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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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. little faulwith Sir Wilfrid Laurier s nav, resolution that the only improvement he could su; gest wag'the insertion of the word Ze Arrive Leave aay, which was promptly accepted. 8.00 20 Imp. Ltd. Vancouver to Moaceai. Then tke Laurier Government proceeded 20.05 -20.30- Toronto Exp, Vancouver to Toronto to act upon this unanimous resolution. ju 416 440 Seattle-St Paul Exp. Seattle to st-P. Vessels were purchased as training ships Se is se redheeaeeee and a naval eollege established so that whon (h : Knocks But Once Now Is Your Opportuniy warships were secured .ther --would be TO MAKE MONEY Arrive Leave Train and Terminal, 20:20 20.40 Imp. LX y Montreal to Vancouver. 12.00 Van. Exp, Toropto to Vancouver. 8 2840 88. Paul-Seattle Exp. St. P. to Seattle. ty Local tor Calgary. Canadian sailors to man them. Then ten ders were called for a series of Vessels whose construction would cover.a period of ten years. The plans were approved by the CROW TRAINS. ith ; , . British Admiralty and feniens were sub- : H i j Our Three Days Sale of No Amive ewe Train ana ae tan mitted by the greatest. shipbuilding by investing in real estate L E Drenajfds st Poctlead: of Great Britain. E verything was en train : Goods 12 * 948 9.65 Soo-Spokane-Portland Jd, Portland for the real work of constructing Canada s x HALF PRICE to St. Paul, 7 navy, to be built as far as possible in Can- WATCH THIS SPACE , pes aa 1s ae eke: ade Retold By, te Caradian Govern- i To lot 23.18 Express for ment and manned by Canadian sailors, and, , saved a lot of people esis Me nee eee Roealiey Lanting. e the Australian navy, immediately avail. FOR BARGAINS of money. Note Trains 1 and 3 carry sleeping cars only. between able to Great Britain in ease-of war, 5 ; : ; ; ifr dhis. weak ea Mave Winnlpes and Revelstoke, No. 13 and 13 do not come Then, after one of the most discreditable Other men are making money, why not you? ff ledicine Hat passing tie at Dunmore, miles campaigns in Canada history, the Lauri . BP. Morgan says: There is more-mon, clearing -prices on these cast, shown. ane +406 16k J.P. 10 oT madi le Government was defeated and the word in real estate than in Wall Street, lines. . speedy ? mptly expunged. from the Gi call. Coats and Dresses to go. Medicine Hat Reups Rories aiotinity, mn otice he has been ex ee slow as in, opposition he was urgent. One aos the Medicine Mat News Con Lid, ever i ; efaiotiats come Wain Streeu. Medicine Hat, Aite.Of his first was to cancel the Laurier is ste A, 5. B. TERRILL, E ttor, arrangement for the construction of a A) f; * nueleus for the Canadian nayy. Of course * elain . was oe oa ae -because the PHONE 90. lans were proved by the Government: BLOOK, ; te weuld probably be more correct, to say NEWS K, Opp. POST OFFICE. DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES they were disapproved by the Nationalists ES, 1 y-a1, delivered....8400 3 your by mall. naval experts like Messrs. Monk, Nantel mooiiaattercd thee sentn ty eal. tit and Pelletier finding te otae apptoy od by EES r : : pests. are oe ee quite ine cee : en months have passed and the i see eet oh See Sut heaves only benefit that the naval dispute has been E Xmas Cards Th WEEALY NEWS to the country is that it foreed Hon. Mr. Eee re Publishet avery Thursday tm sixteen or more pages, and Monk to resign, and exposed to.the obloqu: UK f . contains a oe the news of the week, one ae the Giseredieabia lina be . The Finest and ; ea wi ie Nationalist-Conservati - en nee Tae eee ee Assortment Ever : at is the net result of over a year./ i 3 ee Friday, November 22nd, 1912. Gute . seeing heli ae Test of the fe Be Se Bl rT. panos mpire, far outdistane y Australia and s : MARKET BYLAW NEEDED. New Balen, whose government. haye a Is at sya) never made such frantic boasting of hyster- in THE Council should form a comprehensive ieal loyalty, but were able to. ae tangible Pingle s Dri ag and J market bylaw and the sooner it is done proof of it. The record of the Borden JOUR SESEE VEO Book Store +: 3: aN or high rates of interest. S the better it will be for all concerned. Sot on the nary question is equa OVERCOAT ef ot Through making Medicine Hat a great mar- to their efforts on the marriage question, Youll soon be needing. Ob, yes, We Will