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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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'Y Household Flour Nutrition The highest standard of perfection Purity At All Grocers imported Singing Canaries and Mexican Yellow Head Talking *1Parrots for a limited time only. This ts your pase to get a good Harty Mountain Warbler or Sa. Andreasburg Trained Roller Canary at less than Eastern prices, Will Make a Nice Christmas Gift that will be appreciated by relatives or friends. So taka Parise ofthis great bird sale at these reasonable prices: , HARTY MOUNTAIN WARBLERS sold at bird stores for not less than 5.00 at this sale 2.50 to 3.65 ANDREASBURG TRAINED ROLLER CANARIES, noted for their sweety bell and flute-like notes day and night singers sold regulor at Easterh. bird stores for not less than 10.00. Our sale prices 4.00 and upwards. MEXIDAN YELLOW HEAD TALKING PARROTS at specia1 prices form 815,00 and up. Remember this gale is for a limited time only, so don t overlook this good opportunity. ON SALE AT Hewitt Black s Hardware Store MAIN STREET REMITTANCE MAN Wales, for unskilled Isborers work- HERO OF NEW PLAN ing in quarries and gravel pits, The . chief qjause of the sward ensures a 48 hour week with a half day holiday on Saturday. All public holidays must be recognized and double rates must be paid for necessary work on Sundays or holidays, Overtime rates vary from time and a half to double time after two hours oyertime. The rates of pay fixed upon range from 27 cents per hour to 39 cents Per hour, according to the class of unskfiled labor, Wales industrial law, * these come Into operation at once. (Specal to the News) New York, Nov. 23. Somerset * Maugham, the English playwright, Whose plays have been presented in this country by Charles Froham, ar- rived here yesterday from Liverpool en the Cunard liner Mauretania, on tis way to Calgary to find material for a new piay which has to do with tiie English remittance ma Mr. Maugham ala gt; will make a study of the wealthy tyye of Englishman who casts his lot on. the frontier. Aeegeas: Traias WAGHs ENSURED IN NEW SOUTH WALES (Special to the News) Sydney, Nov. 23. Skilled iabor in New South Wales has long been un- der the, protection of Factory Act Provisions which regulate its hours and ensure decont wages. Now un- Tates APOLIGIZED (Cc. A. PB. Gable) London, Nov. 22 Robert Stanton, president of the British Passenger Agents Association, deprecated before the Dominion Royal Commission, the leaving of emigration to religious enthusiasts. He agreed that some ing the protection of similar indus- trial t gislation and a court award was obtained recently under the Fac- tories Act by the United Laborers Protection Society of New South Our Personal Advice To All Skin Suffe CHAS. 8. PINGLE, DRUGOIST. We have Been in business fn this town; for some time, and we are look- ing to bulld up trade by always ad- Maing our patrons right, lt; So when We tell you that we have found the effective eczema remedy, You cin depend upon it that we give our advice, not in order to sell a few bottles of medicine to skin sufferers, but because we know how it will help our business if we help our patrons. We in stock and oa all the tion regarding the Salvation Army, were tod strong and desited to with- draw them. What is a VOLTEM ROLL? + a few drops of this simple. wash, ap- plied to the skin, takes away the iteh instantly, And the cures all seem to. be permanent. D. D. D. Presoription made by the D. D, D. Laboratories of Toronto is composed of thymol, glycerine, oll of wintergreen and other healing, sooth ing, eooling, ingredients. And if you ar ffist-erazy with itch, you will feel soothed and cooled, the itch absolute- ly washed away the moment you ap- We have made fast friends of more one family by recommending -remedy to*s skin sufferer here and there and we want you to try it now, REAI ESTATE, INSURANCE * WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS. Casion. Under New South Again and again we have seen-how ; Cheney, of thia city ad Turter at stasmth, we s The two, with EdleJeniten, OUT FOR RE-ELECTION Messrs Robertson and -Mc- Clellan Announce. That They Will Seek Another Term. BROWN SILENT -DESPITE ALDERMANIG. JIBS Refused to Commit Himself Mayor Boosts Present Council. Two of the retiring aldermen have Snnounced that they will again be candidates for re-election. They are Aldermen P, Robertson