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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Sos Woodrow. Wilson's Daughter nen evens Eon Forced by Father's Election to GiveWp Musical Career Miss Margaret's) Ambition for Fame as Concert Sing- er Sacrificed to Her Duty to the Best Daddy on Earth, Who- Wants Her in the White House With Him. Gifted Eldest Child of Pres- ident-Elect Deelares She May Resume Studies Af- ter Four Years, Unless But That s Only gu- lating, and She s Dealing 4, eald Miss Whaon who came in from the street at that moment o:please do not rob us of our pri- yacy, as it i my last chance for con- contrated study, Misa Howry goes to London in the spring, apd she will Ising there In public, and I go to Washington. There Ja much work faboad for both of us in the next. four months, and we would be able to do nothing if people found out where we were and began to call on us. Last winter both of the young wo- m n lived at tye Three-Arts Club, 340 West Eighty-fitth Street, where they lamgociated with Miss Vera Curtis, the Boaton society girl who has been en- With Facts. lgaged by the Metropolitan - House management In Alma Gluck s New York, Nov. 25 To one person piace. Please db not mention u as n- imates of Miss Curtis, begged Misa Wilson. She has arrived while we have not rrived at least not yer, although I am sure my friend Miss Howry is going to be great success, for she has a splendid soprano voice, ith talent for dramatic work. Miss Wilson Has to Give Up Her Studies, Have you decided finally to give up your .tudy of music in the spring? was asked, simply must, she replied. It is hard for me to doit, but I am father's eldest daughter, and he says he wants me with him. There is no daddy in the world like mine, and bis wish is 4 command to me. If my voice holds out, after the four years ara up T hope to resume my music studies. Suppose Gov. Wilson be re-elected President, and you be kept n Wash- ington eight years? Now you are speculating, she re- plied. I am dealing only with -the years I know about. Miss Wilson is studying with Fran cols David n Carnegie Hall, while her chum is-a pupil of both Mrs. William 8, Nelson and Isidore Luckstone, 'rhey take turns getting up breakfasts land then, after the dishes are washed and put-away, they do thelr practice, playing each other s accompaniments. Rain or shine these ambitolus young women can be: seen going out to. catch the uptown Fifth Avenue busses en route to the studios of their music teachers. Real drudgery and no mistake, sald Miss Howry, formerly a Wash- ington society belle. We fave to live jat Teast the. occupancy of the White Holise by Gov. Wilson looms up a5 real: calamity this person, his own daughter, Miss Margaret Wilson, who until the returns came tn election night cherished the hope that ashe would become a vocal star on the con- cert ataga . Possessing a high, tender, beautiful soprano voice, Miss Wilson almed for a career as a singer, and to that end she had be n struggling in New York for several. years to complete yher musical education, Gov. Wilson's election, of course, spoils all these plans, for Margaret must go to Washington and live In the White House, said Miss Bliza- beth Howry, daughter of Judge Charles B, Howry of the Court of Claims in Washington, with whom Mise Wilson has been chumming since they both came to New York City. Miss Wilson and Miss Howry oc- cupy modest suite of three rooms in Ninth Street, off Fifth Avonue, do thelr own cooking and study hard, They are on the ground floor and have a large piano, a few good books and some comfortable chairs in their chief living room., An Evening World reporter was admitted upon his prom- ising not to publish the exact location of the rooms. If this address was published it would be the end of the last period of study for me betwe THE FAMOUS. Schubert SymphonyCiub Lady Quartette Of Chicago OPERA HOUSE Tuesday, Nov. 26 Curtain at 890 sharp. PROCEEDS JN AID OF ST. BARNABAS CHURCH Tickets: Reserved 1.00, and in a groove, and keep no late hours. Te canta. My sister Mary came out in Washing- General Admission cents. ton soctety ast winter, and I envy her the good times she is having. But 1 Jam looking forward, hoping for the time when I will sing all the leading tie roles, and have her and my big brothers, Lucian, Williard and Charles seated in the audience. , The young women frequently dine at the National Arts Club in Gra- mercy Park, where they go as the guests of Mrs. McDonald Sheriday. Every week or so a member of their respective families over from Wash- ington or Princeton drops in td en- courage them in their work. - Pian at C. 8. Pingle s Drog Store, Main Street. 