Loan Y ou ket contre not only will the farmers. be infinite noise and bombast, infinite lack of it wit do for another season it A Money benefitted, but the cost of living will be action. ee terete oer appreciably reduced for the citizens. e REESE esr neces Fee eee Lee eee ae Build Houses bye Aa Loe tee sueh a manner THE municipal election this year promises * ** 8 ol sult or overcoat from Wear Made To eae new one after we get through that the farmers will be encouraged to to be brisk. Pressure is being brought E Per Mort; 8 i. To Impro' Real Estate at 5 Cent. Order Shirts market their peodies end the citizens will to Pear ong Pr Pord ie ann Ward No.1; per ern San ase MADE BY ae 5 ; a i + be encouraged te purchase. ere are, on U.S: Pingle for 0: 2; and on - that tast-year s: coat. . We. Guarantee ae me uw hemor ingleht therefore, two ends from which to build Hamilton Morrow for Ward No. 3. Men of mpg GLOBE CLEAN. ae , UABTIMO z edness e par be and protection. must-be giver to both this calibre running on a platform of muni- ; antee satisfaction with: every. Office open evenings. Writeyphene ot call. classes to the producer and to the pur- cipal ownership and a commission form of ING PRESSING CO. Stir. We carry.all the ney- chased. In order to encourage the farmpr, government need not fear the result. est and up-to-date styles and) Rear of Post Ofties-on Fourth Ave. International Home Pur-. we. have known towns to pete Jength of eo) ee eae A trial order. is all pe F furnishing a'meal ticket and. to make no GOMPLAINTS have reached the Ne - chasing Contract Co.,Ltd. charge for weighing. The citizen is por- office to the effect that the atenasre Prices Shap ON Medicine Hat oS 389 Ee blere Phone 790. tected by a clause which prohibits merchant8 Jiving across the. track ? are greatly dis- : We C making purchases on the market before the satisfied with the lack of action on the part hour of ten a.m. The proposition of 4 of the Council in connection with subway market building requires time, but even- matters. . The holding of an indignation tually the farmer becomes imbued with the meeting to discuss the subject is mentioned. assurance oe es he brings in a load of Se e produce he will find a purchaser awaiting yyo: oT jer 4 aie it and on the other hand the citizen becomes pe ioe SHE Nniiey Peace aware of the fact that if he attends ' the when we expect to have a population of a jnarket before ten o clock in the morning hundred the 3 , he can have a larger selection of fresh ed thousand within ten years? Servia R. B. Taylor s Transfer: Light and Heavy Draying. /THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA e) ae sched meen b Reariiteetn. pass HMM Boumania. fiat i k i i i 3 vegetables, eggs, butter, ete., from which to : , This ee is oe pe services soba thor iaketiis parehawees Wee ton olelock the THIS DATE IN HISTORY. HARMONY as a ceeeter. mands in Sett 7 UP a ore . market is open to the merchant and his eras pened ee HONE NO, 349. War. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH presence removes the chance of any. farmer November 22. - an i z eae P Y: . dered at the Medicine Hat Steam: FOURTH AVENUE. . H, MeDUNNOUGH, Manager. /having to haul his produce back home 1659 John Bradshaw, president of the Laundry, for they are the most cess yea SUBMIT PEACE again: : High Court of Justice tat condemm- caretul and do the best work I ne A Once the market is established on a firm ed Charles IL to death, died in London. have fovnd: before I tried them, T 10 EUROPEA and substantian basis, it is no hardship on . Born about 1600. tried all others in town. They the farmer to pay a small fee for the privi- 1774 Lord Clive, the hero of Plassey, com- 84 my waist back en a ; deve of Betavine his prods tot: mitted suicide. Born in 1725. Pe een, : Turkish Statesm Bank of Canada 1788 John Roberts and Abram Carlisle, Bees nee es Tem Mol U a TS) at France and - Hi : wealthy citizens of Philadelphia, 10 HAE Sree. paeeee Forsaking His Capital Paid Up f 6,460,000 2 THE LAST IN RACE. . executed as Tories. i Reserve Fund . 