and 8. BL Mc- Clellan, Ald. Brown, the third, has not yet ecmmitted himself publicly. At the council meeting Inst eyen tng just before he was leaving Ald. Robertson stated that a large petition had been presented to. hi decided that he would be. Mayor Spencer stated that he aia not know who would be in the May- or a chair next year, but he could conscientiously say that he did not think that ho had ever worked with any pleasanter council nor had the city bean represented by any council which looked after its Interests bet- ter than the present one. If he was going to be in the chair he wotildn t want ny change, The ratepayers, however, tiad to be consulted in. this, Unfortunately, yes, chimed in City Solicitor Mahafty. Continuing, the Mayor sald he cound not think of council made up of individual citizens better able to take up the work of the citizens than the present council. He was not saying this as a -boost, but this year s council had conscientiously worked hard for the development of the city both in a material and amor- al sense, and he sincerely hoped that the Mayor next year would have the support of the three men whose terms expire, to assist In placing the city in the proud position as the head city of. the Dominion. For a few moments a deathly sil- ence ensued; eyes were trained side- days on. Aldermen Brown and Me- Clellan. The latter arose to the oc- He remarked that after the Mayor's kind words that it was up fo him. He did not think, as his term had been such short one, that he had done justice to himself or the city without another try and he therefor. wished to state that he would be a candidate In Ward One again. Ald. Brown said he had nothing to say other than to thank the Mayor for his kind words. Ald. Ansley If you have any grit m you mow is the time to show It. TWO ALDERMEN ARE by th jelectors of Ward 3 asking him ta again be candidate, and so Pee EEE EES THE SCHOOL BOARD Messrs. W. H. Turpin, J. TL. Jamieson and Hamilton Morrow are retiring trom the School Board this year and have announced thelr in- tention of not running again for office. All three men are of the stamp which Medicine be ETECE SY FEEEEPELEEP PREG EE ESET SEES stapeeretesed IMPORTANT CHANGES WADE IN REGULATIONS GOVERNING MARKET Retail Merchants Not Al- lowed to Purchase Till Certain Hours Gives the Householder a Chance. On Tuesdays and Fridays the year found, merchants and dealers are barred. from. purchasing on the mar- ket before 18 o'clock. During the winter months they can purchase af- ter 10.30 o'clock and in the summer months after 19 o'clock. The new changes were embodied in a resolution passed by the city coun- cll last night. It was introduced by Ald. McClellan. He said that the idea was to keep the retailers off the market so as to give the household rs the chance to purchase produce direct from the farmer. This in- eludes meats which can be sold in Any portions. Ald, Brown stated that In the east they made meat stalls. This matter will also be dealt with in Medicine Hat next spring. i CEMETERY CHANGES IN... SUPERINTENDENT'S. HANDS People Who Wish to Make Changes in Plots Must Secure Permission. Persons who wish to make any changes jn: their plots in the ceme This was said in a tempting, I-dare- You-to way, Ald. Bvans We want your sup- port next year. Mayor Spencer Yes, we need your: auto. Ald. Doty Yefls; we will wear an- other one out next year. Ald. Brown I have, no statement to make. Ald, MeClellan Is that diplomacy or babhfulness? At'the close of the council meet- ing, Ald. Ansley said that as soon as they had Aid. Brown's statement, then fhe would move an adjournment. Ald. Brown Do you want to burn the midnight off? The C. P, R. carried off the cup for: the best exhibit of grain and of na- tural resourses of the 1912 American bend and irrisation Expesition held in New York, Messrs. Niblock af? Tull, of Cal- gary, have decided to open an office in Medicine Hat for the handling of Feal estate, loans and insurance and the sale of all lake and rall Uckets. Mr, Thomas R. Harrison will be the mal manag r and is now in the ity. As soon as an office fs secured unouncement will appear in columns. NEAR LETHBRIDGE w : Prominent: Citizens Lose Lives Wiiile Hunting One ion Saved- aoe oe a double Blakes In the twenty miles in which John H Fred H. Wi + f the city this mi drowning on one Mendenhall raneh Aboal south of Magrath, gSrath, were .out shoothig supposed the. high-wiid, npsot thelr craft