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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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d Mattress Factory. 117-3 IN OR BEFORE 25th use tO rent No children, (28, News office. 116t nt 2 RENT FOR 3 MONTHS. Write W. H. Sherwin, 118-8 a ND BOARD WANTED ess tRIND COUPLE WANT: oom with private family: jews. 11T6 eee T AND FOUND ' SATCHEL BETWEEN and railway track, Main . please return same te ny Football on the oth ; News office. TERRIER BITH PUP. th two tan brown spots . Good reward. 3, F. BE, 6. 16 AN UMBRELLA WAR ta house some time ago. remit sum for ad when umbrella. Apply News rate ues FOR SALE 2 LOTS 27 AND 28, gh School Annex. 1060 sain. Apply owner, box fice. 16-3 -OWNER- WANTS TO room house on Hast iAl- ly 941 East Allowance. 116-3 AT 83 TORONTO S8T., 2 Attresses; also two gan gas fixtures, 115-6 S REGISTERED BERK- Both sex, about seven Also three. registered and cow. Apply Dem- arm, Medicine Hat, Al- 200-12 4 KINE LOT OF MAR-- heat, grown on new MEDICINE : HAT DAILY etiestedet -o0ongboreeseeenen Soateatesleatestedieeteatestest Lea edeed Ged Serre tee Sweater Coats Weare showing tine best values in the city in Sweater. Coats: Car show you 2 sood- coat for as small a price as 1.25 A Sweater Coat feels pretty good these ool evenings. The very thing to wear to keep colds. away Drop in and look our line over. Turpin Bros. The uP 's. Stone Where You Get the Big Dolar s Worth WOLGAST FAVORITE, RITCHIE'S. GOOD FORM (Special to the News) San Francisco, Nov. 27. Ad. Wol- gast and Willie Ritchie rested today from active preparations . for their Thanksgiving Day fight and devoted. the+-Roger Bresnahan was trying to get out of se National Teague so as 00 per bushel. 0.3; Mo- Bask. 812-30 themselves to the entertainment of ets lines of visitors to their despateh aS WANTED. camps. The day oj with - the champion still a 2 to 1 favorite over 1DROOM FOR GENTLE- tely, Phone 141: 118-8 URNISHED ROOM. BY Hm private house, with or Apply to. box. 1482 117-3- RED IN MODERN. RES- private family, perma. usiness gentleman. Good st, accommodations, and family, No rooming or se desired. Address. F., ssinibola Hotel. 116-6 0 RENT USE TO RENT, TWO station Apply 304 ,Sec- ot phone. 593. - 18-3 HOUSE ON ESPLAN- for three months from Apply manager, the of Canada. urs UITE OF OFFICES TO 1426 News office. 116-6 STRAYED THE ABOVE WILL formation that will lead et thigk This horse is reare id Sid han trim- B Sivrxs, Medicine Hat ante APITALIST WHO WILL t class modern buliding mt store on good bisi- . Apply box 1432, News vt- . OF WORK CONTRACT. ting, decorating, paper- eclalty. Windows clean. peaten, ot court Bros., 728 Third eral delivery city post 118-t8 evel SE INE HAT HIDE, FUR 1K CO. The above have best s lection of Second in the city. We carry ores and Bedding, new hand Clothing, Clocks. ous, Buggies, Harness, ew line of wintur goode ything mertioned abos best prices. Cal at y St. or Phone 687, K HERE N-IS OPEN, Don t sell + your raw hides ti 587 or write P.O box Hat. Our price is from 6.00. Don t forget it, and jo large or too small for Department. Give us a the local condender. jot the Beh Griffin, The betting odds, however, in no wise represent- ed public sentiment, it was declared. Pugikistie eriti s whe maintain Sothat the odds are false to the form ate at a loss to, ac however, for,on any other basis than the explanation given by betting commissioner .Cor- bett, who said that Wolgast money i large lots have been given him while the Ritchie supporters kept un- der over. Referee Jim Griffin after a conf x- ence with both fighters said last night that strict Queensbery rules - would be insisted upon, There will be no. wrestling or holding, said and after one or two at- tempts at it the offender will be dic- -quakified. In case the bout is stopped before the end of the twenty rounds, I wilt deliver a decision. Ritehie has been the idol of local pugilism during his training. His camp has been crowded with boxers of whom: he has had the pick as sparring partners while Wolgast has kept no regular helpers on hand. AH critics agree that Ritchie is in perfect physical condition. He weighed-133 pounds-after his . ght workout yesterday.o The fight takes plice at five o cibek central time-and the -Mandot Rivers dont at 4.30 central time. FA, ZEB MATCHED L e Ail jeles, Nove 23- A) the Ncw fork heavyweight, wil n'eet the Timer of. the Fiynn lt;MeCarty 16, In he