6,460,000 2 re 1852 Napoleon HT. elected Emperor. of (Special to the aus Bes Pe NOTHING that has occurred for a year the French. eet 4 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED: fe t hi illuminated the yacillation 1891 Recaus, ae aes a Fall is Here : F of the Servian: z SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BEANCHES, 53 past asso luminate le vac 891 Because of famine, Russia prohibited 2 quietude, according Se Sec, zg of the Borden Government as the speeches the exportation of wheat and all -its 4X 8 18 HOUSE CLEANING eee despatch to the Matin. of Premier Asquith and Rt. Hon. Winston products: 2.6, WILKINSON, Manager. gt;... : Medleine Hat Branch. Churchill at the rceent Guildhall banguet. 1901 The Privy Couneil of En: gland decid- , AV , YouR Soe. ane s Pre Seteiodiods Cocco eeteetet Soeseetosteet As a result of the shifty lack of poliey Can- : BY THE NEW VACUUM - ee ee ada ae shown up as a laggard in the Im- a cee oe nace cetaiann Becrae CitySaleStables erial Navy race. oF 7 4 ot 3 3 See soot the profoundest indiffe threats of Austria. Th g-nopular feeling, Tespondent, may. be sun words: We want por Flatic and will go to tria, if necessary, to 2, bs WE CLEAN. THE CARPETS ON *What has made the year memorable in g THE FLOOR AND TAKE OUT Heary Teams,-Drivers, Saddle istory of the navy, said the First THIS IS MY Sist BIRTHDAY, Ar Gunws wrrnour WEAR Horses for Sale, 2 i * This feeling is enco .of the Admiralty, thas been the : eer Oe ae LIGHT AND HEAVY DBAYING, reports of the strong - OF CANADA ae fitaneous and simultaneous movement Sie ant Sir Richard G. Glyn, Gas Gity Vacuum Cleaning Go. Hay for Sale. is going'on among t . as PIONEER BANK OF omen pexan ee ofthe great Dominions of the Crown toward ir Richard G. Glyn, who distinguished Phone 707 Bosnia, Croatia, Dalms stablished 1864. ranches in Cami active participation in. Imperial defence. himself half a century ago as a soldier and 0.11-1m J. . LARSON, Manager. i FRED McCLAIN Total Assets (Nov: 80th. 1911) over 51,000,000. The year began by the New Zealand nee in Tandon, Neve APB. PHONE 8. PROPRIETOR A general Banking Business Transacted Spell attention to Government placing their splendid: battle eduleation was received at Oxford. In es: Pyitiah 1892 he joined the Royal Dragoons and two ; Savings Accounts. cruisers at the disposal of the British : pel eat Se F. N WO. JOY. Manager + a : + Medicine Hat Branch Adgiiral rt a Dre ere Cont titans Feetino aman. the oe: sao oF fefotet opmeney famous battles of Balaclava and Inkerman. C.E.B.U. al Provinces, who are rei Capital Pald Up, 6,000,000. ; EveryW E M. CAWKER, 3 ae In 1859 he retired from the army in order es is to show w * LIVE RCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS ae ee ently anal fiat to indulge his: passion to travel and ex- Civil ee oat Me Archi- Phm. B. iche ebbsen the Australiim navy Would automatiedlly Plovation. In 1863 he led a memorable tect. Municip: ngineer, Dru Sist Y een ei intoghe control of the British Admir- *Pedition, from Natal to. the interior of Sewerage, Water and Gas Bgis q Clear the system n tiMe.of war. All this was recounted Africa, and: was one of the first. Europeans Supplies Deng endear Prec eee aealal with pric and then came Canada s turn 2fter Dr. Livingstone to ch the Victoria street Gradings, Industrial Spur Rail- cines, te. t i in the proces ion of the Dominion: But Falls of the Zambesi River. vars Ierigation, ote: ekige ee g LEC : ee Subdivisions there* w: ing to announce exeept we Ins pect he the Canadian Parliament CONGRATULATIONS TO: Layout of Parks. ne ance Mheets, announeeent of a naval policy : 7 Steel Constructions EMPLOYMENT AGENTS. worthy. of the power and loyalty of that -Shelby M. Cullom, United States-Senator mestgax ant Specifieations for GIVE US YOUR LISTINGS his well known to improve the act They will regulat stomach and. you from headaches, ba They will muke y By clesring your will have good Will Bec The directions with great Dominion. A ponder us platityde, from Mlinois, 83 years old today.- Houses, ete, worthy 6f Mx Borden himself. Thatis the -Rev. Edmund T- Shanan, famous . theo- Motto: First-Class Responsthle Ser- net result ofa year of dispute by: Mr. logian and dean of the faculty of the Cath. vice for Reasonable Prices, Borden and his coalition cabinet. olic University at Wai on, 44 years Old jOttice: Opposite Regeiltt Hotel, Red- In Mareh, 1909, Mr. Borden could find so today. See . F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETC. Latest samples in Wall Paper. 120 Eighth Ave, Phone 690, eo 1
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Image 960 (1912-11-22), from microfilm reel 960, (CU1773201). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.