on the lake. Jeufen managed to get to the: Shere. in aw exhausted condition, Ch ney was ohg ofthe besp.known an -most popular real Bstatelgien of the city and his death cast a gloom over the city. Turner was a lead- ing citizen of Magrath and was pres- Ident of the local. Liberal Associa- tion. At the Intest report the bodles toor-of the bridge. * fused Use tery, wish to decorate any of the graves, or erect tombstones, must, in future, secure written permission from the superintendent of cemeter- ies before they can do so. Ald. McClellan, chairman of the and markets committee, in- troduced a- resolution to this effect at the council meeting last night. He stated that they must have some can- trol of the cemeteries. People at the present time have tombstones erect ed with insecure foundations with the result that they topple over They aldo heap up graves, etc. The only way to have everything unYform was to have the overseer look after it. THE BRIDGE CONTRACT 15 LET Build Additional Bridge. Foot The contract of the Canada Bridge Company for the erection of another foot way on the east side of the Finlay bridge has been accepted. The work will cost in all 9,500, This ad- dition to. the bridge is for the pur- pose of carrying the water to the other side of the river, The plansy; provide for the carrying of the water main, an 8 inch one, underneath the The work Will be carried on this winter when the river is frozen over. It is planned to close the bridge for six weeks. The city wilt purchase a stone crusher. This was Tecommended in mittee presente The C,.P. R ie Finlay bridge of their own Gave of City Hall. Whe Council last ovening granted 200 to.the Hat Poultry Association for theig4ainual winter show at the nd, ae Sisrber The Association also ask d' for the use of the City Hall the same as last year, but this was not granted, CURES 946.00, terms. ive, 200.00 cach, terms, HARRISVILLE terms, BENDING ive, corner: terms. ive. 360.00 each, terms, ives 350.00 each, terms. ALTAWANA (75 ft) 3100, terms. TOWNSILTE SOUTH (Main Street.) Canadi jan Pacific Excursion Fares PACIFIC. COAST POINTS - Single Fare Plus 2.00 For tho. mouse Trip Vausaven Victoria and New Westminster: ON MARKET COUSINS AND SISSONS Block 30, Lots 85 and 36, price Block 33, Lots 21 to 35, inclus- Block 4, Lot 1 to 20, Inclusive, price 300.00 each, terms. Block 6, Lots all, 250.00 each, Block 18, Lots 21 to 26 inclus- 700.00 per pr., Block 23, Lots 25 to 36, inclus- Block 27, Lots 21 to 40, inclus- Block 4, Lots 38, 39, 40, corner, Block 62, Lot 6, 9000, terms, HUGGINS CO. Room 16, Imperial Bank Bldg. Altwations Wanted, Help Wanted, Fer Bale, Lost, Found, etc., ads under theue headings: 26 words, one day .. ., 26 26 words, three days .. 50 26 words, lx days .. ..81.00 Additional words at same.rate, No ad accepted for less than 25 cents Cash must aocompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 13 ring , and It will recetve attention. WANTED YOUNG WOMAN OR middle aged for few hours work each Aye. 115-3. WANTED CHAMBER MAID AND) dining room girl. Apply South Rail+ Way St, between Linseed Oil, Mill Gnd Foundry, Winter Burns baild- ing. 14-8 WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL to. walt on- table. Apply Jim's Cafe, pastry cook. Apply Acme Cafe. 113-3 i YOUNG XPERIENCED GIRL TO help with house work; one to sleep at home preferred. Apply 645 Ottawal St. 118-3) WANTED DRIVER FOR GROCERY wagon. Apply H. Morrow, N. Rail- way St. 11st WANTED GENERAL SERVANT. Apply 805 Esplanade. Mrs. Jas. Mitchell, late WANTED BOY FOR MESSENGER. Apply , PR. Telegraph office. 112-8 GIRLS WANTED ONE GIRL FOR brushing clothes, with some exper- fence at pressing. Apply New York Dye Works, 513 Toronto St. 112tf WANTED STENOGRAPHER FOR Teal estate and insurance office. Ap- ply to P. O. box 510, stating salary expected. iizte SPECIAL LOW ROUND. TRIP FARES WANTED A GENERAL SERVANT, 0; None but a competent person need LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO SANTA BARBARA and SAN apply. 