heavyweight cifmfination contest to determine the champlon- ship of nite-hope class. Prometer McCarry has concluded u with Tom O'Rourke, managy? of the.New York fighter, and the fighting will occur on New Year's ee, XK, (. BROWN IN Sf A FIERCE DRAW ++ +. Chyreland, Nov. 27 Knock- out* Brown, of New York, and sf Pil Brock, of Cleveland, fought twelve rounds to a +b raw bere Inst night, accord- + ing toa newspaper decision. The bout was-the-roughest *i+) ever seen here and when the +f gong rang at the finish the + uproar was so great that the +f combatants kept right on pasting each other. Both + men were badly punished; + They weighed in at 192 + Pounds each. sf PEE bb bbb be Ge bebe errr res SAY. VOLTEM Tight scteduled at Vernon arena Dec. Mentioned a Farrell Fires Old Manager Who Couldn't Make High. landers Winners. New York, Nov. 27. Hary Wol- verton will nob. manage the High- Brenk Farrell, owner of the club, announced toa party of friends last hight that he had positively declined o Taal the sontract with: bis: man- aver fdr another year. It was gen - rally understood that Wolverton had a two year's contrast with Far- rell and the announcement last night moans nothing more or less than a peremptory discharge. it is maid that oy has complaint to make. ough he would have liked another chance to see what he could do with the High- landers, he realized that the position of the elub at-the end of the race warranted Fakrell in getting a new leadar, Wotverton s successor is a matter of conjecture. Mr, Farrell declared most positively that he had not as yet sclected a new manager. Though did not: say so the fact that he has tet Wolverton go would indicate that he bad some one in mind, It may be Roger Bresmahan. and it may be Frank Chance and again it may. be Mike Doolin. All of these are Na- tional League men, but it is believed that at Jeast one of them could be weared away from the league if a satisfactory financial settlement could be made with the magnates. DONLIN MAY Bk WOLVERTON S SUCCESSOR. Tt was Fumored several days ago to go over to the American, but with Pittsburg and Chicago claiming him l Of again; on again? Cyclove, on Saturday. Yo bid for Taylor, ac Mr, Taylor. the Toroi:ics, gave out the informa- tion that he-had Broadbent and Jack Fournier, of Ottawa, signed up. cure nese. players. Romeril, of th Canoe Club, is go- A. Jee at the Arena next Wednesday, iad by the first of December -the hockey clubs will get down to work, The Varsity hockey team have start gym yorierdev. With st. tise Pacific Coast League keg ng all the stars out of the N. H. H. A., they may be compelled to re- six-mer, hockey we are liable to have three or four men teams, Cheer up Every time they grab a, jstar out of the N.H.- A. it-make Toronto, and Tecumseh teams. better ook Murphy, the big Argonaut poirt player, was yesterday elected captain of the Bank of Toronto team. Nothing has been heard from Newsy Lalonde for two days. Maybe the telegraph wires are down at Corn- wall. Carroll Kendall, one of the best of the Ottawa amateurs Fred Taylor to the Coast: Sammy Lichtenheim will repre- sent the Wanderers at the meeting of the N. H. A here on Saturday and pro- coed to tell the delegates how a league should be run. Clipse followers of hockey in peg are wondering what kind of ai teur hockey Calgary expects ta, this winter in an team which will: capture tiie Cup. It looks ag if at leaet oni ager was endeavoring to get a Win ning team at any: cost, according to the assertion of one of Winthipes's HOCKEY TO THE FRONT. et now xo ( gt; the Coast. Tomorrow he Joffered will not yo to the Coast; good-bye. hockey in Calgary this winter) A week-ac0, Manager Ridnath of Pres: ing to have busy season. He is al- keeper, Teady claimed by thesToronto pros, have played -seven-men hockey this Canoe-Ciub and the Toronto R. and A. season:' nnelg baek in the fray, Donald Smith has signed a contract a megaphone solo to play diice the teams again, and: thstead of this winte Bithe Torope Doalin, Chithes and Davis s Su ccessors Ss ' To Deposed Wolverton there seems little chance uae here would . be more chance . of Bwank Chance, getting away than Bresna- han, As to Donlin, it is believed Pittsburg would give him-up for 4 reasonable amount of money, Hvery- body in baseball would like to, see Mike get a job as manag riand it is believed that a majority of the maguates would go in to help him. Moreover he would be a corking good man fot Farrell. There