10 HOMESTEADERS, ETC. COAL COAL * Galt ) ee pON'T CRY 4 3 Stove Engine BEB ' 6 Haclctt Studio. bas th Miss Wilson is a petite blonde, while oy solutiga for the Oltt Geobiem don OF chum is a tall graceful brunette, Large or small quantities : The particular forte of the dyughter a a en photos in one of our distinctive lof the President-elect is German Iied- styfes will make twelve Xmas gifts, sshipped to any station. each one of which is sure to be ap- er. Miss Wilson s Progress Has Been Storage: Esplanade and N. o preciated. Have the BEST or NOTH- Railway. ING. * ae: i ter her graduation from the There a PHOT PHER 8) TAYLOR GO. i. Tres OGRAPHER 8 wornan'e College in Baltimore, Mss Wilson began her musical studies in the Peabody Inst tute. She took up music seriously with Mrs. Lilian Gil- lesple three years ago, and her pro- gress has been rapid. All of Gov. Wilson's daughters are talented. Miss Jessie has made phil- anthrople work her specialty, while Miss Nellie went infor art. The three girls look upon the election of their father to the Presidency asa fine recognition of his great talents, but there fs a wistful look that comes into their eyes when they talk of the work they had planned for them- selves until the White House arose upon the Wilson Horizon as an abso- lute certainty. Room 17 Becker Block. P.O; Box 813. THE BARTLETT STUDIO lt;, Fourth Are. ouse Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. J.J. LAIT ue hae H Winter . Vegetables FOR SALE Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips, Beets, Onions Cabbage, Potatoes. All grown on my own place and stored in the city. STRAY TOPICS FROM + MEDICINE HAT LIVERY ComPANE me Address tae LITTLE OLD NEW YORK FRED SMITH (Special to the News) . Box 430 a otra New York, Nov. 25. It was awful- Medicine Hat. Jy meen of the three learned Justices Sitting in, the Court of Special: Ses- signs in Brooklyn the other day, to isappoint Maud Malone, the mili- tant suffragette by refusing to make a martyr of her. Maud, who never overlooks an pportunity to increase her notoriety git Dellizerent suftra- Phone 569, Box 304, CROSSLEY BROS. Rette, wag ptor disturbing a Dublie fring the recent cam pilen Puattended a meeting whi yr Wilson dddressed and int frupted the speaker by de- manding from him a public etate- ment concerning his views on wo- man's suffrage, Governor Wilson de- clined to be dawn into an apgument under, the clgeumstances, buf Maud wonld not five in ghd remained standing, until she wasvejected and Placed under arrest. With great cunning Miss Malone Planned to make her trial serve tho double purpose of increasing her Rotoriety and making capital for the Cause. She sent out hundreds of invitations to her At Court , and tried her best to have Governor Wil- son subpoenaed to appear in court lett. B.A-Sc Room 14. f Medicine Hat eS ee Oakes Everard . REAL ESTATE: 865 42 MAIN STREET. PHONE 556. Listings Wanted. oN CONTRACTS FOR Wilson ayolded the subpoont servers by, not crossing the State ling into Now York, This deprived her of ber greatest drawing card, There was big crowd in court, but: the spectaci lar show which Mins. Malone (iad pladned for their diversion, dla) not pan out. The Justices refused to take-ber. cerously. and. turned (the Whole case into a farce, In the end Yhey found her technically guilty, but Tefused to impose even the smallest permissible fine upon her, notwith- standing her/pleadings to be made martyr for the Cause. at least to the extent of 6 : urn about s fair plax, must hai thought the rabbit who bot a hun ter In New Jersey the other day. sounds lke a Joke, but the facts in the case are really vouched for and the unfortunate hunter actually dled from the effects of the- wounds - ceived. He had placed his loaded and cocked shotgun on the ground, while he released the rabbit which out from trap. The frightened animal, when releas- ed; leaped upon the gun, touched oft oth triggers and the double load ot hot struck the young hunter. The rabbit escaped. The luck of/ intoxicated men in es- caping Injury ts proverbial, but once in a while even sober men enjoy