226 Main St. 201-6 FRANSCISCO, California. aS Via BRICKLAYERS WANTED APPLY Vancouver, Seattle and Pacific Line. Const Steamship DATES OF SALE: Dec. 12, 43, 14, 1912; Jan. 18, 19,20, and Feb. i1, 191g: RETURN LIMIT APRIT 30 1918 Liberal RG, de Dist. Passenger Agent, Calgary, Alta. L. A. Dobbin, Ticket. let AUCTION SALE APPLES On the z MARKET SQUARE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH at 1 O'clock, ernment inspection A. 1. They will be sold in lots to suit purchasers and entirely without reserve. TERMS CASH, For further particulars apply. to H. B. Browne Co, will sell by auction the balance of the two Scotia apples, consisting of about 120 barrels. These apples are in first-class condition and have passed gov- 1 , 13, Stewart Co, 5-4 logue free. Moler College, 699 Con- tre St, Calgary. aoate ; STRAYED 25 REWARD THE ABOVE WILL be paid for information that will lead to the recovery of one grey gelding, weighing about 1800, branded either . F. monogram on left shoulder, or ) on left thigh. This horse is ) tour years old and has trim- med tall. R, E. Starks, Medicine Hat Sept. 30,1912. sot WANTED TO PURCHASE T ANTED TO BUY Building lots in Old Survey, Herald or Central Park. Give prices, terms, etc., to P. 0. Box 510. Owners only need apply. Sie on neee Live Stock and General aac joneers, Phone 708. 519 Toronto MEDICINE HAT. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up to Dec, 8 to value, We will guarantee to Ist for a bridge to connect the is- e-tell for you at the end of ond land known ais Strathcona Park, with the mainland. Plans may be seen at the office of A. P. Burns. Bridge to be completed by March Jat. 10 per cent of price to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, K. Dec. 1, Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, bridge. partner. Phone 191 Burns MEDICAL DR. W. M. ANDERSON--Physician and Surgeon. Office above Assinibois Music Store. Office. hours A.-M: 40 2 to 4, 7 to 8.30. Resi- to 12; P. M. dence 512 Roy St. Residence 108. NURSING MISS H. J. ROWE, ing, had. not been recovered, COUGHS R COLDS SHIL Lote making the largest, Profit of anything on the map. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS wa 5 Sees CO,, chartered untapts and anditors, (estab- lished 18 1882);/auditors, city of Medicine A. E. Gibson, C.A., resident 0. GRADUATR) nurse, having r turned from her va- cation, is preparedito resume nurs- 438 Esplanade. Phone 144. 114-6 ieee Wo are betting 2'fo 2 on Montrobe st. ) It Leth: Block phone 11m WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS. pply 877 Esplanade. FARM LANDS FOR SALE A FLORIDA BARGAIN 920 ACRES of the finest truck growing land In Florida. Snap price 14.30 an acre. Free and cl ar of encumbrance; ti- te perfect; first-class endorsements year, at twice the price you pay. The Purchase of this property likewise offers a chance to participate in the full profits of one of the greatest, in. Florida, Terms, one-fourth cash, balance, one, two and three years, if desired. Absolutely, no chance for loss; every opportunity to gain, from 4 speculative or investment stand- point. Corporation making: this of- fer ranks foremost among the larg- est colonization operators in Amer- ica, from a standpoint of integrity and financial responsibility: For full particulars of this remarkable offer, address Geo, H. J. Haas, General mH 115-4 LOST AND FOUND LOST FOX TERRIER BITH PUP, All white with two gan brown spots over each eye. Good reward. J. F. BE. P. O. box 835. 114-6 FOUND AN UMBRELLA WAS found in opera house some time ago, Owner will remit sum fof ad when Wiey receive umbrella. Apply News jee, * 1idte LOST BETWEEN ROLLING MILLS fend ity hall, silver watch and chain, with W.C. on Case, Reward Will be given for return of same to tt News office, 112-6 day for good board. Apply 800 8rd offi colonization projects now under way) R0OMS 10 RENT, TWO NICE NEWLY FURNISHED TOMB; suitable for two each, Mod- ert. Apply 726. 4th Ave. 14-3 ts Se TO RENT LARGH FURNISHED Dedroom. Will accomodate four mon. Apply 116 Toronto, Th4-6 ee eee ee TO LET TWO FURNISHED ROOMB; also room and board, Apply 116 Bast Main st, 14-8 epee ee NEL FIRST CLASSROOM TO LEP IN modern house, sultable for two gen femen, Apply 111, 7th Ave, 1idit Se ee RE Ee TO RENT FRONT ROOM, CLOSE. fn; modern. Apply Box 1423 News ce, CANAI con . lsat - ee sane The Widenin POR SALE Has Bro ee FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ful Deve ture, Including Famous range, Sewing machine, baby carriage, olf e Dom heater, etc, Cheap for immediate cash Sale. Apply 113 Rose At. 113-1 Samuel Gompers naval address Federation of Labo Rochester dealt ex progress made by FOR SALE AT 83 TORONTO ST., 2 beds and mattre: also two gaa heaters and gas fixtures, 116-6 FOR SALE, 26 REGISTERED BERK- noe eamenaee of Can shire hogs. Both sex, about seven Hiitea: weeks old. Also three registered 7 TRS YORE 19120 Jersey bulls and cow. Apply Dem- n tha S4relopment onstration Farm. Medicine Hat, Al- hrse Eblon: mo berta: be From the Atlantic has been an awak of organization unions affiliated y Federation of Labo ference between members of trade unorganized work thousands of indiff had neyer identifie the movement, to fhe organizations calling; . In all th centers) unsolicited membership were-r Yness agents and different labor ors ernment statistics have increased du FOR SALE A FINE LOT OF MAR- quis seed. wheat, grown on new breaking. 