is still another rumor afloat that Harry ae Sees eo manager of Cleveland, come New York. There is a better-chan e of getting Davis than any of eae mentioned. In the American Leagne, President Ban Johnson has aauaeie to say about who shall manage the several teams. That league a run as such a close corporation that everything must be in harmony. For that. rea- son Johnson insists on the managers being satisfactory to the entire or- ganization. While Mr. Farrell would not admit that he had selected 9 manager to succeed Wolvertcn he admitted that fhe had several Hines out and would Jook over the field very carefully be- fore coming to decision. Wolverton's administration eee Yery unfortunate one. He alded. a5 a-man of strict and one who kept his club full ger. Great: success was iodide for him. Instead of success he met with utter failure. dropped into last place and finished the season there. In justic to: him it should be sxid, however, that no manager was ever beset with more hard Inck. Sev- eral of his best players were victims jot. accidents and were out of the game at the same time. Not once during the season did he have his en- tire regular team inthe field. ln that he was play, amateu gt; It hag been reported that several Ottawa Woys are going to play hockey at Cal- e, whio- clad 0a week - : And o- ca the Torontos Went dot gary, this winter, so that it may ve Two weeks ago the possible that these hoys, Tecumsrhs flashed a thousand dollars are too, are aving their Home elty for-more than a glimpse. of some. of the cow- boys. in Alberta Winnipeg Free Torotito Canoe Club, who will take Yes- a jump into the senior ranks this sea- terday he waa in Ottawa trying to se- 80n, expect to. have all their fast year's juniorteamt Th Tine. Perey Le Sueur, the Ottawa goal- says, The N.H. A. should Cofrect you are, Percy. The Internatfonal: League was or gt; ganized, drew up a schedule, secured ice at the Arena, and then died a na- tural death. +Hope the Hamilton Alerts-do por raining. Captain Basfl Frith hoa Cause as much trouBle in the Ontario Iatinen ntdlas tng abeetagecar ah-te papeeey. Adaociationemaghey did inthe, rugby league. in Victoria, but is at pre- + figuring whether the Wanderers jee Canadiens will bid a little higher than the figures at the Coast. The Argonauts will not: play hockey Bert: Darlington, the man- lager, states that amateur hockey players require. too much attention. Beulah Davidson wil be playing anager of the -Parkdate-senior teu this winter. 1t-1s-a question whether the Arena will be able to accommodate all the Isenior teams this winter. Varaity, St. Michael's and Torontos have already. secu accommodation at the rink land with the pros. using Weinesgay jand Saturdays there are not many dates left. Rakin, of Preston,denies that he will play professional hockey this winter. The amateurs to not-seem-to-Hike-that try-out contract. There was a great scramble yester- day. for the-Eaton hockey players. St, Michel's secured the-prtze-whren-they landed Frank Rankin. Herble Matthoys sill likely play with St. Michael's this winter. It. 1s with the Green Stars that Matthews Made his reputation three years ago, 4 Bost of the players of ecumseh teams in jhe secured a William. Htoat 8 refuse to Tt looks the N. H. Port Arthur and of the O- H. fall fot the pro. game and so far the two Toronto teauili have failed to land any eastern players. One Frank pairion has surely put soiething real good over on the N: H. A. this time, No matter who the Bastern League steals back the Coast promoters have eeure in Fred Tay- lor diawing Who would have eon: worth his t in gold to the Ottawas or Wanderers. awa are blamini fanaderers for the six-men hockey This ts what he says of Ross: six-man game gives Ross a chanes to pull off those, cork screw runs Of-b'c, wherens the seven-man game Keeps him so bottled up he loses th gt; puck before ho reaches centre, Take it from me so Idng as Art Ross vote cobhts for anything Hockey fans 1 Art Ross of the Vogue. * Taylor has arraiged to take Cat- roll Kendall along with him Saturday and thinks that there niay be one or two other Ottawa the: party He predicts that the N. H. A will have a poor season becauis gt; of the coming of the Toronto clubs and th continuation of six-man hockey, though he claims Both Toronto teams would be all right under the seven- man rule. Fred neglected to. consult Sammy Lichtenkelm before declding to go to the Coast, but he presumes that he