one Geepien attlle polite, Spatial S87 Bou soctarot Surns Bik. McGregor SBerry REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Main St. Yikon saw mill, and Hollenb brought down his for the NAT. T.4 All went to the Yukon Gold. Wood Is sald to be plentiful on the Dgwson front for city purposes, Hun- of cords are pil d up there for sale in long lengths at 9 to 10. a cord. Hill wood held in Dawson since last.winter ts held a, Uttle higher. Those in touch say. Wson will not feel a wood shortage is winter. Sipkus will be the heay- fest hauler from the hills, He will bring from Moosehide, and probably land 3,000 to 5,000 cords. : Five or six years ago Dawson burned 17,000 cords of wood win- ter. In earlier days it burned. 24,000 cords: Considerable coal as well as wood is now burned: here every win- ter, Among the heaylest fuel. con- Sumers in the city are the. territor- fal and the-city governments.and the police. Tt isind estood the Yaitou Gold in oe Year, and that its average cost laid down at the boilers-on th creeks, Feady to throw inthe furnace, 1s about 13 a cord. It fs estimated the. company. spends 500,000 a year in round numbers for fuel. POULTRY ASSOCIATION MEETING. A meeting of the Poultry Associa- tfon will be held in the News office (upstairs on Thursday evening. lt; lt; Foster's Shoe Repairing. Depart- ment is saving others money. Why. not yor? tt . TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up to Dec. ist for a bridge to connect the is- land known as Strathcona Park, with the mainland. Plans may be seen at the office of A. P. Burns. Bridge to be completed by March Ist. 10 per cent of price to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. heehee ede ode deals fe obs obo obo ole ole ole of sleet fest of oade ade ode obe OF BREAD MADE. PHONE 550, terms, 25 ft. Block 8, (To- ronto St.) MEDICINE HAT Fire, Life, Accident, Hall and Phate Glass Insnrance. BF.SOUCH, Phm.B, DRUG STORE, TORONTO ST Main Street. women could vote in. lx States, having a total of thirty-seven elector- aT votes, ds follows: Colorado, 6; Washington, 7; Idaho, Utah, 4; ant Wyoming, 3.7 recent victories give women choice Pee ole ole oe obs obe obs heeds fee jh The-Want-Ad.-can-only inter K. Dec. See ee Montreal St. Bakery MITCHELL'S HOME-MADE BREAD REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST TYPE WILL CONVINCE YOU... Ban ei We have on oad the fol- lowing varieties of case apples JONATHANS ROME BEAUTIES SENATORS They are choice stock. H.W. Ireiand Co. Before the election of November California, Their. the allotment of thirty-three more electoral votes Michigan, 16; Kan- sas, 10; Oregon, 5; and Arizona, . Eee l St eae eee A GOOD WANT AD. +.) One-which will bring the greatest number of repli s or answers. It isa law that increased demand makes certain the quicker sale, The Want Ad. is the brief- est kind of an Ad. that Is ever Written, and hence in ita brev- ity there must be wit-wisdom, est the reader on the beste of his interest. Each ceader is interested in each and all of th five essentials to every Want Ad. These essentiais, in the order of their import- ance, are, frst, the names of the article or thing advertis- ed; second the quality of the Artic e or-the kind of thing advertised; third the price of the article or thing advertis- ed; fourth, the address, (phone, or street number) of the advertiser, and, fifth, the name of the advertiser. When the above essentials are fully and truthfully stat- ed in the Want Ad, the best results are obtained; but in proportion to the number of these esg itinis omitted from the Ad., does the advert- FEEEEEE EEE LEE EEL thie bbl bit bob i : a : E - Ad. Each Want. Ad. isan of opportunity; Jook for them in f+ The News, Phone 13. * ONE TRIAL Phone 54, TO RESER So Far the Ord Ignored Su ing Chief, Me Indian Agent Gri city meeting the di an effort to get. the the reserves. Last were all ordered s reserves by the Gov decided that it wou concerned to have t serves. They are ro country, have no settlers are complair Ur to the present however, ignored order, Now the trying to find out if tend to go back or fuse then it is likel be used to make the Acting Chief Suns met the Indian Ager face, the Chief, is tims in Edmonton, AUTOISTS AR BY ANGI Young Penns -ciety Couple ar Wrath of Ra THEIR Al Woman s Beai for Life A Oharged witl Murder. Erle, Pa, Nov? 21. prominent. busines Susan, leader of the set here, and Geo. K feur, were shot yest raged hunter; after t - which they were en had run over a dog man was. hunting r of the city. Mrs, Foster was. s about the face and h the gun in the har Pastorius, 25 years The sight of her le gered and physicians covers the wounds 1 life. The. chauffeur esc wounds, Pastorius without bail, He shooting with inte claims the shooting TERRIBLE TA THE CHOLE Hundreds Die Appeals, for Heeded by A Constantinople, N. Tending scenes of su ery are enacted daily cholera camp at San correspondent of cat aster eee I of a embas Clyde S. Ford, U.S. on leave of nee here today. Much skepticism . Pers; the foreign qu Stantinople, both am the diplomatic corps sidents. No one th figures given by rai and others in contas sh army, who decla: thouseride wore str era. No reliable figu: able from official sov absence af these repor ed a grossly exagge: Th camp is situat of a railway embank in height. A large stretches away for This is surrounded b houses two or thr duilt in Enropean Stefano is the summ many of the more v residents in Constant Two Ottoman sold
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Image 950 (1912-11-20), from microfilm reel 950, (CU1773208). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.