2.00 per bushel. 0.3, Mo- Gee, Redvers, Sask. 81-4-80 ROOMS WANTED. eae Cee ee FURNISHED ROOM WANTED BY Young couple. Must be, warm and close In. Apply 0. D. Austin, editor- Jal office. News office. 118-tt TO KENT FOR RENT HOUSE ON TORONTO Street, close to the Hull block, euit- able for a doctor. Apply Capital Re- alty Co., 420 Main Street. 115-3 oats Thess etatie increases in TO RENT STABLE ROOM FOR 6 where horses, with loft. Apply 236 Main obtained they wer the result of the lt; workers into: inter fons. Reports from conter indicate tha tive bargaining: or strike, remarkable made in shortenini and increasing compiled by union wage increases in been as much as fifty dollars a yea working time as mi 2 week. Viewing trade union- mem) standpoint of Inves assessmenta, the r show the payment where from 260 tc These splendid re ime when public conetantly drawn increase in the contributed tothe in the organized while the yalue of Intiqns has been solidarity which the respect of the The organizer Foderation of: Labs al unions, and the Congress of Cana harmoniously to b labor organizatio workers could be for that purpose. opinion. among. tl that this year he the history of the Canada. On the Bt. 114-3 TO LET FURNISHED HOUSE TO adults. Apply 726 Esplanade. 114-3 BOARD AND ROOM. TO RENT, ROOM AND BOARD, with private family, on the hill, close to High School. 26-Ei Paso St. 114-3 WANTED TWO OR THREE RE- spectable men for rooms and board: Apply 208 E. Braemar. 200-6. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED FAMILY TO KEEP BA- by. eighteen montlis old. Pay 20.00 per month for its care. Addr ss Mrs. 8. Hayes, Box 52, Medicine. Hat. 116-3 WHEN YOU WANT YOUR STORM windows and doors on,-and a good Job done, write box 477. 200-6 ae aa Eee ALL KINDS OF WORK CONTRACT- ed for. Paintifig, decorating, paper- hanging a specialty. Windows clean- ed, carpets beaten, etc. Estimates given. MacCourt Bros. 723 Third Ave, or general delivery city post office. 113-tt PHD MEDICINE HAT IIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have om hand the best selection of Second. Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clock: Wateh s, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Hirnes, and a ofce new line of We buy everything mentioned abos and pay the best prices, Call at 50 lt; South Railway St. or Phone 687. LOOK LOOK HERE THE RAW FUR SEASON IS OPEN. Don t sell Before Becoming your furs or your raw hides till fon Step Tal -call up 587 or write P.O box Prevailing 102, Medicine Hat. Our price is; from x oe Tate Every man. wh carpenters union to a strict exam committee of firs appointed by the of Carpettters. au The latter uni step in order to'r which may exist aes of the oft o one who uses can join this unic get the top wage The union figu this rule the in kept entirely out and the official: spring a new sca set which will guarantee that fully qualifica cards. In this the-support of tractors who hav 9 Wwilltug to pa the examination hered to. The union -fo that they-are no rate of we es p saw meuj-as th tractors will fin able to employ the mefi is to t of, the first rat Any union ma ity complaint m union. will have amination the ing the union f 2.00 up to 6.00. Don t forget it, and call or write. . B. BROWNE CO, Live Stock and General Auctionsers, 519 Tor- on Market Square at'1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consul: a perience at our-aisperal tres, Phone 108, -H. B, Browne Co, 519 To ronto St. state CORSETIERRE SPIRELLA CORSETS MADE TO measure, guaranteed for one year against breaking and rusting; very light weight. House No. 7, School Av- enue, opposite cast side of high school. Phone 699 for appointment or write P. O. box 72, Mra, Matthews, SUBSCRIBE NOW-tor-tho Dally News,
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Image 974 (1912-11-23), from microfilm reel 974, (CU1773185). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.