will be all right. He may play with. Weetminster instead of Vancouver Ottawa Citizen, Here is a tip from Otawa for the managers f the professional hockey and Billy Bannet'ian- Al goalers; Billy Baird and Rus Murphy, rugged defence in of experience; Alec Cur- Fle and Tommy Westwick, two fast forwards, of experience; are still ly- ing around loose, ae Eadie Cusner of the Varsity Rugby Clyb Is-some hockey player, and was counted on by the seniors this year, but he has. developed water on tho knee and will rest up this winter Up to date-the Patrick Brothers have not made any Offers to the stars ignied up in Toronto. Guess they overlooked this' falfwelty in their quest for talent. Subscribe now for The Daily News TERMS ARE CASH, six-man hockey wil always pe in te teams. They claim that Billy Hague BOYS As we are- losing out our stoc HOCKEY PLAYERS GET BUSY AND ORGANIZE CLUB Std i ep at er the Tix Time. A meeting. should be culled at once, ge TORONTOS WERE HITTERS New York, Nov, 27 The Toronto team of the International League, in winning the 1912.pepnant, had the team batting record of .293, accord ing to the official figires issued by. President Barrow last night. Balti- more was a close Second for the bat- ting honors, with .289, Rochester Was third. with 283 Toronts made the a st home-runs, having to their credit, it Jew than last Year. Dol in, of Rochester, was the lead- ing base-runner, stealing 78 bases. Conroy, gf Rochester, led with 35 sa- erifice hits, i , HOCKEY EXODUS Montreal, Nov. 26. The exodus of eastern hockey players to the west continues, and Jast night Jimmie Gardner, who will again manage the. New: Westminster iast year s cham- piotis, left forthe coast. Along with him: will go Sibby Nichol, the former Shamrock player, who made-a big Te putation.on the coast Iast winter, Although Pitrie is said to have signed with the Quebec club, the wes ternors have not yet given up hope of. the French-Canadian going west. FIGHTS SCHEDULED FOX TONIGHT Packey McFarland. s. Harry Don- ahbue, 10 rounds, at, Indianapolis. Abe. Attell vs. Ollie Kirk, 8 rounds at St Lous. Three Days Only ee ee ee eee Thursday, Friday and Saturday THIS SALE MEANS THAT YOU GAN PURCHASE BOYS SUITS AT LESS THAN THE COST OF MANUFACTURE ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SAT- URDAY. Our prices regularly are as low as the low- est, consistent with quality we handie only the first * Our stock is one ofthe -in-this-departm y va UNDERWEAR FIFTY CENTS A SUIT. oes, Rubbers, Overshoes, Felts; Mocea ear altogether, you can ON IN THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BUY Any 3.50 Pair Boys Shoes for .?. Any 3.00 Pair Boys, Shoes for A quantity of BOYS HOCKEY SHOES at 1.96 a pair. Overshoes, Rubbers, Felt Boots, Moccasins, Lar vigans, Se, at proportionately low prices. Intrate Kellard Iaat week. Win. Joba stop, of this place, through an ad- vertisement In a newapaper, ordered from an Ohio firm some x:ricts fot making whisk y and othe: .:oxieate ing, Nqdors, The adverienn ut stat: Was portectiy legitimat.. a/v ivr ino Bm Teprpeetat either wet or dry terrhor, and iy, that no Ticetise was. required how- ver, the package looked tothe license cepartment, St up with the list of customa, Later 2 mineiyeare ix gn the package was sunt bors to BONra Be tense Inspector Allen whn wan me Btructod to hold an Investication, ; Mr. Johnston testified by had cured the articte for his ova pri Use and did not contemplate any Hig. test has been sit ta department sat Toronto. Just the outcom will be is hard b g as Mr. Johnston msver rect.-ad F ie i ii the strongest Demderatic cotmunity fm tha entire comitry. The fown, F which ia situated in Washington teed County, was named in 188, after Grover, Cleveland's frst victory, in nonlg. hee honor of that event. Previous co that jad tanerled, time tt was called Fifty-six, hociuse BMrrows ha Buchanan was elected pyesiten. in MT that year, A movement ts now on ee) Ber foot among the residents to rename see e the place Nineteen Twelve, in cele- Hospltal wi bration. of the Wileon victor Into. thet uerew quarters-on SECOND AVENUE OPEN DAY AND Nice ae. PHONE 859. cloths, and best sel- - 16.00 SUITS BOYS ns, and other, Boys? Foot- Any 2.50 Pair Boy Shoes for Any 2.00 Pair Boys Shoes for. eS NO EXCHANGES. BARKER PAT,TE
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Image 1003 (1912-11-27), from microfilm reel 1003, (CU1773195). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.