the guards on a train of the Ninth Ave- nue Eleveated owes his escape from death to one of those miraculous eases of good luck. The other morn jng, while his train was rounding curve at Greenwich street, the guard fell from the platform of his car to the Street, about forty fept below. It 0 happened, however, that the own- er of a barber shop had just moved an upholstered sofa to the sidewalk for good brushing. The guard lan- ded upon the sofa and, although the piece of furniture/broke down: under, his weight, the ions broke the man fall. sufficiently to save his life, After a careful and thorough in- vestigation of all the public and many private schools in this city Fire Com- missioner Johnson has informed the Board of Education that in 587 out of 647 public schools examined the yegulations for protection against fire were Violated. Similar viola- tlona were found in 227 parochial and private schools in various parts of the city. Although the violations, In many cases, are not of a very ser- fous nature, they increase the risk and danger incase of fire and the Boara of Education is called upon to sep to it that the buildings are put n a gafe condition and the rules for protection against fire are obeyed. Tndge Swann of General Sessions. Father James) B. Curry of St James Church and State Senator James Fo- ley have formed a Triple Alliance to fight the Cocaine evil which has a3- sumed appalling proportions in this have begun an energetic campaign with a view of inducing the next Teg- isiature to pass a, new law Which ping the sale of Cocaine than the law now on the statute book. They claim that the present Iaw is not properly enforced, but that even its enforce ment would not put a btop to the Cocaine traffic, as the penal features of the law are not severe enouh. Especially among the criminal class- es the habitual use of the drug has greatly dncreased and it has been shown that some prisoners who were not cocaine fiends before they were sent to Sing Sing, acquired the habit there. The wife of Congressman Martia WW. Littleton, of Oyster Bay; must have a deep-rocted grudge sgainst Congressman Jefferson M. Levy, the present owner of Monticello, the for- mer home ani burial place of Thom- as Jefferson For more than a year Mrs, Littl ton has carried on a cam- paign for the purchase by the Gov- ernment of, Monticelio and preserving: it as a historical relic for future gen- erations, Through her efforts a blil to that effect was introduced in Con- gress at the last session and it 1s expected to come up fof final action at the coming session. The Montt- cello estate has been in the posses- sion of the Levy family for eighty years and as the present owner ab- solutely refuses to sell at any price, an effort will be made to induce the Government to acquire the estate br right of eminent domain. There are some awfully mean per- sons in this world. The pastor of a church jm Fiatbush has been in the habit for years to distribute among the poor of his parish every Christ- mas, nie plumu chickens which he had raised for that purp se in hi chicken yard. This year the c particularly fine z Gelighted at the Christmas hopes were ry yard the other night and Poff more than fifty of th- plumpest chickens, Onze more the justices of the Su- preme gurt of New York, sitting In the Apfipilate Term of the City Court) have deeided that a landlord has no right to Collect rent for a flat which is not sufficiently supplied with heat: during the cold season. This ruling, ot course, only applies to steam- heated flats or apartments. In the case In question the lower court de- cided in favor of the landlord, but the court of appeals reversed the decision of the lower court. own eS ae The man with a subscription paper also loves a cheerful giver. at the trial. It was a great disap- Phone No. 415 See us for good buys in HHL, North Pointment to Miss Malone that Gay. Yuill sod Powell, most remarkable luck, One of the), city during the past ten years. They would: prove more effective In stop- MEDIOINE HAT DAILY NEWS. SPANISH BRIGAND TAKES HIS OWN LIFE Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. 23 The notorious Spanish brigand chiet Gas- whom the government has relentlessly - pursued for two years is dead with his own dagger in par his of his Cazalla, breast. The News will begin the publication off this great story on Saturday, Nov. 30th He died with his back to the wall fighting bravely to the last and sur- rendering to death only after he had seen his whole band wiped out. Five followers had been killed, eleven-rendered helpless from wounds and fourteen made prisoners. Cazalla, a ruthless tobber and a mienace to society generally, had won a certain renown because. of his physical prowess a courage. Recently he operated in the district of Elvas, where he was Subscribe now for The Daily News. not who invents perpetual mq BEST Bl ON MAR COUSINS AND SIS Block 30, Lots 35 and 945.00, terms. Block 83, Lots 21 to 3 4v , 200.00 cach, tert HARRISVIMLE Block 4, Lots 1 to 20, price 300.00 each, te Blok Lots all, 260 terms. BENDING Block 18, Lots 21 to 2 ive; corner. 700.00 terms. Block 33,,Lots 25 to a fve. 850.00 each, te Block 27, Lots 21 to 4 ive, 859.00 each, ter ALTAWANA Block 4, Lots 38, 39, 4 (75 ft.) 8100, terme TOWNSILTE sou Block 62, Lot 6, 900 (Main Street.) We want your Usting them bad. Call up P HUGGINS Room 16, Imperial Bai FJONALD CU Room 1, Becker B Real Est: NORTH YUILL 100 foot corner in ble 2500. Terms. CENTRAL Pan Lot 16, block 3, 50 tt Terms. toot corner block 2: Terms. RIVERSIDE PAR 5 lots in block 15, 1 corner 450 each. Lots 3 and 34, block Broadway 1050. Yets 13 and 14, block Terms. ROSEDALE Trackage 183 ft. in block 6 4500 Proposed Trackas 60 ft. in Mock 8 1600 00 ft. in block 2 400 POWELL Lots 2,and 3 in block meer gt; TOWNSITE Business -Propert ft. m. block . 2 Terms. 68 ft. om the corner treal St. and East ance, price ( 5000. KENSINGTON Ihave a few corners per pair, 1-4 cash, 12. Room 1 Becker 1 RUSSIA MOVES TO OFFS CHINA. London, Nov. 25. It is ail Ru sia. besides despatching a Cossack force to Urga, Mongol: the Peking correspondent Daily Telegraph, as ordere bodies. to proceed to Kobdo ay assutal. - It is persistently rumore ber Chinese interests in the United are negotiating for the lease o san Island at the mouth of River. The American. legation ee denies all- knowledge negotiations. surprised in his mountain a strong military force reinforced by many armed peasants In the fight that followed four sol- diers and-two peasants were killed and ten othere of the attacking force were more or less. seriously wounded. When all of the brigands except. the chief had been Killed of oyer- powered, Cazalla, a Perfect giant, clubbing his mfle,. broke through the ring of soldiers and eseaped: Hotly pursued he took refuge in an old windmill. here he held off his as sailants.until his ammunition was exhausted. Then, when a rush upon him was made, realizing that all One man's poison is anoth hope was gone, the chief stabbed jpread if the latter is a doctq himself in the heart, dying imstant- ae. lay. 1 SOME REAL G REAL ESTA HERALD. 150 tt. corner, Block 11, 150 ft. in Block 12, 300 50 ft In -Blosk 17, 110 0 ft in Block 15, 1500 BO ft. corner, Block 9 - TOWNSITE 0 ft. in Block 92, 300 0 ft. in Block 80, 1850 and- utiquestioned Give us contentment and : saeaetetoet s The more a man practices econ- omy the Jess: popular he will be. eee testoeete toys Free to Someone Pots Rake Reta tata le Rrdrtavtecete SeeSesse elo ete eo siosie do ee ho ote ert WOULD YOU LIKE THIS BEAUTIFUL PIANC AS A PRESENT . WE SHALL POSITIVELY GIVE Gome to our store, s o and try this splendid instrument. We will tell you all about our plan giving this piano away. This is It carries the manufacturers Tem Year Guarantee. We cordially invite your Inspection. Votes given on all purchasts at our store. D 8,000 votes given with each yea: 1,500 votes given With ach year's subscription to the Weekly News, new or renewal, ft. in Block 87, 200 CENTRAL PARI 0 ft. in Block 5,. 1800 0 ft. in Block 3, 1575 0 ft. in Block 2, 2000. ANTED Listings. NDERSON Al REAL ESTATE me S91. Office 815 PLT ee ee rere SPECIAL ourist Slee; To eich Connecting with at. J raed ae as STEAMSH i November-Decen Sailings LCURSION Reserve Berths Now RISTMAS : Agent for De Write J. 8, CARTER, Gen l. J 210 Portage Ave., Win I. A. DOBBIN, Ticket Medicine Hat. oWeFr MES TO SOME OF OUR CUSTOMERS. present worth having. This plano is of the celebrated Upton mi subscription to the Daily News, new or renewal. Mitchell Hardware Ca ee Toronto Street DA eee eeosSe esos Lote Ce HAHN eee Or
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Image 988 (1912-11-25), from microfilm reel 988, (CU1773198). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.